# Demultiplexing FASTQ Reads
#' @name sc_atac_trim_barcode
#' @title demultiplex raw single-cell ATAC-Seq fastq reads
#' @description single-cell data need to be demultiplexed in order to retain the information of the cell barcodes
#' the data belong to. Here we reformat fastq files so barcode/s (and if available the UMI sequences) are moved from
#' the sequence into the read name. Since scATAC-Seq data are mostly paired-end, both `r1` and `r2` are demultiplexed in this function.
#' @param r1 read one for pair-end reads.
#' @param r2 read two for pair-end reads, NULL if single read.
#' @param bc_file the barcode information, can be either in a \code{fastq} format (e.g. from 10x-ATAC) or
#' from a \code{.csv} file (here the barcode is expected to be on the second column).
#' Currently, for the fastq approach, this can be a list of barcode files.
#' @param valid_barcode_file optional file path of the valid (expected) barcode sequences to be found in the bc_file (.txt, can be txt.gz).
#' Must contain one barcode per line on the second column separated by a comma (default ="").
#' If given, each barcode from bc_file is matched against the barcode of
#' best fit (allowing a hamming distance of 1). If a FASTQ \code{bc_file} is provided, barcodes with a higher mapping quality, as given by
#' the fastq reads quality score are prioritised.
#' @param output_folder the output dir for the demultiplexed fastq file, which will contain
#' fastq files with reformatted barcode and UMI into the read name.
#' Files ending in \code{.gz} will be automatically compressed.
#' @param id1_st barcode start position (0-indexed) for read 1, which is an extra parameter that is needed if the
#' \code{bc_file} is in a \code{.csv} format.
#' @param id2_st barcode start position (0-indexed) for read 2, which is an extra parameter that is needed if the
#' \code{bc_file} is in a \code{.csv} format.
#' @param id1_len barcode length for read 1, which is an extra parameter that is needed if the
#' \code{bc_file} is in a \code{.csv} format.
#' @param id2_len barcode length for read 2, which is an extra parameter that is needed if the
#' \code{bc_file} is in a \code{.csv} format.
#' @param umi_start if available, the start position of the molecular identifier.
#' @param umi_length if available, the start position of the molecular identifier.
#' @param umi_in umi_in
#' @param rmN logical, whether to remove reads that contains N in UMI or cell barcode.
#' @param rmlow logical, whether to remove reads that have low quality barcode sequences
#' @param min_qual the minimum base pair quality that is allowed (default = 20).
#' @param num_below_min the maximum number of base pairs below the quality threshold.
#' @param no_reverse_complement specifies if the reverse complement of the barcode sequence should be
#' used for barcode error correction (only when barcode sequences are provided as fastq files). FALSE (default)
#' lets the function decide whether to use reverse complement, and TRUE forces the function to
#' use the forward barcode sequences.
#' @returns None (invisible `NULL`)
#' @examples
#' data.folder <- system.file("extdata", package = "scPipe", mustWork = TRUE)
#' r1 <- file.path(data.folder, "small_chr21_R1.fastq.gz")
#' r2 <- file.path(data.folder, "small_chr21_R3.fastq.gz")
#' # Using a barcode fastq file:
#' # barcodes in fastq format
#' barcode_fastq <- file.path(data.folder, "small_chr21_R2.fastq.gz")
#' sc_atac_trim_barcode (
#' r1 = r1,
#' r2 = r2,
#' bc_file = barcode_fastq,
#' rmN = TRUE,
#' rmlow = TRUE,
#' output_folder = tempdir())
#' # Using a barcode csv file:
#' # barcodes in .csv format
#' barcode_1000 <- file.path(data.folder, "chr21_modified_barcode_1000.csv")
#' \dontrun{
#' sc_atac_trim_barcode (
#' r1 = r1,
#' r2 = r2,
#' bc_file = barcode_1000,
#' id1_st = 0,
#` id1_len = 16,
#` id2_st = 0,
#` id2_len = 16
#' rmN = TRUE,
#' rmlow = TRUE,
#' output_folder = tempdir())
#' }
sc_atac_trim_barcode <- function(
bc_file = NULL,
valid_barcode_file = "",
output_folder = "",
umi_in = "both",
rmN = FALSE,
rmlow = FALSE,
min_qual = 20,
num_below_min = 2,
id1_st = -0,
id1_len = 16,
id2_st = 0,
id2_len = 16,
no_reverse_complement=FALSE) {
if(output_folder == ''){
output_folder <- file.path(getwd(), "scPipe-atac-output")
if (!dir.exists(output_folder)){
message("Output Directory Does Not Exist. Created Directory: ", output_folder)
log_and_stats_folder <- paste0(output_folder, "/scPipe_atac_stats/")
dir.create(log_and_stats_folder, showWarnings = FALSE)
log_file <- paste0(log_and_stats_folder, "log_file.txt")
stats_file <- paste0(log_and_stats_folder, "stats_file_trimbarcode.txt")
if(!file.exists(log_file)) file.create(log_file)
c("trimbarcode starts at ", as.character(Sys.time()), "\n"), file = log_file, append = TRUE
if (substr(r1, nchar(r1) - 2, nchar(r1)) == ".gz") {
write_gz <- TRUE
else {
write_gz <- FALSE
if (is.null(bc_file)) {
stop("Barcode file is mandatory")
i <- 1;
for (bc in bc_file) {
if (!file.exists(bc)) {stop("Barcode file does not exist.")}
bc_file[i] <- path.expand(bc)
i <- i+1;
if (!file.exists(r1)) {stop("read1 fastq file does not exist.")}
if ((valid_barcode_file != "") && tools::file_ext(valid_barcode_file) != 'csv') {
stop("Valid Barcode File must be a CSV")
if(umi_start != 0) {
if(umi_in %in% c("both", "R1", "R2")) {
message("UMI Present in: ", umi_in)
stop("Invalid value of umi_in. Possible values are both, R1 and R2")
# expand tilde to home path for downstream gzopen() call
r1 <- path.expand(r1)
if(!is.null(r2)) {
if (!file.exists(r2)) {stop("read2 file does not exist.")}
r2 <- path.expand(r2)
} else{
r2 <- ""
message("Saving the output at location: \n", output_folder)
if(tools::file_ext(bc_file) != "csv"){
# fastq barcode files are provided, run the FASTQ method
out_vec <- rcpp_sc_atac_trim_barcode_paired(
"Total Reads: ", out_vec[1],
"\nTotal N's removed: ", out_vec[2],
"\nremoved_low_qual: ", out_vec[3],
"\nUnique sequences read in barcode file: ", out_vec[4],
file = stats_file, append = TRUE)
} else {
message("Using barcode CSV file, since barcode FastQ file is not passed")
if(id1_st < 0 || id2_st < 0 || id1_len < 0 || id2_len < 0 ){
stop("Please pass positive integer values for id1_st, id2_st, id1_len, and id2_len")
# trim the barcode csv file (which contains the actual barcodes in the second column)
# into a file with barcodes on each line and no whitespace
temp_barcode_file <- paste0(output_folder, "/tempbarcode.csv")
on.exit(if(file.exists(temp_barcode_file)) {file.remove(temp_barcode_file)})
# change this to handle multiple barcode files!! TODO
barcodes <- read.csv(bc_file, header=FALSE, strip.white=TRUE)
write(barcodes$V2, temp_barcode_file)
# perform the same manipulation for valid
# Check if given barcode start position is valid
# check_barcode_start_position is expecting a single barcode, of only the barcode sequences, no commas
message("Checking if id1_st is valid")
if (!check_barcode_start_position(r1, temp_barcode_file, bc_file, id1_st, id1_len, 10000, .8)) {
if (tolower(readline(prompt="Continue anyway? (y/n) ")) != "y") {
stop("Please change id1_st and try again")
message("Checking if id2_st is valid")
if (!check_barcode_start_position(r2, temp_barcode_file, bc_file, id2_st, id2_len, 10000, .8)) {
if (tolower(readline(prompt="Continue anyway? (y/n) ")) != "y") {
stop("Please change id2_st and try again")
out_vec <- rcpp_sc_atac_trim_barcode(
temp_barcode_file, # not urgent but this needs to be changed to bc_file or barcode_file
# concatenate results to stats_file
"Total Reads: ", out_vec[1],
"\nTotal N's removed: ", out_vec[2],
"\nremoved_low_qual: ", out_vec[3],
"\nExact match Reads: ", out_vec[4],
"\nReads Matched After Correction: ", out_vec[5],
"\nTotal barcodes: ", out_vec[6],
file = stats_file, append = TRUE)
"trimbarcode finishes at ",
file = log_file, append = TRUE)
# return(out_vec)
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