#' plot distribution in given ranges
#' plot distribution in the given feature ranges
#' @param cvglists Output of \link{featureAlignedSignal} or a list of
#' \link[IRanges:AtomicList-class]{SimpleRleList} or
#' \link[IRanges:AtomicList-class]{RleList}
#' @param feature.gr An object of \link[GenomicRanges:GRanges-class]{GRanges}
#' with identical width. If the width equal to 1, you can use upstream and
#' downstream to set the range for plot. If the width not equal to 1, you can
#' use zeroAt to set the zero point of the heatmap.
#' @param upstream,downstream upstream or dwonstream from the feature.gr.
#' @param zeroAt zero point position of feature.gr
#' @param n.tile The number of tiles to generate for each element of
#' feature.gr, default is 100
#' @param ... any paramters could be used by \link[graphics]{matplot}
#' @return invisible matrix of the plot.
#' @author Jianhong Ou
#' @seealso See Also as \link{featureAlignedSignal},
#' \link{featureAlignedHeatmap}
#' @keywords misc
#' @export
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics start end width strand
#' @importFrom graphics matplot
#' @examples
#' cvglists <- list(A=RleList(chr1=Rle(sample.int(5000, 100),
#' sample.int(300, 100))),
#' B=RleList(chr1=Rle(sample.int(5000, 100),
#' sample.int(300, 100))))
#' feature.gr <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(seq(1, 4900, 100), width=100))
#' featureAlignedDistribution(cvglists, feature.gr, zeroAt=50, type="l")
featureAlignedDistribution <- function(cvglists, feature.gr,
upstream, downstream,
n.tile=100, zeroAt, ...){
stopifnot(is(feature.gr, "GRanges"))
dots <- list(...)
grWidr <- unique(width(feature.gr))
if(missing(upstream) || missing(downstream)){
stop("The width of feature.gr is not identical.")
if(missing(zeroAt)) {
zeroAt <- 0.5
message("zero is set as the center of the feature.gr")
if(!is.numeric(upstream) || !is.numeric(downstream)){
stop("upstream and downstream must be integers")
if(upstream<0 || downstream<0){
stop("upstream and downstream must be not less than 0")
upstream <- as.integer(upstream)
downstream <- as.integer(downstream)
if(length(grWidr)!=1 || any(grWidr!=1)){
start(feature.gr) <- start(feature.gr)+floor(width(feature.gr)/2)
width(feature.gr) <- 1
warning("feature.gr is set to the center of feature.gr")
warning("zeroAt will be ignored.")
zeroAt <- upstream/(upstream + downstream)
end(feature.gr) <- start(feature.gr) + downstream
start(feature.gr) <- start(feature.gr) - upstream
grWidr <- unique(width(feature.gr))
zero <- round(grWidr*zeroAt)
zero <- round(zeroAt)
grWid <- c(0, grWidr) - zero
grWidLab <- grid.pretty(grWid)
grWidAt <- (grWidLab+zero)/grWidr*n.tile
if(inherits(cvglists, c("SimpleRleList", "RleList", "CompressedRleList"))){
cvglistsName <- substitute(deparse(cvglists))
cvglists <- list(cvglists)
names(cvglists) <- cvglistsName
if(!is(cvglists, "list")){
stop("cvglists must be output of featureAlignedSignal or
a list of SimpleRleList or RleList")
cls <- sapply(cvglists, is, class2="matrix")
cov <- cvglists
stop("n.tile must keep same as featureAligendSignal.")
cls <- sapply(cvglists, inherits,
what = c("SimpleRleList", "RleList", "CompressedRleList"))
stop("cvglists must be a list of SimpleRleList or RleList")
cov <- featureAlignedSignal(cvglists, feature.gr, n.tile=n.tile)
## normalized read density
if(any(sapply(cov, function(.ele) any(is.na(.ele))))){
warning("cvglists contain NA values. ",
"NA value will be omit.")
density <- sapply(cov, colMeans, na.rm=TRUE)
matplot(density, ..., xaxt="n")
axis(1, at = grWidAt, labels = grWidLab)
lty <- if(!is.null(dots$lty)) dots$lty else 1:5
lwd <- if(!is.null(dots$lwd)) dots$lwd else 1
col <- if(!is.null(dots$col)) dots$col else 1:6
legend("topright", legend=colnames(density), col=col,
lty=lty, lwd=lwd)
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