#' @name makeToyNet
#' @aliases makeToyNet
#' @title Generate toy networks
#' @description
#' The function `makeToyNet` generates 4 toy networks.
#' @param netDir
#' `Path`, directory to store the toy networks
#' @return
#' Nothing, but it creates four new files in `netDir`
#' @author Elva Novoa, \email{elva-maria.novoa-del-toro@@inrae.fr}
#' @examples
#' # See the NetworkComparison vignette
#' @export
makeToyNet <- function(netDir) {
# create networks
n1 <-
data = c("A", "B", "B", "C", "B", "E", "C", "D"),
ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
n2 <-
data = c("A", "B", "B", "F", "A", "F", "C", "F", "C", "E", "C", "D"),
ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
n3 <-
data = c("A", "F", "E", "F", "C", "F", "C", "E"), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
n4 <-
data =
c("A", "B", "A", "F", "B", "F", "B", "C", "A", "D", "C", "D",
"F", "D"),
ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
# set column names
colnames(n1) <-
colnames(n2) <- colnames(n3) <- colnames(n4) <- c("node1", "node2")
# create target directory
# save networks in files
n1, file = paste0(netDir, "Network1.csv"), row.names = FALSE,
quote = FALSE)
n2, file = paste0(netDir, "Network2.csv"), row.names = FALSE,
quote = FALSE)
n3, file = paste0(netDir, "Network3.csv"), row.names = FALSE,
quote = FALSE)
n4, file = paste0(netDir, "Network4.csv"), row.names = FALSE,
quote = FALSE)
#' @name readNet
#' @aliases readNet
#' @title Read all the networks stored in a given directory
#' @description
#' The function `readNet` reads all the networks stored in a given directory
#' @param netDir
#' `Path`, directory containing all the networks. NOTE. The networks must be
#' stored in csv format
#' @param directed
#' `boolean`, value indicating if the networks are directed or not, the default
#' value is FALSE (i.e., undirected networks)
#' @param pattern
#' `string`, (optional) pattern that the file names must contain to be read.
#' NOTE. If all the networks in `netDir` are to be read, the parameter
#' `pattern` can be omitted
#' @param format
#' `string`, files' format (i.e., extension of the network files). NOTE. If the
#' format is "csv", then the files must contain 2 columns (source - target) and
#' each row must be an edge
#' @import igraph
#' @return
#' List of igraph objects, one per network to compare
#' @author Elva Novoa, \email{elva-maria.novoa-del-toro@@inrae.fr}
#' @examples
#' # See the NetworkComparison vignette
#' @export
readNet <- function(netDir, directed = FALSE, pattern = "", format = "csv") {
# if exists, remove final "/" from the network directory name
netDir <-
substr(netDir, nchar(netDir), nchar(netDir)) == "/",
substr(netDir, 1, (nchar(netDir)-1)),
# list all files of the given format in the corresponding directory
files <-
path = netDir,
pattern = paste0(".*", pattern, ".*.", format, "$"),
full.names = TRUE
networks <- list()
# loop through the files
for (i in files) {
# verify file format
if (format == "csv") {
# read file content
n <- as.matrix(read.csv(i))
# create igraph object
net <- igraph::graph_from_edgelist(el = n, directed = directed)
} else {
net <- igraph::read_graph(i, format = format)
if (directed == FALSE) {
net <- igraph::as.undirected(net)
# add network to named list
networks[[str_replace(i, paste0(".+/(.*).", format), "\\1")]] <- net
#' @name calculNetStats
#' @aliases calculNetStats
#' @title Calculate, create a table and plot statistics
#' @description
#' The function `calculNetStats` serves to calculate, create a table and plot
#' the following statistics:
#' - Density (no self loops are considered)
#' - Diameter (if there is more than one connected component, the largest
#' diameter will be returned, independently of the size of the connected
#' component)
#' - Average degree
#' - Average path length
#' - Clustering coefficient (the networks are considered as undirected)
#' It also plots the degree distribution, and upset plots of the overlap of
#' nodes and edges reads all the networks stored in a given directory
#' @param net
#' `list`, igraph objects, as returned by readNet()
#' @import igraph
#' @return
#' Data frame with the statistics
#' @author Elva Novoa, \email{elva-maria.novoa-del-toro@@inrae.fr}
#' @examples
#' # See the NetworkComparison vignette
#' @export
calculNetStats <- function(net) {
# initialize variables
netStats <-
data.frame(name = character(), vcount = double(), ecount = double(),
dens = double(), diameter = double(), avDeg = double(), noCC = double(),
avPathLen = double(), clustCo = double())
netClo <-
data.frame(network = character(), node = character(), closeness = double())
netBet <-
data.frame(network = character(), node = character(),
betweenness = double())
netCC <- list()
BCCStats <-
data.frame(name = character(), vcount = double(), ecount = double(),
dens = double(), diameter = double(), avDeg = double(), noCC = double(),
avPathLen = double(), clustCo = double())
BCCClo <-
data.frame(network = character(), node = character(), closeness = double())
BCCBet <-
data.frame(network = character(), node = character(),
betweenness = double())
noNet <- length(net) # number of networks
netDeg <- getNodeDeg(net) # get nodes' degrees of all networks
for (i in seq_len(noNet)) { # loop through networks to calculate stats
# -- stats of the whole network
netName <- names(net)[i] # get network's name
n <- net[[i]] # get network
cc <- components(n) # get connected components (CCs)
ccSize <- makeTableCCSize(cc) # table of CCs sizes
netCC[[netName]] <- cc # save CCs
netStats <- rbind(netStats, basicNetStats(n, netName)) # basic stats
netClo <- rbind(netClo, getClosenessCC(cc, n, netName)) # closeness
netBet <- rbind(netBet, getBetweenness(n, netName)) # betweenness
# -- stats of the biggest connected component (BCC)
# get BCC
BCC <-
igraph::induced_subgraph(n, V(n)[cc$membership == which.max(cc$csize)])
BCCStats <-
rbind(BCCStats, basicNetStats(BCC, paste0(netName, "_BCC"))) # stats
BCCClo <-
rbind(BCCClo, getClosenessCC(components(BCC), n, netName)) # closeness
BCCBet <- rbind(BCCBet, getBetweenness(BCC, netName)) # betweenness
allStats <-
list(netStats = netStats, networksDegrees = netDeg, networkCC = netCC,
ccSize = ccSize, networkCloseness = netClo, networkBetweenness = netBet,
BCC = BCC, BCCStats = BCCStats, BCCClo = BCCClo, BCCBet = BCCBet)
# Function to calculate basic network stats (density, diameter, average degree,
# average path length, and clustering coefficient)
# network - igraph object
# netName - name of the network
# OUTPUT: data frame with all the stats
basicNetStats <- function(network, netName) {
# fill new data frame with stats
netStats <-
name = netName,
vcount = igraph::vcount(network),
ecount = igraph::ecount(network),
dens = igraph::edge_density(network),
diameter = igraph::diameter(network, unconnected = TRUE),
avDeg = mean(degree(network)),
noCC = igraph::components(network)$no,
avPathLen =
igraph::mean_distance(network, directed = is_directed(network)),
clustCo = igraph::transitivity(network, type = "global")
# Function to get the nodes' degrees
# net - list of networks as igraph objects
# OUTPUT: data frame with the nodes' degrees of all the networks in the list
getNodeDeg <- function(net) {
netDeg <-
data.frame(network = character(), node = character(), degree = double())
# loop through all the networks
for (i in seq_len(length(net))) {
# get nodes' degrees
deg <-
network = names(net)[i],
node = names(igraph::V(net[[i]])),
degree = igraph::degree(net[[i]])
netDeg <- rbind(netDeg, deg)
# Function to make a table of the sizes of the connected components
# cc - connected components
# OUTPUT: table of sizes
makeTableCCSize <- function(cc) {
# make a table to check the size of the connected components
ccSize <- as.data.frame(table(cc$csize))
# rename column
colnames(ccSize)[1] <- "ComponentSize"
# leave only components with at least 2 nodes
ccSize <- ccSize[as.numeric(as.character(ccSize$ComponentSize)) > 1,]
# Function to calculate the closeness of each connected component of a network
# cc - connected components
# network - network as igraph object
# netName - network name
# OUTPUT: closeness of all connected components
getClosenessCC <- function(cc, network, netName) {
# calculate the closeness in each component
clo <-
function(X) {
# get nodes' IDs of the nodes in current connected component
nodesIDs <-
igraph::V(network)[which(names(igraph::V(network)) %in%
names(cc$membership[cc$membership == X]))]
# calculate closeness of current Connected Component (CC)
# NOTE. If normalized, the most central node (i.e., node with the
# shortest path to the rest of the nodes) has the highest closeness,
# or the lowest value otherwise
# NOTE 2. Each CC is considered as an independent graph
igraph::induced_subgraph(network, vids = nodesIDs),
normalized = TRUE
# add closeness data
netClo <- data.frame(network = netName, node = names(clo), closeness = clo)
# Function to calculate the betweenness of the nodes in a network
# cc - connected components
# network - network as igraph object
# netName - network name
# OUTPUT: data frame containing the betweenness of the nodes in the network
getBetweenness <- function(network, netName) {
# calculate the betweenness
bet <-
network = netName,
node = names(igraph::V(network)),
betweenness = igraph::betweenness(network)
#' @name printStatsPlots
#' @aliases printStatsPlots
#' @title Calculate, create a table and plot statistics
#' @description
#' The function `printStatsPlots` makes and prints several plots
#' @param stats
#' `list`, results, as returned by the `calculNetStats` function
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom plyr ddply
#' @importFrom stringr str_to_title
#' @return
#' Nothing, but it prints several plots
#' @author Elva Novoa, \email{elva-maria.novoa-del-toro@@inrae.fr}
#' @examples
#' # See the NetworkComparison vignette
#' @export
printStatsPlots <- function(stats) {
# get data
netStats <- stats[['netStats']]
netDeg <- stats[['networksDegrees']]
netClo <- stats[['networkCloseness']]
netBet <- stats[['networkBetweenness']]
ccSize <- stats[['ccSize']]
BCC <- stats[['BCC']]
BCCStats <- stats[['BCCStats']]
BCCClo <- stats[['BCCClo']]
BCCBet <- stats[['BCCBet']]
isolNodes <- as.data.frame(table(netDeg[netDeg$degree == 0, c(1, 3)]))
colnames(isolNodes)[1] <- "name"
# make scatter plots with some of the data
makeScatterPlot(isolNodes, stat2Plot = "Freq",
title = "Number of isolated nodes", printLab = TRUE)
s2p <- c("noCC", "dens", "diameter", "avPathLen", "clustCo", "avDeg")
t <- c("Number of connected components", "Density", "Diameter",
"Average path length", "Clustering coefficient", "Average degree")
for (i in seq_len(length(s2p))) {
netStats, stat2Plot = s2p[i], title = t[i], printLab = p[i])
makeBoxPlot(netDeg, stat2Plot = "degree", log = TRUE)
netDeg, stat2Plot = "degree", binWidth = 1, minDeg = 0,
maxDeg = max(netDeg$degree))
netClo, stat2Plot = "closeness", bestValue = "max", printLab = TRUE)
netBet, stat2Plot = "betweenness", bestValue = "max", printLab = TRUE)
# Function to make and print a scatter plot
# netStats - data frame, as returned as part of the result of
# calculNetStats
# stat2Plot - string defining the stat that wishes to be plotted. It can be
# "density", "diameter", "avPathLength" or "clustCo"
# none, but it prints the corresponding scatter plot
makeScatterPlot <- function(netStats, stat2Plot, title ="", printLab = FALSE) {
p <-
x = name,
y = eval(as.name(stat2Plot)),
color = rainbow(nrow(netStats))
) +
ggplot2::geom_point(size = 4) +
title =
title != "",
paste0(title, " comparison\n"),
paste0(stringr::str_to_title(stat2Plot), " comparison\n")
x = "Network",
y = ifelse(title != "", title, stringr::str_to_title(stat2Plot))
) +
axis.text.x = element_text(size = 10),
axis.title.x = element_text(size = 12),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = 10),
axis.title.y = element_text(size = 12),
plot.title = element_text(size = 14, face = "bold", hjust = 0.5),
legend.position = "none"
# check if labels are to be printed
if (printLab == TRUE) {
# check if the values to plot contain floating point
if (typeof(netStats[[stat2Plot]]) == "double") {
# keep only 6 decimals for the labels
labels <-
function(X) {
format(round(X, 6), nsmall = 5)
} else {
labels <- netStats[[stat2Plot]]
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_text(label = labels, hjust = -0.3) # add labels
print(p) # print plot
# Function to make and print a boxplot
# data - data frame, as returned as part of the result of
# calculNetStats
# stat2Plot - string defining the stat that wishes to be plotted. It can be
# "degree" or "closeness"
# bestValue - string to define whether the highest or lowest values are the
# best ones. This is only useful if printLab == TRUE. Possible
# values are "max" and "min"
# printLab - flag to choose whether to show the label of the highest/lowest
# value
# none, but it prints the corresponding scatter plot
makeBoxPlot <- function(data, stat2Plot, bestValue = "max", printLab = FALSE,
log = FALSE) {
# remove NaN's
data <- data[!is.nan(data[[stat2Plot]]), ]
# check if logarithmic transformation is to be made
if (log == TRUE) {
data[[stat2Plot]] <- log(data[[stat2Plot]] + 1)
p <-
ggplot2::aes(x = network, y = eval(as.name(stat2Plot)), fill = network)
) +
ggplot2::geom_boxplot() +
title = paste0(stringr::str_to_title(stat2Plot), " comparison\n"),
x = "Network",
y = stringr::str_to_title(stat2Plot)
) +
axis.text.x = element_text(size = 10),
axis.title.x = element_text(size = 12),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = 10),
axis.title.y = element_text(size = 12),
plot.title = element_text(size = 14, face = "bold", hjust = 0.5),
legend.position = "none"
# verify if labels should be added to the plot
if(printLab == TRUE) {
plotLabels <- getPlotLabels(data, stat2Plot, bestValue)
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_text(data = plotLabels, aes(label = node),
position = "identity", vjust = ifelse(bestValue == "max", -0.3, 0.3),
size = 2)
# Function to get the labels to plot in the box plot
# data - data frame obtained via the calculNetStats function
# stat2Plot - string defining the stat that wishes to be plotted. It can be
# "degree" or "closeness"
# bestValue - string to define whether the highest or lowest values are the
# best ones. This is only useful if printLab == TRUE. Possible
# values are "max" and "min"
getPlotLabels <- function(data, stat2Plot, bestValue) {
plotLabels <-
data[as.logical(ave(data[, eval(stat2Plot)], data$network,
FUN = function(x) x == eval(str2expression(paste0(bestValue, "(x)"))))), ]
# check if there are more than 2 nodes' names to be printed for any network
if (any(table(plotLabels$network) > 2)) {
newLab <- data.frame() # initialize empty data frame
for (net in unique(plotLabels$network)) { # loop through the network names
rows <- which(plotLabels$network == net) # get rows from current network
# print some of the labels for the current network
paste0("Network ", net, " has ", length(rows), " nodes with ",
bestValue, " ", stat2Plot, ". Here are some of them: ")
if (length(rows) > 2) { # if there are more than 2 rows
selRows <- sample(rows, 2) # pick two rows at random
newLab <- rbind(newLab, plotLabels[selRows,]) # add labels
} else {
newLab <- rbind(newLab, plotLabels[rows,])
plotLabels <- newLab
# put all the nodes' names to be printed per network together
plotLabels <-
function(x) {
c(node = paste(x$node, collapse = ", "), x = unique(x[[stat2Plot]]))
colnames(plotLabels)[ncol(plotLabels)] <- stat2Plot
plotLabels[[stat2Plot]] <- as.numeric(plotLabels[[stat2Plot]] )
# Function to print empty lines
# INPUT: number of empty lines to print
# OUTPUT: none but prints the lines
printNothing <- function(n) {
for (i in seq_len(n)) {
# Function to calculate and print a set of histograms
# data - data frame, as returned as part of the result of
# calculNetStats
# stat2Plot - string defining the stat that wishes to be plotted. It can be
# "degree"
# binWidth - width of the bins for each histogram. Default value = 1
# minDeg - minimum degree to consider for the plot. Default value = 0
# maxDeg - maximum degree to consider for the plot. Default value = 10
# none, but it prints the corresponding histograms
makeHist <- function(data, stat2Plot, binWidth = 1, minDeg = 0, maxDeg = 10) {
# filter data
data <-
data %>%
eval(as.name(stat2Plot)) >= minDeg & eval(as.name(stat2Plot)) <= maxDeg
x = eval(as.name(stat2Plot)), color = network, fill = network)
) +
alpha = 0.5, binwidth = binWidth, position = "identity")
#' @name calculateOverlap
#' @aliases calculateOverlap
#' @title Calculate, create a table and plot statistics
#' @description
#' The function `calculateOverlap` serves to calculate and print plots of the
#' overlap of nodes and edges
#' @param networks
#' `list`, igraph objects to analyze
#' @import igraph
#' @importFrom UpSetR upset fromList
#' @importFrom grid grid.text gpar
#' @return
#' Nothing, but it prints the corresponding plots
#' @author Elva Novoa, \email{elva-maria.novoa-del-toro@@inrae.fr}
#' @examples
#' # See the NetworkComparison vignette
#' @export
calculateOverlap <- function(networks) {
# get the number of networks
noNet <- length(networks)
# initialize empty list to save the nodes/edges of each network
allNodes <- list()
allEdges <- list()
# loop through the networks to get the nodes' and edges' list
for(i in seq_len(length(networks))) {
# save nodes' names
allNodes[[names(networks)[i]]] <- names(igraph::V(networks[[i]]))
# get edges' list
edges <- igraph::as_edgelist(networks[[i]])
# sort edges alphabetically
edges <- t(apply(edges, 1, sort))
# paste the edges
edges <- apply(edges, 1, paste, collapse = ".")
# save edges
allEdges[[names(networks)[i]]] <- edges
# make upset plot for the overlap of nodes
allNodes, title = "Overlap of nodes",
xLabel = "Nodes per network", yLabel = "Nodes' intersection"
# make upset plot for the overlap of edges
allEdges, title = "Overlap of edges",
xLabel = "Edges per network", yLabel = "Edges' intersection"
#' @name getOverlappingNodes
#' @aliases getOverlappingNodes
#' @title Get the overlapping nodes
#' @description
#' The function `getOverlappingNodes` gets the overlapping nodes from a given
#' set of input networks
#' @param networks
#' `list`, list of networks (igraph objects)
#' @param networksIndex
#' `list`, list of networks' index to consider for the overlap, e.g.,
#' c(1, 3) to take the first and third networks
#' @import igraph
#' @return
#' List of overlapping nodes
#' @author Elva Novoa, \email{elva-maria.novoa-del-toro@@inrae.fr}
#' @examples
#' # See the NetworkComparison vignette
#' @export
getOverlappingNodes <- function(networks, networksIndex) {
if (exists("networksIndex")) {
# filter network list to keep only the networks to process
networks <- networks[networksIndex]
# get nodes' names
nodes <- lapply(networks, function(X) {names(igraph::V(X))})
# obtain the intersection
overlappingNodes <- Reduce(intersect, nodes)
# Function to make and print an upset plot
# dataToPlot - named list containing the data to plot
# xLabel - string defining the label for the X axis, per default it is
# "Set Size"
# yLabel - string defining the label for the Y axis, per default it is
# "Intersection Size"
# none, but it prints the corresponding upset plot
makeUpsetPlot <- function(dataToPlot, title = "Overlap", xLabel = "Set Size",
yLabel = "Intersection Size") {
UpSetR::fromList(dataToPlot), order.by = "freq", point.size = 2,
line.size = 1, mainbar.y.label = yLabel, sets.x.label = xLabel,
#empty.intersections = "on",
# y-axis label, y-axis ruler numbers, x-axis label, x-axis ruler numbers,
# x-axis legend content, overlap size legend
text.scale = c(1.3, 0.9, 1, 1, 1.1, 0.9)
grid::grid.text(title, x = 0.65, y = 0.95, gp = grid::gpar(fontsize = 16))
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