#' @importFrom BiocParallel bpstart bpstop
#' @importFrom scuttle .bpNotSharedOrUp .ranksafeQR
#' @importFrom beachmat rowBlockApply
.compute_mean_var <- function(x, block, design, subset.row, block.FUN, residual.FUN, BPPARAM, ...) {
if (!is.null(subset.row)) {
x <- x[subset.row,,drop=FALSE]
if (.bpNotSharedOrUp(BPPARAM)) {
if (is.null(design)) {
if (!is.null(block)) {
if (ncol(x)!=length(block)) {
stop("length of 'block' should be the same as 'ncol(x)'")
block <- as.factor(block)
bnames <- levels(block)
} else {
block <- factor(integer(ncol(x)))
bnames <- NULL
ncells <- as.integer(table(block))
resid.df <- ncells - 1L
if (all(resid.df <= 0L)){
stop("no residual d.f. in any level of 'block' for variance estimation")
raw.stats <- rowBlockApply(x,
block=as.integer(block) - 1L,
means <- do.call(rbind, lapply(raw.stats, "[[", i=1))
vars <- do.call(rbind, lapply(raw.stats, "[[", i=2))
colnames(means) <- colnames(vars) <- names(ncells) <- bnames
} else {
if (!is.null(block)) {
stop("cannot specify 'design' with multi-level 'block'")
ncells <- nrow(design)
resid.df <- ncells - ncol(design)
if (resid.df <= 0L) {
stop("no residual d.f. in 'design' for variance estimation")
QR <- .ranksafeQR(design)
# Calculating the residual variance of the fitted linear model.
raw.stats <- rowBlockApply(x,
means <- matrix(unlist(lapply(raw.stats, FUN="[[", i=1)))
vars <- matrix(unlist(lapply(raw.stats, FUN="[[", i=2)))
rownames(means) <- rownames(vars) <- rownames(x)
list(means=means, vars=vars, ncells=ncells)
dummy.trend.fit <- list(trend=function(x) { rep(NA_real_, length(x)) }, std.dev=NA_real_)
#' @importFrom stats pnorm p.adjust
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame metadata<-
.decompose_log_exprs <- function(x.means, x.vars, fit.means, fit.vars, ncells, ...) {
collected <- vector("list", ncol(x.means))
for (i in seq_along(collected)) {
fm <- fit.means[,i]
fv <- fit.vars[,i]
if (ncells[i] >= 2L) {
fit <- fitTrendVar(fm, fv, ...)
} else {
fit <- dummy.trend.fit
xm <- unname(x.means[,i])
xv <- unname(x.vars[,i])
output <- DataFrame(mean=xm, total=xv, tech=fit$trend(xm))
output$bio <- output$total - output$tech
output$p.value <- pnorm(output$bio/output$tech, sd=fit$std.dev, lower.tail=FALSE)
output$FDR <- p.adjust(output$p.value, method="BH")
rownames(output) <- rownames(x.means)
metadata(output) <- c(list(mean=fm, var=fv), fit)
collected[[i]] <- output
names(collected) <- colnames(x.means)
#' @importFrom stats pnorm p.adjust
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame metadata<-
.decompose_cv2 <- function(x.means, x.vars, fit.means, fit.vars, ncells, ...) {
collected <- vector("list", ncol(x.means))
for (i in seq_along(collected)) {
fm <- fit.means[,i]
fcv2 <- fit.vars[,i]/fm^2
if (ncells[i] >= 2L) {
fit <- fitTrendCV2(fm, fcv2, ncells[i], ...)
} else {
fit <- dummy.trend.fit
xm <- unname(x.means[,i])
xcv2 <- unname(x.vars[,i])/xm^2
output <- DataFrame(mean=xm, total=xcv2, trend=fit$trend(xm))
output$ratio <- output$total/output$trend
output$p.value <- pnorm(output$ratio, mean=1, sd=fit$std.dev, lower.tail=FALSE)
output$FDR <- p.adjust(output$p.value, method="BH")
rownames(output) <- rownames(x.means)
metadata(output) <- c(list(mean=fm, cv2=fcv2), fit)
collected[[i]] <- output
names(collected) <- colnames(x.means)
.combine_blocked_statistics <- function(collected, method, equiweight, ncells, geometric=FALSE,
fields=c("mean", "total", "tech", "bio"), pval="p.value")
valid=ncells >= 2L,
#' @importFrom BiocParallel SerialParam
#' @importFrom scuttle librarySizeFactors
.compute_var_stats_with_spikes <- function(x, spikes, size.factors=NULL, spike.size.factors=NULL,
subset.row=NULL, block=NULL, BPPARAM=SerialParam(), ...)
if (is.null(size.factors)) {
size.factors <- librarySizeFactors(x, subset_row=subset.row)
} else {
# Centering just in case; this should almost certainly be true anyway.
size.factors <- size.factors/mean(size.factors)
stats.out <- .compute_mean_var(x, block=block, subset.row=subset.row,
BPPARAM=BPPARAM, sf=size.factors, ...)
if (is.null(spike.size.factors)) {
spike.size.factors <- librarySizeFactors(spikes) # no subset_row here, as that only applies to 'x'.
# Rescaling so that the mean spike.size.factors is the same as each
# size.factors in each block. Note that we do not recenter the
# size.factors themselves within each block, so as to ensure we are
# modelling the variance in the same log-expression values that will be
# used in downstream analyses.
if (is.null(block)) {
spike.size.factors <- spike.size.factors / mean(spike.size.factors) # assume mean(size.factors)=1, see above.
} else {
by.block <- split(seq_along(block), block)
for (i in by.block) {
current <- spike.size.factors[i]
spike.size.factors[i] <- current / mean(current) * mean(size.factors[i])
spike.stats <- .compute_mean_var(spikes, block=block, subset.row=subset.row,
BPPARAM=BPPARAM, sf=spike.size.factors, ...)
list(x=stats.out, spikes=spike.stats)
#' @importFrom stats density approx
.inverse_density_weights <- function(x, adjust=1) {
out <- density(x, adjust=adjust, from=min(x), to=max(x))
w <- 1/approx(out$x, out$y, xout=x)$y
#' @importFrom limma weighted.median
.correct_logged_expectation <- function(x, y, w, FUN)
# Adjusting for any scale shift due to fitting to the log-values.
# The expectation of the log-values should be the log-expectation
# plus a factor that is dependent on the variance of the raw values
# divided by the squared mean, using a second-order Taylor approximation.
# If we assume that the standard deviation of the variances is proportional
# to the mean variances with the same constant across all abundances,
# we should be able to correct the discrepancy with a single rescaling factor.
leftovers <- y/FUN(x)
med <- weighted.median(leftovers, w, na.rm=TRUE)
OUT <- function(x) {
output <- FUN(x) * med
names(output) <- names(x)
# We assume ratios are normally distributed around 1 with some standard deviation.
std.dev <- unname(weighted.median(abs(leftovers/med - 1), w, na.rm=TRUE)) * 1.4826
list(trend=OUT, std.dev=std.dev)
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