#' Perform the step of gene filtering to normalizaed gene expression data
#' @param data the normalized gene expression matrix
#’ (each column represents a cell)
#' @param gfRatio the ratio of genes filtering
#' @return the gene expression matrix after genes filtering gfData
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(yan)
#' GenesFilter(yan)
"GenesFilter" <- function(data, gfRatio = 0.025){
N <- ncol(data)
G <- nrow(data)
ExpressNumMin <- gfRatio * N
ExpressNumMax <- (1 - gfRatio) * N
GenesExpress0 <- sapply(seq_len(G), function(n) length(which(data[n,] != 0)))
gfData <- data[which(GenesExpress0 > ExpressNumMin),,drop = FALSE]
GenesExpress <- GenesExpress0[which(GenesExpress0 > ExpressNumMin)]
if(max(GenesExpress) == N){
GenesPre <- gfData[which(GenesExpress > ExpressNumMax),,drop = FALSE]
GenesVar <- as.matrix(apply(GenesPre, 1, var))
if(any(GenesVar < 0.9 * mean(GenesVar))){
gfData <- gfData[-which(GenesVar < 0.9 * mean(GenesVar)),,drop = FALSE]
#' Calculate the initial similarity matrix
#' @param data gene expression matrix after genes filtering
#‘ (each column represents a cell)
#' @param pcRatio the ratio between the variance of the
#’ choosed PCs and the total variance
#' @param gamma the ratio of the global simialrity
#' @param NN.method the method of finding neighbors
#' @param Dis.method the distance metric in finding neighbors
#' @param LSH.TreeNum the tree number of LSH
#' @param LSH.Dim the dimension in LSH
#' @param LSH.Dis the distance metric in LSH
#' @param neiRatio ratio of the number of selected
#‘ neighbors to the total number of cells
#' @return initial similarity matrix S
#' @return gene expression matrix after PCA processing drData
#' @export
#' @examples
#' gfData <- GenesFilter(yan)
#' SimS(gfData)
"SimS" <- function(data, pcRatio = 0.95, gamma = 0.8, NN.method = "KNN",
Dis.method = "Euclidean", LSH.TreeNum = 30, LSH.Dim = 1000,
LSH.Dis = "angular", neiRatio = 0.65){
res_PCA <- stats::prcomp(t(data), center = TRUE, scale. = TRUE)
if(ncol(data) > 1300){
EigenValues <- res_PCA$sdev
V <- sapply(seq_len(length(EigenValues)),
function(n) sum(EigenValues[seq_len(n)])/sum(EigenValues))
n_dim <- min(which(V >= pcRatio))
res_pca <- t(res_PCA$x[, seq_len(n_dim), drop = FALSE])
res_pca <- t(res_PCA$x[, seq_len(4000), drop = FALSE])
res_pca <- t(res_PCA$x)
cat('Calculate the Spearman correlation','\n')
SpearA <- stats::cor(data, method = "spearman")
cat('Calculate the Nerighbor Representation','\n')
NR <- NeigRepresent(res_pca,NN.method = "KNN", Dis.method = "Euclidean",
LSH.TreeNum = LSH.TreeNum, LSH.Dim = LSH.Dim, LSH.Dis = LSH.Dis,
neiRatio = neiRatio)
S <- gamma * SpearA + (1-gamma) * NR
} else{
cat('Calculate the Spearman correlation','\n')
S <- stats::cor(data, method = "spearman")
res = list("S" = S, "drData" = res_pca)
#' Calculate the neighbor representation of cells to the low-dimensional
#' gene expression matrix
#' @import RcppAnnoy
#' @param drData gene expression matrix after dimensionality reduced by PCA
#' @param NN.method the method of finding neighbors
#' @param Dis.method the distance metric in finding neighbors
#' @param LSH.TreeNum the tree number of LSH
#' @param LSH.Dim the dimension in LSH
#' @param LSH.Dis the distance metric in LSH
#' @param neiRatio ratio of the number of selected
#‘ neighbors to the total number of cells
#' @return the similarity matrix measured by neighbor representation NR
#' @export
#' @examples
#' gfData <- GenesFilter(yan)
#' res_SimS <- SimS(gfData)
#' NeigRepresent(res_SimS$drData)
"NeigRepresent" <- function(drData, NN.method = "KNN", Dis.method = "Euclidean",
LSH.TreeNum = 30, LSH.Dim = 500, LSH.Dis = "angular",
neiRatio = 0.65){
k <- ceiling(ncol(drData) * neiRatio)
if(NN.method == "KNN"){
if(Dis.method == "Euclidean"){
cat("Find neighbors by KNN(Euclidean)","\n")
#distMatrix <- as.matrix(stats::dist(t(drData), diag = T, upper = T))
distMatrix <- EucDist(drData,drData)
if(Dis.method == "Cosine"){
cat("Find neighbors by KNN(Cosine)","\n")
Cosine_sim <- t(drData) / sqrt(rowSums(t(drData) * t(drData)))
Cosine_sim <- Cosine_sim %*% t(Cosine_sim)
distMatrix <- as.matrix(1 - Cosine_sim)
neigData <- sapply(seq_len(nrow(distMatrix)), function(n){
curRow <- sort(distMatrix[n,,drop = TRUE])
rownames(as.matrix(which(rank(curRow, ties.method = "first") <= k)))})
if(NN.method == "LSH"){
drData <- drData[seq_len(LSH.Dim),,drop = FALSE]
f = ncol(drData)
if(LSH.Dis == "angular"){
cat("Find neighbors by LSH(Cosine)","\n")
Tree = methods::new(RcppAnnoy::AnnoyAngular,f)
if(LSH.Dis == "hamming"){
cat("Find neighbors by LSH(Hamming)","\n")
Tree = methods::new(RcppAnnoy::AnnoyHamming,f)
if(LSH.Dis == "Euclidean"){
cat("Find neighbors by LSH(Euclidean)","\n")
Tree = methods::new(RcppAnnoy::AnnoyEuclidean,f)
for(i in seq(ncol(drData))){
v = as.vector(drData[,i])
Tree$addItem(i, v)
Tree$build(LSH.TreeNum)# 30 trees
INDEX = mat.or.vec(ncol(drData),k+1)
for(i in seq(ncol(drData))){
v = drData[,i]
INDEX[i,] = Tree$getNNsByVector(v, k+1)
neigData <- t(INDEX)[-1,]
neigData <- neigData[-1,]
colnames(neigData) <- colnames(drData)
## Solve for reconstruction weights
## Create matrix Z consisting of all neighbors of each cell
wgtsNR <- matrix(0, ncol(drData), ncol(drData))
rownames(wgtsNR) <- colnames(drData)
colnames(wgtsNR) <- colnames(drData)
k <- dim(neigData)[1]
for(i in seq_len(ncol(neigData))){
# find neighbors of each cell
neigZ <- drData[, neigData[,i]]
# Calculate the differences between the cell and its neighbors
diffZ <- neigZ - matrix(drData[,i,drop = FALSE],
nrow = nrow(drData),ncol = nrow(neigData),byrow = FALSE)
localCova <- t(diffZ) %*% diffZ
## Solve linear system
if(qr(localCova)$rank < nrow(localCova)){
wgtsNRi <- pracma::pinv(localCova) %*% matrix(1,nrow=k,ncol=1)
}else {
wgtsNRi <- base::solve(localCova, matrix(1,nrow=k,ncol=1))
wgtsNRi <- t(wgtsNRi)
wgtsNRiRegu <- wgtsNRi / sum(wgtsNRi)
wgtsNR[i, rownames(localCova)] <- wgtsNRiRegu
NR <- wgtsNR
#' Estimate the optimal number of clusters C for clustering
#' @param drData gene expression matrix after PCA processing
#' @param S the calculated similarity matrix S from "SimS"
#' @return C the estimated number of clusters
#' @export
#' @examples
#' gfData <- GenesFilter(yan)
#' res_SimS <- SimS(gfData)
#' EstClusters(res_SimS$drData,res_SimS$S)
"EstClusters" <- function(drData, S){
Diss <- stats::as.dist(1 - S)
if(nrow(S) > 3000){
C <- NbClust::NbClust(t(drData), diss = Diss, distance = NULL,
min.nc = 4, max.nc = 12,
method = "average", index = "kl")$Best.nc[1]
Q0 <- - 10e11
res <- NbClust::NbClust(t(drData), diss = Diss, distance = NULL,
min.nc = 4, max.nc = 12,
method = "average", index = "kl")$All.index
res <- sort(res)
l <- length(res)
K_range <- as.numeric(attr(res, "names")[(l - 2):l])
for(k in K_range){
resBDSM <- BDSM(S, k)
a <- resBDSM$y
one <- matrix(c(seq_len(nrow(S))), byrow = TRUE)
a <- as.matrix(cbind(one, a))
b <- matrix(0,nrow = max(a),ncol = max(a))
for(i in seq_len(nrow(a))){
b[a[i,1], a[i,2]] <- 1
b <- b[, -(which(colSums(b) == 0)),drop = FALSE]
m <- sum(S) / 2
c <- as.matrix(rowSums(S))
B <- S - (kronecker(matrix(1,1,nrow(c)),c) * kronecker(matrix(1,nrow(c),1),t(c)))/(2 * m)
Q1 <- 1/(2 * m) * sum(diag(t(b) %*% B %*% b))
if(Q1 > Q0){
Q0 <- Q1
C <- k
#' Solve the problem: min 1/2*x'*L*x-x'*d s.t. x>=0, 1'x=1
#' @param d matrix or vector
#' @param l matrix or vector
#' @return x
"EProjSimplexdiag" <- function(d,l){
lambda <- min(l - d)
f <- 1
count <- 1
while(abs(f) > 10^-8){
v1 <- 1 / l * lambda + d/l
g <- sum(1 / l[v1 > 0])
f <- sum(v1[v1 > 0]) - 1
lambda <- lambda - f / g
if(count > 1000){
count <- count + 1
v1 = 1/l*lambda + d/l
x <- pmax(v1,0)
#' Solve the problem: ||A-B||^2 = ||A||^2 + ||B||^2 - 2*A'*B
#' @param A matrix or vector
#' @param B matrix or vector
#' @return d matrix or vector
"EucDist" <- function(A, B){
if (dim(A)[1] == 1){
A <- rbind(A, matrix(0,1,dim(A)[2]))
B <- rbind(B, matrix(0,1,dim(B)[2]))
aa <- t(as.matrix(colSums(A * A)))
bb <- t(as.matrix(colSums(B * B)))
ab <- t(A) %*% B
d <- kronecker(matrix(1,1,dim(bb)[2]),t(aa)) + kronecker(matrix(1,dim(aa)[2],1), bb) - 2 * ab
d <- Re(d)
d <- pmax(d,0)
#' Calculate the bolock-diagnal matrix B
#' min_{B>=0, B*1=1, F'*F=I} ||B - A||_1 + r*||B||^2 + 2*lambda*trace(F'*L*F)
#' @import igraph
#' @param S the calculated initial similarity matrix S
#' @param C the estimated number of clusters C
#' @return B block-diagonal matrix
#' @return y clustering results
#' @export
#' @examples
#' gfData <- GenesFilter(yan)
#' res_SimS <- SimS(gfData)
#' C <- EstClusters(res_SimS$drData,res_SimS$S)
#' BDSM(res_SimS$S,C)
"BDSM" <- function(S, C){
NITER <- 30
zr <- 10e-11
lambda <- 0.1
r <- 0
S <- S - diag(diag(S))
num <- nrow(S)
A10 <- (S + t(S)) / 2
L0 <- diag(colSums(A10)) - A10
L0 <- pmax(L0, t(L0))
tmp0 <- eigen(L0)
w0 <- tmp0$values
V0 <- tmp0$vectors
wsort0 <- sort(w0, index.return = TRUE)
di0 <- wsort0$x
idx0 <- wsort0$ix
idx1 <- idx0[seq_len(num)]
F <- V0[, idx1][, seq_len(C)]
if(sum(w0[seq_len((C + 1))]) < zr){
stop('The original graph has more than %d connected component', C)
if(sum(w0[seq_len(C)]) < zr){
g0 <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(A10)
y <- as.matrix(components(g0, mode = "strong")$membership, drop = FALSE)
B <- S
u = vector('list', num)
for(j in seq_len(num)){
s0 <- S[j,,drop = FALSE]
idxa0 <- seq_len(num)
u[[j]] <- matrix(1, 1, length(idxa0))
for(iter in seq_len(NITER)){
dist0 <- EucDist(t(F), t(F))
B <- matrix(0, num, num)
for(i in seq_len(num)){
idxa0 <- seq_len(num)
ai <- S[i,,drop = FALSE][idxa0]
di <- dist0[i,idxa0,drop = F]
ad <- u[[i]]*ai-lambda*di/2
si <- EProjSimplexdiag(ad, u[[i]] + r * rep(1,length(idxa0)))
u[[i]] <- 1 / (2 * sqrt((si - ai)^2 + .Machine$double.eps))
B[i,idxa0] <- si
A <- B
A <- (A + t(A)) / 2
L <- diag(colSums(A)) - A
F_old <- F
L <- pmax(L, t(L))
w <- eigen(L)$values
V <- eigen(L)$vectors
wsort <- sort(w,index.return = TRUE)
idx2 <- wsort$ix[seq_len(C)]
F <- V[, idx2]
ev <- w[wsort$ix]
fn1 <- sum(ev[seq_len(C)])
fn2 <- sum(ev[seq_len(C+1)])
if(fn1 > zr){ lambda <- 2 * lambda}
else if(fn2 < zr) {
lambda <- lambda / 2
F <- F_old
else {break}
cat("======== Calculate maximal strongly connected components ========","\n")
g <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(B,mode = "undirected",weighted = TRUE,diag = FALSE)
G <- igraph::components(g, mode = "strong");
y <- as.matrix(G$membership,drop = FALSE)
clusternum <- G$no
if(clusternum != C){
sprintf('Can not find the correct cluster number: %d', C)
res <- list("B" = B, "y" = y)
#' A public scRNA-seq dataset by Yan et al.
#' @source \url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nsmb.2660}
#' Columns represent cells, rows represent genes expression values.
#' Cell type annotations of `yan` datasets by Yan et al.
#' @source \url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nsmb.2660}
#' Each row corresponds to one cell of `yan` dataset
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