#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that is.dir is.writeable not_empty
#' @importFrom flowWorkspace load_gs pData sampleNames gs_pop_get_gate pData<- recompute save_gs
impute_gates <- function(gs_dir, samples_to_impute, by_batch = TRUE, method = "nearest") {
assert_that(dir.exists(file.path(gs_dir, "gs")))
gs <- load_gs(file.path(gs_dir, "gs"))
pd <- pData(gs)
assert_that(all(samples_to_impute %in% sampleNames(gs)))
if (isTRUE(by_batch)) {
assert_that(!is.null(pd$batch), msg = "There is no batch group. Try again with `by_batch = FALSE`.")
assert_that(method %in% c("nearest", "consensus"), msg = "Use 'nearest' or 'consensus'.")
gate <- "Lymphocytes"
# save original gates, plot, and QC report
catf("Backing up original gates and QC files")
original_gates <- gs_pop_get_gate(gs, gate)
saveRDS(original_gates, file.path(gs_dir, sprintf("%s_original.RDS", gate)))
file.copy(file.path(gs_dir, "markers.png"), file.path(gs_dir, "markers_original.png"))
file.copy(file.path(gs_dir, "QC.html"), file.path(gs_dir, "QC_original.html"))
pd$to_impute <- pd$name %in% samples_to_impute
if (isTRUE(by_batch)) {
batch_groups <- split(pd, pd$batch)
} else {
batch_groups <- list(pd)
# impute gates
catf(sprintf("Imputing %s gate by '%s' method", gate, method))
imputed <- lapply(batch_groups, function(batch_pd) {
if (!is.null(batch_pd$batch)) {
catf(sprintf("batch: %s", unique(batch_pd$batch)))
if (all(batch_pd$to_impute == TRUE)) {
catf("No template gates remaining to use for imputation")
} else if (all(batch_pd$to_impute == FALSE)) {
catf("No samples to impute")
batch_gs <- gs[batch_pd$name]
batch_samples_to_impute <- batch_pd$name[batch_pd$name %in% samples_to_impute]
if (method == "consensus") {
impute_by_consensus(batch_gs, batch_samples_to_impute, gate)
} else { # "nearest" as default
impute_by_nearest(batch_gs, batch_samples_to_impute, gate)
pd$imputed <- pd$name %in% unlist(imputed)
pData(gs) <- pd
catf(sprintf("%s out of %s samples were imputed in %s gate", sum(pd$imputed), sum(pd$to_impute), gate))
catf("Recomputing the cell events")
# re-save gating set and QC files
catf("Saving new gates and creating new QC files")
save_gs(gs, path = file.path(gs_dir, "gs"))
#' @importFrom flowWorkspace gs_pop_get_gate gs_pop_set_gate
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom flowCore ellipsoidGate
impute_by_consensus <- function(gs, samples_to_impute, gate) {
# Get the template gates
good_gates <- gs_pop_get_gate(gs[samples_to_impute], gate)
if (is(good_gates[[1]], "ellipsoidGate")) {
# Getting consensus center:
good_centers <- do.call(rbind, lapply(good_gates, function(gate) {
consensus_location <- colMeans(good_centers)
# Getting consensus Mahalanobis distance:
consensus_distance <- mean(sapply(good_gates, function(gate) gate@distance))
# Getting consensus shape (covariance matrix):
good_eigs <- lapply(good_gates, function(gate) {
good_eigVals <- do.call(rbind, lapply(good_eigs, function(this_eigs) {
good_radii <- sqrt(good_eigVals)
consensus_radii <- colMeans(good_radii)
consensus_eigVals <- consensus_radii^2
# Get consensus principal eigenvector as vector sum
consensus_eigVec1 <- colMeans(do.call(rbind, lapply(good_eigs, function(this_eigs) {
this_eigs$vectors[, 1]
# Just get the second consensus eigenvector from the normal to the first
consensus_eigVec2 <- c(consensus_eigVec1[2], -consensus_eigVec1[1])
magnitude <- sqrt(sum(consensus_eigVec1^2))
# Renormalize vector sums
consensus_eigVec1 <- consensus_eigVec1 / magnitude
consensus_eigVec2 <- consensus_eigVec2 / magnitude
consensus_eigVecs <- cbind(consensus_eigVec1, consensus_eigVec2)
consensus_cov <- consensus_eigVecs %*% diag(consensus_eigVals) %*% solve(consensus_eigVecs)
rownames(consensus_cov) <- colnames(consensus_cov) <- names(consensus_location)
# Wrapping it together in consensus ellipsoidGate object:
consensus_eg <- ellipsoidGate(gate = consensus_cov, mean = consensus_location, distance = consensus_distance, filterId = "consensus_ellipsoidGate")
imputed_gates <- lapply(seq_along(samples_to_impute), function(dummy) consensus_eg)
names(imputed_gates) <- samples_to_impute
} else {
warning("Unsupported gate type for imputation.")
gs_pop_set_gate(gs[samples_to_impute], gate, imputed_gates)
impute_by_nearest <- function(gs, samples_to_impute, node) {
passed <- sampleNames(gs)[!sampleNames(gs) %in% samples_to_impute]
nearest_samples <- find_nearest_samples(gs, node, samples_to_impute, passed = passed)
regate_nearest_samples(gs, nearest_samples, node)
find_nearest_samples <- function(gs, node, failed, passed = NULL) {
# get samples that do not fail the QA check
failed <- as.vector(failed)
samples <- sampleNames(gs)
failed_ind <- match(failed, samples)
if (is.null(passed)) {
passed <- samples[-c(failed_ind)]
sapply(failed, function(target) {
catf(sprintf("Finding reference sample for '%s'", target))
find_nearest_sample(gs, node, target, passed)
find_nearest_sample <- function(gs, node, target, source) {
target_gate <- gh_pop_get_gate(gs[[target]], node)
params <- parameters(target_gate)
n_dim <- length(params)
parent_node <- gs_pop_get_parent(gs, node)
parent_cs <- gs_pop_get_data(gs, parent_node)[, params]
target_cf <- parent_cs[[target]]
target_expr <- exprs(target_cf)
if (n_dim > 2) {
stop("Imputing gate on more than 2 dimensions is not supported yet!")
dist_vec <- lapply(source, function(this_sample) {
this_cf <- parent_cs[[this_sample]]
this_expr <- exprs(this_cf)
this_dist <- sapply(seq_len(n_dim), function(i) {
ks.test(target_expr[, i], this_expr[, i])$statistic[[1]]
this_dist <- sum(this_dist)
regate_nearest_samples <- function (gs, samples, node) {
catf(sprintf("Regating '%s'", node))
for (i in seq_along(samples)) {
bad <- names(samples)[i]
good <- samples[i]
catf(sprintf("Replacing '%s' with '%s'", bad, good))
good_gate <- gs_pop_get_gate(gs[good], node)
names(good_gate) <- bad
gs_pop_set_gate(gs[bad], node, good_gate)
recompute(gs[bad], node)
#' @importFrom flowWorkspace load_gs gs_pop_set_gate pData<- save_gs
recover_original_gates <- function(gs_dir) {
gate <- "Lymphocytes"
gs <- load_gs(file.path(gs_dir, "gs"))
gates <- readRDS(file.path(gs_dir, sprintf("%s_original.RDS", gate)))
gs_pop_set_gate(gs, gate, gates)
pData(gs)$to_impute <- NULL
pData(gs)$imputed <- NULL
catf("Recovering origianl gates and QC files")
save_gs(gs, path = file.path(gs_dir, "gs"))
file.copy(file.path(gs_dir, "markers_original.png"), file.path(gs_dir, "markers.png"))
file.copy(file.path(gs_dir, "QC_original.html"), file.path(gs_dir, "QC.html"))
#' @importFrom rmarkdown render
render_comparison_report <- function(gs_dir) {
catf("Compiling gate comparison report")
file_path <- file.path(gs_dir, "comparison.html")
catf(sprintf("output_file: %s", file_path))
input <- file.path(gs_dir, "comparison.Rmd")
file.copy(system.file("qc/comparison.Rmd", package = "HIPCCyto"), input, overwrite = TRUE)
input = input,
output_file = file_path,
params = list(gs_dir = gs_dir)
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