# interpretation.R
# created: 2020-01-31
# creator: Michael Scherer
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# functions to interpret methQTL results including LOLA and GO enrichments
#'This functions performn LOLA enrichment analysis for the methQTL sites or the sites that are
#'shared across all methQTLs in the input list.
#'@param meth.qtl.res An object of type \code{\link{MethQTLResult-class}} or a list of such objects
#'@param type The type of methQTL to be visualized. Can be either \code{'SNP'}, \code{'CpG'},
#'or \code{'cor.block'}
#'@param lola.db The location of a LOLA DB already downloaded
#'@param assembly The assembly used (defaul \code{'hg19'})
#'@return The LOLA enrichment result
#'@details We use all data points that have been used to calculate methQTLs as the background
#'and compare the overlaps with the annotation of interest in comparison to the methQTLs that
#'have been computed in case a \code{\link{MethQTLResult-class}} is provided. If a list of \code{\link{MethQTLResult-class}} objects
#'is provided, the intersection between the methQTLs from all objects in the list is compared with the union of all interactions
#'that have been tested.
#'@author Michael Scherer
#'@examples \donttest{
#'meth.qtl.res <- loadMethQTLResult(system.file("extdata","MethQTLResult_chr18",package="MAGAR"))
#'res <- qtlLOLAEnrichment(meth.qtl.res)
qtlLOLAEnrichment <- function(meth.qtl.res,
stats <- getOverlapUniverse(meth.qtl.res,type)
all.input <- stats$all.input
all.qtl <- stats$all.qtl
lola.db <- downloadLolaDbs(tempdir())[[assembly]]
lola.db <- loadRegionDB(lola.db)
lola.res <- runLOLA(userSets=all.qtl,userUniverse = all.input,lola.db)
#'This functions performs enrichment analysis using the Fisher's test for the methQTLs detected
#'with respect to different genomic annotations.
#'@param meth.qtl.res An object of type \code{\link{MethQTLResult-class}} or a list of such objects.
#'@param type The type of methQTL to be visualized. Can be either \code{'SNP'}, \code{'CpG'},
#'or \code{'cor.block'}
#'@param annotation The genomic annotation to be used. Can be the ones available in \code{\link{rnb.region.types}} or
#'\code{"ctcf", "distal", "dnase", "proximal", "tfbs", "tss"}
#'@param assembly The assembly used. Only \code{"hg19"} (default) and \code{"hg38"} supported.
#'@return A list of two p-values named \code{'enrichment'} for overrepresentation and \code{'depletion'} for underrepresentation
#'@details We use all data points that have been used to calculate methQTLs as the background
#'and compare the overlaps with the annotation of interest in comparison to the methQTLs that
#'have been computed in case a \code{\link{MethQTLResult-class}} is provided. If a list of \code{\link{MethQTLResult-class}} objects
#'is provided, the intersection between the methQTLs from all objects in the list is compared with the union of all interactions
#'that have been tested.
#'@author Michael Scherer
#'@importFrom stats fisher.test
#'meth.qtl.res <- loadMethQTLResult(system.file("extdata","MethQTLResult_chr18",package="MAGAR"))
#'res <- qtlAnnotationEnrichment(meth.qtl.res)
qtlAnnotationEnrichment <- function(meth.qtl.res,
ensembl.anno <- c("ctcf","distal","dnase","proximal","tfbs","tss")
stop(paste("Invalid value for annotation, needs to be",c("cpgislands","genes","promoters",ensembl.anno)))
anno.type <- annotation
anno.type <- paste0("ensembleRegBuildBP",annotation)
rnb.load.annotation.from.db(anno.type, assembly = assembly)
stop("Invalif value for type, needs to be 'SNP','CpG', or 'cor.block'")
stats <- getOverlapUniverse(meth.qtl.res,type)
all.input <- stats$all.input
all.qtl <- stats$all.qtl
all.input <- all.input[!(names(all.input)%in%names(all.qtl))]
annotation <- unlist(rnb.get.annotation(anno.type, assembly = assembly))
tps <- length(findOverlaps(all.qtl,annotation))
fps <- length(all.qtl)-tps
fns <- length(findOverlaps(all.input,annotation))
tns <- length(all.input)-fns
gr <- fisher.test(matrix(c(tps,fns,fps,tns),2,2),alternative="greater")$p.value
le <- fisher.test(matrix(c(tps,fns,fps,tns),2,2),alternative="less")$p.value
or <- (tps/fps)/(fns/tns)
#'This function tests for enrichment of a specific base substitution in the methQTL interactions.
#'@param meth.qtl.res An object of type \code{\link{MethQTLResult-class}} or a list of such objects.
#'@param merge Flag indicating if 5' and 3' substitutions are to be merged or to be analyzed separately.
#'@return A list with one element for each potential base substitution containing the enrichment p-value.
#'@details The names of the list are e.g. \code{A_G}, which refers to a replacement of the reference base \code{A}
#'with an \code{A}. Enrichment is computed using Fisher's exact test, using all SNP that have been used
#'as input as the background.
#'@author Michael Scherer
#'@import plyr
#'meth.qtl.res <- loadMethQTLResult(system.file("extdata","MethQTLResult_chr18",package="MAGAR"))
#'res <- qtlBaseSubstitutionEnrichment(meth.qtl.res)
qtlBaseSubstitutionEnrichment <- function(meth.qtl.res,
stats <- getOverlapUniverse(meth.qtl.res,type="SNP")
anno.cpgs <- overlapInputs(meth.qtl.res,type="SNP")
anno.cpgs <- getAnno(meth.qtl.res,"geno")
sel.anno <- anno.cpgs[names(stats$all.qtl),]
subs.qtl <- paste(sel.anno[,"Allele.1"],sel.anno[,"Allele.2"],sep="_")
sel.anno <- anno.cpgs[names(stats$all.input),]
subs.input <- paste(sel.anno[,"Allele.1"],sel.anno[,"Allele.2"],sep="_")
all.interactions <- as.character(sapply(c("A","C","G","T"),function(b){
paste(c("A","C","G","T")[!c("A","C","G","T")%in%b],b,sep ="_")
subs.map <- c("A_C"="A_C/T_G",
subs.qtl <- subs.map[subs.qtl]
sub.qtl <- unname(subs.qtl)
subs.input <- subs.map[subs.input]
subs.input <- unname(subs.input)
all.interactions <- subs.map[all.interactions]
all.interactions <- unique(all.interactions)
all.interactions <- unname(all.interactions)
cu.qtl <- count(subs.qtl)
cu.input <- count(subs.input)
enr.all <- sapply(all.interactions, function(int){
tps <- cu.qtl[cu.qtl$x%in%int,"freq"]
fps <- sum(cu.qtl[!(cu.qtl$x%in%int),"freq"])
fns <- cu.input[cu.input$x%in%int,"freq"]
tns <- sum(cu.input[!(cu.input$x%in%int),"freq"])
p.val <- fisher.test(matrix(c(tps,fns,fps,tns),2,2),alternative="greater")$p.value
or <- (tps/fps)/(fns/tns)
#'This function performs TFBS enrichment analysis for the methQTL SNPs/CpGs detected and returns overrepresented
#'binding motifs.
#'@param meth.qtl.res An object of type \code{\link{MethQTLResult-class}} or a list of such objects
#'@param type The type of methQTL to be visualized. Can be either \code{'SNP'}, \code{'CpG'},
#'or \code{'cor.block'}
#'@param size Motif enrichment is only supported for genomic regions. Therefore, we resize the invididual methQTL to
#'genomic regions using a width of this size around the site of interest.
#'@param assembly The assembly used. Only \code{"hg19"} and \code{"hg38"} supported
#'@param subsample Integer specifying how many of the regions are to be subsamples from the universe.
#'@param out.dir The output directory in which resulting plots will be stored.
#'@param ... Further parameters passed to \code{findMotifFgBg}
#'@return A plot describing the TFB motif enrichment
#'@details This function is in part based on the tutorial for Motif discovery in https://compgenomr.github.io/book/motif-discovery.html.
#'We use all data points that have been used to calculate methQTLs as the background
#'and compare the overlaps with the annotation of interest in comparison to the methQTLs that
#'have been computed in case a \code{\link{MethQTLResult-class}} is provided. If a list of \code{\link{MethQTLResult-class}} objects
#'is provided, the intersection between the methQTLs from all objects in the list is compared with the union of all interactions
#'that have been tested.
#'@author Michael Scherer
#'meth.qtl.res <- loadMethQTLResult(system.file("extdata","MethQTLResult_chr18",package="MAGAR"))
#'res <- qtlTFBSMotifEnrichment(meth.qtl.res)
qtlTFBSMotifEnrichment <- function(meth.qtl.res,
logger.warning("The motifRG package is currently not supported by Bioconductor")
# if(!assembly%in%c("hg19","hg38")){
# stop("Motif enrichment only supported for 'hg19' and 'hg38'")
# }
# if(requireNamespace("motifRG")&requireNamespace("TFBSTools")&requireNamespace("JASPAR2018")){
# stats <- getOverlapUniverse(meth.qtl.res,type)
# all.input <- stats$all.input
# all.input <- resize(all.input,width=size,fix="center")
# all.qtl <- stats$all.qtl
# all.qtl <- resize(all.qtl,width=size,fix="center")
# if(assembly%in%"hg19"){
# all.input <- getSeq(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19, all.input)
# all.qtl <- getSeq(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19, all.qtl)
# }else{
# all.input <- getSeq(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38, all.input)
# all.qtl <- getSeq(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38, all.qtl)
# }
# all.input <- all.input[sample(1:length(all.input),subsample)]
# motifs <- findMotifFgBg(
# fg.seq = all.qtl,
# bg.seq = all.input,
# ...
# )
# refined.motifs = lapply(motifs$motifs, function(x){
# refinePWMMotifExtend(motifs = x@match$pattern, seqs = all.qtl)
# })
# for(i in 1:length(refined.motifs)){
# mot <- refined.motifs[[i]]
# motif.name <- names(refined.motifs)[i]
# pwm.mot <- PWMatrix(ID='unk',
# profileMatrix=mot$model$prob)
# pwm.mot.lib <- getMatrixSet(
# JASPAR2018,
# opts=list(collection="CORE",species="Homo sapiens",matrixtype="PWM")
# )
# pwm.mot.sim <- PWMSimilarity(pwm.mot.lib,pwm.mot,method="Pearson")
# info.mat <- t(as.data.frame(lapply(pwm.mot.lib,function(x){
# c(ID(x),name(x))
# })))
# info.mat <- data.frame(info.mat,similarity=pwm.mot.sim[info.mat[,1]])
# info.mat <- info.mat[order(info.mat$similarity,decreasing=TRUE),]
# pdf(file.path(out.dir,paste0(motif.name,".pdf")))
# plot.new()
# seqLogo::seqLogo(mot$model$prob)
# text(x=0.5,y=1,label=paste("Most similar to",info.mat$X2[1],"Similarity:",round(info.mat$similarity[1],3)))
# dev.off()
# }
# }
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