#' Average expression within neighbourhoods
#' This function calculates the mean expression of each feature in the
#' Milo object stored in the assays slot. Neighbourhood expression data are
#' stored in a new slot \code{nhoodExpression}.
#' @param x A \code{Milo} object with \code{nhoods} slot populated, alternatively a NxM indicator matrix
#' of N cells and M nhoods.
#' @param assay A character scalar that describes the assay slot to use for calculating neighbourhood expression.
#' @param subset.row A logical, integer or character vector indicating the rows
#' of \code{x} to use for sumamrizing over cells in neighbourhoods.
#' @param exprs If \code{x} is a list of neighbourhoods, \code{exprs} is a matrix of genes X
#' cells to use for calculating neighbourhood expression.
#' @details
#' This function computes the mean expression of each gene, subset by \code{subset.rows}
#' where present, across the cells contained within each neighbourhood.
#' @return A \code{\linkS4class{Milo}} object with the \code{nhoodExpression} slot populated.
#' @author
#' Mike Morgan
#' @examples
#' require(SingleCellExperiment)
#' m <- matrix(rnorm(100000), ncol=100)
#' milo <- Milo(SingleCellExperiment(assays=list(logcounts=m)))
#' milo <- buildGraph(m, k=20, d=30)
#' milo <- makeNhoods(milo)
#' milo <- calcNhoodExpression(milo)
#' dim(nhoodExpression(milo))
#' @name calcNhoodExpression
#' @export
#' @rdname calcNhoodExpression
#' @import SingleCellExperiment
calcNhoodExpression <- function(x, assay="logcounts", subset.row=NULL, exprs=NULL){
if(is(x, "Milo")){
# are neighbourhoods calculated?
if(ncol(nhoods(x)) == 1 & nrow(nhoods(x)) == 1){
stop("No neighbourhoods found - run makeNhoods first")
if(!is.null(assay(x, assay))){
n.exprs <- .calc_expression(nhoods=nhoods(x),
data.set=assay(x, assay),
nhoodExpression(x) <- n.exprs
} else if(is(x, "Matrix")){
stop("No expression data found. Please specific a gene expression matrix to exprs")
} else{
n.exprs <- .calc_expression(nhoods=x,
x.milo <- Milo(SingleCellExperiment(assay=list(logcounts=exprs)))
nhoodExpression(x.milo) <- n.exprs
#' @importFrom Matrix tcrossprod colSums t
.calc_expression <- function(nhoods, data.set, subset.row=NULL){
# neighbour.model <- matrix(0L, ncol=length(nhoods), nrow=ncol(data.set))
# for(x in seq_along(1:length(nhoods))){
# neighbour.model[nhoods[[x]], x] <- 1
# }
if(is(data.set[subset.row,], "Matrix")){
neigh.exprs <- Matrix::tcrossprod(Matrix::t(nhoods), data.set[subset.row,])
neigh.exprs <- Matrix::tcrossprod(Matrix::t(nhoods), as(data.set[subset.row,], "dgeMatrix"))
} else{
neigh.exprs <- Matrix::tcrossprod(Matrix::t(nhoods), data.set)
neigh.exprs <- t(apply(neigh.exprs, 2, FUN=function(XP) XP/colSums(nhoods)))
rownames(neigh.exprs) <- rownames(data.set)
} else{
rownames(neigh.exprs) <- rownames(data.set[subset.row, , drop=FALSE])
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