
Defines functions metadata_input_select condition_input_select export_format_of_plot diff_method_input_select codon_filter_input_select codon_score_input_select normalization_input_select heatmap_color_select heatmap_region_select region_view_select frame_type_select library_input_select tx_input_select gene_input_select experiment_input_select organism_input_select

Documented in organism_input_select

#' Select box for organism
#' @param genomes name of genomes, returned from list.experiments()
#' @param ns the ID, for shiny session
#' @importFrom Biostrings head
#' @return selectizeInput object
#' @importFrom shinyhelper helper
organism_input_select <- function(genomes, ns) {
  #genomes <- stringr::str_to_sentence(gsub("_", " ", list.genomes()$name))
    inputId = ns("genome"),
    label = "Select an Organism",
    choices = genomes,
    selected = head(genomes, 1),
    multiple = FALSE
  ) %>%
    helper(onclick = "fakeClick('tutorial', 'exp')")

experiment_input_select <- function(names, ns, browser_options = NULL,
                                    option_name = "default_experiment") {
    inputId = ns("dff"),
    label = "Select an experiment",
    choices = names,
    selected = browser_options[option_name],
    multiple = FALSE

gene_input_select <- function(ns, multiple = FALSE, browser_options = NULL,
                              choices = as.character(browser_options["default_gene"]),
                              label = "Select a gene",
                              id = "gene",
                              selected = as.character(browser_options["default_gene"])) {
    inputId = ns(id),
    choices = choices,
    selected = selected,
    label = label,
    multiple = multiple,
    options = list(placeholder = 'Insert valid gene')
  ) %>%
    helper(onclick = "fakeClick('tutorial', 'gene')")

tx_input_select <- function(ns, multiple = FALSE, choices = NULL,
                            selected = choices$value[1]) {
    inputId = ns("tx"),
    choices = choices$value,
    selected = selected,
    label = "Select a transcript",
    multiple = multiple,
    options = list(placeholder = 'Insert valid tx')

library_input_select <- function(ns, multiple = TRUE, choices = "",
                                 selected = choices[1],
                                 label = "Select libraries") {
    inputId = ns("library"),
    label = label,
    choices = choices,
    selected = selected,
    multiple = multiple
  ) %>%
    helper(onclick = "fakeClick('tutorial', 'lib')")

frame_type_select <- function(ns, name = "frames_type",
                              label = "Select frames display type",
                              selected = "lines") {
    inputId = ns(name),
    label = label,
    choices = c("lines", "columns", "stacks", "area", "heatmap"),
    selected = selected,
    multiple = FALSE
  ) %>%
    helper(onclick = "fakeClick('tutorial', 'linetype')")

region_view_select <- function(ns, name, label,
                               selected = "mrna") {
    inputId = ns(name),
    label = label,
    choices = c("mrna", "cds", "leader+cds", "leader", "trailer"),
    selected = selected,
    multiple = FALSE

heatmap_region_select <- function(ns) {
    inputId = ns("region"),
    label = "View region",
    choices = c("Start codon", "Stop codon"),
    selected = "Start codon",
    multiple = FALSE

heatmap_color_select <- function(ns, name = "heatmap_color",
                              label = "Color theme",
                              selected = "Matrix (black,green,red)") {
    inputId = ns(name),
    label = label,
    choices = c("default (White-Blue)", "Matrix (black,green,red)"),
    selected = selected,
    multiple = FALSE
  ) %>%
    helper(onclick = "fakeClick('tutorial', 'mbrowser')")

normalization_input_select <- function(ns,
                                       choices = normalizations(),
                                       selected = choices[1],
                                       help_link = "heatmap") {
    inputId = ns("normalization"),
    label = "Normalization",
    choices = choices,
    selected = selected,
    multiple = FALSE
  ) %>%
    helper(onclick = paste("fakeClick('tutorial',", paste0("'", help_link, "')")))

codon_score_input_select <- function(ns) {
    inputId = ns("codon_score"),
    label = "Codon score",
    choices =
      c("percentage", "dispersion(NB)", "alpha(DMN)", "sum"),
    selected = "Percentage",
    multiple = FALSE

codon_filter_input_select <- function(ns) {
    inputId = ns("codon_filter_value"),
    label = "Codon filter value",
    value = 1000,
    min = 0,
    max = NA,
    step = NA
  ) %>%
    helper(onclick = "fakeClick('tutorial', 'codonfilt')")

diff_method_input_select <- function(ns) {
    inputId = ns("diff_method"),
    label = "Differential method",
    choices =
      c("FPKM ratio", "DESeq2"),
    multiple = FALSE
  ) %>%
    helper(onclick = "fakeClick('tutorial', 'diffexp')")

export_format_of_plot <- function(ns) {
    inputId = ns("plot_export_format"),
    label = "Export format",
    choices =
      c("svg", "png"),
    selected = "svg",
    multiple = FALSE

condition_input_select <- function(ns, multiple = TRUE) {
    inputId = ns("condition"),
    label = "Select two conditions",
    choices = "",
    selected = "",
    multiple = multiple
  ) %>%
    helper(onclick = "fakeClick('tutorial', 'diffexp')")

metadata_input_select <- function(ns, multiple = FALSE, browser_options = NULL,
                              choices = NULL, selected = NULL, metadata) {
  cols <- colnames(metadata)
  cols <- cols[-which(cols %in% "Run")]
    inputId = ns("metadata"),
    choices = cols,
    selected = "TISSUE",
    label = "Group on:",
    multiple = multiple,
    options = list(placeholder = 'Group on:')
  #  %>%
  #   helper(onclick = "fakeClick('tutorial', 'metadata')")
Miswi/RiboCrypt documentation built on Jan. 15, 2025, 3:32 p.m.