CopywriteR <- function(sample.control, destination.folder, reference.folder,
bp.param, capture.regions.file,
keep.intermediary.files = FALSE) {
## Check and initialise ##
start.time <- Sys.time()
## Restore work directory upon exit
wd.orig <- getwd()
## Make capture.regions.file path absolute if present
if (missing(capture.regions.file)) {
capture.regions.file <- "not specified"
} else {
capture.regions.file <- tools::file_path_as_absolute(capture.regions.file)
## Make folder paths absolute
sample.control <- apply(sample.control, c(1, 2),
sample.control <- data.frame(sample.control, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(sample.control) <- c("samples", "controls")
destination.folder <- tools::file_path_as_absolute(destination.folder)
reference.folder <- tools::file_path_as_absolute(reference.folder)
## Check the existence of folders and files
invisible(apply(sample.control, c(1, 2), function(x) {
if (!file.exists(x)) {
stop(.wrap("The file", sQuote(x), "could not be found. Please",
"change the path to this file."))
if (!file.exists(destination.folder)) {
stop(.wrap("The destination folder could not be found. Please change",
"the path specified in", sQuote(destination.folder)))
if (!file.exists(reference.folder)) {
stop(.wrap("The reference folder could not be found. Please change",
"the path specified in", sQuote(reference.folder), "or run",
"'preCopywriteR' to generate the required folder with",
"GC-content and mappability files for your desired bin",
if (!file.exists(capture.regions.file) & capture.regions.file != "not specified") {
stop(.wrap("The capture regions file could not be found. Please change",
"the path specified in", sQuote(capture.regions.file)))
## Check for write permissions in the destination folder
if (file.access(destination.folder, 2) == -1) {
stop(.wrap("You do not have write permission in the destination",
## Create lists with BAM files and index of corresponding control
sample.paths <- unlist(sample.control)
sample.paths <- unique(sample.paths[!])
sample.files <- basename(sample.paths)
control.indices <- match(sample.control$controls, sample.paths)
sample.indices <- match(sample.control$samples, sample.paths)
## Load helper files
blacklist.grange <- NULL
GC.mappa.grange <- NULL
load(file.path(reference.folder, "blacklist.rda"))
load(file.path(reference.folder, "GC_mappability.rda"))
## Calculate the maximal number of CPUs to be used
ncpu <- bpworkers(bp.param)
## Retrieve number of chromosomes and bin size from GC.mappa.grange object
chromosomes <- seqlevels(GC.mappa.grange)
bin.size <- width(GC.mappa.grange)[1]
## Create folders
destination.folder <- file.path(destination.folder, "CNAprofiles")
if (!file.exists(file.path(destination.folder))) {
recursive = TRUE)
} else {
stop(.wrap("The folder",
sQuote(file.path(destination.folder, "CNAprofiles")),
"already exists. Please remove it, or (in case you",
"still need it), rename it to prevent files from being",
}, warning = function(e) {
stop(.wrap("You do not have write permissions in the destination",
"folder. Stopping execution of the remaining part of the",
dir.create(file.path(destination.folder, "BamBaiPeaksFiles"),
recursive = TRUE)
## Provide output to log
"CopywriteR.log")))"Running CopywriteR version",
as(packageVersion("CopywriteR"), "character"), "..."))"CopywriteR was run using the following commands:", "\n\n",
"CopywriteR(sample.control = sample.control, ",
"destination.folder = \"", dirname(destination.folder),
"\", reference.folder = \"", reference.folder,
"\", BPPARAM = bp.param, capture.regions.file = \"",
capture.regions.file, "\", keep.intermediary.files = ",
keep.intermediary.files, ")"))"The value of bp.param was:", getClass(bp.param), capture = TRUE)"The value of sample.control was:", sample.control,
capture = TRUE)"The bin size for this analysis is", bin.size))"The capture region file is", capture.regions.file))"This analysis will be run on", ncpu, "cpus"))
cat(.wrap("The following samples will be analyzed:"), "\n")
cat(paste("sample:", sample.files[sample.indices], ";", "\t", "matching",
"control:", sample.files[control.indices]), sep = "\n")
cat(.wrap("The bin size for this analysis is", bin.size), "\n")
cat(.wrap("The capture region file is", capture.regions.file), "\n")
cat(.wrap("This analysis will be run on", ncpu, "cpus"), "\n")
## Test for compatibility chromosome names
prefixes <- vector(mode = "character")
chr.names <- NULL
chr.lengths <- NULL
chr.sort.mode <- NULL
for (samp in sample.paths) {
header <- scanBamHeader(samp)
chr.sort.mode <- c(chr.sort.mode, list(header[[1]]$text$'@HD'))
current.chr.names <- names(header[[1]]$targets)
chr.names <- c(chr.names, list(current.chr.names))
chr.lengths <- c(chr.lengths, list(header[[1]]$targets))
prefixes <- append(prefixes, gsub("[[:digit:]]|X|Y|M|T",
"", current.chr.names)[1])
}, error = function(e) {
stop(.wrap("The BAM file header of file", sQuote(samp), "is corrupted",
"or truncated. Please rebuild this BAM file or exclude it",
"from analysis. Stopping execution of the remaining part of",
"the script..."))
chr.sort.mode <- unlist(lapply(chr.sort.mode, function(x) {
length(grep("SO:coordinate", x))
if (any(chr.sort.mode == 0)) {
stop(.wrap("The following .bam files are unsorted:"), "\n",
paste(sample.paths[which(chr.sort.mode == 0)],
collapse = "\n"), "\n",
"Please sort these .bam files based on coordinates")
if (!all(prefixes == prefixes[1])) {
stop(.wrap("The bam files have different chromosome name prefixes.",
"Please adjust the .bam files such that they contain the",
"same chromosome notation."))
} else if (length(chr.names) > 1) {
if (!all(sapply(chr.names, identical, chr.names[[1]]))) {
stop(.wrap("The bam files have been mapped to different reference",
"genomes (the chromosome names are not identical). Please run",
"only .bam files mapped to the same reference genome together."))
} else if (!all(sapply(chr.lengths, identical, chr.lengths[[1]]))) {
stop(.wrap("The bam files have been mapped to different reference",
"genomes (the chromosome lengths are not identical). Please run",
"only .bam files mapped to the same reference genome together."))
} else {
prefixes <- prefixes[1]
chr.names <- seqlevels(GC.mappa.grange)
prefixes[2] <- gsub("[[:digit:]]|X|Y", "", chr.names)[1]
chr.names <- seqlevels(blacklist.grange)
prefixes[3] <- gsub("[[:digit:]]|X|Y", "", chr.names)[1]
if (!all(prefixes == prefixes[1])) {
stop(.wrap("The support files created using preCopywriter and the",
"bam files and contain different chromosome names.",
"Please run preCopywriteR again using the right prefix",
## Calculate depth of coverage using off-target reads ##
## Create list of .bam files"CopywriteR will analyze the following (unique) samples:",
sample.files, capture = TRUE)
## Index .bam files
if (!all(file.exists(gsub("$", ".bai", sample.paths)))) {
if (file.access(".", 2) == -1) {
stop(.wrap("The .bam files are not indexed and you do not have",
"write permission in (one of) the folder(s) where the",
".bam files are located."))
IndexBam <- function(sample.paths) {
paste0("indexBam(\"", sample.paths, "\")")
to.log <- bplapply(sample.paths, IndexBam, BPPARAM = bp.param)
## Check whether BAMs are paired-end
NumberPairedEndReads <- function(sample.paths) {
bam <- open(BamFile(sample.paths, yieldSize = 1))
what <- c("flag")
param <- ScanBamParam(what = what)
bam <- readGAlignments(bam, param = param)
intToBits(mcols(bam)$flag)[1] == 01
is.paired.end <- bplapply(sample.paths, NumberPairedEndReads,
BPPARAM = bp.param)
is.paired.end <- unlist(is.paired.end)
for (i in seq_along(sample.files)) {"Paired-end sequencing for sample ", sample.files[i],
": ", is.paired.end[i]))
## Remove anomalous reads and reads with Phred < 37
i <- c(seq_along(sample.paths))
ProperReads <- function(i, sample.paths, destination.folder, sample.files,
is.paired.end) {
if (is.paired.end[i]) {
flag <- scanBamFlag(isProperPair = TRUE)
param <- ScanBamParam(flag = flag, what = "mapq")
filter <- S4Vectors::FilterRules(list(isHighQual = function(x) {
x$mapq >= 37
filterBam(sample.paths[i], file.path(destination.folder,
filter = filter, indexDestination = TRUE, param = param)
paste0("filterBam(\"", sample.paths[i], "\", \"",
file.path(destination.folder, "BamBaiPeaksFiles",
gsub(".bam$", "_properreads.bam",
"\", filter = filter, indexDestination = TRUE, ",
"param = param)")
} else {
param <- ScanBamParam(what = "mapq")
filter <- S4Vectors::FilterRules(list(isHighQual = function(x) {
x$mapq >= 37
filterBam(sample.paths[i], file.path(destination.folder,
filter = filter, indexDestination = TRUE, param = param)
paste0("filterBam(\"", sample.paths[i], "\", \"",
file.path(destination.folder, "BamBaiPeaksFiles",
gsub(".bam$", "_properreads.bam",
"\", filter = filter, indexDestination = TRUE, ",
"param = param)")
to.log <- bplapply(i, ProperReads, sample.paths, destination.folder,
sample.files, is.paired.end, BPPARAM = bp.param)
## Read count statistics
Stats.1 <- function(sample.paths) {
res <- bplapply(sample.paths, Stats.1, BPPARAM = bp.param)
res <- Reduce(function(x,y) {rbind(x,y)}, res)
statistics <- res[, "records", drop = FALSE]
rownames(statistics) <- sample.files
statistics[, "total"] <- statistics$records
statistics[, "records"] <- NULL
## Create new .bam list
setwd(file.path(destination.folder, "BamBaiPeaksFiles"))
sample.files <- gsub(".bam$", "_properreads.bam", sample.files)"CopywriteR has finished filtering low-quality and",
"anomalous reads in the following (unique) samples:"),
sample.files, capture = TRUE)
## Read count statistics
Stats.2 <- function(sample.files) {
res <- bplapply(sample.files, Stats.2, BPPARAM = bp.param)
res <- Reduce(function(x,y) {rbind(x,y)}, res)
statistics[, "total.properreads"] <- res
## Create list with numbers of controls
control.uniq.indices <- unique(control.indices)
## Call peaks in .bam file of control sample
DetectPeaks <- function(control.uniq.indices, sample.files, prefix,
used.chromosomes, .peakCutoff, destination.folder) {
## j represents the minimal peak width
j <- 100
## resolution is the resolution at which peaks are determined
resolution <- 20000
## Initialize
merged.bed <- NULL
chromosomes <- scanBamHeader(sample.files[control.uniq.indices])[[1]][["targets"]]
chromosomes <- chromosomes[names(chromosomes) %in% used.chromosomes]
cov.all <- coverage(BamFile(sample.files[control.uniq.indices]))
## Obtain read length
bam <- open(BamFile(sample.files[control.uniq.indices], yieldSize = 1))
bam <- readGAlignments(bam)
read.length <- qwidth(bam)[1]
for (selection in seq_along(chromosomes)) {
## Read bam file per chromosome and calculate coverage
cov.chr <- cov.all[[names(chromosomes)[selection]]]
cov.chr <- as.vector(cov.chr) # Makes subsetting faster
## Calculate peak detection and extension cutoffs per bin
peak.detection.cutoff <- vector(length = length(cov.chr)%/%resolution)
cov.chr.subsets <- NULL
for (i in seq_len(length(cov.chr)%/%resolution)) {
cov.chr.subsets[[i]] <- cov.chr[((i - 1) * resolution + 1):(i * resolution)]
peak.detection.cutoff[i] <- ceiling(.peakCutoff(cov.chr.subsets[[i]]))
## Fill in missing values (zeroes and NAs) in peak.detection.cutoffs
peak.detection.cutoff[which(peak.detection.cutoff == 0)] <- NA
no.values.cutoffs <- which(
no.values.replacements <- vector(length = length(no.values.cutoffs))
for (i in seq_along(no.values.cutoffs)) {
index <- no.values.cutoffs[i]
while ([index]) & index > 1) {
index = index - 1
lower.value <- peak.detection.cutoff[index]
index <- no.values.cutoffs[i]
while ([index]) & index < length(peak.detection.cutoff)) {
index = index + 1
upper.value <- peak.detection.cutoff[index]
no.values.replacements[i] <- ceiling(mean(c(lower.value,
na.rm = TRUE))
peak.detection.cutoff[no.values.cutoffs] <- no.values.replacements
## Create islands and concatenate; select islands that are bigger than certain width (j)
# Use mapply for simultaneously iterating lists and vectors
# If no reads are present anywhere on a chromosome,
# peak.detection.cutoff is NaN for all bins -> test for this
if (![1])) {
peak.ranges <- mapply(function(x, z) {
x <- slice(x, lower = peak.detection.cutoff[z])
shift(ranges(x), resolution * (z - 1))
}, cov.chr.subsets, seq_along(peak.detection.cutoff))
peak.ranges <- Reduce(function(x, y) {
c(x, y)
}, peak.ranges)
peak.ranges <- reduce(peak.ranges)
peak.ranges <- peak.ranges[width(peak.ranges) > j, ]
peak.ranges <- peak.ranges[end(peak.ranges) < chromosomes[selection]%/%resolution * resolution, ]
## Create RleViews object and calculate peakSummary
peaks.ranges.rleviews <- Views(Rle(cov.chr), peak.ranges)
peaks <- peakSummary(peaks.ranges.rleviews)
} else {
peaks <- data.frame()
if (nrow(peaks) > 0) {
test <- data.frame(seqnames = names(chromosomes)[selection],
start = start(peaks), end = end(peaks))
## Reiterate over peaks to check for for large differences in peak detection cutoffs
retest.peak.ranges <- apply(test, 1, function(x) {
left.lower.boundary <- max(0, (as.integer(x["start"]) - (resolution + 1)))
left.higher.boundary <- max(0, (as.integer(x["start"]) - 1))
right.lower.boundary <- min(chromosomes[selection],
(as.integer(x["end"]) + 1))
right.higher.boundary <- min(chromosomes[selection],
(as.integer(x["end"]) + (resolution + 1)))
left.peakCutoff <- ceiling(.peakCutoff(cov.chr[left.lower.boundary:left.higher.boundary]))
right.peakCutoff <- ceiling(.peakCutoff(cov.chr[right.lower.boundary:right.higher.boundary]))
max.peakCutoff <- max(left.peakCutoff, right.peakCutoff)
tmp <- slice(cov.chr[as.integer(x["start"]):as.integer(x["end"])],
lower = max.peakCutoff)
shift(ranges(tmp), as.integer(x["start"]) - 1)
retest.peak.ranges <- Reduce(function(x, y) {
c(x, y)
}, retest.peak.ranges)
retest.peak.ranges <- reduce(retest.peak.ranges)
## Select all with width of more than 100 and within bin regions
retest.peak.ranges <- retest.peak.ranges[width(retest.peak.ranges) > j, ]
retest.peak.ranges <- retest.peak.ranges[end(retest.peak.ranges) < chromosomes[selection]%/%resolution * resolution, ]
## Create RleViews object and calculate peakSummary
retest.peaks.ranges.rleviews <- Views(S4Vectors::Rle(cov.chr),
retest.peaks <- peakSummary(retest.peaks.ranges.rleviews)
test <- cbind(start(retest.peaks), end(retest.peaks))
colnames(test) <- c("start", "end")
if (nrow(test) > 0) {
## Calculate extension cutoff for every peak
lower.cutoff.peaks <- apply(test, 1, function(x) {
left.lower.boundary <- max(0, (as.integer(x["start"]) - (resolution + 1)))
left.higher.boundary <- max(0, (as.integer(x["start"]) - 1))
right.lower.boundary <- min(chromosomes[selection],
(as.integer(x["end"]) + 1))
right.higher.boundary <- min(chromosomes[selection],
(as.integer(x["end"]) + (resolution + 1)))
left.peakCutoff <- floor(.peakCutoff(cov.chr[left.lower.boundary:left.higher.boundary],
fdr.cutoff = 0.1))
right.peakCutoff <- floor(.peakCutoff(cov.chr[right.lower.boundary:right.higher.boundary],
fdr.cutoff = 0.1))
min(left.peakCutoff, right.peakCutoff)
lower.cutoff.peaks <- unlist(lower.cutoff.peaks)
if (nrow(test) > 0) {
for (i in seq_len(nrow(test))) {
index <- test[i, "start"]
while (cov.chr[index] > lower.cutoff.peaks[i]) {
index = index - 1
test[i, "start"] <- index - read.length
index <- test[i, "end"]
while (cov.chr[index] > lower.cutoff.peaks[i]) {
index = index + 1
test[i, "end"] <- index + read.length
test <- as(data.frame(seqnames = names(chromosomes)[selection],
test), "GRanges")
test <- test[order(test)]
test <- reduce(test)
test <- as(test, "data.frame")
test[, "width"] <- NULL
test[, "strand"] <- NULL
merged.bed <- rbind(merged.bed, test)
## Write data
write.table(merged.bed, file = file.path(destination.folder,
".bed")), sep = "\t",
row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
paste0("Analysis of peaks in sample ",
" is done; output file: peaks", control.uniq.indices, ".bed")
# current.bp.param <- bp.param
# bp.param$workers <- ifelse(bp.param$workers < length(control.uniq.indices),
# bp.param$workers, length(control.uniq.indices))
to.log <- bplapply(control.uniq.indices, DetectPeaks, sample.files,
prefixes[1], chromosomes, .peakCutoff,
destination.folder, BPPARAM = bp.param)
# bp.param <- current.bp.param
## Read count statistics
Stats.3 <- function(sample.files, GC.mappa.grange) {
all.reads <- countBam(sample.files)$records
which <- reduce(GC.mappa.grange)
what <- c("pos")
param <- ScanBamParam(which = which, what = what)
chrom.reads <- countBam(file = sample.files, param = param)
chrom.reads <- sum(chrom.reads$records)
c(all.reads = all.reads, chrom.reads = chrom.reads)
res <- bplapply(sample.files, Stats.3, GC.mappa.grange, BPPARAM = bp.param)
res <- res <- data.frame(, c(rbind, res)))
statistics[, "unmappable.or.mitochondrial"] <- res$all.reads - res$chrom.reads
statistics[, "on.chromosomes"] <- res$chrom.reads
## Calculate coverage
i <- c(seq_along(sample.indices))
CalculateDepthOfCoverage <- function(i, sample.files, control.indices,
sample.indices, GC.mappa.grange,
bin.size) {
# Create GRanges object of peak files
if ("peaks", control.indices[i], ".bed"))$size != 0) {
bed <- read.table(file = paste0("peaks", control.indices[i], ".bed"), = TRUE, sep = "\t")
colnames(bed) <- c("Seqnames", "Start", "End")
peak.grange <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(bed)
# Calculate setdiff without reducing ranges
outside.peak.grange <- split(GC.mappa.grange, rep_len(c(1, 2),
length.out = length(GC.mappa.grange)))
outside.peak.grange <- lapply(outside.peak.grange, function(x) {
setdiff(x, peak.grange)
outside.peak.grange <- c(outside.peak.grange[[1]],
outside.peak.grange <- outside.peak.grange[order(outside.peak.grange)]
} else {
outside.peak.grange <- GC.mappa.grange
# countBam on remainder of bins
param <- ScanBamParam(which = outside.peak.grange, what = c("pos"))
counts <- countBam(sample.files[sample.indices[i]], param = param)
# countBam on remainder of bins
param <- ScanBamParam(which = reduce(outside.peak.grange),
what = c("pos"))
counts.CopywriteR <- countBam(sample.files[sample.indices[i]],
param = param)
counts.CopywriteR <- sum(counts.CopywriteR$records)
# Fix MT as levels in factor seqnames (remainder from setdiff operation)
counts$space <- as.factor(as.character(counts$space))
colnames(counts)[1] <- "seqnames"
# Replace bins by real bins & calculate compensated read counts
sample.files[sample.indices[i]] <- gsub("_properreads.bam$", ".bam",
# Aggregate counts and total length per bin
counts.grange <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(counts[, c("seqnames",
"start", "end",
keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
overlaps <- findOverlaps(counts.grange, GC.mappa.grange, minoverlap = 1L)
index <- subjectHits(overlaps)
records <- mcols(counts.grange[queryHits(overlaps)])$records
lengths <- width(pintersect(counts.grange[queryHits(overlaps)],
GC.mappa.grange[subjectHits(overlaps)])) <- data.table(index, records, lengths) <-[, list(records = sum(records),
lengths = sum(lengths)),
by = c("index")] <-[match(seq_along(GC.mappa.grange),$index), ]$records[which($index))] <- 0$lengths[which($index))] <- 0
# Replace bins by real bins & calculate compensated read counts
counts <-
counts[, "Chromosome"] <- as(seqnames(GC.mappa.grange), "factor")
counts[, "Start"] <- start(GC.mappa.grange)
counts[, "End"] <- end(GC.mappa.grange)
counts[, "Feature"] <- paste0(counts$Chromosome, ":",
paste0(counts$Start, "-", counts$End))
counts[, paste0("read.counts.", sample.files[sample.indices[i]])] <-
counts[, paste0("read.counts.compensated.",
sample.files[sample.indices[i]])] <-
counts$records / (counts$lengths / bin.size)
counts[, paste0("fraction.of.bin.", sample.files[sample.indices[i]])] <-
counts$lengths / bin.size
counts$index <- NULL
counts$lengths <- NULL
counts$records <- NULL
counts <- data.frame(counts, check.names = FALSE)
# Return
return(list(counts[, paste0("read.counts.compensated.",
drop = FALSE],
counts[, paste0("read.counts.",
drop = FALSE],
counts[, paste0("fraction.of.bin.",
drop = FALSE],
paste0("Rsamtools finished calculating reads per bin in ",
"sample ", sample.files[sample.indices[i]],
"; number of bins = ", nrow(counts)),
res <- bplapply(i, CalculateDepthOfCoverage, sample.files, control.indices,
sample.indices, GC.mappa.grange, bin.size,
BPPARAM = bp.param)
read.counts <- data.frame(Chromosome = as(seqnames(GC.mappa.grange),
Start = start(GC.mappa.grange),
End = end(GC.mappa.grange))
read.counts[, "Feature"] <- paste0(read.counts$Chromosome, ":",
paste0(read.counts$Start, "-",
## ‘Map’ applies a function to the corresponding elements of given vectors.
res <-, c(cbind, res))
read.counts <- cbind(read.counts[, ], Reduce(cbind, res[1:3]))
## Remove potential NAs introduced by peaks spanning entire bins
read.counts[] <- 0
## Read count statistics
statistics[, ""] <- unlist(res[5])
statistics[, ""] <- statistics$on.chromosomes - statistics$
statistics$on.chromosomes <- NULL"The following number of sequence reads were found in the",
"samples analyzed by CopywriteR:"), statistics,
capture = TRUE)
write.table(read.counts[mixedorder(read.counts$Chromosome), ],
file = file.path(destination.folder, "read_counts.txt"),
row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, sep = "\t")
## Create histograms of fraction.of.bin
## (fraction of length in bins (after peak region removal)
sample.files <- gsub("_properreads.bam$", ".bam", sample.files)
dir.create(file.path(destination.folder, "qc"))
for (i in seq_along(sample.indices)) {
pdf(file.path(destination.folder, "qc",
sample.files[sample.indices[i]], ".pdf")),
width = 7, height = 7)
plot(ecdf(as.numeric(read.counts[, 4 + (2 * length(sample.indices)) + i])),
verticals = TRUE, ylab = "Fraction of bins",
xlab = "Remaining fraction of bin after peak removal",
main = "Cumulative distribution of remaining bin fraction")
## Normalize for GC-content and mappability ##
## Create data input file for correction function
read.counts <- read.counts[, seq_len(4 + length(sample.indices))]
data <- list(cov = read.counts[, 5:ncol(read.counts), drop = FALSE],
anno = read.counts[, c("Chromosome", "Start",
"End", "Feature")])
data$anno[, "mappa"] <- GC.mappa.grange$mappability
data$anno[, "gc"] <- GC.mappa.grange$GCcontent
data$anno[, "black"] <- overlapsAny(GC.mappa.grange, blacklist.grange)
usepoints <- !(data$anno$Chromosome %in% c("X", "Y", "MT",
"chrX", "chrY", "chrM"))
## Perform GC-content and mappability corrections (in .tng helper function)
i <- c(seq_len(ncol(data$cov)))
NormalizeDOC <- function(i, data, .tng, usepoints, destination.folder) {
.tng(data.frame(count = data$cov[, i], gc = data$anno$gc,
mappa = data$anno$mappa),
use = usepoints & data$cov[, i] != 0, correctmappa = TRUE,
plot = file.path(destination.folder, "qc",
paste0(colnames(data$cov)[i], ".png")))
ratios <- bplapply(i, NormalizeDOC, data, .tng, usepoints,
destination.folder, BPPARAM = bp.param) <- matrix(unlist(ratios), ncol = length(sample.indices))
}, error = function(e) {
stop(.wrap("The GC-content and mappability normalization did not work",
"due to a failure to calculate loesses. This can generally",
"be solved by using larger bin sizes. Stopping execution of",
"the remaining part of the script..."))
colnames( <- paste0("log2.", sample.files[sample.indices])
## Create output ##
## Create table with corrected log2 values and write to file
selection <- !data$anno$black & !$anno$mappa) & data$anno$mappa > 0.2 <- data.frame(data$anno[selection, c("Chromosome", "Start",
"End", "Feature")],[selection, , drop = FALSE],
check.names = FALSE)$Chromosome <- as.vector($Chromosome)
## Replace -/+Inf values to -/+large values for compatibility with IGV browser[ == -Inf] <- -.Machine$integer.max / 2[ == Inf] <- .Machine$integer.max / 2
## Create tracking line for viewing options in IGV
igv.track.line <- "#track viewLimits=-3:3 graphType=heatmap color=255,0,0"
## Write output
write.table(igv.track.line, file = file.path(destination.folder,
sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
## Suppress warning that you are 'appending column names to file'
suppressWarnings(write.table([mixedorder($Chromosome), ],
file = file.path(destination.folder,
append = TRUE, sep = "\t",
row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE))
## Calculate overlap with capture.regions.file for quality control purpose ##
## Calculate overlap with capture regions
if (capture.regions.file != "not specified") {
captured.bed <- read.table(capture.regions.file, = TRUE,
sep = "\t")
colnames(captured.bed) <- c("seqnames", "Start", "End")
captured.grange <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(captured.bed)
seqlevels(captured.grange) <- gsub("^", unique(prefixes),
gsub(unique(prefixes), "",
for (control.index in control.uniq.indices) {
peak.bed <- read.table(file = paste0("peaks", control.index,
".bed"), = TRUE, sep = "\t")
colnames(peak.bed) <- c("seqnames", "Start", "End")
peak.grange <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(peak.bed)
overlap <- findOverlaps(captured.grange, peak.grange)"Number of capture regions covered by peaks in ",
"sample ", sample.files[control.index], ": ",
length(unique(queryHits(overlap)))))"Number of peaks covered by capture regions in ",
"sample ", sample.files[control.index], ": ",
length(unique(subjectHits(overlap)))))"Total number of capture regions in sample ",
sample.files[control.index], ": ",
length(captured.grange)))"Total number of peaks in sample ",
sample.files[control.index], ": ",
## Remove BamBaiPeaksFiles folder
if (!keep.intermediary.files) {"The 'keep.intermediary.files variable' was set to",
"FALSE; removing temporary files ..."))
unlink(file.path(destination.folder, "BamBaiPeaksFiles"),
recursive = TRUE)
}"Total calculation time of CopywriteR was",
round(difftime(Sys.time(), start.time, units = "hours"), 2),
cat("Total calculation time of CopywriteR was: ",
Sys.time() - start.time, "\n\n")
inputStructure <- list(sample.control = sample.control,
chromosomes = chromosomes, prefix = prefixes[1],
bin.size = bin.size)
save(inputStructure, file = file.path(destination.folder, "input.Rdata"))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.