#' @title Compute the Hamming distance between two samples
#' @description Computes the Hamming distance for two samples using both
#' alleles. See details section for more information about the Hamming
#' distance.
#' @details The Hamming distance is given by
#' \eqn{min(s1A1 != s2A1 + s1A2 != s2A2, s1A1 != s2A2 + s1A2 != s2A1)} where
#' \code{s1} and \code{s2} are two samples and \code{A1} and \code{A2} are
#' there alleles.
#' @param allele a \code{tibble} object with 3 mandatory columns:
#' "SampleName", "AlleleName" and "AlleleGroup".
#' @return a \code{tibble} object with one row containing the minimum
#' Hamming distance and a \code{logical} column indicating whether
#' same allele was used. If the
#' distance is the same for both, then \code{NA} is returned.
#' @examples
#' ## Create a demo dataset
#' demoData <- data.frame(SampleName=c("s1", "s1", "s2", "s2"),
#' AlleleName=c(1, 2, 1, 2), AlleleGroup=c(1, 3, 1, 5))
#' ## Transform to tibble object
#' demoDataTibble <- dplyr::as_tibble(demoData)
#' ## Calculate the Hamming distance on the demo dataset
#' HLAClustRView:::hamming_distance_digit1(demoDataTibble)
#' @author Santiago Medina, Nissim Ranade
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% mutate group_by summarise filter slice
#' @importFrom purrr reduce
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom tidyr crossing
#' @keywords internal
hamming_distance_digit1 <- function(allele) {
stopifnot(nrow(allele) == 4)
alleleSplit <- allele %>% split(allele$SampleName)
colnames(alleleSplit[[2]]) <- paste0(colnames(alleleSplit[[2]]), "_2")
hdist <- crossing(alleleSplit[[1]], alleleSplit[[2]]) %>% # biparty graph to compute simularities
is_similar = .data$AlleleGroup != .data$AlleleGroup_2,
same_allele = .data$AlleleName == .data$AlleleName_2
) %>%
group_by(.data$same_allele) %>%
summarise(distance = sum(.data$is_similar)) %>%
filter(.data$distance == min(.data$distance))
# hdist <-
# allele %>%
# split(allele$SampleName) %>%
# reduce(.f = crossing) %>% # biparty graph to compute simularities
# mutate(
# is_similar = .data$AlleleGroup != .data$AlleleGroup_2,
# same_allele = .data$AlleleName == .data$AlleleName_2
# ) %>%
# group_by(.data$same_allele) %>%
# summarise(distance = sum(.data$is_similar)) %>%
# filter(.data$distance == min(.data$distance))
result <- hdist
## check if the minimum distance is the same
if (nrow(hdist) == 2) {
result <- mutate(hdist, same_allele = NA) %>%
#' @title Sample Pair Distance
#' @description Computes the Hamming Distance for a pair of samples and then
#' aggregates the
#' sum over the genes keeping information of which allele was used for
#' the distance
#' @param sample_pair_data a \code{tibble} with columns GeneName (genes),
#' Allele (alleles), Digit1 (digit 1) and sample (see example data)
#' @return a \code{tibble} object with one row and column HammingDistance &
#' column data corresponding to the same_allele information
#' @examples
#' ## Load example dataset
#' data("example_sample_pair_data")
#' ## Computes the Hamming distance for one pair of samples
#' HLAClustRView:::sample_pair_distance(example_sample_pair_data)
#' @author Santiago Medina, Nissim Ranade
#' @importFrom tidyr nest unnest spread
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by %>% summarise filter pull select mutate n
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @keywords internal
sample_pair_distance <- function(sample_pair_data) {
# make sure only two samples are given
stopifnot(length(unique(sample_pair_data$SampleName)) == 2)
# get complete cases, a gene should apear in both samples
# to get the distance
complete_genes <-
sample_pair_data %>%
group_by(.data$GeneName) %>%
summarise(total = n()) %>%
filter(.data$total == 4) %>%
distances_per_gene <-
sample_pair_data %>%
filter(.data$GeneName %in% complete_genes) %>% # keep complete cases
group_by(.data$GeneName) %>%
nest() %>%
mutate(x = map(.data$data, hamming_distance_digit1)) %>%
select(-data) %>%
distances_per_gene %>% as_tibble() %>%
mutate(HammingDistance = sum(.data$distance)) %>%
select(-.data$distance) %>%
group_by(.data$HammingDistance) %>%
#' @title Calculate Hamming distance between all samples
#' @description Takes an object containing HLA typing information for all
#' samples and computes the Hamming distance
#' for each pair of samples.
#' @param hla_data a \code{list} of class \code{HLADataset} containing a
#' \code{tibble} object with the HLA typing information for all samples. At
#' least 2 samples must be present be able to calculate the metric.
#' @return a \code{list} of class \code{HLAMetric}
#' containing the following elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{metric} a \code{character} string containing the name of the
#' metric "Hamming Distance".
#' \item \code{dist} a \code{matrix} that contains the Hamming distance between
#' samples.
#' }
#' @details The Hamming distance is given by
#' \eqn{min(s1A1 != s2A1 + s1A2 != s2A2, s1A1 != s2A2 + s1A2 != s2A1)} where
#' \code{s1} and \code{s2} are two samples and \code{A1} and \code{A2} are
#' there alleles.
#' @examples
#' ## Load example dataset
#' data(demoHLADataset)
#' ## Calculate Hamming distance metric
#' calculateHamming(demoHLADataset)
#' @author Santiago Medina, Nissim Ranade
#' @importFrom dplyr filter mutate select group_by inner_join as_tibble rename %>%
#' @importFrom tidyr unnest nest
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @importFrom purrr map_lgl possibly map2
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
calculateHamming <- function(hla_data) {
## Validate that a HLADataset is passed as argument
if (!"HLADataset" %in% class(hla_data)) {
stop("hla_data must be of class \"HLADataset\"")
## Validate that the HLA information is present and that
## at least 2 samples are present
if(!is.null(hla_data$data)) {
if (length(unique(hla_data$data$SampleName)) < 2) {
stop("hla_data must contain information for at least 2 samples")
} else {
stop("A entry called \"data\" is missing from hla_data")
hla_data <- hla_data$data
hla_data <- select(hla_data, .data$SampleName, .data$GeneName,
.data$AlleleName, .data$AlleleGroup)
ssample_pair_distance <- possibly(sample_pair_distance, otherwise = FALSE)
map_data_to_distance <- function(s1, s2) {
# get's the data for s1 and s2 and applys the distance function
filter(hla_data, .data$SampleName %in% c(s1, s2)) %>%
#print(paste0("s1 ", s1, " s2 ", s2))
## Create a tibble with 2 columns containing all the possible combinaison
## of samples
sample_pairs <-
unique(hla_data$SampleName) %>%
combn(m = 2) %>%
t() %>%
as_tibble() %>%
rename(SampleName1 = .data$V1, SampleName2 = .data$V2)
distances <-
sample_pairs %>%
mutate(x = map2(.data$SampleName1, .data$SampleName2,
map_data_to_distance)) %>%
mutate(is_error = map_lgl(.data$x, is.logical)) %>%
filter(!.data$is_error) %>%
select(-.data$is_error) %>%
distances %>%
select(-.data$HammingDistance) %>%
unnest(data) %>%
group_by(.data$SampleName1, .data$SampleName2) %>%
nest() %>%
y = select(distances, .data$SampleName1, .data$SampleName2,
by = c("SampleName1", "SampleName2")
) %>%
rename(AlleleName_info = data)
distanceMatrix <- makeDistanceMatrix(distances)
## Prepare HLADataset object
res <- list()
res[["dist"]] <- distanceMatrix
res[["alleleInfo"]] <- distances
res[["metric"]] <- "Hamming Distance"
class(res) <- "HLAMetric"
#' @title Convert distance table to distance matrix
#' @description This function takes a distance table under the form of a
#' \code{tibble} object and transforms it into a distance matrix
#' ready for clustering.
#' @param outMet a \code{tibble} object containing distance metric for sample
#' pairs.
#' @return a \code{matrix} containing the distance for sample pairs.
#' @examples
#' ## Tibble object containing a distance table
#' pairedData <- data.frame(SampleName1=c("ERR053", "ERR053", "ERR465"),
#' SampleName2=c("ERR465", "ERR040", "ERR040"),
#' HammingDistance = c(17, 18, 19))
#' tibbleData <- dplyr::as_tibble(pairedData)
#' ## Calculate distance matrix
#' HLAClustRView:::makeDistanceMatrix(tibbleData)
#' @author Santiago Medina, Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschenes
#' @keywords internal
makeDistanceMatrix <- function(outMet) {
nbCase <- length(unique(outMet$SampleName1)) + 1
matDia <- matrix(unlist(vapply(seq_len(nbCase), FUN.VALUE = double(nbCase),
FUN=function(x, outMetric, nbCase){
l <- NULL
if (x < nbCase) {
pos <- ((x-1) * (nbCase) - ((x-1)*x)/2 + 1)
l <- c(rep(0, x),
} else {
l <- rep(0, x)
outMetric=outMet, nbCase=nbCase)), ncol=nbCase)
# Add row names and column names to the distance matrix
nameMat <- c(unique(unlist(outMet[,1])),
rownames(matDia) <- nameMat
colnames(matDia) <- nameMat
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