### =========================================================================
### MBias: An S4 class to store M-bias data.
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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### Design
### data.frame('read', 'readPos', 'methylationType', 'M', 'U', 'total',
### 'percM')
### read: A factor encoding whether the read is read-1 (R1) or
### read-2 (R2). Single-end data are all encoded as read-1.
### readPos: An integer giving the read-position.
### methylationType: A factor encoding the methylation type as CG, CHG or CHH.
### M: An integer encoding the number of times that
### read-position was methylated.
### U: An integer encoding the number of times that
### read-position was unmethylated.
### total: An integer encoding the number of times that
### read-position was observed.
### percM: The percentage of times that read-positions was
### methylated (M / (M + U)).
### Basically just a data.frame. Probably a little heavy-duty, but in keeping
### with the rest of the package which is S4-based.
#' MBias class
#' An S4 class to store M-bias data.
#' @aliases MBias
#' @export
contains = "data.frame"
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Validity
.valid.MBias.columns <- function(object) {
msg <- NULL
if (!is.data.frame(object)) {
msg <- Biobase::validMsg(msg, "'Mbias' should extend 'data.frame'.")
} else {
if (!identical(colnames(object), c("sampleName", "read", "readPos",
"methylationType", "M", "U", "total",
"percM"))) {
msg <- Biobase::validMsg(msg, paste0("Column names should be ",
"'sampleName', 'read', ",
"'readPos', 'methylationType', ",
"'M', 'U', 'total' and 'percM'"))
else {
if (!is.character(object[["sampleName"]])) {
msg <- Biobase::validMsg(msg, paste0("'sampleName' shouuld be a ",
if (!is.factor(object[["read"]]) ||
!identical(levels(object[["read"]]), c("R1", "R2"))) {
msg <- Biobase::validMsg(msg, paste0("'read' column should be a ",
"factor with levels 'R1' and ",
if (!is.integer(object[["readPos"]])) {
msg <- Biobase::validMsg(msg, paste0("'readPos' column should be ",
"an integer."))
if (!is.factor(object[["methylationType"]]) ||
c("CG", "CHG", "CHH"))) {
msg <- Biobase::validMsg(msg, paste0("'methylationType' column should ",
"be a factor with levels 'CG', ",
"'CHG' and 'CHH'."))
if (!is.integer(object[["M"]])) {
msg <- Biobase::validMsg(msg, "'M' column should be an integer.")
if (!is.integer(object[["U"]])) {
msg <- Biobase::validMsg(msg, "'U' column should be an integer.")
if (!is.integer(object[["total"]])) {
msg <- Biobase::validMsg(msg, "'total' column should be an integer.")
if (!is.numeric(object[["percM"]]) ||
(min(object[["percM"]]) < 0) ||
(max(object[["percM"]]) > 100)) {
msg <- Biobase::validMsg(msg, paste0("'percM' column should be ",
"numeric and between 0 and 100."))
.valid.MBias <- function(object) {
# Include all .valid.MBias.* functions in this vector
msg <- c(.valid.MBias.columns(object))
if (is.null(msg)) {
} else{
S4Vectors::setValidity2("MBias", .valid.MBias)
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### Constructor
# None because I don't want the user constructing these manually, rather they
# should be constructed by readMBias().
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### readMBIas: Read .M-bias.txt file produced by Bismark
# TODO: This is an inefficient function. However, since it only reads small
# files, performance isn't an issue. Nonetheless, it'd be nice to re-factor
# to simplify code maintainability.
#' Read Bismark's M-bias file.
#' @param file A Bismark M-bias file (with \code{.M-bias.txt} extension).
#' @param sampleName The name of the sample. Will guess based on \code{file}
#' if argument is missing.
#' @return A \code{\link{MBias}} object.
#' @export
readMBias <- function(file, sampleName) {
if (missing(sampleName)) {
sampleName <- strsplit(basename(file), ".M-bias.txt")[[1]]
# Echo some information
message(paste0("Reading ", file, " ..."))
# Read the file.
x <- read.table(file, sep = '\n', as.is = TRUE)
# Find 'header' lines, which are dispersed throughout the file.
header_lines <- sapply(X = x, function(xx) {
grepl(pattern = 'context', x = xx)
y <- vector(mode = "list", length = sum(header_lines))
names(y) <- x[header_lines]
# z indexes the lines containing M-bias values.
z <- sapply(X = x, function(xx) {
grep(pattern = "context|^=|position", x = xx, invert = TRUE)
dz <- diff(z)
next_context_idx <- c(which(dz > 1), nrow(z))
colnames_idx <- sapply(X = x, function(xx) {
grep(pattern = "position", x = xx)
colnames <- strsplit(x = x[colnames_idx, ], split = "\t")[[1]]
# Loop over the lines in the file.
for (i in seq_along(next_context_idx)) {
# Note the "+4" to skip the intermediate 'header' rows
start_idx <- ifelse(i == 1, 4, z[next_context_idx[i - 1]] + 4)
end_idx <- z[next_context_idx[i]]
yy <- x[seq(from = start_idx, to = end_idx, by = 1), ]
y[[i]] <- do.call("rbind", lapply(yy, function(yyy, colnames) {
tmp <- strsplit(yyy, split = "\t")
val <- data.frame(as.integer(tmp[[1]][1]),
colnames(val) <- colnames
}, colnames = colnames))
y <- do.call("rbind", y)
y$Context <- strtrim(rownames(y), width = 3)
# Add R1/R2 annotation if paired-end data
if (grepl(pattern = "R1", x = rownames(y)[1])) {
y$Read <- ifelse(grepl(pattern = "R1", x = rownames(y)), "R1", "R2")
} else{
y$Read <- "R1"
rownames(y) <- NULL
# Simplify column names
colnames(y) <- c('readPos', 'M', 'U', 'percM', 'total',
'methylationType', 'read')
# Add sampleName
y$sampleName <- rep(sampleName, nrow(y))
# Re-order columns
y <- y[, c('sampleName', 'read', 'readPos', 'methylationType', 'M', 'U', 'total',
# Replace CpG with CG
y$methylationType <- ifelse(y$methylationType == 'CpG', 'CG',
# Set column types
y$read <- factor(y$read, levels = c("R1", "R2"))
y$methylationType <- factor(y$methylationType, levels = c("CG", "CHG", "CHH"))
# Convert to an MBias object.
new("MBias", y)
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### plot: Plot an MBias object
signature(x = "MBias", y = "missing"),
function(x, ...) {
# TODO: Plot raw or normalised M-bias
ggplot(aes(x = readPos, y = percM, colour = methylationType),
data = x) +
geom_line(lwd = 1.3) +
facet_grid(sampleName ~ read) +
ggtitle("M-bias") +
ylim(c(0, 100)) +
ylab("Percentage methylation") +
xlab("Read-position") +
scale_color_discrete(guide =
guide_legend(title = "Methylation type"))
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### : Identify positions with an M-bias greater than a threshold
# TODO: This is clunky as hell; needs a re-think and a re-design.
#' Filter MBias
#' For each sample, this identifies all read-positions with a normalise M-bias
#' greater than the threshold.
#' @param object An \code{\link{MBiase}} object.
#' @param threshold The threshold at which to filter.
#' @param methylationType The type of methylation to filter.
#' @return A \code{data.table} with the sample name (\code{sampleName}), read
#' (\code{R1} for read-1 and \code{R2} for read-2), methylation type
#' (\code{methylationType}) and positions to filter out (\code{irp} = ignore
#' read positions). The value in the \code{irp} column is designed so that it
#' can be copy-pasted as an argument to \code{methtuple}.
#' @export
function(object, threshold = 3,
methylationType = c("CG", "CHG", "CHG")) {
mt <- match.arg(methylationType)
mbias <- as.data.table(object@.Data)
setnames(mbias, object@names)
# TODO: Should allow filtering of multiple methylation types
mbias <- mbias[methylationType == mt, ]
setkey(mbias, sampleName, methylationType, read)
mbias[, ml := median(percM), by = key(mbias)]
mbias[, r := percM - ml, by = key(mbias)]
mbias[, biased := (abs(r) > threshold), by = key(mbias)]
setkey(mbias, sampleName, read, methylationType)
mbias[, list(irp = paste0('--ir', as.integer(read),
'p ', paste0(readPos[biased],
collapse = ','))),
by = key(mbias)]
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