##' Plot a COMPASSResult
##' This function can be used to visualize the mean probability of response;
##' that is, the probability that there is a difference in response between
##' samples subjected to the 'treatment' condition, and samples subjected
##' to the 'control' condition.
##' @aliases plot
##' @param x An object of class \code{COMPASSResult}.
##' @param y This argument gets passed to \code{row_annotation}, if
##' \code{row_annotation} is missing. It can be used to group rows (individuals)
##' by different conditions as defined in the metadata.
##' @param subset An \R expression, evaluated within the metadata, used to
##' determine which individuals should be kept.
##' @param threshold A numeric threshold for filtering under-expressed
##' categories. Any categories with mean score < \code{threshold} are
##' removed.
##' @param minimum_dof The minimum degree of functionality for the categories
##' to be plotted.
##' @param maximum_dof The maximum degree of functionality for the categories
##' to be plotted.
##' @param must_express A character vector of markers that should be included
##' in each subset plotted. For example, \code{must_express=c("TNFa & IFNg")}
##' says we include only subsets that are positive for both
##' \code{TNFa} or \code{IFNg}, while \code{must_express=c("TNFa", "IFNg")}
##' says we should keep subsets which are positive for either \code{TNFa} or
##' \code{IFNg}.
##' @param row_annotation A vector of names, pulled from the metadata, to be
##' used for row annotation.
##' @param palette The colour palette to be used.
##' @param show_rownames Boolean; if \code{TRUE} we display row names (ie,
##' the individual ids).
##' @param show_colnames Boolean; if \code{TRUE} we display column names
##' (ie, the column name associated with a cytokine; typically not needed)
##' @param measure Optional. By default, we produce a heatmap of the mean
##' gammas produced in a model fit. We can override this by supplying a
##' matrix of suitable dimension as well; these can be generated with
##' the \code{Posterior*} functions -- see \code{\link{Posterior}} for
##' examples.
##' @param order_by Order rows within a group. This should be a function;
##' e.g. \code{FunctionalityScore}, \code{mean}, \code{median}, and so on.
##' Set this to \code{NULL} to preserve the original ordering of the data.
##' @param order_by_max_functionality Order columns by functionality within each degree subset.
##' to \code{TRUE}.
##' @param markers specifies a subset of markers to plot. default is NULL, which means all markers.
##' @param ... Optional arguments passed to \code{pheatmap}.
##' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
##' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
##' @return The plot as a \code{grid} object (\code{grob}). It can be redrawn
##' with e.g. \code{grid::grid.draw()}.
##' @examples
##' ## visualize the mean probability of reponse
##' plot(CR)
##' ## visualize the proportion of cells belonging to a category
##' plot(CR, measure=PosteriorPs(CR))
##' @export
plot.COMPASSResult <- function(x, y, subset=NULL,
...) {
call <- match.call()
## We do some gymnastics to figure out what the subset expression is
## If the caller does something like the following:
## subset_call <- call("%in%", a, b)
## plot(CR, subset=subset_call)
## then this function sees 'subset' as a promise that it cannot properly
## evaluate, and call$subset just sees 'subset_call'. So we have to explicitly
## evaluate the symbol in the parent frame to recover the call.
if (!is.null(subset)) {
subset <- call$subset
n <- 1
while (is.symbol(subset)) {
subset <- eval(subset, envir=parent.frame(n))
n <- n + 1
if (!is.language(subset)) {
stop("'subset' should be an expression", call.=FALSE)
## Construct an object based on a reduced set of markers for plotting a heatmap
stop("Invalid marker names")
message("Computing a heatmap based on ",paste(markers,collapse=", "))
new_categories = unique(categories(x,FALSE)[,markers,drop=FALSE])
dmat = as.matrix(pdist(new_categories,all_categories))
cat_indices = apply(dmat,1,function(y)which(y==0))
# new_mean_gamma=sapply(cat_indices,function(i)apply(Gamma(x)[,i,],1,mean))
cat_indices = matrix(cat_indices,ncol=nrow(dmat))
new_mean_gamma = apply(cat_indices, 2, function(i)rowMeans(Gamma(x)[, i, ]))
new_categories = cbind(new_categories, Counts = rowSums(new_categories))
reord = c(setdiff(1:nrow(new_categories), which(new_categories[, "Counts"] ==
0)), which(new_categories[, "Counts"] == 0))
new_categories = new_categories[reord, ]
new_mean_gamma = new_mean_gamma[, reord]
colnames(new_mean_gamma) = apply(new_categories[, -ncol(new_categories)], 1, function(x)
paste0(x, collapse = ""))
# copy and reassign
X = x
X$fit$mean_gamma = new_mean_gamma
X$fit$categories = new_categories
x = X
## Number of markers
.n <- ncol(x$fit$categories) - 1
## If order_by is missing, then the user is expecting default behavior
## ie, FunctionalityScore
if (missing(order_by)) {
order_fun <- function(x) {
FunctionalityScore(x, n=.n)
} else {
if (!is.null(order_by)) {
if (is.symbol(call$order_by)) {
if (call$order_by == "PolyfunctionalityScore") {
## .degree is generated downstream
order_fun <- function(x) {
PolyfunctionalityScore(x, degree=.degree, n=.n)
} else if (call$order_by == "FunctionalityScore") {
order_fun <- function(x) {
FunctionalityScore(x, n=.n)
} else {
FUN <- match.fun(order_by)
order_fun <- function(x) {
apply(x, 1, FUN)
} else {
FUN <- match.fun(order_by)
order_fun <- function(x) {
apply(x, 1, FUN)
## try to override mean_gamma with measure
if (!is.null(measure)) {
## normalize measure to have the same order + columns
m <- as.data.frame(measure)
missing_names <- colnames(x$fit$mean_gamma)[ !(colnames(x$fit$mean_gamma) %in% names(m)) ]
m[missing_names] <- 0
m <- m[ match(names(m), colnames(x$fit$mean_gamma)) ]
x$fit$mean_gamma <- as.matrix(m)
## y is effectively an alias for row_annotation, just for usability
if (missing(row_annotation)) {
if (missing(y)) {
y <- NULL
row_annotation <- y
## Rather than subsetting incrementally, we grow a set of column indices,
## which will finally be subsetted at the end. We begin by accepting
## everything, and ruling entries out based on the different
## subsetting criteria.
## Get some useful variables -- TODO: write getters for some of these
M <- x$fit$mean_gamma
cats <- x$fit$categories
ind <- 1:ncol(x$fit$mean_gamma)
## We compute the subsets manually from the categories matrix because older
## COMPASS fits don't have them :/
subsets_df <- as.data.frame(cats[, -ncol(cats), drop=FALSE])
for (i in seq_along(subsets_df)) {
tmp <- subsets_df[[i]]
subsets_df[[i]] <- paste0(
swap(tmp, c(0, 1), c("!", "")),
subsets <- do.call( function(...) paste(..., sep="&"), subsets_df )
colnames(M) <- subsets
dof <- cats[, "Counts"]
if (is.null(rownames(cats))) {
rownames(cats) <- subsets
## Perform 'must_express' subsetting
if (!is.null(must_express)) {
must_express_ind <- Reduce(union, lapply(must_express, function(i) {
which(eval(parse(text=i), envir=as.data.frame(cats)) == 1)
ind <- intersect(ind, must_express_ind)
## Construct the base of the 'rowann' data.frame -- annotates rows
rowann <- data.frame(.id=rownames(M))
## the merge() below expects the COMPASS metadata x$data$meta to be a data.frame
if (is(x$data$meta, "data.table")) {
x$data$meta <- as.data.frame(x$data$meta)
rowann <- merge(
x$data$meta[c(x$data$individual_id, row_annotation)],
rowann <- rowann[!duplicated(rowann[[".id"]]), ,drop=FALSE]
rownames(rowann) <- rowann[[".id"]]
rowann <- rowann[-c(which(names(rowann)==".id"))]
## make sure M, rowann names match up
rowann <- rowann[ match(rownames(M), rownames(rowann)), , drop=FALSE ]
## keep only those meeting the min, max dof criteria
dof_ind <- which(dof >= minimum_dof & dof <= maximum_dof)
ind <- intersect(ind, dof_ind)
## remove under-expressed categories
m <- apply(M, 2, function(x) {
mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
keep <- m > threshold
gone <- m <= threshold
if (length(gone)) {
message("The 'threshold' filter has removed ", sum(gone),
" categories:\n", paste( colnames(M)[gone], collapse=", "))
ind <- intersect(ind, which(keep))
## finally, subset
if (!length(ind)) {
stop("no marker subsets available for plotting after subsetting")
M <- M[, ind, drop=FALSE]
cats <- cats[ind, , drop=FALSE]
dof <- dof[ind]
## handle subsetting -- this subsets rows, rather than columns, and hence
## lives apart of the 'ind' collection
if (is.call(subset)) {
keep <- unique(x$data$meta[[x$data$individual_id]][eval(subset, envir=x$data$meta)])
M <- M[ rownames(M) %in% keep, , drop=FALSE]
rowann <- rowann[ rownames(rowann) %in% keep, , drop=FALSE]
## Generate .degree if using PolyfunctionalityScore
if (is.symbol(call$order_by) && call$order_by == "PolyfunctionalityScore") {
cats_mat <- as.matrix(cats)
mode(cats_mat) <- "integer"
.degree <- apply(cats_mat, 1, sum)
## Reorder within groups based on 'order_by'
if (!is.null(order_by)) {
if (!is.null(row_annotation)) {
grouping <- as.integer( factor( apply( rowann[row_annotation], 1, function(x) {
paste(x, collapse = " ")
} ) ) )
} else {
grouping <- rep(1, nrow(M))
groups <- unique(grouping)
for (i in seq_along(groups)) {
group <- groups[i]
ind <- which(group == grouping)
score <- order_fun(M[ind, , drop=FALSE])
ord <- ind[ order(score, decreasing=TRUE) ]
M[ind, ] <- M[ord, ]
rownames(M)[ind] <- rownames(M)[ord]
rownames(rowann)[ind] <- rownames(rowann)[ord]
## Group the data by row annotation
if (!is.null(row_annotation)) {
o <- do.call(order, as.list(rowann[row_annotation]))
M <- M[o, , drop=FALSE]
} else {
rowann <- NA
## Make sure the categories matrix is re-set as an appropriate df
cats_df <- as.data.frame(cats[, -ncol(cats),drop=FALSE]) ## drop the "Counts" column
cats_df[] <- lapply(cats_df, function(x) {
rownames(cats_df) <- colnames(M)
## Reorder data within degrees of functionality
means <- apply(M, 2, mean)
ord <- order(dof, means, decreasing = FALSE)
ord <- order(dof, decreasing = FALSE)
M <- M[, ord, drop=FALSE]
ret = pheatmap(M,
ret = grid.grab(wrap = TRUE)
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