#' Identify post-hoc neighbourhood marker genes
#' This function will perform differential gene expression analysis on
#' groups of neighbourhoods. Adjacent and concordantly DA neighbourhoods can be defined using
#' \code{groupNhoods} or by the user. Cells \emph{between} these
#' aggregated groups are compared. For differential gene experession based on an input design
#' \emph{within} DA neighbourhoods see \code{\link{testDiffExp}}.
#' @param x A \code{\linkS4class{Milo}} object containing single-cell gene expression
#' and neighbourhoods.
#' @param da.res A \code{data.frame} containing DA results, as expected from running
#' \code{testNhoods}, as a \code{NhoodGroup} column specifying the grouping of neighbourhoods,
#' as expected from
##' @param assay A character scalar determining which \code{assays} slot to extract from the
#' \code{\linkS4class{Milo}} object to use for DGE testing.
#' @param aggregate.samples logical indicating wheather the expression values for cells in the same sample
#' and neighbourhood group should be merged for DGE testing. This allows to perform testing exploiting the replication structure
#' in the experimental design, rather than treating single-cells as independent replicates. The function used for aggregation depends on the
#' selected gene expression assay: if \code{assay="counts"} the expression values are summed, otherwise we take the mean.
#' @param sample_col a character scalar indicating the column in the colData storing sample information
#' (only relevant if \code{aggregate.samples==TRUE})
#' @param subset.row A logical, integer or character vector indicating the rows
#' of \code{x} to use for sumamrizing over cells in neighbourhoods.
#' @param gene.offset A logical scalar the determines whether a per-cell offset
#' is provided in the DGE GLM to adjust for the number of detected genes with
#' expression > 0.
#' @param subset.nhoods A logical, integer or character vector indicating which neighbourhoods
#' to subset before aggregation and DGE testing (default: NULL).
#' @param subset.groups A character vector indicating which groups to test for markers (default: NULL)
#' @param na.function A valid NA action function to apply, should be one of
#' \code{na.fail, na.omit, na.exclude, na.pass}.
#' @details
#' Using a one vs. all approach, each aggregated group of cells is compared to all others
#' using the single-cell log normalized gene expression with a GLM
#' (for details see \code{\link[limma]{limma-package}}), or the single-cell counts using a
#' negative binomial GLM (for details see \code{\link[edgeR]{edgeR-package}}). When using
#' the latter it is recommended to set \code{gene.offset=TRUE} as this behaviour adjusts
#' the model offsets by the number of detected genes in each cell.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} of DGE results containing a log fold change and adjusted
#' p-value for each aggregated group of neighbourhoods. If \code{return.groups} then
#' the return value is a list with the slots \code{groups} and \code{dge} containing the
#' aggregated neighbourhood groups per single-cell and marker gene results, respectively.
#' \emph{Warning}: If all neighbourhoods are grouped together, then it is impossible to
#' run \code{findNhoodMarkers}. In this (hopefully rare) instance, this function will return
#' a warning and return \code{NULL}.
#' @examples
#' @name findNhoodGroupMarkers
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix as.formula
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums rowSums
findNhoodGroupMarkers <- function(x, da.res, assay="logcounts",
aggregate.samples=FALSE, sample_col=NULL,
subset.row=NULL, gene.offset=TRUE,
subset.nhoods=NULL, subset.groups=NULL,
if(!is(x, "Milo")){
stop("Unrecognised input type - must be of class Milo")
} else if(any(!assay %in% assayNames(x))){
stop("Unrecognised assay slot: ", assay)
warning("NULL passed to na.function, using na.pass")
na.func <- get("na.pass")
} else{
na.func <- get(na.function)
}, warning=function(warn){
}, error=function(err){
stop("NA function ", na.function, " not recognised")
}, finally={
if (isTRUE(aggregate.samples) & is.null(sample_col)) {
stop("if aggregate.samples is TRUE, the column storing sample information must be specified by setting 'sample_col'")
if (!"NhoodGroup" %in% colnames(da.res)) {
stop("'NhoodGroup' columns is missing from da.res. Please run groupNhoods() or define neighbourhood groupings otherwise.")
nhs.da.gr <- da.res$NhoodGroup
names(nhs.da.gr) <- da.res$Nhood
nhs.da.gr <- nhs.da.gr[subset.nhoods]
nhood.gr <- unique(nhs.da.gr)
# get the nhoods
nhs <- nhoods(x)
nhs <- nhs[,subset.nhoods]
# ## Remove cells out of neighbourhoods of interest
# nhs <- nhs[rowSums(nhs) > 0,]
# perform DGE _within_ each group of cells using the input design matrix
# Keep only cells in nhoods of interest
fake.meta <- data.frame("CellID"=colnames(x)[rowSums(nhs) > 0], "Nhood.Group"=rep(NA, sum(rowSums(nhs) > 0)))
rownames(fake.meta) <- fake.meta$CellID
# do we want to allow cells to be members of multiple groups? This will create
# chaos for the LM as there will be a dependency structure comparing 2 different
# groups that contain overlapping cells.
# this approach means that the latter group takes precedent.
# maybe exclude the cells that fall into separate groups?
for(i in seq_along(nhood.gr)){
nhood.x <- which(nhs.da.gr == nhood.gr[i])
nhs <- nhs[rowSums(nhs) > 0,]
nhood.gr.cells <- rowSums(nhs[, nhood.x, drop=FALSE]) > 0
## set group to NA if a cell was already assigned to a group
fake.meta[nhood.gr.cells,"Nhood.Group"] <- ifelse(is.na(fake.meta[nhood.gr.cells,"Nhood.Group"]), nhood.gr[i], NA)
## Remove NA cells
fake.meta <- fake.meta[!is.na(fake.meta$Nhood.Group),]
# # only compare against the other DA neighbourhoods
# x <- x[, !is.na(fake.meta$Nhood.Group)]
# fake.meta <- fake.meta[!is.na(fake.meta$Nhood.Group), ]
x <- x[subset.row, , drop=FALSE]
exprs <- assay(x, assay)[,fake.meta$CellID]
marker.list <- list()
i.contrast <- c("TestTest - TestRef") # always use contrasts for this
# if there is only 1 group, then need to make sure that all neighbourhoods
# are not in this group - otherwise can't do any DGE testing
if(length(nhood.gr) == 1){
if(sum(fake.meta$Nhood.Group == nhood.gr[1]) == nrow(fake.meta)){
warning("All graph neighbourhoods are in the same group - cannot perform DGE testing. Returning NULL")
## Aggregate expression by sample
# To avoid treating cells as independent replicates
if (isTRUE(aggregate.samples)) {
fake.meta[,"sample_id"] <- colData(x)[fake.meta$CellID,sample_col]
fake.meta[,'sample_group'] <- paste(fake.meta[,"sample_id"], fake.meta[,"Nhood.Group"], sep="_")
sample_gr_mat <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(fake.meta), ncol=length(unique(fake.meta$sample_group)))
colnames(sample_gr_mat) <- unique(fake.meta$sample_group)
rownames(sample_gr_mat) <- rownames(fake.meta)
for (s in colnames(sample_gr_mat)) {
sample_gr_mat[which(fake.meta$sample_group == s),s] <- 1
## Summarise expression by sample
exprs_smp <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(exprs), ncol=ncol(sample_gr_mat))
if (assay=='counts') {
summFunc <- rowSums
} else {
summFunc <- rowMeans
for (i in seq_len(ncol(sample_gr_mat))){
if (sum(sample_gr_mat[,i]) > 1) {
exprs_smp[,i] <- summFunc(exprs[,which(sample_gr_mat[,i] > 0)])
} else {
exprs_smp[,i] <- exprs[,which(sample_gr_mat[,i] > 0)]
rownames(exprs_smp) <- rownames(exprs)
colnames(exprs_smp) <- colnames(sample_gr_mat)
smp_meta <- unique(fake.meta[,c("sample_group","Nhood.Group")])
rownames(smp_meta) <- smp_meta[,"sample_group"]
fake.meta <- smp_meta
exprs <- exprs_smp
## Test for nhood groups markers
## Subset to tests of interest
nhood.gr <- subset.groups
for(i in seq_along(nhood.gr)){
i.meta <- fake.meta
i.meta$Test <- "Ref"
i.meta$Test[fake.meta$Nhood.Group == nhood.gr[i]] <- "Test"
if(ncol(exprs) > 1 & nrow(i.meta) > 1){
i.design <- as.formula(" ~ 0 + Test")
i.model <- model.matrix(i.design, data=i.meta)
rownames(i.model) <- rownames(i.meta)
if(assay == "logcounts"){
i.res <- .perform_lognormal_dge(exprs, i.model, model.contrasts=i.contrast,
} else if(assay == "counts"){
i.res <- .perform_counts_dge(exprs, i.model, model.contrasts=i.contrast,
colnames(i.res)[ncol(i.res)] <- "adj.P.Val"
} else{
warning("Assay type is not counts or logcounts - assuming (log)-normal distribution. Use these results at your peril")
i.res <- .perform_lognormal_dge(exprs, i.model,
i.res$adj.P.Val[is.na(i.res$adj.P.Val)] <- 1
i.res$logFC[is.infinite(i.res$logFC)] <- 0
i.res <- i.res[, c("logFC", "adj.P.Val")]
colnames(i.res) <- paste(colnames(i.res), nhood.gr[i], sep="_")
i.res$GeneID <- rownames(i.res)
marker.list[[paste0(nhood.gr[i])]] <- i.res
marker.df <- Reduce(x=marker.list, f=function(X, Y) merge(X, Y, by="GeneID", all=TRUE))
colnames(marker.df) <- gsub(colnames(marker.df), pattern="^[0-9]+\\.", replacement="")
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