setGeneric("setQCFlags", signature = "object", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("setQCFlags"))
setMethod("setQCFlags", "NanoStringRccSet", function(object, qcCutoffs = list(Housekeeper = c(failingCutoff = 32,
passingCutoff = 100), Imaging = c(fovCutoff = 0.75), BindingDensity = c(minimumBD = 0.1,
maximumBD = 2.25, maximumBDSprint = 1.8), ERCCLinearity = c(correlationValue = 0.95),
ERCCLoD = c(standardDeviations = 2)), hkGenes = NULL, ReferenceSampleColumn = NULL,
...) {
fovPercentLB = qcCutoffs[["Imaging"]][["fovCutoff"]]
bindDenRange = c(qcCutoffs[["BindingDensity"]][["minimumBD"]], qcCutoffs[["BindingDensity"]][["maximumBD"]])
posCtrlRsqLB = qcCutoffs[["ERCCLinearity"]][["correlationValue"]]
negCtrlSDUB = qcCutoffs[["ERCCLoD"]][["standardDeviations"]]
minHKGeoMean = qcCutoffs[["Housekeeper"]][["failingCutoff"]]
blHKGeoMean = qcCutoffs[["Housekeeper"]][["passingCutoff"]]
maxBindDen = qcCutoffs[["BindingDensity"]][["maximumBD"]]
maxBindDenSprint = qcCutoffs[["BindingDensity"]][["maximumBDSprint"]]
stopifnot(is.numeric(bindDenRange) && length(bindDenRange) == 2L && !anyNA(bindDenRange) &&
bindDenRange[1L] >= 0 && bindDenRange[1L] < bindDenRange[2L])
negCtrl <- negativeControlSubset(object)
posCtrl <- positiveControlSubset(object)
posCtrl <- posCtrl[featureData(posCtrl)[["ControlConc"]] >= 0.5, ]
controlConc <- featureData(posCtrl)[["ControlConc"]]
prData <- protocolData(object)
x <- log2(controlConc)
if (is.null(hkGenes)) {
subHKGenes <- housekeepingSubset(object)
else {
preHKGenes <- housekeepingSubset(object)
subHKGenes <- subset(preHKGenes, featureData(preHKGenes)[["GeneName"]] %in% hkGenes)
hkStats <- summary(subHKGenes, 2L, elt = "exprs")
if (!is.null(ReferenceSampleColumn)) {
pam50HKGenes <- c("MRPL19", "SF3A1", "PUM1", "ACTB", "PSMC4", "RPLP0", "GUSB",
subHKGenes <- subHKGenes[which(featureData(subHKGenes)[["GeneName"]] %in% pam50HKGenes),
thkStats <- summary(subHKGenes, 2L, elt = "exprs")
hkStats[rownames(thkStats), ] <- thkStats
Binding <- unlist(apply(data.frame(prData[["BindingDensity"]], substr(protocolData(object)[["ScannerID"]],
5, 5), bindDenRange[1L]), 1, function(x) {
maxBD <- switch(x[2], A = maxBindDen, B = maxBindDen, C = maxBindDen, D = maxBindDen, E = maxBindDen,
G = maxBindDen, H = maxBindDen, P = maxBindDenSprint, default = maxBindDen)
return(x[1] < x[3] | x[1] > maxBD)
negCtrld <- munge(negCtrl, mapping = aes_(exprs ="exprs")))
cutoff <- negCtrld[["exprs"]]
cutoff <- tapply(cutoff, negCtrld[["SampleName"]], function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)) +
negCtrlSDUB * tapply(cutoff, negCtrld[["SampleName"]], function(x) sd(x, na.rm = TRUE))
prData[["QCFlags"]] <- cbind(Imaging = prData[["FovCounted"]]/prData[["FovCount"]] <
fovPercentLB, Binding = Binding, Linearity = assayDataApply(posCtrl, 2L, function(y) {
cxy <- cor(x, log2t(y, 0.5))^2 < posCtrlRsqLB
cxy <- ifelse(, TRUE, cxy)
}), LoD = apply(exprs(posCtrl[controlConc == 0.5, ]), 2L, max) < cutoff, Housekeeping = hkStats[,
"GeomMean"] < minHKGeoMean)
prData[["QCBorderlineFlags"]] <- cbind(Imaging = rep(FALSE, nrow(prData@data)), Binding = rep(FALSE,
nrow(prData@data)), Linearity = rep(FALSE, nrow(prData@data)), LoD = rep(FALSE,
nrow(prData@data)), Housekeeping = hkStats[, "GeomMean"] > minHKGeoMean & hkStats[,
"GeomMean"] < blHKGeoMean)
QCResults <- apply(prData[["QCFlags"]], 1L, function(x) {
y <- sum(x) == 0L
y <- ifelse(, TRUE, y)
if (sum(QCResults) < 5) {
stop("Unable to run 360 Report: less than five samples passed QC")
protocolData(object) <- prData
preproc(object)["QCFlags"] <- list( =
isSinglePercent <- function(x) {
is.numeric(x) && length(x) == 1L && !anyNA(x) && x >= 0 && x <= 1
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