x <- matrix(runif(1000), 100)
colnames(x) <- paste('X', 1:10, sep='')
y <- x[, 1]*10 + rnorm(100)
y[y<median(y) & rbinom(100, prob=.8, size=1)>0] <- 0
y[y>median(y) & rbinom(100, prob=.1, size=1)>0] <- 0
context('testing zlm')
dat <- data.frame(y, x1=cut(x[,1], 4), x2=x[,2])
disc <- glm(y>0 ~ x1 + x2, dat, family='binomial')
cont <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2, subset=y>0, dat)
test_that('zlm throws meaningful error with matrix', {
expect_error(zlm( y ~ x2, as.matrix(dat[, -2])), 'data.frame')
test_that('zlm throws error on NA', {
dat2 <- dat
dat2$y[1] <- NA
expect_error(zlm( y ~ x2, dat2), 'NA')
test_that('zlm can run linear regression', {
out <- zlm(y ~ x1 + x2, dat, method='glm')
expect_equivalent(coef(disc), coef(out$disc))
expect_equivalent(coef(cont), coef(out$cont))
test_that('zlm accepts expressions in formulae', {
out <- zlm(y ~ cut(x2, 3) + x1, dat, method='glm')
expect_type(out, 'list')
fd2 <- fd[1:20,]
m <- melt.SingleCellAssay(fd2)
m$Subject.ID <- factor(m$Subject.ID)
m$Stim.Condition <- factor(m$Stim.Condition)
test_that('zlm can run lmer', {
lrout2 <- suppressWarnings(zlm(value ~ Population + (1|Subject.ID:Stim.Condition), data=m, method='lmer'))
expect_is(lrout2$cont, c('mer','lmerMod','glmerMod'))
expect_is(lrout2$disc, c('mer','lmerMod','glmerMod'))
test_that('zlm can run lmer', {
hushWarning(z <- zlm(~Population + (1|Subject.ID), fd2, method='lmer', ebayes=FALSE), 'gradient|singular|multiple|nobs|NA')
expect_is(z, 'ZlmFit')
expect_equal(nrow(z@df.null), 20)
expect_equal(dim(z@vcovC)[[3]], 20)
} else{
message('Install lme4')
test_that('zlm works', {
zzinit <<- suppressWarnings(zlm( ~ Population*Stim.Condition, fd2, method='glm', ebayes=FALSE))
expect_that(zzinit, is_a('ZlmFit'))
expect_equal(rownames(zzinit@coefC), mcols(fd2)$primerid)
test_that("zlm doesn't die on 100% expression", {
fd3 <- fd2[1:5,]
ee <- t(assay(fd3))
ee[,1] <- rnorm(ncol(fd3))+20
tee = t(ee)
assay(fd3, withDimnames = FALSE) = tee
hushWarning(zz <- zlm( ~ Population, fd3, method='glm', ebayes=FALSE), '')
expect_that(zz, is_a('ZlmFit'))
expect_lt(zz@df.resid[1,'D'], 1)
zz3 <- zlm( ~ Population, fd3, method='bayesglm', ebayes=FALSE)
expect_that(zz3, is_a('ZlmFit'))
w.resp <- which(colData(fd3)$Population=='VbetaResponsive')
ee[,1] <- 0
ee[,1][w.resp] <- rbinom(length(w.resp), 1, .2)
assay(fd3, withDimnames = FALSE) <- t(ee)
zz2 <- zlm( ~ Population, fd3)
expect_that(zz2, is_a('ZlmFit'))
try(detach('package:lme4'), silent=TRUE)
context('Empirical Bayes')
test_that('Gradients match analytic', {
rNg <- 101:200
SSg <- rgamma(100, 3, 1)
fn <- getMarginalHyperLikelihood(rNg, SSg)
Grad <- getMarginalHyperLikelihood(rNg, SSg, deriv=TRUE)
pts <- as.matrix(expand.grid(a0=c(.05, 1, 10), b0=c(.05, 1, 10)))
for(i in nrow(pts))
expect_equivalent(grad(fn, pts[i,]), Grad(pts[i,]))
} else{
message('Install numDeriv')
test_that('Empirical Bayes works', {
zz <- zlm( ~ Population, fd2,method='glm', ebayes=TRUE)
expect_false(any(zz@dispersion[,'C']==zz@dispersionNoshrink[, 'C'], na.rm=TRUE))
#expect_that(zz@dispersion, not(is_equivalent_to(zz@dispersionNoshrink)))
context('Test error handling')
test_that('Give up after 5 errors', {
expect_error(zlm(~ Population1234*Stim.Condition, fd2, force=FALSE, method='glm', ebayes=FALSE), 'Population1234')
test_that('No holes in output', {
ee <- t(assay(fd2))
ee[1,2] <- NA
assay(fd2,, withDimnames = FALSE) <- t(ee)
zze <- zlm(~Stim.Condition, fd2, method='glm', ebayes=FALSE)
expect_equal(nrow(zze@coefD), nrow(fd2))
expect_equal(dim(zze@vcovD)[3], nrow(fd2))
expect_equal(nrow(zze@dispersion), nrow(fd2))
context('Test hooks')
test_that('Identity Hook', {
zz <- zlm(value ~ Population, fd2, method='glm', ebayes=FALSE, hook=function(x) x)
expect_is(revealHook(zz)[[1]], 'GLMlike')
test_that('Residuals Hook', {
zz <- zlm(value ~ Population, fd2, method='glm', ebayes=FALSE, hook=residualsHook)
fd3 <- collectResiduals(zz, fd2)
expect_is(fd3, 'SingleCellAssay')
context('zlm and bayesglm')
test_that('Can fit using bayesglm', {
zzinit <<- zlm(~Population, fd2, ebayes=FALSE, method='bayesglm', silent=FALSE)
expect_is(zzinit, 'ZlmFit')
test_that('Can do ebayes shrinkage using bayesglm', {
zzinitshrink <- zlm(~Population, fd2, ebayes=TRUE, method='bayesglm', silent=FALSE)
expect_false(any(zzinit@dispersion[, 'C']==zzinitshrink@dispersion[, 'C']))
#expect_that(zzinit@dispersion, not(is_equivalent_to(zzinitshrink@dispersion)))
expect_equal(zzinit@dispersion, zzinitshrink@dispersionNoshrink)
test_that('exprs_values selects correct assay', {
z1 = zlm(~Population, fd2, method = 'glm')
avb = assay(fd2)
avb[] = -9
fd3 = fd2
assays(fd3, withDimnames = FALSE) = list(Et = avb, good = assay(fd2))
z2 = zlm(~Population, fd3, method = 'glm', exprs_values = 'good')
# same as assays(fd2)$good
z3 = zlm(~Population, fd3, method = 'glm')
l1 = lrTest(z1, 'Population')
l2 = lrTest(z2, 'Population')
expect_equal(l1, l2)
# equal except intended differences
z1@sca = z2@sca
z1@exprs_values = z2@exprs_values
expect_equal(z1, z2)
expect_false(isTRUE(all.equal(coef(z2, 'D'), coef(z3, 'D'))))
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