# gate functions ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' @importFrom openCyto register_plugins
apply_quadrant_gate <- function(gs, study) {
catf("Applying quadrant gate")
register_plugins(fun = .quadrantGate, methodName = "quadrantGate")
gating_args <- "quadrant = 1"
toRemove <- DATA[[study]]$toRemove
if (!is.null(toRemove)) {
catf(sprintf("Removing %s%% of FSC-A and SSC-A", signif(toRemove, 3) * 100))
gating_args <- sprintf("%s, toRemove = %s", gating_args, toRemove)
gs = gs,
alias = "pos",
pop = "+",
parent = get_parent(gs),
dims = "FSC-A,SSC-A",
gating_method = "quadrantGate",
gating_args = gating_args
apply_singlet_gate <- function(gs, channel) {
alias <- sprintf("SC%s", channel)
A <- sprintf("%s-A", channel)
H <- sprintf("%s-H", channel)
if (H %in% colnames(gs)) {
catf(sprintf("Applying singlet gate by scatter channel (%s)", alias))
gs = gs,
alias = alias,
pop = "+",
parent = get_parent(gs),
dims = sprintf("%s,%s", A, H),
gating_method = "singletGate",
gating_args = "prediction_level = 0.99, wider_gate = TRUE"
#' @importFrom flowWorkspace sampleNames recompute gs_pop_get_parent gs_pop_get_stats gh_pop_set_gate
#' @importFrom flowCore exprs
#' @importFrom stats density
apply_nondebris_gate <- function(gs, study) {
catf("Applying non-debris gate by forward scatter (Nondebris)")
gates <- lapply(sampleNames(gs), function(x) {
fsc <- exprs(gh_pop_get_data(gs[[x]], get_parent(gs)))[, "FSC-A"]
den <- density(fsc)
minima <- ggpmisc:::find_peaks(-den$y)
grad <- diff(den$y) / diff(den$x)
deriv_minima <- ggpmisc:::find_peaks(-grad)
dens_lim <- ifelse(any(minima), den$x[minima][1], -Inf)
deriv_lim <- ifelse(any(deriv_minima), den$x[deriv_minima][1], -Inf)
lim <- ifelse((is.finite(deriv_lim) && grad[deriv_minima][[1]] >= 0), deriv_lim, dens_lim)
rectangleGate("FSC-A" = c(lim, Inf))
names(gates) <- sampleNames(gs)
gs = gs,
gate = gates,
name = "Nondebris",
parent = get_parent(gs)
recompute(gs, get_parent(gs))
# Quick check for gates clipping large numbers of actual cells (usually because no debris peak)
parent <- gs_pop_get_parent(gs, "Nondebris")
ratios <- gs_pop_get_stats(gs, "Nondebris")$count / gs_pop_get_stats(gs, parent)$count
names(ratios) <- sampleNames(gs)
ratio_cutoff <- DATA[[study]]$Nondebris_ratio_cutoff
if (is.null(ratio_cutoff)) {
ratio_cutoff <- 0.0
bad_nondebris <- names(ratios[ratios < ratio_cutoff])
if (length(bad_nondebris) > 0) {
dummy_gate <- rectangleGate("FSC-A" = c(-Inf, Inf))
# Give those samples fully-permissive gates
for (name in bad_nondebris) {
gh_pop_set_gate(gs[[name]], "Nondebris", dummy_gate)
recompute(gs, parent)
apply_live_gate <- function(gs, study) {
live <- get_live_marker(gs)
if (!is.null(live)) {
gating_method <- ifelse(is.null(DATA[[study]]$live_method), "mindensity", DATA[[study]]$live_method)
gating_args <- ifelse(is.null(DATA[[study]]$live_args), NA, DATA[[study]]$live_args)
collapseDataForGating <- !is.null(pData(gs)$batch)
groupBy <- ifelse(collapseDataForGating, "batch", NA)
catf(sprintf("Applying live/dead gate with %s (%s) by %s (Live)", gating_method, gating_args, live))
if (collapseDataForGating) {
catf(sprintf("Collapsing data for gating by %s", groupBy))
gs = gs,
alias = "Live",
pop = "-",
parent = get_parent(gs),
dims = live,
gating_method = gating_method,
gating_args = gating_args,
groupBy = groupBy,
collapseDataForGating = collapseDataForGating
#' @importFrom flowWorkspace gs_pop_add
apply_lymphocyte_gate <- function(gs, study, debug_dir = NULL) {
flowClusters <- compute_flowClusters(gs, debug_dir)
targets <- compute_targets(gs, flowClusters, study)
gates <- create_fcEllipsoidGate(flowClusters, targets)
catf("Applying lymphocytes gate with flowClust by forward and side scatters (Lymphocytes)")
gs = gs,
gate = gates,
name = "Lymphocytes",
parent = get_parent(gs)
recompute(gs, get_parent(gs))
# quadrant gate helper functions -----------------------------------------------
#' @importFrom flowCore exprs rectangleGate
.quadrantGate <- function(fr, pp_res, channels = NA, filterId = "", toRemove = 0, quadrant, ...) {
lim_func <- switch(quadrant,
"1" = c(max, max),
"2" = c(min, max),
"3" = c(min, min),
"4" = c(max, min)
ch1_lim <- lim_func[[1]](exprs(fr)[, channels[1]], na.rm = TRUE) * (1 - toRemove)
ch2_lim <- lim_func[[2]](exprs(fr)[, channels[1]], na.rm = TRUE) * (1 - toRemove)
range <- switch(quadrant,
"1" = c(0, ch1_lim, 0, ch2_lim),
"2" = c(-ch1_lim, 0, 0, ch2_lim),
"3" = c(-ch1_lim, 0, -ch2_lim, 0),
"4" = c(0, ch1_lim, -ch2_lim, 0)
mat <- matrix(range, ncol = 2, dimnames = list(c("min", "max"), c(channels[1], channels[2])))
rectangleGate(filterId = filterId, .gate = mat)
# live gate helper functions ---------------------------------------------------
get_live_marker <- function(gs) {
live <- grep("^(L|l)ive|LD|(V|v)iability|L/D$", markernames(gs), value = TRUE)
if (length(live) == 0) {
catf("There is no viability dye channel in this gating set")
} else if (length(live) > 1) {
catf("There are more than one viability dye channel in this gating set")
catf(paste(live, collapse = ", "))
# lymphocyte gate helper functions ---------------------------------------------
#' @importFrom flowClust flowClust
flowclust <- function(x) {
fcl <- flowClust(
x = x,
K = 1:5,
criterion = "ICL",
trans = 0,
min.count = -1,
max.count = -1
fc <- fcl@.Data[[fcl@index]]
fc@z <- matrix()
fc@u <- matrix()
#' @importFrom flowWorkspace gs_pop_get_data sampleNames
#' @importFrom flowCore exprs
#' @importFrom slurmR slurm_available Slurm_lapply opts_slurmR
compute_flowClusters <- function(gs, debug_dir = NULL) {
catf("Computing for the optimal number of clusters (K) for each sample")
cs <- gs_pop_get_data(gs, get_parent(gs))
if (slurm_available()) {
catf("Submitting flowClust jobs to slurm")
ex <- lapply(sampleNames(cs), function(x) exprs(cs[[x, returnType = "cytoframe"]])[, c("FSC-A", "SSC-A")])
names(ex) <- sampleNames(cs)
if (is.null(debug_dir)) {
tmp_path <- opts_slurmR$get_tmp_path()
} else {
tmp_path <- debug_dir
flowClusters <- Slurm_lapply(
ex, flowclust,
njobs = length(ex), mc.cores = 1L, tmp_path = tmp_path,
sbatch_opt = list(
"time" = "1:00:00",
"constraint" = "gizmok"
} else {
flowClusters <- mclapply(sampleNames(cs), function(x) {
ex <- exprs(cs[[x, returnType = "cytoframe"]])[, c("FSC-A", "SSC-A")]
}, mc.cores = detect_cores())
names(flowClusters) <- sampleNames(cs)
save_debug(flowClusters, "compute_flowClusters", debug_dir)
#' @importFrom stats dist
#' @importFrom utils tail
select_cluster <- function(fitted_means, target) {
target_dist <- as.matrix(dist(rbind(fitted_means, target)))
target_dist <- tail(target_dist, n = 1)[seq_len(nrow(fitted_means))]
#' @importFrom flowClust getEstimates
find_target <- function(flowClusters) {
catf("Computing the target location of the lymphocyte clusters")
mus <- lapply(flowClusters, function(x) {
est <- getEstimates(x)
est$locations[which.max(est$proportions), ]
mus <- do.call(rbind, mus)
colnames(mus) <- c("FSC", "SSC")
fcl_mus <- flowClust(mus, K = 1:5, criterion = "ICL", trans = 0, min.count = -1, max.count = -1)
k_mus <- ifelse(length(fcl_mus@index) == 0, 1, fcl_mus@index)
est_mus <- getEstimates(fcl_mus@.Data[[k_mus]])
target <- est_mus$locations[which.max(est_mus$proportions), ]
catf(sprintf("Selecting FSC-A = %s and SSC-A = %s as target location", target[1], target[2]))
targets <- rep_len(list(target), length(flowClusters))
names(targets) <- names(flowClusters)
compute_targets <- function(gs, flowClusters, study) {
target <- DATA[[study]]$target
if (!is.null(target)) {
catf(sprintf("Using the predetermined target location (FSC-A = %s and SSC-A = %s)", target[1], target[2]))
targets <- rep_len(list(target), length(flowClusters))
names(targets) <- names(flowClusters)
batch <- pData(gs)$batch
if (is.null(batch)) {
targets <- find_target(flowClusters)
} else {
pd <- pData(gs)[, c("name", "batch")]
pd <- split(pd, factor(pd$batch, exclude = NULL))
list_targets <- lapply(pd, function(x) {
targets <- unlist(unname(list_targets), recursive = FALSE)
create_fcEllipsoidGate <- function(flowClusters, targets) {
quantile <- 0.9
trans <- 0
prior <- list(NA)
gates <- lapply(names(flowClusters), function(sample) {
tmix_results <- flowClusters[[sample]]
target <- targets[[sample]]
fitted_means <- getEstimates(tmix_results)$locations
cluster_selected <- select_cluster(fitted_means, target)
posteriors <- list(
mu = tmix_results@mu,
lambda = tmix_results@lambda,
sigma = tmix_results@sigma,
nu = tmix_results@nu
flowClust_gate <- openCyto:::.getEllipseGate(
filter = tmix_results,
include = cluster_selected,
quantile = quantile,
trans = trans
openCyto:::fcEllipsoidGate(flowClust_gate, prior, posteriors)
names(gates) <- names(flowClusters)
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