#' Step 1: determine which group to parse for each xml workspace
#' The regular expression may not always pick up the correct group for each xml.
#' Thus it is safer to separate this step from parsing so that users get to review and edit(if necessary)
#' the resolved group results.
#' @param files character vector, full paths of `xml` workspace files
#' @param pattern character a regular expression to specifiy which group to parse
#' @return a list of opened workspace objects and the group names matched by regular expression.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' wsFiles <- list.files(dataPath, pattern = ".xml", full = T)
#' groups <- get_groups(wsFiles, "(_MD)|(_SK)")
#' }
get_groups <- function(files, pattern){
lapply(files, function(wsFile){
batchID <- basename(wsFile)
batchID <- sub(".xml", "", batchID)
# parse workspace
ws <- openWorkspace(wsFile, options = 1)
sg <- getSampleGroups(ws)
groupNames <- as.character(unique(sg$groupName))
gn <- groupNames[grep(pattern, groupNames)]
list(ws = ws , group = gn)
#' Step 2: parse the entire batches
#' Sub-steps:
#' 1. parse workspaces into GatingSets
#' 2. save the parsed GatingSets into "parsed" subfolder under output.dir
#' 3. report the possible discrepancy within each GatingSet
#' @param resolved_groups the results returned by 1st step
#' @param ... other arguments passed to 'parseWorkspace'
#' @return nothing
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' }
parse_xmls <- function(resolved_groups, output.dir, ...){
lapply(resolved_groups, function(res){
group <- res[["group"]]
ws <- res[["ws"]]
batchID <- basename(ws@file)
batchID <- sub(".xml", "", batchID)
sid <- unique(subset(sg, groupName == group)$sampleID)
samps <- getSamples(ws)
fcs <- unique(subset(samps, sampleID %in% sid)$name)
gsName <- paste(batchID, "_" , gsub(' ','',group), sep = "")
gsPath <- file.path(output.dir,"parsed",gsName)
message("skip parsing ", batchID, "because ", gsPath, "already exists.")
ncdfFile <- file.path(output.dir,"output", paste(gsName,".nc",sep = ""))
# parse
res <- suppressMessages(try(gs <- parseWorkspace(ws
, name = gn
, ncdfFile = ncdfFile
, path = fcsPath
, ...
#check the discrepancy among gating trees (some time individual sample has extra terminal ndoe, which is mostly added by mistake)
if(class(res) == "GatingSet"){
#archive it
save_gs(gs, path = gsPath, overwrite = TRUE, cdf = "move")
gs_groups <- flowWorkspace:::.groupByTree(gs)
return (res)
dropRedundantLeafNodes <- function(gs){
gs_groups <- flowWorkspace:::.groupByTree(gs)
gs_groups <- flowWorkspace:::.groupByTree(gs_groups)
toRm <- flowWorkspace:::.checkRedundantNodes(gs_groups)
flowWorkspace:::.dropRedundantNodes(gs_groups, toRm)
#' Step 3: merge the parsed gs into GatingSetList
#' Sub-steps:
#' 1. load the GatingSets parsed from step.
#' 2 and does validity check to see if the gating trees within each gatingSet is clean
#' try to resolve the discrepancy of gating trees within single GatingSet by dropping the extra terminal node for some samples (mistakenly added by the person who does flowJo)
#' when there is non-leaf node causing the discrepancy, we throw the error to ask for human intervention such as: correct the typo of population name or drop the entire subtree
#' 3. drop the redundant channels (since they are usually one of the causes for channel discrepancy across batches)
#' 4. further drop the non-leaf nodes that cause the cross-batch discrepancy
merge_gs <- function(output.dir){
#' load parsed gs
gs_list <- sapply(list.files(file.path(output.dir, "parsed"), recur = F, full = T),load_gs)
gs_groups <- flowIncubator:::.groupByTree(gs_list)
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