#' compare two GISTIC objects
#' @details Performs fisher test on 2x2 contingency table generated from two GISTIC objects
#' @param g1 first \code{\link{GISTIC}} object
#' @param g2 second \code{\link{GISTIC}} object
#' @param g1Name optional name for first cohort
#' @param g2Name optional name for second cohort
#' @param minEvent Consider only cytobands with minimum this number of samples altered in at least one of the cohort for analysis. Helpful to ignore single mutated genes. Default 5.
#' @param pseudoCount If TRUE, adds 1 to the contingency table with 0's to avoid `Inf` values in the estimated odds-ratio.
#' @return result list
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{forestPlot}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{lollipopPlot2}}
gisticCompare = function(g1, g2, g1Name = NULL, g2Name = NULL, minEvent = 5, pseudoCount = FALSE){
g1.gs <- getCytobandSummary(x = g1)
g2.gs <- getCytobandSummary(x = g2)
g1Name = 'G1'
g2Name = 'G2'
g1.sampleSize = as.numeric(g1@summary[ID %in% "Samples", summary])
g2.sampleSize = as.numeric(g2@summary[ID %in% "Samples", summary])
g1_nums = .getAmpDelCounts(g = g1)
g2_nums = .getAmpDelCounts(g = g2)
amptbl = merge(g1_nums[Variant_Classification %in% "Amp", .N , .(Cytoband)], g2_nums[Variant_Classification %in% "Amp", .N , .(Cytoband)], by = "Cytoband", all = TRUE)
colnames(amptbl) = c("Cytoband", "G1", "G2")
amptbl[is.na(amptbl)] = 0
deltbl = merge(g1_nums[Variant_Classification %in% "Del", .N , .(Cytoband)], g2_nums[Variant_Classification %in% "Del", .N , .(Cytoband)], by = "Cytoband", all = TRUE)
colnames(deltbl) = c("Cytoband", "G1", "G2")
deltbl[is.na(deltbl)] = 0
cnvtbl = data.table::rbindlist(l = list(Amp = amptbl, Del = deltbl), idcol = "CNV")
cnvtbl[,G1_wt := g1.sampleSize - G1]
cnvtbl[,G2_wt := g2.sampleSize - G2]
fisherTable = lapply(seq_len(nrow(cnvtbl)), function(i){
gene = cnvtbl[i, 1]
ft_mat = matrix(c(cnvtbl[i, G1], cnvtbl[i, G1_wt], cnvtbl[i, G2], cnvtbl[i, G2_wt]),
byrow = TRUE, nrow = 2)
if(length(which(x = ft_mat == 0)) > 0){
ft_mat = ft_mat + 1
xf = fisher.test(ft_mat, conf.int = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95)
pval = xf$p.value
or = xf$estimate
ci.up = xf$conf.int[2]
ci.low = xf$conf.int[1]
tdat = data.table::data.table(pval = pval, or = or, ci.up = ci.up, ci.low = ci.low)
fisherTable = data.table::rbindlist(fisherTable, use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE)
fisherTable = cbind(cnvtbl, fisherTable)
fisherTable = fisherTable[order(pval)]
fisherTable[,adjPval := p.adjust(p = pval, method = 'fdr')]
colnames(fisherTable)[3:6] = c(g1Name, g2Name, paste0(g1Name, "_wt"), paste0(g2Name, "_wt"))
.getAmpDelCounts = function(g){
gs <- getCytobandSummary(x = g)
amp_bands = gs[Variant_Classification %in% "Amp"]
del_bands = gs[Variant_Classification %in% "Del"]
amp_bands_samps = lapply(split(amp_bands, amp_bands$Cytoband), function(cb){
cb_tsbs = lapply(cb$Unique_Name, function(b){
b_samps = g@cnMatrix[b,]
names(b_samps[b_samps != ""])
cb_tsbs = unique(unlist(cb_tsbs, use.names = FALSE))
data.table::data.table(Cytoband = unique(cb$Cytoband), Tumor_Sample_Barcode = cb_tsbs)
amp_bands_samps_tbl = data.table::rbindlist(amp_bands_samps)
del_bands_samps = lapply(split(del_bands, del_bands$Cytoband), function(cb){
cb_tsbs = lapply(cb$Unique_Name, function(b){
b_samps = g@cnMatrix[b,]
names(b_samps[b_samps != ""])
cb_tsbs = unique(unlist(cb_tsbs, use.names = FALSE))
data.table::data.table(Cytoband = unique(cb$Cytoband), Tumor_Sample_Barcode = cb_tsbs)
del_bands_samps_tbl = data.table::rbindlist(del_bands_samps)
data.table::rbindlist(list(Amp = amp_bands_samps_tbl, Del= del_bands_samps_tbl), idcol = "Variant_Classification")
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