
Defines functions create_profile_matrix

Documented in create_profile_matrix

# SpatialDecon: mixed cell deconvolution for spatial and/or bulk gene expression
# data
# Copyright (C) 2020, NanoString Technologies, Inc.
#        This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
#        under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
#        Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
#        any later version.
#        This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
#        ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
#        FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.    See the GNU General Public License for
#        more details.
#        You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
#        with this program.    If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
# Contact us:
# NanoString Technologies, Inc.
# 530 Fairview Avenue N
# Seattle, WA 98109
# Tel: (888) 358-6266
# pdanaher@nanostring.com

#' Create Custom Cell Profile Matrix
#' Create custom cell profile matrix using single cell data. The average gene expression for each cell type is returned.
#' @param mtx gene x cell count matrix
#' @param cellAnnots cell annotations with cell type and cell name as columns
#' @param cellTypeCol column containing cell type
#' @param cellNameCol column containing cell ID/name
#' @param matrixName name of final profile matrix
#' @param outDir path to desired output directory, set to NULL if matrix should not be written
#' @param geneList gene list to filter profile matrix to 
#' @param normalize Should data be normalized? (TRUE/FALSE) if TRUE data will be normalize using total gene count
#' @param scalingFactor what should all values be multiplied by for final matrix, set to 1 if no scaling is wanted
#' @param minCellNum minimum number of cells of one type needed to create profile, exclusive 
#' @param minGenes minimum number of genes expressed in a cell, exclusive
#' @param discardCellTypes should cell types be filtered for types like mitotic, doublet, low quality, unknown, etc.
#' @return A custom cell profile matrix genes (rows) by cell types (columns), matrix gets written to disk and outDir
#' @examples
#' cellNames <- paste0("Cell", seq_len(1500))
#' geneNames <- paste0("Gene", seq_len(1500))
#' mtx <- matrix(data=sample(size = length(cellNames)*length(geneNames),
#'                           replace = TRUE,
#'                           x = c(0,seq_len(100)), 
#'                           prob = c(0.6784, rep(0.0075, 15), rep(0.005, 25),
#'                                    rep(0.002, 25), rep(0.001, 35))), 
#'                           ncol = length(cellNames), nrow = length(geneNames), 
#'                           dimnames = list(geneNames, cellNames))
#' cellAnnots <- as.data.frame(cbind(CellID=cellNames, 
#'                                   cellType=sample(size = length(cellNames), 
#'                                                   replace = TRUE,
#'                                                   x = c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
#'                                                   prob = c(0.1, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2))))
#' table(cellAnnots$cellType)
#' profile_matrix <- create_profile_matrix(mtx = mtx,    
#'                                         cellAnnots = cellAnnots, 
#'                                         cellTypeCol = "cellType",
#'                                         cellNameCol = "CellID",
#'                                         minGenes = 10,
#'                                         scalingFactor = 1)
#' head(profile_matrix)
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export

create_profile_matrix <- function(mtx, cellAnnots, cellTypeCol, cellNameCol,
                                  matrixName = "Custom", outDir = "./", 
                                  geneList = NULL, normalize = FALSE,
                                  scalingFactor = 5, minCellNum = 15,
                                  minGenes = 100, discardCellTypes = FALSE) {
    # checking user input values
        stop("count matrix is necessary")
        if (!dir.exists(outDir) ) {
            stop("Output directory is not valid")
    if (is.null(cellAnnots)){
        stop("Cell Annotations are needed")
        stop("cellTypeCol must not be NULL")
    }else if (!cellTypeCol %in% colnames(cellAnnots)){
        stop("cellTypeCol not in cellAnnots")
        stop("cellNameCol must not be NULL")
    }else if (!cellNameCol %in% colnames(cellAnnots)){
        stop("cellNameCol not in cellAnnots")
    if(!is(normalize, "logical")){
        warning("normalize not a boolean, continuing with assumption that data should not be normalized")
        normalize <- TRUE
    if(!is(discardCellTypes, "logical")){
        warning("discardCellTypes not a boolean, continuing with default of discarding cell types")
        discardCellTypes <- TRUE
    if(!is(scalingFactor, "numeric")){
        warning("scalingFactor not a numeric, continuing with default value of 5")
        scalingFactor <- 5
    if(!is(minCellNum, "numeric")){
        warning("minCellNum not a numeric, continuing with default value of 15")
        minCellNum <- 15
    if(!is(minGenes, "numeric")){
        warning("minGenes not a numeric, continuing with default value of 100")
        minGenes <- 100
    #make a sparse matrix
    mtx <- Matrix::Matrix(as.matrix(mtx), sparse = TRUE) 
    cellTypes <- NULL
    #read in cell type annotation file
    #get cell types 
    cellTypes <- cellAnnots[[cellTypeCol]]
    #assign cell name to type
    names(cellTypes) <- cellAnnots[[cellNameCol]]
        stop("cellAnnots and/or cellTypeCol arguments are incorrectly formatted. 
                 cellAnnots should be a data frame, and cellTypeCol should give the 
                 name of the column holding each cell's cell type.")
    # mtx <- as.data.frame(mtx)
    if(!any(names(cellTypes) %in% colnames(mtx)) & 
       any(names(cellTypes) %in% rownames(mtx))){
        print("Transposing Matrix")
        mtx<- t(mtx)
    if(!any(names(cellTypes) %in% colnames(mtx))){
        stop(paste("cellNameCol names does not match count matrix column names", 
                   "matrix cell names:", colnames(mtx)[1], "annots cell names:", names(cellTypes)[1]))
    }else if(!all(names(cellTypes) %in% colnames(mtx))){
        missing <- length(which(!names(cellTypes) %in% colnames(mtx)))
        warning(paste("not all cellNameCol names are in count matrix;", missing, "cells are missing"))
    if(discardCellTypes == TRUE){
        #remove cells with no cell type assignment
        w2rm <- which(is.na(cellTypes) | tolower(cellTypes) %in% c("unspecified", "unknown", "not available")) 
        w2rm <- unique(c(w2rm, grep(pattern = "doublet|dividing|low q|filtered|mitotic", x = tolower(cellTypes))))
        if(length(w2rm) > 0){
            cellTypes <- cellTypes[-w2rm]
    #normalize data if necessary 
    if(normalize == TRUE){
        print("Normalizing Matrix")
        med <- median(Matrix::colSums(mtx))
        cols <- colnames(mtx)
        rows <- rownames(mtx)
        mtx <- Matrix::Matrix(sweep(mtx, 2, Matrix::colSums(mtx), "/") * med, 
                              sparse = TRUE) 
        colnames(mtx) <- cols
        rownames(mtx) <- rows
    atlas <- NULL
    #get all unique cell types
    CTs <- unique(cellTypes)
    print("Creating Atlas")
    #change to apply() if bioconductor requires it
    for(i in CTs){
        #print log of progress
        print(paste(which(CTs == i), "/", length(CTs), ":", i))
        #get cell names for this cell type
        cellsType <- names(cellTypes)[which(cellTypes == i)]
        #confirm cells are in matrix
        cellsType <- cellsType[which(cellsType %in% colnames(mtx))]
        if(length(cellsType) > minCellNum){
            if(length(cellsType) > 1){
                #remove cells with low gene expression
                cellsType <- cellsType[which(Matrix::colSums(mtx[,cellsType] > 0) > minGenes)]
                cellsType <- cellsType[which(sum(mtx[,cellsType] > 0) > minGenes)]
            if(length(cellsType) > minCellNum){
                #get average expression if there are enough cells for cell type
                if(length(cellsType) > minCellNum & length(cellsType) != 1){
                    atlas <- as.data.frame(cbind(atlas, Matrix::rowMeans(mtx[,cellsType], na.rm = TRUE)))
                    colnames(atlas)[ncol(atlas)] <- i
                    atlas <- as.data.frame(cbind(atlas, mtx[,cellsType]))
                    colnames(atlas)[ncol(atlas)] <- i
                warning(paste("\n", i, "was dropped from matrix because it didn't have enough viable cells based on current filtering thresholds. 
                                        If this cell type is necessary consider changing minCellNum or minGenes\n"))
            warning(paste("\n", i, "was dropped from matrix because it didn't have enough viable cells based on current filtering thresholds. 
                                        If this cell type is necessary consider changing minCellNum or minGenes\n"))
    numCellTypesExpr <- 1
    #subset to genes expressed in at least a user defined number of cell type(s)
    if(ncol(atlas) == 1){
        w2kp <- which(Matrix::rowSums(atlas > 0) >= numCellTypesExpr)
        cols <- colnames(atlas)
        rows <- rownames(atlas)[w2kp]
        atlas <- as.matrix(atlas[w2kp,])
        colnames(atlas) <- cols
        rownames(atlas) <- rows
        rm(cols, rows, w2kp)
        atlas <- atlas[which(Matrix::rowSums(atlas > 0) >= numCellTypesExpr),]
    #scale data
    atlas <- atlas * scalingFactor
        if(any(geneList %in% rownames(atlas))){
            #subset to genes in panel
            atlas <- atlas[rownames(atlas) %in% geneList,]
            warning("geneList genes do not match genes in matrix, no filtering done")
    #ensure cell types don't contain ","
    colnames(atlas) <- gsub(pattern = ",", replacement = "-", x = colnames(atlas))
        #write profile matrix
        write.table(atlas, file = paste0(outDir, "/", matrixName, "_profileMatrix.csv"), 
                    row.names = TRUE, col.names = NA, quote = FALSE, sep = ",")
Nanostring-Biostats/SpatialDecon documentation built on Dec. 19, 2024, 12:57 a.m.