#' Extract single 5' and 3' bases flanking the mutated site for de-novo signature analysis. Also estimates APOBEC enrichment scores.
#' @details Extracts immediate 5' and 3' bases flanking the mutated site and classifies them into 96 substitution classes.
#' Requires BSgenome data packages for sequence extraction.
#' APOBEC Enrichment: Enrichment score is calculated using the same method described by Roberts et al.
#' E = (n_tcw * background_c) / (n_C * background_tcw)
#' where, n_tcw = number of mutations within T[C>T]W and T[C>G]W context. (W -> A or T)
#' n_C = number of mutated C and G
#' background_C and background_tcw motifs are number of C and TCW motifs occuring around +/- 20bp of each mutation.
#' One-sided Fisher's Exact test is performed to determine the enrichment of APOBEC tcw mutations over background.
#' @references Roberts SA, Lawrence MS, Klimczak LJ, et al. An APOBEC Cytidine Deaminase Mutagenesis Pattern is Widespread in Human Cancers. Nature genetics. 2013;45(9):970-976. doi:10.1038/ng.2702.
#' @param maf an \code{\link{MAF}} object generated by \code{\link{read.maf}}
#' @param ref_genome BSgenome object or name of the installed BSgenome package. Example: BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19
#' Default NULL, tries to auto-detect from installed genomes.
#' @param prefix Prefix to add or remove from contig names in MAF file.
#' @param add If prefix is used, default is to add prefix to contig names in MAF file. If false prefix will be removed from contig names.
#' @param ignoreChr Chromsomes to ignore from analysis. e.g. chrM
#' @param useSyn Logical. Whether to include synonymous variants in analysis. Defaults to TRUE
#' @param fn If given writes APOBEC results to an output file with basename fn. Default NULL.
#' @return list of 2. A matrix of dimension nx96, where n is the number of samples in the MAF and a table describing APOBEC enrichment per sample.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' laml.maf <- system.file("extdata", "tcga_laml.maf.gz", package = "maftools")
#' laml <- read.maf(maf = laml.maf)
#' laml.tnm <- trinucleotideMatrix(maf = laml, ref_genome = 'BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19',
#' prefix = 'chr', add = TRUE, useSyn = TRUE)
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{extractSignatures}} \code{\link{plotApobecDiff}}
#' @export
trinucleotideMatrix = function(maf, ref_genome = NULL, prefix = NULL,
add = TRUE, ignoreChr = NULL, useSyn = TRUE, fn = NULL){
hsgs.installed = BSgenome::installed.genomes(splitNameParts = TRUE)
data.table::setDT(x = hsgs.installed)
#hsgs.installed = hsgs.installed[organism %in% "Hsapiens"]
if(nrow(hsgs.installed) == 0){
stop("Could not find any installed BSgenomes.\nUse BSgenome::available.genomes() for options.")
cat("-Found following BSgenome installtions. Using first entry\n")
ref_genome = hsgs.installed[,pkgname][1]
if(nrow(hsgs.installed[pkgname %in% ref_genome]) == 0){
cat(paste0("-Could not find BSgenome "), ref_genome, "\n")
if(nrow(hsgs.installed) == 0){
stop("Could not find any installed BSgenomes either.\nUse BSgenome::available.genomes() for options.")
cat("-Found following BSgenome installtions. Correct ref_genome argument if necessary\n")
ref_genome = BSgenome::getBSgenome(genome = ref_genome)
query = subsetMaf(maf = maf, query = "Variant_Type %in% 'SNP'", fields = "Chromosome", includeSyn = useSyn, mafObj = FALSE)
#Remove unwanted contigs
query = query[!Chromosome %in% ignoreChr]
if(nrow(query[is.na(Start_Position)]) > 0){
cat("-Removed", nrow(query[is.na(Start_Position)]), "loci with NAs\n")
query = query[!is.na(Start_Position)]
if(nrow(query) == 0){
stop('Zero SNPs to analyze!')
query$Chromosome = paste(prefix, query$Chromosome, sep = '')
query$Chromosome = gsub(pattern = prefix, replacement = '', x = query$Chromosome, fixed = TRUE)
query[, Start_Position := as.numeric(as.character(Start_Position))]
query[, End_Position := as.numeric(as.character(End_Position))]
query_seq_lvls = query[,.N,Chromosome]
ref_seqs_lvls = BSgenome::seqnames(x = ref_genome)
query_seq_lvls_missing = query_seq_lvls[!Chromosome %in% ref_seqs_lvls]
if(nrow(query_seq_lvls_missing) > 0){
warning(paste0("Chromosome names in MAF must match chromosome names in reference genome.\nIgnorinig ", query_seq_lvls_missing[,sum(N)] ," single nucleotide variants from missing chromosomes ", paste(query_seq_lvls_missing[,Chromosome], collapse = ', ')), immediate. = TRUE)
query = query[!Chromosome %in% query_seq_lvls_missing[,Chromosome]]
if(nrow(query) == 0){
stop('Zero SNPs to analyze! Maybe add or remove prefix?')
#Meaure nucleotide frequency and tcw motifs within 20bp up and down of mutated base;
extract.tbl = data.table::data.table(Chromosome = query$Chromosome, Start = query$Start_Position-1, End = query$Start_Position+1,
Reference_Allele = query$Reference_Allele, Tumor_Seq_Allele2 = query$Tumor_Seq_Allele2,
Tumor_Sample_Barcode = query$Tumor_Sample_Barcode, upstream = query$Start_Position-20,
downstream = query$End_Position+20)
cat("-Extracting 5' and 3' adjacent bases\n")
ss = BSgenome::getSeq(x = ref_genome, names = extract.tbl[,Chromosome], start = extract.tbl[,Start] , end = extract.tbl[,End], as.character = TRUE)
cat('-Extracting +/- 20bp around mutated bases for background C>T estimation\n')
updwn = BSgenome::getSeq(x = ref_genome, names = extract.tbl[,Chromosome], start = extract.tbl[,upstream] ,
end = extract.tbl[,downstream], as.character = FALSE)
updwn.alphFreq = data.table::as.data.table(BSgenome::alphabetFrequency(x = updwn))[,.(A, C, G, T)] #Nucleotide frequency
updwn.tnmFreq = data.table::as.data.table(Biostrings::trinucleotideFrequency(x = updwn, step = 1))
extract.tbl[,trinucleotide:= as.character(ss)][,updown := as.character(updwn)]
extract.tbl = cbind(extract.tbl, updwn.alphFreq[,.(A, T, G, C)])
extract.tbl = cbind(extract.tbl, updwn.tnmFreq[,.(TCA, TCT, AGA, TGA)])
extract.tbl[, tcw := rowSums(extract.tbl[,.(TCA, TCT)])]
extract.tbl[, wga := rowSums(extract.tbl[,.(TGA, AGA)])]
extract.tbl[,Substitution:=paste(extract.tbl$Reference_Allele, extract.tbl$Tumor_Seq_Allele2, sep='>')]
extract.tbl$SubstitutionMotif = paste(substr(x = as.character(extract.tbl$trinucleotide), 1, 1),'[',extract.tbl$Substitution, ']', substr(as.character(extract.tbl$trinucleotide), 3, 3), sep='')
#substitutions are referred to by the pyrimidine of the mutated Watson-Crick base pair
conv = c("T>C", "T>C", "C>T", "C>T", "T>A", "T>A", "T>G", "T>G", "C>A", "C>A", "C>G", "C>G")
names(conv) = c('A>G', 'T>C', 'C>T', 'G>A', 'A>T', 'T>A', 'A>C', 'T>G', 'C>A', 'G>T', 'C>G', 'G>C')
extract.tbl$SubstitutionType = conv[extract.tbl$Substitution]
#need to reverse-complement triplet for mutated purines (not just the middle base)
complemented.triplets = paste(
substr(x = as.character(extract.tbl$trinucleotide), 3, 3)],
'[',extract.tbl$SubstitutionType, ']',
complement[substr(as.character(extract.tbl$trinucleotide), 1, 1)],
#which ones need to be reverse-complemented
swap.ind = which(substr(x=extract.tbl$Substitution,1,1) %in% c("G","A"))
swapSubTypeMotif = extract.tbl$SubstitutionTypeMotif = paste(substr(x = as.character(extract.tbl$trinucleotide), 1, 1),'[',extract.tbl$SubstitutionType, ']', substr(as.character(extract.tbl$trinucleotide), 3, 3), sep='')
swapSubTypeMotif[swap.ind] = complemented.triplets[swap.ind]
extract.tbl$SubstitutionTypeMotif = swapSubTypeMotif
#extract.tbl$SubstitutionTypeMotif = paste(substr(x = as.character(extract.tbl$trinucleotide), 1, 1),'[',extract.tbl$SubstitutionType, ']', substr(as.character(extract.tbl$trinucleotide), 3, 3), sep='')
#Possible substitutions and and their motifs
sub.levels = extract.tbl[,.N,Substitution][,Substitution]
sub.motif.levels = c("C[G>A]A", "T[C>G]C", "A[G>A]C", "T[C>T]A", "T[G>C]A", "C[G>A]C",
"A[A>G]C", "T[G>A]G", "G[G>A]A", "G[C>T]G", "T[G>A]A", "T[C>A]T",
"C[C>T]A", "G[G>C]A", "T[C>A]C", "T[C>T]G", "A[G>C]A", "G[C>T]T",
"G[A>G]G", "T[C>T]T", "C[C>T]C", "C[G>A]G", "T[T>A]C", "C[G>A]T",
"C[C>T]G", "A[G>A]A", "T[G>T]G", "A[G>T]A", "C[C>G]T", "A[T>C]A",
"G[G>T]A", "T[C>T]C", "T[C>A]A", "T[C>G]A", "A[T>G]C", "G[G>A]C",
"A[G>T]T", "A[G>A]G", "T[C>G]T", "C[C>A]A", "C[T>G]A", "C[A>G]C",
"C[C>A]C", "T[C>G]G", "A[C>G]G", "C[C>G]C", "T[G>T]T", "T[G>T]C",
"G[G>T]C", "A[T>C]G", "C[T>G]T", "A[C>T]G", "G[T>C]A", "G[A>C]G",
"A[G>C]T", "T[G>C]G", "A[C>G]A", "C[G>C]A", "T[G>C]T", "T[G>A]C",
"A[T>C]C", "T[G>A]T", "A[T>G]T", "C[T>A]T", "A[A>G]T", "A[T>A]G",
"G[G>T]G", "G[G>C]C", "G[C>A]T", "T[G>T]A", "A[C>A]A", "C[C>A]T",
"C[T>C]C", "G[G>A]G", "G[A>C]A", "A[T>C]T", "T[A>T]T", "C[A>T]G",
"A[C>T]C", "T[T>C]C", "G[C>T]C", "A[A>G]A", "A[C>A]T", "G[T>C]C",
"A[G>T]G", "A[T>A]T", "G[G>C]T", "C[G>T]G", "A[C>G]C", "C[G>T]A",
"A[C>T]A", "C[A>T]T", "C[G>T]T", "A[G>T]C", "G[C>T]A", "C[C>A]G",
"G[C>A]A", "G[C>A]G", "G[T>G]C", "G[G>T]T", "G[A>G]C", "T[C>A]G",
"C[C>T]T", "A[G>A]T", "A[A>T]C", "C[T>C]A", "C[C>G]A", "T[T>A]T",
"C[T>C]G", "A[G>C]C", "G[C>G]C", "A[C>T]T", "T[G>C]C", "G[C>G]T",
"G[C>A]C", "C[T>A]C", "C[A>G]T", "A[A>C]T", "G[G>C]G", "A[G>C]G",
"T[T>C]T", "A[A>T]G", "C[G>C]C", "C[T>A]G", "T[T>A]A", "T[A>C]T",
"A[C>A]C", "G[T>C]T", "A[T>A]C", "C[A>C]T", "T[A>C]C", "G[A>T]G",
"T[A>C]A", "G[A>G]T", "G[A>T]T", "C[T>C]T", "G[T>A]T", "G[A>G]A",
"T[T>G]A", "T[T>G]T", "T[A>G]T", "G[A>T]C", "A[A>C]A", "G[G>A]T",
"C[A>C]G", "C[A>G]A", "G[T>G]A", "G[A>T]A", "T[A>C]G", "A[C>G]T",
"G[T>A]A", "T[A>G]C", "C[G>C]G", "T[T>C]G", "T[A>G]G", "A[A>T]T",
"T[T>G]G", "C[A>T]A", "C[A>C]C", "C[G>T]C", "G[T>A]C", "C[A>G]G",
"C[A>C]A", "T[A>T]A", "G[T>C]G", "A[A>C]C", "C[A>T]C", "C[T>G]G",
"A[A>G]G", "G[C>G]A", "A[A>C]G", "T[A>T]G", "C[G>C]T", "T[T>G]C",
"A[T>G]G", "G[T>G]T", "G[T>A]G", "C[C>G]G", "A[C>A]G", "A[A>T]A",
"A[T>G]A", "G[A>C]T", "G[T>G]G", "G[A>C]C", "A[T>A]A", "C[T>G]C",
"T[A>G]A", "G[C>G]G", "T[T>C]A", "C[T>A]A", "T[T>A]G", "T[A>T]C"
#Possible substitution types after being referred to by the pyrimidine of the mutated Watson-Crick base pair
subtype.levels = c("A[C>A]A", "A[C>A]C", "A[C>A]G", "A[C>A]T", "C[C>A]A", "C[C>A]C",
"C[C>A]G", "C[C>A]T", "G[C>A]A", "G[C>A]C", "G[C>A]G", "G[C>A]T",
"T[C>A]A", "T[C>A]C", "T[C>A]G", "T[C>A]T", "A[C>G]A", "A[C>G]C",
"A[C>G]G", "A[C>G]T", "C[C>G]A", "C[C>G]C", "C[C>G]G", "C[C>G]T",
"G[C>G]A", "G[C>G]C", "G[C>G]G", "G[C>G]T", "T[C>G]A", "T[C>G]C",
"T[C>G]G", "T[C>G]T", "A[C>T]A", "A[C>T]C", "A[C>T]G", "A[C>T]T",
"C[C>T]A", "C[C>T]C", "C[C>T]G", "C[C>T]T", "G[C>T]A", "G[C>T]C",
"G[C>T]G", "G[C>T]T", "T[C>T]A", "T[C>T]C", "T[C>T]G", "T[C>T]T",
"A[T>A]A", "A[T>A]C", "A[T>A]G", "A[T>A]T", "C[T>A]A", "C[T>A]C",
"C[T>A]G", "C[T>A]T", "G[T>A]A", "G[T>A]C", "G[T>A]G", "G[T>A]T",
"T[T>A]A", "T[T>A]C", "T[T>A]G", "T[T>A]T", "A[T>C]A", "A[T>C]C",
"A[T>C]G", "A[T>C]T", "C[T>C]A", "C[T>C]C", "C[T>C]G", "C[T>C]T",
"G[T>C]A", "G[T>C]C", "G[T>C]G", "G[T>C]T", "T[T>C]A", "T[T>C]C",
"T[T>C]G", "T[T>C]T", "A[T>G]A", "A[T>G]C", "A[T>G]G", "A[T>G]T",
"C[T>G]A", "C[T>G]C", "C[T>G]G", "C[T>G]T", "G[T>G]A", "G[T>G]C",
"G[T>G]G", "G[T>G]T", "T[T>G]A", "T[T>G]C", "T[T>G]G", "T[T>G]T"
#Set levels for factors
extract.tbl$Substitution = factor(x = extract.tbl$Substitution, levels = as.character(names(conv)))
extract.tbl$SubstitutionMotif = factor(x = extract.tbl$SubstitutionMotif, levels = sub.motif.levels)
extract.tbl$SubstitutionType = factor(x = extract.tbl$SubstitutionType, levels = unique(conv))
extract.tbl$SubstitutionTypeMotif = factor(x = extract.tbl$SubstitutionTypeMotif, levels = subtype.levels)
#Compile data
##This is nucleotide frequcny and motif frequency across 41 bp in C>T and C>G context.
apobecSummary = extract.tbl[as.character(SubstitutionType) %in% c("C>T", "C>G") ,.(A = sum(A), T= sum(T), G = sum(G), C = sum(C), tcw = sum(tcw), wga = sum(wga), bases = sum(A,T,G,C)), Tumor_Sample_Barcode]
##This is per sample conversion events
sub.tbl = extract.tbl[,.N,.(Tumor_Sample_Barcode, Substitution)]
sub.tbl = data.table::dcast(data = sub.tbl, formula = Tumor_Sample_Barcode ~ Substitution, fill = 0, value.var = 'N', drop = FALSE)
sub.tbl[,n_A := rowSums(sub.tbl[,.(`A>C`, `A>G`, `A>T`)], na.rm = TRUE)][,n_T := rowSums(sub.tbl[,.(`T>A`, `T>C`, `T>G`)], na.rm = TRUE)][,n_G := rowSums(sub.tbl[,.(`G>A`, `G>C`, `G>T`)], na.rm = TRUE)][,n_C := rowSums(sub.tbl[,.(`C>A`, `C>G`, `C>T`)], na.rm = TRUE)]
sub.tbl[,n_mutations := rowSums(sub.tbl[,.(n_A, n_T, n_G, n_C)], na.rm = TRUE)]
sub.tbl[,"n_C>G_and_C>T" := rowSums(sub.tbl[,.(`C>G` + `G>C`, `C>T`, `G>A`)], na.rm = TRUE)] #number of APOBEC type mutations (C>G and C>T type)
##This is per substitution type events
subType.tbl = extract.tbl[, .N, .(Tumor_Sample_Barcode, SubstitutionMotif)]
subType.tbl = data.table::dcast(data = subType.tbl, formula = Tumor_Sample_Barcode ~ SubstitutionMotif, fill = 0, value.var = 'N', drop = FALSE)
###tCw events
subType.tbl[, tCw_to_A := rowSums(subType.tbl[,.(`T[C>A]A`, `T[C>A]T`)], na.rm = TRUE)]
subType.tbl[, tCw_to_G := rowSums(subType.tbl[,.(`T[C>G]A`, `T[C>G]T`)], na.rm = TRUE)]
subType.tbl[, tCw_to_T := rowSums(subType.tbl[,.(`T[C>T]A`, `T[C>T]T`)], na.rm = TRUE)]
subType.tbl[, tCw := rowSums(subType.tbl[,.(tCw_to_A, tCw_to_G, tCw_to_T)], na.rm = TRUE)]
###wGa events
subType.tbl[, wGa_to_C := rowSums(subType.tbl[,.(`A[G>C]A`, `T[G>C]A`)], na.rm = TRUE)]
subType.tbl[, wGa_to_T := rowSums(subType.tbl[,.(`A[G>T]A`, `T[G>T]A`)], na.rm = TRUE)]
subType.tbl[, wGa_to_A := rowSums(subType.tbl[,.(`A[G>A]A`, `T[G>A]A`)], na.rm = TRUE)]
subType.tbl[, wGa := rowSums(subType.tbl[,.(wGa_to_C, wGa_to_T, wGa_to_A)], na.rm = TRUE)]
subType.tbl[, "tCw_to_G+tCw_to_T" := rowSums(subType.tbl[,.(`T[C>G]T`, `T[C>G]A`, `T[C>T]T`, `T[C>T]A`, `T[G>C]A`, `A[G>C]A`, `T[G>A]A`, `A[G>A]A`)], na.rm = TRUE)]
###Merge data
sub.tbl = merge(sub.tbl, subType.tbl[,.(tCw_to_A, tCw_to_T, tCw_to_G, tCw, wGa_to_C, wGa_to_T, wGa_to_A, wGa, `tCw_to_G+tCw_to_T`, Tumor_Sample_Barcode)], by = 'Tumor_Sample_Barcode')
sub.tbl = merge(sub.tbl, apobecSummary, by = 'Tumor_Sample_Barcode')
###Estimate APOBEC enrichment
sub.tbl[,APOBEC_Enrichment := (`tCw_to_G+tCw_to_T`/`n_C>G_and_C>T`)/((tcw+wga)/(C+G))]
sub.tbl[,non_APOBEC_mutations := n_mutations - `tCw_to_G+tCw_to_T`]
sub.tbl[,fraction_APOBEC_mutations := round((n_mutations-non_APOBEC_mutations)/n_mutations, digits = 3)]
cat("-Estimating APOBEC enrichment scores\n")
apobec.fisher.dat = sub.tbl[,c(19, 28, 32, 33, 34)]
if(nrow(apobec.fisher.dat) == 1){
apobec.fisher.dat = t(as.matrix(apply(X = apobec.fisher.dat, 2, as.numeric)))
apobec.fisher.dat = apply(X = apobec.fisher.dat, 2, as.numeric)
###One way Fisher test to estimate over representation og APOBEC associated tcw mutations
cat("--Performing one-way Fisher's test for APOBEC enrichment\n")
sub.tbl = cbind(sub.tbl, data.table::rbindlist(apply(X = apobec.fisher.dat, 1, function(x){
xf = fisher.test(matrix(c(x[2], sum(x[3], x[4]), x[1] - x[2], x[3]-x[4]), nrow = 2), alternative = 'g')
data.table::data.table(fisher_pvalue = xf$p.value, or = xf$estimate, ci.up = xf$conf.int[1], ci.low = xf$conf.int[2])
colnames(sub.tbl)[29:35] = paste0("n_bg_", colnames(sub.tbl)[29:35])
sub.tbl = sub.tbl[order(fisher_pvalue)]
##Choosing APOBEC Enrichment scores > 2 as cutoff
sub.tbl$APOBEC_Enriched = ifelse(test = sub.tbl$APOBEC_Enrichment >2, yes = 'yes', no = 'no')
sub.tbl[,fdr := p.adjust(fisher_pvalue, method = 'fdr')] #Adjusted p-values
cat(paste0("---APOBEC related mutations are enriched in "), round(nrow(sub.tbl[APOBEC_Enriched %in% 'yes']) / nrow(sub.tbl) * 100, digits = 3), "% of samples (APOBEC enrichment score > 2 ; ",
nrow(sub.tbl[APOBEC_Enriched %in% 'yes']), " of " , nrow(sub.tbl), " samples)\n")
cat("-Creating mutation matrix\n")
extract.tbl.summary = extract.tbl[,.N , by = list(Tumor_Sample_Barcode, SubstitutionTypeMotif)]
conv.mat = as.data.frame(data.table::dcast(extract.tbl.summary, formula = Tumor_Sample_Barcode~SubstitutionTypeMotif, fill = 0, value.var = 'N', drop = FALSE))
rownames(conv.mat) = conv.mat[,1]
conv.mat = conv.mat[,-1]
#conv.mat = t(t(conv.mat)[colOrder,])
#Check for missing somatic mutation types (this is possible for cancer types with low mutation rate or for a cohort with lesser samples)
colOrder.missing = subtype.levels[!subtype.levels %in% colnames(conv.mat)]
#If any missing add them with zero counts
if(length(colOrder.missing) > 0){
zeroMat = as.data.frame(matrix(data = 0, nrow = nrow(conv.mat), ncol = length(colOrder.missing)))
colnames(zeroMat) = colOrder.missing
conv.mat = cbind(conv.mat, zeroMat)
conv.mat = as.matrix(conv.mat[,match(subtype.levels, colnames(conv.mat))]) #organize columns according to colOrder
#Set NAs to zeros if any (highly unlikely)
conv.mat[is.na(conv.mat)] = 0
cat(paste('--matrix of dimension ', nrow(conv.mat), 'x', ncol(conv.mat), sep=''))
write.table(x = sub.tbl, file = paste0(fn, "_APOBEC_enrichment.tsv"), sep = '\t', quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
return(list(nmf_matrix = conv.mat, APOBEC_scores = sub.tbl))
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