
Defines functions .makeContextVector .json2DF

###          HELPER FUNCTIONS           ###

# Create DF from ImmPort templates or lkTables json files
#' @importFrom utils write.csv
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom plyr ldply
.json2DF <- function(jsonFile, writeCSV = FALSE) {
  tmp <- jsonlite::fromJSON(txt = jsonFile)

  # templates + basicStudyDesign
  if (grepl("templates.json", jsonFile)) {

    # DFs in tmp$columns do not have a way of identifying the
    # actual template from any of the standalone columns, therefore
    # must add a column that has the names from another element
    # to make this feasible.
    names(tmp$columns) <- gsub(".txt", "", tmp$fileName)
    tmpLs <- lapply(seq(length(tmp$columns)), function(x) {
      tmp$columns[[x]]$templateName <- names(tmp$columns)[[x]]
    df <- plyr::ldply(tmpLs, data.frame)

    # The basicStudyDesign template is found unparsed in another
    # element within the json output and must be constructed.
    bsd <- plyr::ldply(tmp$templates, data.frame)
    bsdSubTbls <- c(
    bsd <- bsd[bsd$name %in% bsdSubTbls, ]
    for (templateName in bsdSubTbls) {
      loc <- grep(paste0("^", templateName, "$"), bsd$name)
      if (length(loc) > 1) {
        badLoc <- loc[2:length(loc)]
        bsd <- bsd[-badLoc, ]
    bsd <- plyr::ldply(lapply(bsd$columns, data.frame), rbind)
    bsd$templateName <- bsd$tableName

    df <- rbind(df, bsd)
    fileNm <- "data-raw/templates.csv"

    # lookups
  } else {
    dfLs <- lapply(seq(1:length(tmp$name)), FUN = function(x) {
      df <- tmp$rows[[x]]
      df$lookup <- tmp$name[[x]]
      df <- df[df$description != "", ] # some tbls had header name
    fileNm <- "data-raw/lkTables.csv"
    df <- plyr::ldply(dfLs, data.frame)

  if (writeCSV == TRUE) {
    write.csv(df, file = fileNm, row.names = FALSE)


#' @importFrom Rlabkey labkey.selectRows
.makeContextVector <- function(tableName, colName) {
  print(paste0(tableName, "-", colName))
  tmp <- labkey.selectRows(
    baseUrl = "https://www.immunespace.org",
    folderPath = "/Studies/",
    schemaName = "ImmPort",
    queryName = tableName,
    colSelect = c(colName),
    colNameOpt = "fieldname"
  words <- vec2Words(tmp)
  words <- words[!(words %in% stopwords(source = "smart"))]
RGLab/Import2ImmPort documentation built on May 17, 2021, 7:43 a.m.