colRanks: Calculates the rank of the elements for each row (column) of...

colRanks,DelayedMatrix-methodR Documentation

Calculates the rank of the elements for each row (column) of a matrix-like object


Calculates the rank of the elements for each row (column) of a matrix-like object.


## S4 method for signature 'DelayedMatrix'
  rows = NULL,
  cols = NULL,
  ties.method = c("max", "average", "first", "last", "random", "max", "min", "dense"),
  preserveShape = FALSE,
  force_block_processing = FALSE,
  useNames = TRUE

## S4 method for signature 'DelayedMatrix'
  rows = NULL,
  cols = NULL,
  ties.method = c("max", "average", "first", "last", "random", "max", "min", "dense"),
  force_block_processing = FALSE,
  useNames = TRUE



A NxK DelayedMatrix.

rows, cols

A vector indicating the subset of rows (and/or columns) to operate over. If NULL, no subsetting is done.


A character string specifying how ties are treated. Note that the default specifies fewer options than the original matrixStats package.


If TRUE the output matrix has the same shape as the input x. Note, that this is not a generic argument and not all implementation of this function have to provide it.


FALSE (the default) means that a seed-aware, optimised method is used (if available). This can be overridden to use the general block-processing strategy by setting this to TRUE (typically not advised). The block-processing strategy loads one or more (depending on ⁠\link[DelayedArray]{getAutoBlockSize}()⁠) columns (colFoo()) or rows (rowFoo()) into memory as an ordinary base::array.


Additional arguments passed to specific methods.


If TRUE (default), names attributes of result are set. Else if FALSE, no naming support is done.


The S4 methods for x of type matrix, array, table, or numeric call matrixStats::rowRanks / matrixStats::colRanks.

The matrixStats::rowRanks() function can handle a lot of different values for the ties.method argument. Users of the generic function should however only rely on max and average because the other ones are not guaranteed to be implemented:


for values with identical values the maximum rank is returned


for values with identical values the average of the ranks they cover is returned. Note, that in this case the return value is of type numeric.


A matrix of type integer is returned, unless ties.method = "average" when it is of type numeric.

The rowRanks() function always returns an NxK matrix, where N (K) is the number of rows (columns) whose ranks are calculated.

The colRanks() function returns an NxK matrix, if preserveShape = TRUE, otherwise a KxN matrix.

Any names of x are ignored and absent in the result.


Peter Hickey

See Also

  • matrixStats::rowRanks() and matrixStats::colRanks() which are used when the input is a matrix or numeric vector.

  • base::rank


# A DelayedMatrix with a 'Matrix' seed
dm_Matrix <- DelayedArray(Matrix::Matrix(c(rep(1L, 5),
                                           as.integer((0:4) ^ 2),
                                           seq(-5L, -1L, 1L)),
                                         ncol = 3))



PeteHaitch/DelayedMatrixStats documentation built on Jan. 10, 2025, 7:29 p.m.