create_output_folder <- function(MACSQuant) {
# Create folder containing various output files
# and variables
if (length(MACSQuant@param.output$path) > 0) {
if (!dir.exists(MACSQuant@param.output$path))
{stop("Provided path does not exists, please sepecify a valid path")}
path <- paste(MACSQuant@param.output$path, "/outputMQ", sep = "")
} else {
path <- "./outputMQ"
if (!dir.exists(file.path(path))) {
message("--> Done: Folder ./outputMQ created")
init_GUI <- function()
# intialize GUI plate plot for user to select replicates on
well_letter <- sort(toupper(letters[seq_len(8)]), decreasing = TRUE)
df <- data.frame(df2 = seq_len(12), df1 = c(
rep(1, 12), rep(2, 12),
rep(3, 12), rep(4, 12), rep(5, 12), rep(6, 12), rep(7, 12), rep(
rownames(df) <- vapply(toupper(letters[seq(8, 1)]), function(x) {
paste(x, seq(12:1), sep = "")
}, character(12))
# TODO external X11()
par(mar = c(3.1, 3.1, 3.1, 9), xpd = TRUE)
yaxt = "n", xaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = FALSE,
ylim = c(-0.49, 8.49), lwd = 3, pch = 21, cex = 4.5, col = "lightblue"
title("Well plate")
axis(2, at = seq_len(8), labels = well_letter, las = 2, line = "1")
axis(1, at = seq_len(12), labels = seq_len(12), line = "-2.5")
text(df, labels = rownames(df), cex = 0.8, font = 1)
to_well_names <- function(point_matrix, col, well_letter) {
# interprete locations plot and return vector containing
# the replicates names
coordinates_raw <- unlist(point_matrix)
coordinates_mat <- matrix(coordinates_raw, ncol = 2)
coordinates_mat <- round(coordinates_mat)
points(coordinates_mat, lwd = 1, pch = 21, cex = 3.2, col = col)
coordinates_mat[, 2] <- well_letter[coordinates_mat[, 2]]
coordinates_names <- paste(coordinates_mat[, 2], coordinates_mat[, 1],
sep = ""
match_id_line <- function(MACSQuant, wid_vector) {
# match replicate id in raw data table (my_data)
# returns indices in raw data
matched <- c()
for (j in wid_vector) {
matched <- c(matched, which(MACSQuant@my_data$WID == j))
compute_statistics <- function(MACSQuant,
stats = "mean") {
data_selected <- MACSQuant@my_data[lines, ]
Counts <- c()
Percent <- c()
for (rep in seq(1, MACSQuant@param.experiment$number_of_replicates * 2,
2)) {
Counts <- c(
data_selected$`Count/mL`[rep] -
data_selected$`Count/mL`[rep + 1]
Percent <- c(Percent, (data_selected$`%-#`[rep + 1]) / 100)
Full.path.first <- unlist(strsplit(
data_selected$`Full path`[1],
WID.first <- sort(data_selected$WID)[1]
if (stats == "mean") {
Count.minus <- mean(Counts) <- mean(Percent)
} else if (stats == "median") {
Count.minus <- median(Counts) <- median(Percent)
} else {
stop(paste("Values for argument stats",
"should be c('mean','median'). Other not supported",
sep = " "
sd_count <- sd(Counts)
Percent.minus <- 1 -
sd_percent <- sd(Percent)
results <- c(
Full.path.first, WID.first,, Percent.minus,
sd_percent, Count.minus, sd_count
order_data <- function(MACSQuant) {
# is_variable_missing=(check_variables()) if
# (length(is_variable_missing)>0){stop(is_variable_missing)}
# pre allocate indice matrix
indice_matrix <- matrix(nrow = 1)
# turn sorted matrix into vector
sorted_vector <- as.vector(t(MACSQuant@my_replicates_sorted))
for (i in sorted_vector) {
matched <- t(which(MACSQuant@my_data$WID == i))
if (length(matched) != 2) {
warning(paste("Your file do not contains 2 gates",
" for replicate: ",
i, "\nPlease be sure to only have",
"P1 and P1/P2 gates in your file",
sep = ""
indice_matrix <- cbind(indice_matrix, matched)
indices <- indice_matrix[, -c(1)]
ignored <- which(!(seq_len(dim(MACSQuant@my_data)[1]) %in% indices))
ignored_print <- paste(unique(MACSQuant@my_data$WID[ignored]),
collapse = ",")
if (length(indices) != dim(MACSQuant@my_data)[1]) {
warning(paste("!!! ",
" not selected and will be ignored",
sep = "", collapse = ""
if (MACSQuant@param.output$save.files == TRUE) {
write.table(MACSQuant@my_data[indices, ],
"/outputMQ/sorted_table.txt", sep = ""),
sep = "\t"
message("--> Done: New data table saved table in ./outputMQ")
message("--> Done: sorted data stored in variable my_data_sorted")
# check_variables <- function() {
# warn <- NULL
# if (!exists("my_data_sorted")) {
# warn <- paste("Variables 'my_data_sorted'",
# "missing: Please run order_data() first",
# sep = " "
# )
# }
# if (!exists("my_replicates_sorted")) {
# warn <- paste("Variables 'my_replicates_sorted'",
# "missing: Please run on_plate_selection() first",
# sep = " "
# )
# }
# if (!(exists("my_data"))) {
# warn <- paste("Variable 'my_data'",
# "missing: Please run load_maxQuant() first",
# sep = " "
# )
# }
# return(warn)
# }
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