fitNBthmDEfeat <- function(Y, probenum, X, Z, sizefact, sizefact0, preci1, threshold_mean, preci2, Lambdati, mapping, cluster_size,
temp_size, rl, rt, sizescalebythreshold, cRandom) {
nmh_sq <- cRandom$nmh_sq
thin_sq <- cRandom$thin_sq
thetapri <- cRandom$thetapri
nu <- cRandom$nu
lower <- cRandom$lower
upper <- cRandom$upper
iterations <- cRandom$iterations
useprior <- cRandom$useprior
preciu <- cRandom$preciu
para_fixmat <- matrix(0, iterations, ncol(X) + 2)
theta_mat <- matrix(0, iterations, max(rt$Lind))
if (missing(preci1)) {
preci1 <- diag(1, ncol(X))
Im <- NA
conv <- FALSE
dive <- FALSE
if (sizescalebythreshold) {
sizefact <- sizefact * threshold_mean * probenum
sizefact0 <- sizefact0 * threshold_mean * probenum
threshold_mean <- 1.0
} else {
threshold_mean <- threshold_mean * probenum
para_fix0 <- para_fix <- c(numeric(ncol(X)), 1, threshold_mean)
Sigma <- as.matrix(Lambdati) %*% t(as.matrix(Lambdati))
for (iter in seq_len(iterations)) {
Tem <- Sigma[seq_len(temp_size), seq_len(temp_size), drop = FALSE]
U <- NBthmDE_uOpt(numeric(rl), X, Z, Y, sizefact0, sizefact, para_fix, preciu, 0)$par
# print(U)
## Metropolis Hasting
for (iter_conv in seq_len(5)) {
if (!conv) {
Umat <- NBthmDE_mh(
Tem, U, X, as.matrix(Z), Y, sizefact0,
sizefact, para_fix, nmh_sq[iter]
} else {
Umat <- NBthmDE_mh(
Tem, U, X, as.matrix(Z), Y, sizefact0,
sizefact, para_fix, nmh_sq[iterations]
# print(colMeans(Umat))
## MLE for covariance
if (useprior) {
covnll <- NBthm_rcovnlliWp(Umat, Lambdati, mapping, nu = nu, diag(thetapri, rl))
} else {
covnll <- NBthm_rcovnll(Umat, Lambdati, mapping)
result <- tryCatch(
expr = {
optim(rt$theta, covnll, lower = lower, upper = upper, method = "L-BFGS-B")
error = function(e) {
message(sprintf("`optim` encountered singularity problems. Re-assigning the initial values (%s/5).", iter_conv))
if (!is.null(result)) {
if (is.null(result)) {
para_fix = NA,
theta = NA,
Im = NA,
conv = NA,
Uvec = NA
theta <- result$par
# print(theta)
theta_mat[iter, ] <- theta
# print(theta)
Lambdati@x[] <- mapping(theta)
Sigma <- as.matrix(Lambdati) %*% t(as.matrix(Lambdati))
## MLE for parameters for fixed effects
if (!conv) {
result <- NBthmDE_fparaOptfeat(X, Z, Y, sizefact0, sizefact, preci1, threshold_mean, preci2, Umat[((seq_len(thin_sq[iter])) * floor(nmh_sq[iter] / thin_sq[iter])), ], para_fix, iter == iterations)
} else {
result <- NBthmDE_fparaOptfeat(X, Z, Y, sizefact0, sizefact, preci1, threshold_mean, preci2, Umat[((seq_len(thin_sq[iterations])) * floor(nmh_sq[iterations] / thin_sq[iterations])), ], para_fix, 1)
para_fix <- result$par
para_fixmat[iter, ] <- para_fix
if (conv | (iter == iterations)) {
hes <- result$hes
gr0 <- NBthmDE_gradM(
Y, X, Z, para_fix, Umat[((seq_len(thin_sq[iterations])) * floor(nmh_sq[iterations] / thin_sq[iterations])), ],
sizefact0, sizefact, preci1, preci2, threshold_mean
grt <- plyr::alply(gr0, 2, function(x) x %*% t(x))
a <- array(unlist(grt), c(ncol(X) + 2, ncol(X) + 2, length(grt)))
grm <- apply(a, seq_len(2), mean)
Im <- hes - grm
if (conv) break
if (sum((para_fix - para_fix0)^2) < 5e-3) {
conv <- TRUE
if (mean(diag(as.matrix(Lambdati))) > 19.98) {
dive <- TRUE
# print(iter)
if (dive) {
Im <- NA
para_fix0 <- para_fix
Tem <- Sigma[seq_len(temp_size), seq_len(temp_size), drop = FALSE]
Temupper <- Tem
Temupper[lower.tri(Tem)] <- 0
varcov <- methods::as(Temupper, "sparseMatrix")@x[]
# print(mconv)
message(sprintf("conv = %s", conv))
message(sprintf("theta = %s", paste0(round(theta, 4), collapse = " ")))
message(sprintf("varcov = %s", paste0(round(varcov, 4), collapse = " ")))
message(sprintf("Iteration = %s", iter))
# plot(theta_mat[200:300,1])
para_fix = para_fix,
theta = theta,
Im = Im,
conv = conv,
varcov = varcov,
Uvec = colMeans(Umat)
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