##' @title Calculate results of a crispr screen from a contrast
##' @description This is a wrapper function that enables direct generation of target-level p-values from a crispr screen.
##' @param fit An object of class \code{MArrayLM} containing, at minimum, a \code{t} slot with t-statistics from the comparison,
##' a \code{df.residual} slot with the corresponding residuals fo the model fits, and an \code{Amean} slot with the respective mean abundances.
##' @param annotation An annotation file for the experiment. gRNAs are annotated by
##' row, and must minimally contain columns \code{geneSymbol} and \code{geneID}.
##' @param RRAalphaCutoff A cutoff to use when defining gRNAs with significantly altered abundance during the RRAa aggregation step, which may be specified
##' as a single numeric value on the unit interval or as a logical vector. When supplied as a logical vector (of length equal to \code{nrows(fit)}),
##' this parameter directly indicates the gRNAs to include during RRAa aggregation. Otherwise, if \code{scoring} is set
##' to \code{pvalue} or \code{combined}, this parameter is interpreted as the maximum nominal p-value required to consider a gRNA's abundance meaningfully
##' altered during the aggregation step. If \code{scoring} is \code{fc}, this parameter is interpreted as the proportion of the list to be considered
##' meaningfully altered in the experiment (e.g., if \code{RRAalphaCutoff} is set to 0.05, only consider the rankings of the 5% most upregulated
##' (or downregulated) gRNAs for the purposes of RRAa calculations).
##' Note that this function uses directional tests to identify enriched or depleted targets, and when RRAalphaCutoff is
##' provided as a logical vector the interpretation of the various aggregation statistics is going to be dependent on the specific criteria
##' used to select reagents for inclusion.
##' @param permutations The number of permutations to use during the RRAa aggregation step.
##' @param contrast.term If a fit object with multiple coefficients is passed in, a string indiating the coefficient of interest.
##' @param scoring The gRNA ranking method to use in RRAa aggregation. May take one of three values: \code{pvalue}, \code{fc},
##' or '\code{combined}'. \code{pvalue} indicates that the gRNA ranking statistic should be created from the (one-sided) p-values in the
##' fit object. \code{fc} indicates that the ranks of the gRNA coefficients should be used instead, and \code{combined} indicates that
##' that the coefficents should be used as the ranking statistic but gRNAs are discarded in the aggregation step based on the corresponding nominal
##' p-value in the fit object.
##' @param alt.annotation Libraries targeting ambiguous biological elements (e.g., alternative promoters to a gene where the boundaries between
##' elelments is contested) may contain reagents that are plausibly annotated to a finite set of possible targets. To accomodate this, users may
##' supply an alternative reagent annotation in the form of a named list of vectors, where each list element corresponds something coercible to a to
##' a character vector of associated targets that will ultimately be assembled into the `geneSymbol` column of the `resultsDF` object. Each of these
##' character vectors should be named identically to a row of the supplied fit object (e.g., the `row.names`). It is assumed that the `geneID` values
##' are assigned unambiguously to the reagents, and are passed through directly.
##' @param permutation.seed numeric seed for permutation reproducibility.
##' Default: \code{NULL} means to not set any seed. This argument is passed
##' through to \code{\link{ct.RRAaPvals}}.
##' @return A dataframe containing gRNA-level and target-level statistics. In addition to the information present in the supplied annotation object,
##' the returned object indicates P-values and Q-values for the depletion and enrichment of each gRNA and associated target, the median log2 fold
##' change estimate among all gRNAs associated with the target, and Rho statistics that are calculated internally by the RRAa algorithm that may be
##' useful in ranking targets that are considered significant at a given alpha or false discovery threshold.
##' @author Russell Bainer
##' @examples data('fit')
##' data('ann')
##' output <- ct.generateResults(fit, ann, permutations = 10)
##' head(output)
##' @return A `resultsDF` formatted dataframe containing gene-level statistics.
##' @examples
##' p = seq(0, 1, length.out=20)
##' fc = seq(-3, 3, length.out=20)
##' fc[2] = NA
##' fc[3] = -20
##' stats = data.frame(
##' Depletion.P=p,
##' Enrichment.P=rev(p),
##' fc=fc
##' )
##' ct.applyAlpha(stats,scoring='combined')
##' @export
ct.generateResults <- function(fit, annotation, RRAalphaCutoff = 0.1, permutations = 1000, contrast.term = NULL, scoring = c("combined", "pvalue", "fc"), alt.annotation = NULL,
permutation.seed = NULL) {
## figure out the scoring method
scoring <- match.arg(scoring)
# make sure that the Fit has P-values.
if (!("p.value" %in% names(fit))) {
stop("Evidence for differential gRNA abundance (p-values) has not been estimated for the provided fit object. Please do so using eBayes(), treat(), or similar method.")
# Select relevant contrast
if (ncol(fit$coefficients) > 1) {
if (is.null(contrast.term)) {
stop("The fit object contains multiple coefficients. Please specify a contrast.term.")
fit <- ct.preprocessFit(fit, contrast.term)
# Apply directional test to the model estimates
pvals <- ct.DirectionalTests(fit)
# prep the annotation
key <- ct.prepareAnnotation(annotation, fit, throw.error = FALSE)
if (!("ID" %in% names(key))) {
key$ID <- row.names(key)
# If provided, check the alt.annotation and expand the fit/key as needed.
if (!is.null(alt.annotation)) {
stopifnot(is.list(alt.annotation), all(names(alt.annotation) %in% row.names(fit)))
# Expand the annotation object
key <- ct.expandAnnotation(key, alt.annotation)
## Prepare the ranking values
rra.input <- ct.applyAlpha(cbind(pvals[key$ID, ], FC = fit$coefficients[key$ID, 1]), RRAalphaCutoff, scoring)
## Add pvalues and qvalues
geneP.depletion <- ct.RRAaPvals(rra.input[, "scores.deplete", drop = FALSE], g.key = key, permute = permutations, permutation.seed = permutation.seed)
geneP.enrichment <- ct.RRAaPvals(rra.input[, "scores.enrich", drop = FALSE], g.key = key, permute = permutations, permutation.seed = permutation.seed)
## generate the Rho values and ranks: These are redundant with work done in ct.RRAPvals ...
rhoEnrich <- ct.RRAalpha(rra.input[, "scores.enrich", drop = FALSE], g.key = key, shuffle = FALSE)
rhoDeplete <- ct.RRAalpha(rra.input[, "scores.deplete", drop = FALSE], g.key = key, shuffle = FALSE)
annotFields <- c("ID", "target", "geneID", "geneSymbol")
if (!all(annotFields %in% names(key))) {
message("Some expected columns are not present in the supplied annotation file.", call. = FALSE)
annotFields <- intersect(annotFields, names(key))
message(paste("Only the following information will be included in the output:", paste(annotFields, collapse = ",")))
## make the DF
summaryDF <- key[, annotFields]
summaryDF$geneSymbol <- as.character(summaryDF$geneSymbol)
summaryDF["gRNA Log2 Fold Change"] <- fit$coefficients[summaryDF$ID, 1]
summaryDF["gRNA Depletion P"] <- signif(pvals[summaryDF$ID, 1], 5)
summaryDF["gRNA Depletion Q"] <- signif(p.adjust(pvals[, "Depletion.P"], "fdr")[summaryDF$ID], 5)
summaryDF["gRNA Enrichment P"] <- signif(pvals[summaryDF$ID, 2], 5)
summaryDF["gRNA Enrichment Q"] <- signif(p.adjust(pvals[, "Enrichment.P"], "fdr")[summaryDF$ID], 5)
summaryDF["Target-level Enrichment P"] <- geneP.enrichment[summaryDF$geneSymbol]
summaryDF["Target-level Enrichment Q"] <- p.adjust(geneP.enrichment, "fdr")[summaryDF$geneSymbol]
summaryDF["Target-level Depletion P"] <- geneP.depletion[summaryDF$geneSymbol]
summaryDF["Target-level Depletion Q"] <- p.adjust(geneP.depletion, "fdr")[summaryDF$geneSymbol]
## Add a column for the median FC for each target:
medianfc <- tapply(summaryDF[, "gRNA Log2 Fold Change"], summaryDF[, "geneSymbol"], median, na.rm = TRUE)
summaryDF["Median log2 Fold Change"] <- as.numeric(medianfc[summaryDF$geneSymbol]) # One per gene rep'd out to one per guide
summaryDF["Rho_enrich"] <- rhoEnrich[summaryDF$geneSymbol]
summaryDF["Rho_deplete"] <- rhoDeplete[summaryDF$geneSymbol]
## order them summaryDF <- summaryDF[order(summaryDF[,'Rho_enrich'], decreasing = FALSE),] summaryDF <- summaryDF[order(summaryDF[,'Target-level Enrichment P'],
## decreasing = FALSE),]
##' Apply RRA 'alpha' cutoff to RRAalpha input
##' The 'alpha' part of RRAalpha is used to consider only the top guide-level scores for gene-level
##' statistics. Practically, all guides failing the cutoff get a pvalue of 1. There are three ways of
##' determining which guides fail. See 'scoring' below.
##' @param stats three-column numeric matrix with pvalues for down and up one-sided test with guide-level fold
##' changes (coefficients from the relevant contrast).
##' @param RRAalphaCutoff A cutoff to use when defining gRNAs with significantly altered abundance during the RRAa aggregation step, which may be specified
##' as a single numeric value on the unit interval or as a logical vector. When supplied as a logical vector (of length equal to \code{nrows(fit)}),
##' this parameter directly indicates the gRNAs to include during RRAa aggregation. Otherwise, if \code{scoring} is set
##' to \code{pvalue} or \code{combined}, this parameter is interpreted as the maximum nominal p-value required to consider a gRNA's abundance meaningfully
##' altered during the aggregation step. If \code{scoring} is \code{fc}, this parameter is interpreted as the proportion of the list to be considered
##' meaningfully altered in the experiment (e.g., if \code{RRAalphaCutoff} is set to 0.05, only consider the rankings of the 5% most upregulated
##' (or downregulated) gRNAs for the purposes of RRAa calculations).
##' @param scoring The gRNA ranking method to use in RRAa aggregation. May take one of three values: \code{pvalue}, \code{fc},
##' or '\code{combined}'. \code{pvalue} indicates that the gRNA ranking statistic should be created from the (one-sided) p-values in the
##' fit object. \code{fc} indicates that the ranks of the gRNA coefficients should be used instead, and \code{combined} indicates that
##' that the coefficents should be used as the ranking statistic but gRNAs are discarded in the aggregation step based on the corresponding nominal
##' p-value in the fit object.
##' @return data.frame with guide-level pvals, fold change, and scores.deplete and scores.enrich which are the input the RRAalpha
##' @examples
##' fakestats <- matrix(runif(300), ncol = 3)
##' colnames(fakestats) = c('Depletion.P', 'Enrichment.P', 'lfc')
##' ct.applyAlpha(fakestats)
##' @author Russell Bainer
##' @export
ct.applyAlpha <- function(stats, RRAalphaCutoff = 0.1, scoring = c("combined", "pvalue", "fc")) {
scoring <- match.arg(scoring)
pvals = stats[, seq_len(2)]
foldchange <- cbind(stats[, 3], -stats[, 3])
## RRAalphaCutoff format
if (length(RRAalphaCutoff) == 1) {
rra.logic <- FALSE
if (!is.numeric(RRAalphaCutoff) | (RRAalphaCutoff < 0) | (RRAalphaCutoff > 1)) {
stop("When provided as a single value, RRAalphaCutoff must be a numeric value equal to 0, 1, or something in between.")
} else {
rra.logic <- TRUE
if ((sum(RRAalphaCutoff %in% c(TRUE, FALSE)) != nrow(pvals)) | (length(RRAalphaCutoff) != nrow(pvals))) {
stop("When provided as a vector, RRAalphaCutoff must be the exact length of the p-value vectors in the fit object and must only contain TRUE or FALSE values.")
if (scoring %in% "fc") {
## Normalize values to rank scores
scores.deplete <- as.matrix(rank(foldchange[, 1])/nrow(foldchange))
scores.enrich <- as.matrix(rank(foldchange[, 2])/nrow(foldchange))
## determine the fold-change significance cutoffs
cut.deplete <- sort(scores.deplete[, 1])[round(nrow(scores.deplete) * RRAalphaCutoff)]
cut.enrich <- sort(scores.enrich[, 1])[round(nrow(scores.enrich) * RRAalphaCutoff)]
if (rra.logic) {
cut.deplete <- RRAalphaCutoff
cut.enrich <- RRAalphaCutoff
} else if (scoring %in% "pvalue") {
## Normalize values to rank scores
scores.deplete <- as.matrix(rank(pvals[, "Depletion.P"])/nrow(pvals))
scores.enrich <- as.matrix(rank(pvals[, "Enrichment.P"])/nrow(pvals))
## determine the significance cutoffs for the rank statistics on the basis of p-values
cut.deplete <- (pvals[, "Depletion.P"] <= RRAalphaCutoff)
cut.enrich <- (pvals[, "Enrichment.P"] <= RRAalphaCutoff)
if (rra.logic) {
cut.deplete <- RRAalphaCutoff
cut.enrich <- RRAalphaCutoff
} else {
cut.deplete <- (pvals[, "Depletion.P"] <= RRAalphaCutoff)
cut.deplete[is.na(cut.deplete)] <- FALSE
scores.deplete <- as.matrix(rank(foldchange[, 1])/nrow(foldchange))
cut.enrich <- (pvals[, "Enrichment.P"] <= RRAalphaCutoff)
cut.enrich[is.na(cut.enrich)] <- FALSE
scores.enrich <- as.matrix(rank(foldchange[, 2])/nrow(foldchange))
if (rra.logic) {
cut.deplete <- RRAalphaCutoff
cut.enrich <- RRAalphaCutoff
## nonsignificant gRNAs are set to 1. Implicitly, this means that the significance relative to alpha is treated as an inherent property of the gRNA.
if (length(cut.deplete) == 1)
pass <- scores.deplete[, 1] <= cut.deplete else pass <- cut.deplete
scores.deplete[!pass, 1] <- 1
if (length(cut.enrich) == 1)
pass <- scores.enrich[, 1] <= cut.enrich else pass <- cut.enrich
scores.enrich[!pass, 1] <- 1
out = cbind(stats, scores.deplete = scores.deplete[, 1], scores.enrich = scores.enrich[, 1])
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