#' Extract read counts from genetic markers for ASCAT analysis
#' @description The function will generate tsv files `<tumor/normal>_nucleotide_counts.tsv` that can be used for downstream analysis. Note that the function will process ~900K loci from Affymetrix Genome-Wide Human SNP 6.0 Array. The process can be sped up by increasing `nthreads` which will launch each chromosome on a separate thread. Currently hg19 and hg38 are supported. Files need to be further processed with \code{\link{prepAscat}} for tumor-normal pair, or \code{\link{prepAscat_t}} for tumor only samples.
#' @param t_bam Tumor BAM file. Required
#' @param n_bam Normal BAM file. Recommended
#' @param build Default hg19. Mutually exclusive with `loci`. Currently supported `hg19` and `hg38` and includes ca. 900K SNPs from Affymetrix Genome-Wide Human SNP 6.0 Array. SNP file has no `chr` prefix.
#' @param prefix Prefix to add or remove from contig names in loci file. For example, in case BAM files have `chr` prefix, set prefix = 'chr'
#' @param add If prefix is used, default is to add prefix to contig names in loci file. If false prefix will be removed from contig names.
#' @param mapq Minimum mapping quality. Default 10
#' @param sam_flag SAM FLAG to filter reads. Default 1024
#' @param loci A tab separated file with chr and position. If not available use `build` argument.
#' @param zerobased are coordinates zero-based. Default FALSE. Use only if `loci` is used.
#' @param op Output file basename. Default parses from BAM file
#' @param fa Indexed fasta file. If provided, extracts and adds reference base to the output tsv.
#' @param nthreads Number of threads to use. Default 4. Each chromosome will be launched on a separate thread. Works only on Unix and macOS.
#' @param verbose Default TRUE
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{prepAscat}} \code{\link{prepAscat_t}} \code{\link{segmentLogR}}
#' @useDynLib maftools, .registration = TRUE
#' @import data.table
gtMarkers = function(t_bam = NULL, n_bam = NULL, build = "hg19", prefix = NULL, add = TRUE,
mapq = 10, sam_flag = 1024, loci = NULL, fa = NULL, op = NULL,
zerobased = FALSE, nthreads = 4, verbose = TRUE){
if(is.null(t_bam)) stop("Missing tumor BAM file!")
bam = c(t_bam)
bam = c(bam, n_bam)
if(build == "hg19"){
download.file(url = "https://github.com/CompEpigen/ezASCAT/blob/main/inst/extdata/GRCh37_SNP6.tsv.gz?raw=true", destfile = "GRCh37_SNP6.tsv.gz")
loci = "GRCh37_SNP6.tsv.gz"
download.file(url = "https://github.com/CompEpigen/ezASCAT/blob/main/inst/extdata/GRCh38_SNP6.tsv.gz?raw=true", destfile = "GRCh38_SNP6.tsv.gz")
loci = "GRCh38_SNP6.tsv.gz"
loci = data.table::fread(input = loci)
colnames(loci)[1:2] = c("Chr", "start")
loci$Chr = paste(prefix, loci$Chr, sep = '')
loci$Chr = gsub(pattern = prefix, replacement = '', x = loci$Chr, fixed = TRUE)
data.table::setDF(x = loci)
loci$start = as.numeric(loci$start) + 1
op_files = lapply(bam, function(x){
bam_ext = substr(x = basename(x), start = nchar(basename(path = x))-3, nchar(basename(x)))
if(bam_ext != ".bam"){
stop("Input file is not a BAM file: ", x)
stop("BAM file does not exist: ", x)
gsub(pattern = "\\.bam$", replacement = "", x = basename(x), ignore.case = TRUE)
op = as.character(unlist(op_files))
op_files = lapply(op, function(x) {
paste0(x, "_nucleotide_counts")
op_files = as.character(unlist(op_files))
if(length(op) != length(bam)){
stop("No. of output file names must be equal to no. of BAM files.")
op_files = paste0(op, "_nucleotide_counts")
warning("Counts are already generated!")
res = lapply(seq_along(op_files), function(x){
data.table::fread(file = paste0(op_files[x], ".tsv"), sep = "\t", header = TRUE)
names(res) = op
fa = "NULL"
loci = split(loci, loci$Chr)
loci_files = lapply(1:length(loci), function(idx){
chrname = names(loci)[idx]
lfile = tempfile(pattern = paste0(chrname, "_"), fileext = paste0("_loci.tsv"))
data.table::fwrite(x = loci[[idx]][,c(1:2)], file = lfile, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)
cat("Fetching readcounts from BAM files..\n")
res = list()
bam_idxstats = list() #Store samtools idxstats
for(b in bam){
cat("Processing", basename(b), ":\n")
bam_counts = parallel::mclapply(loci_files, function(lfile){
chr = unlist(data.table::tstrsplit(basename(path = lfile), split = "_", keep = 1))
system(paste("echo ' current chromosome:",chr,"'"))
opcount = tempfile(pattern = paste0(chr, "_", basename(b)), fileext = ".tsv")
withCallingHandlers(suppressWarnings(invisible(.Call("snpc", b, lfile, mapq, sam_flag, fa, opcount, PACKAGE = "maftools"))))
paste0(opcount, ".tsv")
}, mc.cores = nthreads)
#print(unlist(bam_counts, use.names = FALSE))
idxstat = apply(data.table::fread(file = bam_counts[[1]], nrow = 1, sep = "\t"), 1, paste, collapse = " ")
bam_idxstats[[length(bam_idxstats)+1]] = idxstat
res[[length(res)+1]] = data.table::rbindlist(lapply(bam_counts, data.table::fread), use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE)
lapply(bam_counts, unlink)
names(res) = op
lapply(seq_along(res), function(idx){
cat(paste0(bam_idxstats[[idx]], "\n"), file = paste0(op_files[[idx]], ".tsv"))
data.table::fwrite(x = res[[idx]], file = paste0(op_files[[idx]], ".tsv"), append = TRUE, sep = "\t", na = "NA", quote = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
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