
Interacting with your cellWalk object

Pawel F. Przytycki 2021-07-01

Once a cellWalk object has been created, downstream analysis can be performed using an interactive interace. Several additional R packages are required for the interface to function:


Once required packages are installed, an interface can be launched as follows:


To be able to compute label scores for bulk data, the cellWalk object will need to raw ATAC data to be associated with it:

cellWalk <- storeMat(cellWalk, ATACMat, peaks)

Alternatively, if label scores for bulk data have already been computed (as desribed in the main vignette), they can be added to the cellWalk object before launching the vizualization:

cellWalk <- storeBulk(cellWalk, bulkPeaks, labelScores)

PFPrzytycki/CellWalkR documentation built on Oct. 26, 2023, 1:50 p.m.