#' Negative Binomial threshold mixed model for differential expression analysis
#' Negative Binomial threshold mixed model for differential expression analysis
#' @param form model formula
#' @param object count matrix with features in rows and samples in columns
#' @param split indicator variable on whether it is for multiple slides (Yes, TRUE; No, FALSE)
#' @param ROIs_high ROIs with high expressions defined based on featfact and featfact
#' @param features_all full list of features
#' @param sizefact size factor
#' @param sizefact_BG size factor for background
#' @param preci1 precision matrix for regression coefficients
#' @param threshold_mean average background level
#' @param preci2 precision for the background, default=10000
#' @param sizescalebythreshold XXX, default=FALSE
#' @param controlRandom list of random effect control parameters, default=list()
#' @param ... additional argument list that might be used
#' @return a list with parameter estimation
#' #' \itemize{
#' \item X, design matrix for fixed effect
#' \item Z, design matrix for random effect
#' \item rt, random effect terms
#' \item para0, =NA
#' \item para, estimated parameters, including regression coefficients, r and threshold in rows and features in columns
#' \item sizefact, same as input sizefact
#' \item sizefact0, NA
#' \item preci1, input precision matrix for regression coefficients
#' \item Im0, NA
#' \item Im, Information matrix of parameters
#' \item conv0, NA
#' \item conv, vector of convergence, 0 converged, 1 not converged
#' \item features_high, NA
#' \item features_all, same as the input features_all
#' \item theta, list of estimated random effect parameters
#' \item MAP random effect
#' }
#' @importFrom Biobase sampleNames
#' @importFrom Biobase annotation
#' @examples
#' library(Biobase)
#' library(dplyr)
#' data(demoData)
#' demoData <- demoData[, c(1:5, 33:37)]
#' demoData <- fitPoisBG(demoData, size_scale = "sum")
#' demoData <- aggreprobe(demoData, use = "cor")
#' demoData <- BGScoreTest(demoData)
#' demoData$slidename <- substr(demoData[["slide name"]], 12, 17)
#' thmean <- 1 * mean(fData(demoData)$featfact, na.rm = TRUE)
#' demo_pos <- demoData[which(!fData(demoData)$CodeClass == "Negative"), ]
#' demo_neg <- demoData[which(fData(demoData)$CodeClass == "Negative"), ]
#' sc1_scores <- fData(demo_pos)[, "scores"]
#' names(sc1_scores) <- fData(demo_pos)[, "TargetName"]
#' features_high <- ((sc1_scores > quantile(sc1_scores, probs = 0.4)) &
#' (sc1_scores < quantile(sc1_scores, probs = 0.95))) |>
#' which() |>
#' names()
#' set.seed(123)
#' demoData <- fitNBth(demoData,
#' features_high = features_high,
#' sizefact_BG = demo_neg$sizefact,
#' threshold_start = thmean,
#' iterations = 5,
#' start_para = c(200, 1),
#' lower_sizefact = 0,
#' lower_threshold = 100,
#' tol = 1e-8)
#' ROIs_high <- sampleNames(demoData)[which(demoData$sizefact_fitNBth * thmean > 2)]
#' features_all <- rownames(demo_pos)
#' pData(demoData)$group <- c(rep(1, 5), rep(2, 5))
#' NBthDEmod2 <- fitNBthDE(form = ~group,
#' split = FALSE,
#' object = demoData,
#' ROIs_high = ROIs_high,
#' features_high = features_high,
#' features_all = features_all,
#' sizefact_start = demoData[, ROIs_high][['sizefact_fitNBth']],
#' sizefact_BG = demoData[, ROIs_high][['sizefact']],
#' threshold_mean = notes(demoData)[["threshold"]],
#' preci2=10000,
#' prior_type="contrast",
#' covrob=FALSE,
#' preci1con=1/25,
#' sizescalebythreshold=TRUE)
#' set.seed(123)
#' NBthmDEmod1 <- fitNBthmDE(
#' form = ~ group + (1 | `slide name`),
#' split = FALSE,
#' object = demoData,
#' ROIs_high = ROIs_high,
#' features_all = features_all[1:5],
#' sizefact = demoData[, ROIs_high][["sizefact_fitNBth"]],
#' sizefact_BG = demoData[, ROIs_high][["sizefact"]],
#' preci1=NBthDEmod2$preci1,
#' threshold_mean = thmean,
#' preci2=10000,
#' sizescale = TRUE,
#' controlRandom=list(nu=12, nmh_e=400, thin_e=60))
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname fitNBthmDE-methods
signature = c("object"),
function(object, ...) standardGeneric("fitNBthmDE")
#' @rdname fitNBthmDE-methods
#' @aliases fitNBthmDE,NanoStringGeoMxSet-method
"fitNBthmDE", "NanoStringGeoMxSet",
function(object, form, split, ROIs_high = NULL,
features_all = NULL, sizefact = NULL, sizefact_BG = NULL,
preci1, threshold_mean = NULL,
preci2=10000, sizescalebythreshold = TRUE, controlRandom = list()) {
fDat <- Biobase::fData(object)
pDat <- Biobase::pData(object)
posdat <- object[-which(fDat$CodeClass == "Negative"), ]
countmat <- Biobase::exprs(posdat)
fDatNeg <- fDat[which(fDat$CodeClass == "Negative"), ]
# only calculate backmean if any of the three params are missing
if (any(c(is.null(sizefact_BG), is.null(sizefact), is.null(ROIs_high), is.null(threshold_mean)))) {
if (isFALSE(split)) {
# single slide
if (!("sizefact" %in% varLabels(object))) {
stop("Please run `fitPoisBG` first.")
} else {
# calculate the backmean for WTA or CTA data
featfact_mean <- mean(fDatNeg[["featfact"]])
} else {
# multiple slides
if (!("sizefact_sp" %in% varLabels(object))) {
stop("Please run `fitPoisBG` first with `groupvar`.")
} else {
# calculate the backmean for WTA or CTA data
featfact_mean <- colMeans(fDatNeg[, grep("featfact_", fvarLabels(object))])[1]
# calculate probenum for the dataset
if ("probenum" %in% fvarLabels(posdat)) {
probenum <- fData(posdat)[["probenum"]]
} else {
stop("No `probenum` is found. Run `aggreprobe` first.")
names(probenum) <- rownames(fData(posdat))
# extract annot from object
annot <- Biobase::pData(object)
# setting default value for ROIs_high
if (is.null(ROIs_high)) {
if (!("sizefact_fitNBth" %in% varLabels(object))) {
stop("Please run `fitNBth` first.")
} else {
# estimate values for ROIs_high
ROIs_high <- Biobase::sampleNames(object)[which((quantile(Biobase::fData(object)[["para"]][, 1], probs = 0.90, na.rm = TRUE) -
Biobase::notes(object)[["threshold"]]) * object$sizefact_fitNBth > 2)]
# setting default value for sizefact_BG
if (is.null(sizefact_BG)) {
if (isFALSE(split)) {
# single slide
sizefact_BG <- pDat[ROIs_high, "sizefact"]
} else {
# multiple slides
sizefact_BG <- pDat[ROIs_high, ][["sizefact_sp"]]
names(sizefact_BG) <- rownames(pDat[ROIs_high, ])
# setting default value for sizefact
if (is.null(sizefact)) {
if (!("sizefact_fitNBth" %in% colnames(pDat))) {
stop("Please run `fitNBth` first.")
} else {
sizefact <- pDat[ROIs_high, ][["sizefact_fitNBth"]]
names(sizefact) <- rownames(pDat[ROIs_high, ])
# setting default value for features_high
if (is.null(features_all)) {
gene_sum <- rowSums(countmat)
if (any(grepl("WTA", toupper(Biobase::annotation(object))))) {
features_high <- names(which(((gene_sum > quantile(gene_sum, probs = 0.5)) & (gene_sum < quantile(gene_sum, probs = 0.95)))))
features_high <- sample(features_high, 1500)
} else if (any(grepl("CTA", toupper(Biobase::annotation(object))))) {
if ( !any(grepl("scores", colnames(fDat))) ) {
stop("Please run `BGScoreTest` first. If you run `BGScoreTest` before, please specify `split = TRUE` for multiple slides.")
} else {
if ( any(grepl("scores_", colnames(fDat))) ){
# fit the model with multiple slides
sc1_scores <- fData(posdat)[, grep("scores_", fvarLabels(posdat))]
rownames(sc1_scores) <- fData(posdat)[, "TargetName"]
features_high <- apply(sc1_scores, 2, function(x){
((x > quantile(x, probs = 0.4)) & (x < quantile(x, probs = 0.95)))
features_high <- names(which(apply(features_high, 1, all)))
} else {
sc1_scores <- fData(posdat)[, "scores"]
names(sc1_scores) <- fData(posdat)[, "TargetName"]
features_high <- ((sc1_scores > quantile(sc1_scores, probs = 0.4)) & (sc1_scores < quantile(sc1_scores, probs = 0.95)))
features_high <- names(which(features_high))
} else {
stop("No information is found to determine the data type (CTA or WTA).")
features_all <- features_high[seq_len(5)]
result <- fitNBthmDE(
form = form,
annot = annot[ROIs_high, ],
object = countmat[, ROIs_high],
probenum = probenum,
features_all = features_all,
sizefact = sizefact,
sizefact_BG = sizefact_BG,
preci1 = preci1,
threshold_mean = threshold_mean,
preci2 = preci2,
sizescalebythreshold = sizescalebythreshold,
controlRandom = controlRandom
#' Negative Binomial threshold mixed model for differential expression analysis
#' Negative Binomial threshold mixed model for differential expression analysis
#' @param form model formula
#' @param annot annotations files with variables in the formula
#' @param object count matrix with features in rows and samples in columns
#' @param probenum a vector of numbers of probes in each gene, default = rep(1, NROW(object))
#' @param features_all vector of all features to be run
#' @param sizefact size factor
#' @param sizefact_BG size factor for background
#' @param preci1 precision matrix for regression coefficients
#' @param threshold_mean average background level
#' @param preci2 precision for the background, default=10000
#' @param sizescalebythreshold whether to scale the size factor, default=TRUE
#' @param controlRandom list of random effect control parameters
#' @importFrom lme4 lFormula
#' @return a list with parameter estimation
#' #' \itemize{
#' \item X, design matrix for fixed effect
#' \item Z, design matrix for random effect
#' \item rt, random effect terms
#' \item para0, =NA
#' \item para, estimated parameters, including regression coefficients, r and threshold in rows and features in columns
#' \item sizefact, same as input sizefact
#' \item sizefact0, NA
#' \item preci1, input precision matrix for regression coefficients
#' \item Im0, NA
#' \item Im, Information matrix of parameters
#' \item conv0, NA
#' \item conv, vector of convergence, 0 converged, 1 not converged
#' \item features_high, NA
#' \item features_all, same as the input features_all
#' \item theta, list of estimated random effect parameters(for relative covariance matrix)
#' \item varcov, list of estimated variance covariance parameter estimation
#' \item MAP random effect
#' }
#' @rdname fitNBthmDE-methods
#' @aliases fitNBthmDE,matrix-method
"fitNBthmDE", "matrix",
function(form, annot, object, probenum = rep(1, NROW(object)),
features_all, sizefact, sizefact_BG, preci1, threshold_mean = NULL,
preci2=10000, sizescalebythreshold = TRUE, controlRandom = list()) {
if (is.null(names(probenum))) names(probenum) <- rownames(object)
n_feature <- length(features_all)
cRandom <- list(
nmh_s = 40, nmh_e = 200,
thin_s = 8, thin_e = 20, useprior = TRUE, thetapri = 1,
nu = NA, lower = NA, upper = NA, iterations = 300,
lower0 = 0.01, upper0 = 20, preciu0 = 1
# Options for random effect
cRandomNames <- names(cRandom)
cRandom[(controlN <- names(controlRandom))] <- controlRandom
if (length(unkwn <- controlN[!controlN %in% cRandomNames])) {
warning("Unknown names in control: ", paste(unkwn, collapse = ", "))
annot$fake <- 1
if (length(form) == 2) {
form[[3]] <- form[[2]]
form[[2]] <- as.name("fake")
resu <- lme4::lFormula(form, data = annot)
X <- resu$X
rt <- resu$reTrms
Z <- t(as.matrix(rt$Zt))
Lambdati <- rt$Lambdat
mapping <- function(theta) theta[rt$Lind]
if (missing(preci1)) {
preci <- diag(1, ncol(X))
rl <- nrow(Lambdati)
if (is.na(cRandom$preciu0)) {
cRandom$preciu0 <- 1
cRandom$preciu <- diag(cRandom$preciu0, rl)
lower <- rt$lower
lower[lower == 0] <- cRandom$lower0
cRandom$lower <- lower
upper <- -rt$lower
upper[upper == 0] <- cRandom$upper0
cRandom$upper <- upper
if (is.na(cRandom$nu)) {
nu <- 4 + rl
cRandom$nu <- nu
cluster_size <- sum(rt$Lind == 1)
temp_size <- nrow(Lambdati) / cluster_size
para <- matrix(0, nrow = (ncol(X) + 2), ncol = n_feature)
theta <- matrix(0, nrow = max(rt$Lind), ncol = n_feature)
varcov <- theta
colnames(theta) <- features_all
colnames(varcov) <- features_all
colnames(para) <- features_all
Im <- list()
nmh_sq <- floor(seq(cRandom$nmh_s, cRandom$nmh_e, length.out = cRandom$iterations))
thin_sq <- floor(seq(cRandom$thin_s, cRandom$thin_e, length.out = cRandom$iterations))
cRandom$nmh_sq <- nmh_sq
cRandom$thin_sq <- thin_sq
Uvec <- matrix(0, ncol(Z), n_feature)
colnames(Uvec) <- features_all
conv <- numeric(n_feature)
names(conv) <- features_all
for (feature in features_all) {
NBthmmodfeat <- fitNBthmDEfeat(
t(object[feature, ]), probenum[feature], X, Z, sizefact, sizefact_BG, preci1, threshold_mean, preci2, Lambdati,
mapping, cluster_size, temp_size, rl, rt, sizescalebythreshold, cRandom
para[, feature] <- NBthmmodfeat$para_fix
theta[, feature] <- NBthmmodfeat$theta
varcov[, feature] <- NBthmmodfeat$varcov
Im[[feature]] <- NBthmmodfeat$Im
Uvec[, feature] <- NBthmmodfeat$Uvec
conv[feature] <- NBthmmodfeat$conv
names(Im) <- features_all
names(theta) <- features_all
paraname <- c(colnames(X), c("r", "threshold"))
rownames(para) <- paraname
X = X,
Z = Z,
rt = rt,
para0 = NA,
para = para,
sizefact = sizefact,
sizefact0 = NA,
preci1 = preci1,
conv0 = NA,
conv = conv,
Im0 = NA,
Im = Im,
features_high = NA,
features_all = features_all,
theta = theta,
varcov = varcov,
Uvec = Uvec
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