## Likelihood functions and other helpers for shrunken dispersion estimates for zlm
## rNg: residual Ng: Ng -p, where p is the dimension of the model
## SSg: residual sum of squares
getMarginalHyperLikelihood <- function(rNg, SSg, deriv=FALSE){
fun <- function(theta){
stopifnot(names(theta)==c('a0', 'b0'))
a0 <- theta['a0']
b0 <- theta['b0']
Li <- -lbeta(rNg/2, a0)-rNg/2*log(b0)-log(1+SSg/(2*b0))*(rNg/2+a0)
} else{
fun <- function(theta){
stopifnot(names(theta)==c('a0', 'b0'))
a0 <- theta['a0']
b0 <- theta['b0']
score_a0_i <- digamma(rNg/2+a0)-digamma(a0)-log(1+SSg/(2*b0))
score_b0_i <- (a0*SSg-rNg*b0)/(SSg*b0+2*b0^2)
return(c(a0=sum(score_a0_i), b0=sum(score_b0_i)))
## probably need a global optimization routine--plus there are multiple roots potentially.
## or just a good starting value
solveMoM <- function(rNg, SSg){
rbar <- mean(SSg/rNg)
rbarbar <- mean(SSg^2/(rNg*(rNg+2)))
a0mom <- function(a0) (2*(a0-1)^2*rbar^2 -rbarbar^2*((a0-2)*(a0-4)))^2
a0slv <- optimize(a0mom, c(0, 10))
a0 <- a0slv$minimum
b0 <- (a0-1)*rbar
c(a0, b0)
##' @importFrom plyr aaply
getSSg_rNg <- function(assay_t, mm){
aaply(assay_t, 2, function(y){
SSg <- NA
rNg <- NA
yp <- y[!is.na(y)]
mp <- mm[pos,]
QR <- qr(mp)
resid <- qr.resid(QR, yp)
SSg <- crossprod(resid)
rNg <- length(yp)-QR$rank
}, silent=TRUE)
return(c(SSg=SSg, rNg=rNg))
##' Estimate hyperparameters for hierarchical variance model for continuous component
##' \code{ebayesControl} is a named list with (optional) components 'method' (one of 'MOM' or 'MLE') and 'model' (one of 'H0' or 'H1')
##' method MOM uses a method-of-moments estimator, while MLE using the marginal likelihood.
##' H0 model estimates the precisions using the intercept alone in each gene, while H1 fits the full model specified by \code{mm}
##' @param assay_t cells X genes matrix
##' @param ebayesControl list with (optional) components 'method', 'model'. See details.
##' @param mm a model matrix, used when \code{model='H1'}.
##' @param truncate Genes with sample precisions exceeding this value are discarded when estimating the hyper parameters
##' @return \code{numeric} of length two, giving the hyperparameters in terms of a variance (\code{v}) and prior observations (\code{df}), inside a \code{structure}, with component \code{hess}, giving the Fisher Information of the hyperparameters.
##' @importFrom Matrix colSums rowSums
ebayes <- function(assay_t, ebayesControl, mm, truncate=Inf){
## Empirical bayes method
defaultCtl <- list(method='MLE', model='H0')
if (is.null(ebayesControl)){
ebayesControl <- list()
nms <- ''
} else{
nms <- names(ebayesControl)
missingControl <- setdiff(names(defaultCtl), nms)
ebayesControl[missingControl] <- defaultCtl[missingControl]
method <- match.arg(ebayesControl[['method']], c('MOM', 'MLE'))
model <- match.arg(ebayesControl[['model']], c('H0', 'H1'))
assay_t[assay_t==0] <- NA
if(model == 'H0'){
assay_t <- scale(assay_t, scale=FALSE, center=TRUE)
## Global variance
rNg <- colSums(!is.na(assay_t), na.rm=TRUE)-1
SSg <- colSums(assay_t^2, na.rm=TRUE)
valid <- rNg>0 & rNg/SSg < truncate
rNg <- rNg[valid]
SSg <- SSg[valid]
} else if(model == 'H1'){
allfits <- getSSg_rNg(assay_t, mm)
valid <- apply(!is.na(allfits), 1, all) & allfits[, 'rNg']/allfits[, 'SSg']<truncate
valid[is.na(valid)] <- FALSE
SSg <- allfits[valid,'SSg']
rNg <- allfits[valid, 'rNg']
if(method == 'MLE'){
fn <- getMarginalHyperLikelihood(rNg, SSg, deriv=FALSE)
grad <- getMarginalHyperLikelihood(rNg, SSg, deriv=TRUE)
O <- optim(c(a0=1, b0=1), fn, gr=grad, method='L-BFGS', lower=.001, upper=Inf, control=list(fnscale=-1), hessian=TRUE)
if(O$convergence!=0) stop('Hyper parameter estimation might have failed', O$message)
#O <- optim(c(a0=1, b0=1), fn, method='L-BFGS', lower=.001, upper=Inf, control=list(fnscale=-1))
th <- O$par
} else if(method == 'MOM'){
th <- solveMoM(rNg, SSg)
O <- list(hessian=NA)
v <- max(th['b0']/th['a0'], 0)
df <- max(2*th['a0'], 0)
structure(c(v=v, df=df), hess=O$hessian)
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