setClass("SignatureSet", contains = "VersionedBiobase", slots = c(weights = "NumericList",
groups = "factor", func = "character", version = "character"), prototype = prototype(new("VersionedBiobase",
versions = c(SignatureSet = "1.0.0")), weights = NumericList(), groups = factor(),
func = character(), version = character()))
setMethod("initialize", "SignatureSet", function(.Object, weights = NumericList(), ...) {
callNextMethod(.Object, weights = as(weights, "NumericList"), groups = factor(names(weights)),
func = rep("default", length(weights)), version = "0.0.1", ...)
setMethod("initialize", "SignatureSet", function(.Object, weights = NumericList(), groups = factor(),
...) {
callNextMethod(.Object, weights = as(weights, "NumericList"), groups = factor(groups),
func = rep("default", length(weights)), version = "0.0.1", ...)
setMethod("initialize", "SignatureSet", function(.Object, weights = NumericList(), groups = factor(),
func = character(), ...) {
callNextMethod(.Object, weights = as(weights, "NumericList"), groups = factor(groups),
func = as(func, "character"), version = "0.0.1", ...)
setMethod("initialize", "SignatureSet", function(.Object, weights = NumericList(), groups = factor(),
func = character(), version = character(), ...) {
callNextMethod(.Object, weights = as(weights, "NumericList"), groups = factor(groups),
func = as(func, "character"), version = as(version, "character"), ...)
setMethod("show", signature = "SignatureSet", function(object) {
cat("weights: ")
if (length(weights(object)) == 0L)
else cat("use 'weights(object)'")
SignatureSet <- function(weights = NumericList(), ...) {
new2("SignatureSet", weights = weights, groups = rep("Group", length(weights)), func = rep("default",
length(weights)), ...)
SignatureSet <- function(weights = NumericList(), groups = factor(), ...) {
new2("SignatureSet", weights = weights, groups = groups, func = rep("default", length(groups)),
SignatureSet <- function(weights = NumericList(), groups = factor(), func = character(),
...) {
new2("SignatureSet", weights = weights, groups = groups, func = func, ...)
SignatureSet <- function(weights = NumericList(), groups = factor(), func = character(),
version = character(), ...) {
new2("SignatureSet", weights = weights, groups = groups, func = func, version = version,
setMethod("weights", "SignatureSet", function(object, ...) object@weights)
setGeneric("weights<-", signature = c("object", "value"), function(object, value) standardGeneric("weights<-"))
setReplaceMethod("weights", c("SignatureSet", "NumericList"), function(object, value) {
object@weights <- value
setReplaceMethod("weights", c("SignatureSet", "CompressedNumericList"), function(object,
value) {
object@weights <- as(value, "NumericList")
setReplaceMethod("weights", c("SignatureSet", "ANY"), function(object, value) {
object@weights <- as(value, "NumericList")
setReplaceMethod("weights", c("SignatureSet", "list"), function(object, value) {
value <- lapply(value, function(x) {
if (is.matrix(x) && ncol(x) == 1L)
structure(x[, 1L, drop = TRUE], names = rownames(x))
else x
object@weights <- as(value, "NumericList")
setReplaceMethod("weights", c("SignatureSet", "NULL"), function(object, value) {
object@weights <- NumericList()
setGeneric("groups", signature = c("object"), function(object, ...) standardGeneric("groups"))
setMethod("groups", "SignatureSet", function(object, ...) object@groups)
setGeneric("groups<-", signature = c("object", "value"), function(object, value) standardGeneric("groups<-"))
setReplaceMethod("groups", c("SignatureSet", "factor"), function(object, value) {
object@groups <- ifelse(inherits(value, "factor"), as(value, "factor"), factor(value))
setReplaceMethod("groups", c("SignatureSet", "ANY"), function(object, value) {
object@groups <- ifelse(inherits(value, "factor"), as(value, "factor"), factor(value))
setReplaceMethod("groups", c("SignatureSet", "NULL"), function(object, value) {
object@groups <- factor()
setGeneric("version", signature = c("object"), function(object, ...) standardGeneric("version"))
setMethod("version", "SignatureSet", function(object, ...) object@version)
setGeneric("version<-", signature = c("object", "value"), function(object, value) standardGeneric("version<-"))
setReplaceMethod("version", c("SignatureSet", "character"), function(object, value) {
object@version <- value
setReplaceMethod("version", c("SignatureSet", "ANY"), function(object, value) {
object@version <- as(value, "character")
setReplaceMethod("version", c("SignatureSet", "NULL"), function(object, value) {
object@version <- character()
setGeneric("setSigFuncs<-", signature = c("object", "value"), function(object, value) standardGeneric("setSigFuncs<-"))
setReplaceMethod("setSigFuncs", c("SignatureSet", "character"), function(object, value) {
object@func <- value
setGeneric("getSigFuncs", signature = c("object"), function(object, ...) standardGeneric("getSigFuncs"))
setMethod("getSigFuncs", "SignatureSet", function(object, ...) object@func)
setMethod("length", "SignatureSet", function(x) {
setMethod("names", "SignatureSet", function(x) {
setMethod("lengths", "SignatureSet", function(x, use.names = TRUE) {
vapply(weights(x), function(x) sum(names(x) != "(Intercept)"), FUN.VALUE=numeric(1), USE.NAMES = use.names)
validSignatureSet <- function(object) {
errorMessage <- NULL
if (!inherits(object@weights, "NumericList")) {
errTmp <- "Weights are not a NumericList"
errorMessage <- switch(is.null(errorMessage), errTmp, paste(errorMessage, errTmp,
sep = "\n"))
if (!inherits(object@func, "character")) {
errTmp <- "Functions are not a character"
errorMessage <- switch(is.null(errorMessage), errTmp, paste(errorMessage, errTmp,
sep = "\n"))
if (length(object@weights) != length(object@groups)) {
errTmp <- paste("Unequal weights and groups. Length weights: ", length(object@weights),
", Length groups: ", length(object@groups), sep = "")
errorMessage <- switch(is.null(errorMessage), errTmp, paste(errorMessage, errTmp,
sep = "\n"))
if (length(object@weights) != length(object@func)) {
errTmp <- paste("Unequal weights and func Length weights: ", length(object@weights),
", Length func: ", length(object@func), sep = "")
errorMessage <- switch(is.null(errorMessage), errTmp, paste(errorMessage, errTmp,
sep = "\n"))
if (length(object@groups) != length(object@func)) {
errTmp <- paste("Unequal groups and func Length groups: ", length(object@groups),
", Length func: ", length(object@func), sep = "")
errorMessage <- switch(is.null(errorMessage), errTmp, paste(errorMessage, errTmp,
sep = "\n"))
if (length(object@weights) != length(union(names(object@weights), names(object@groups)))) {
errTmp <- paste("Weight names do not match group member names", sep = "\n")
errorMessage <- switch(is.null(errorMessage), errTmp, paste(errorMessage, errTmp,
sep = "\n"))
if (length(object@weights) != length(union(names(object@weights), names(object@func)))) {
errTmp <- paste("Weight names do not match func member names", sep = "\n")
errorMessage <- switch(is.null(errorMessage), errTmp, paste(errorMessage, errTmp,
sep = "\n"))
if (length(object@weights) != length(union(names(object@groups), names(object@func)))) {
errTmp <- paste("Groups names do not match func member names", sep = "\n")
errorMessage <- switch(is.null(errorMessage), errTmp, paste(errorMessage, errTmp,
sep = "\n"))
ifelse(is.null(errorMessage), TRUE, errorMessage)
setValidity("SignatureSet", validSignatureSet)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.