#' Power and sample size estimation
#' The purpose of this function is to evaluate the power and estimated sample size across all CpG probes present in a beta-value or M-value matrix. The calculation of power and sample size estimation are based on the t-test functions of the \emph{pwr} package and can only be performed between features that have two levels, e.g., primary PanNET versus metastasis. PowerCalc works for normal two-group designs or paired designs.
#' The core functions used in powerCalc are from the \emph{pwr} package created by Stephane Champely (aut), Claus Ekstrom (ctb), Peter Dalgaard (ctb), Jeffrey Gill (ctb), Stephan Weibelzahl (ctb), Aditya Anandkumar (ctb), Clay Ford (ctb), Robert Volcic (ctb), and Helios De Rosario [cre]. \emph{pwr} is licensed under GPL (>= 3).
#' @param betaMatrix A matrix of beta-values where the rows are the CpG probes and the columns are the samples.
#' @param pdGroups A \emph{minfi}- or \emph{ChAMP}-type sample sheet with group information, e.g. pd\$Sample\_Group.
#' @param nameGroups Name of the groups, e.g. c("Met", "Primary").
#' @param alpha Desired alpha-significance level.
#' @param power Desired power.
#' @param cutOff The power and sample size estimation is omitted if the effect size (Cohen's D) of a probe is less than the desired cutoff. Use this with caution as information about many CpG probes will be lost.
#' @param type Can be "paired" or "limma". Any other string will lead to the standard two.sample t-test procedure of \emph{pwr}.
#' @param limmaFit A \emph{LIMMA} LMfit object with one contrast can be added to calculate the effect size based on the posterior values for the residual variances obtained from the empirical Bayes procedure.
#' @param pairs Pair information of sample sheet, e.g. pd\$Pairs.
#' @param M Convert beta-values to M-values.
#' @return A data.frame containing CpG probe-wise power, estimated sample size, and Cohen's D. Depending on the type other information are included (e.g. mean and SD of the difference between 2 groups when type = "paired).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' A <- data.frame(runif(1000,0.5,1),runif(1000,0.4,0.8),runif(1000,0.6,0.99),
#' runif(1000,0.1,0.5),runif(1000,0.2,0.6),runif(1000,0,0.4))
#' colnames(A) <- rep(paste("Sample_",1:6,sep=""))
#' pd <- data.frame(c(rep("Group_1",3),rep("Group_2",3)))
#' colnames(pd) <- "Groups"
#' A <- as.matrix(A)
#' powerCalc(betaMatrix = A,
#' type = "unpaired",
#' pdGroups = pd$Groups,
#' nameGroups = c("Group_1","Group_2"),
#' M = TRUE,
#' cutOff = 0.1)
powerCalc <- function(betaMatrix,
alpha = 1e-6,
power = 0.8,
cutOff = 0,
limmaFit = NULL,
pairs = NULL,
M = T){
### Step 0
# Argument checking - Check if input are valid?
# define notin
`%notin%` <- Negate(`%in%`)
if (cutOff < 0.1){
message("If the cutOff for effect size is too small the power analysis may crash, because")
message("root finding is limited to the interval [1e-10, 1e+09]. To make sure what cutOff")
message("is best suited for you, run powerCalc on a subset of the beta matrix and inspect")
message("how the effect size (Cohens D) relates to sample size.\n")
check <- readline(prompt="Press [y] to continue or any other key to exit: ")
if (check != "y"){
# Argument checking
if (nlevels(pdGroups) > 2){
message("Factors with more than 2 levels are not implemented. \nExiting...")
if (length(nameGroups) > 2 | length(nameGroups) == 1){
message("Factors with more than 2 levels are not implemented. \nExiting...")
if (sum(nameGroups %notin% pdGroups) > 0){
message("Group names do not fit sample sheet entries, review argument \"nameGroups\". \nExiting...")
if (type == "paired"){
message("Please add pair info of the sample sheet in argument \"pairs\".\nExiting...")
if (type == "limma"){
message("Please add a limma LMfit object with one contrast! \"pairs\".\nExiting...")
if(length(unique(pairs)) != length(pairs)/2){
message("Your samples pairs seem to be unbalanced, please check your sample sheet.\nExiting...")
message("||||||+ ||||||+ ||+ ||+ |||||||+ ||||||+ ||||||+ |||||+ ||+ ||||||+")
message("||+--||+ ||+---||+ ||| ||| ||+----+ ||+--||+ ||+----+ ||+--||+ ||| ||+----+")
message("||||||++ ||| ||| ||| |+ ||| |||||+ ||||||++ ||| |||||||| ||| ||| ")
message("||+---+ ||| ||| ||||||+||| ||+--+ ||+--||+ ||| ||+--||| ||| ||| ")
message("||| +||||||++ +|||+|||++ |||||||+ ||| ||| +||||||+ ||| ||| |||||||+ +||||||+")
message("+-+ +-----+ +--++--+ +------+ +-+ +-+ +-----+ +-+ +-+ +------+ +-----+")
### STEP 1
# calculate means, SD of probes
message("[Step 1]\n")
if (type == "paired"){
message("Paired T-Test was chosen. \n")
message("Computing probe-wise mean and SD of the difference across pairs. \n")
if (M == T){
message("Converting beta- to M-values.\n")
beta <- Beta_To_M(betaMatrix)
# add pairnames to colnames to guarantee pair-wise subtraction
cNames <- paste(pairs,colnames(beta), sep = "_")
colnames(beta) <- cNames
# get groups
M1 <- beta[,which(pdGroups == nameGroups[1])]
M2 <- beta[,which(pdGroups == nameGroups[2])]
# order samples accoding to pairs
M1 <- M1[,order(colnames(M1))]
M2 <- M2[,order(colnames(M2))]
test <- cbind.data.frame(colnames(M2),colnames(M1))
colnames(test) <- c(nameGroups[2], nameGroups[1])
message("\nAre the sample pairs correct?\n")
check <- readline(prompt="Press [y] to proceed with subtraction or any other key to exit: ")
if (check != "y"){
# Calculate difference of pairs (for paired analysis)
D <- M2 - M1
# mean of difference
meanD <- rowMeans(D)
# sd of difference
sigmaD <- sqrt(matrixStats::rowVars(D))
message("[Step 2]\n")
message("Computing effect size (Cohens D).\n")
# calculate CohensD
CohensD <- cohensD_Paired(meanD = meanD,
sigmaD = sigmaD)
df_4_power <- cbind.data.frame(meanD,sigmaD,CohensD)
} else if (type == "limma"){
message("Limma estimates chosen. \n")
if (M == T){
message("Converting beta- to M-values.\n")
beta <- Beta_To_M(betaMatrix)
CohensD <- (limmaFit$coefficients / sqrt(limmaFit$s2.post)) / sqrt(2) # paired ANALYSIS
CohensD <- CohensD[rownames(CohensD) %in% rownames(beta),]
df_4_power <- cbind.data.frame(CohensD)
} else{
message("Two-Sample T-Test was chosen. \n")
message("Computing Mean and SD of probes for each group. \n")
if (M == T){
message("Converting beta- to M-values.\n")
beta <- Beta_To_M(betaMatrix)
# mean
M1 <- rowMeans(beta[,which(pdGroups == nameGroups[1])])
M2 <- rowMeans(beta[,which(pdGroups == nameGroups[2])])
SD1 <- sqrt(matrixStats::rowVars(beta[,which(pdGroups == nameGroups[1])]))
SD2 <- sqrt(matrixStats::rowVars(beta[,which(pdGroups == nameGroups[2])]))
# N
n1 = length(which(pdGroups == nameGroups[1]))
n2 = length(which(pdGroups == nameGroups[2]))
# create DF
message("[Step 2]\n")
message("Computing effect size (Cohens D).\n")
message("Mean difference : Mean(Group2) - Mean(Group1)")
df_4_power <- cbind.data.frame(M1,M2,SD1,SD2)
df_4_power$meanDiff <- (df_4_power$M2 - df_4_power$M1)
# compute cohens D
df_4_power$CohensD <- cohensD(meanA = df_4_power$M1,
meanB = df_4_power$M2,
sdA = df_4_power$SD1,
sdB = df_4_power$SD2,
nA = n1, nB = n2,
unbiased = T)
### Step 2 - Calculate probe-wise estimated sample size and power
# loop takes very long
powerAnalysis <- data.frame()
# remove up to cutOff
df_4_power <- df_4_power[which(abs(df_4_power$CohensD) > cutOff),]
if (type == "limma"){
df_4_power <- as.data.frame(df_4_power)
colnames(df_4_power) <- c("CohensD")
loop_lim <- nrow(df_4_power)
message("[Step 3]\n")
message("Cohens D Cutoff is set to ",cutOff,". Hence, ",round((1-nrow(df_4_power)/nrow(beta))*100, digits = 3),"% of the probes will be removed form the analysis.\n")
message("PowerCalc in progress... \n")
message("Loop might get slower towards the end, algo is not perfectly vectorized. \n\n")
# change mods depending on analysis
if (type == "paired"){
typeMod <- "paired"
n <- length(unique(pairs))
} else if (type == "limma"){
typeMod <- "paired"
n <- length(unique(pairs))
} else {
typeMod <- "two.sample"
n <- length(pdGroups)
for (i in 1:loop_lim){
CohensD = df_4_power$CohensD[i]
res <- c(pwr::pwr.t.test(d = CohensD,
type = typeMod, alternative = ("two.sided"),
power = 0.8,
sig.level = alpha)$n,
pwr::pwr.t.test(d = CohensD,
type = typeMod,
n = n,
sig.level = alpha)$power,
# populate output
powerAnalysis = rbind(powerAnalysis, res)
# progress
cat(sprintf("\r%.3f%%", (i / (loop_lim) * 100)))
message("[Step 4]\n")
message("Formatting output.\n")
colnames(powerAnalysis) = c("N","Power","Cohens D")
pA <- cbind(df_4_power, powerAnalysis)
message("\nReturning Dataframe...")
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