Man pages for PeteHaitch/DelayedMatrixStats
Functions that Apply to Rows and Columns of 'DelayedMatrix' Objects

colAllsCheck if all elements in a row (column) of a matrix-like...
colAnyNAsCheck if any elements in a row (column) of a matrix-like...
colAvgsPerRowSetCalculates for each row (column) a summary statistic for...
colCollapseExtract one cell from each row (column) of a matrix-like...
colCountsCount how often an element in a row (column) of a matrix-like...
colCummaxsCalculates the cumulative maxima for each row (column) of a...
colDiffsCalculates the difference between each element of a row...
colIQRDiffsCalculates the interquartile range of the difference between...
colIQRsCalculates the interquartile range for each row (column) of a...
colLogSumExpsAccurately calculates the logarithm of the sum of...
colMadsCalculates the median absolute deviation for each row...
colMeans2Calculates the mean for each row (column) of a matrix-like...
colMediansCalculates the median for each row (column) of a matrix-like...
colOrderStatsCalculates an order statistic for each row (column) of a...
colProdsCalculates the product for each row (column) of a matrix-like...
colQuantilesCalculates quantiles for each row (column) of a matrix-like...
colRanksCalculates the rank of the elements for each row (column) of...
colSums2Calculates the sum for each row (column) of a matrix-like...
colTabulatesTabulates the values in a matrix-like object by row (column)
colVarsCalculates the variance for each row (column) of a...
colWeightedMadsCalculates the weighted median absolute deviation for each...
colWeightedMeansCalculates the weighted mean for each row (column) of a...
colWeightedMediansCalculates the weighted median for each row (column) of a...
colWeightedVarsCalculates the weighted standard deviation for each row...
DelayedMatrixStatsDelayedMatrixStats: Functions that apply to rows and columns...
from_DelayedArray_to_simple_seed_classCoerce DelayedArray to its 'simple seed' form
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
PeteHaitch/DelayedMatrixStats documentation built on Jan. 10, 2025, 7:29 p.m.