#Sys.setenv(PATH = paste("/Users/ZHUJ/anaconda2/bin", Sys.getenv("PATH"), sep=":"))
#system("python --version")
#Python 2.7.15 :: Anaconda, Inc.
#CRISPRseek:::calculategRNAEfficiency2(extendedSequence,aa.cut = -1, per.peptide = -1)
#' @importFrom reticulate py_discover_config
#' @importFrom reticulate conda_list
#' @importFrom reticulate conda_create
#' @importFrom reticulate conda_install
#' @importFrom reticulate py_run_string
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics lapply
calculategRNAEfficiency2 <- function(extendedSequence, aa.cut = -1, per.peptide = -1) {
system2("python", args = "--version", stderr="pythonVersion.txt")
#if(grep( "2.7", read.table("pythonVersion.txt", sep="", header=FALSE)[1,2]))
#The grep("2.7") method above is not robust because version can ben NULL and grep can't handle NULL properly.
### Dev notes start ###
## First check if there is a system Python2.7 that is equipped with all required modules, if so, use that, no installation is required.
## Otherwise, need to create py2 env with reticulate:
## First check if py2 exists and all modules are installed: if not, recreate py2.
### Dev notes end ###
# Check if system Python2.7 pyenv is satisfied or not:
system_pyenv = FALSE # indicate if system_pyenv is ready or not
# First, delete existing system_py2_missing_modules.txt file:
if (file.exists("system_py2_missing_modules.txt")) {
if (py_discover_config()$version == "2.7") {
py_run_string("import sys")
py_run_string("import subprocess")
py_run_string("import pkg_resources")
py_run_string("required = {'numpy', 'scipy', 'scikit-learn', 'pandas', 'matplotlib', 'biopython'}")
py_run_string("installed = {pkg.key for pkg in pkg_resources.working_set}")
py_run_string("missing = required - installed")
py_run_string("if len(missing) > 0: \n\twith open('system_py2_missing_modules.txt', 'w') as fp: \n\t\tfp.write(str(missing))")
if (!(file.exists("system_py2_missing_modules.txt"))) {
system_pyenv = TRUE
# Setup conda pyenv if not system Python not satisfied:
if (!(system_pyenv)) {
cat("System python2.7 env not ready, preparing conda (py2) ...\n")
expr = {
# Check if py2 exists:
# First, delete existing py2_missing_modules.txt file:
if (file.exists("py2_missing_modules.txt")) {
path_py2 <- conda_list()[which(conda_list()$name == "py2")[1], 2]
bin_py2 <- substring(path_py2, 1, nchar(path_py2) - 7)
py2 <- FALSE
if (!(nchar(path_py2) == 0)) {
cat("CHECK: py2 env already created. Checking required modules ...\n")
Sys.setenv(RETICULATE_PYTHON = path_py2)
Sys.setenv(PATH = paste(bin_py2, Sys.getenv("PATH"), sep = ":"))
py_run_string("import sys")
py_run_string("import subprocess")
py_run_string("import pkg_resources")
py_run_string("required = {'numpy', 'scipy', 'scikit-learn', 'pandas', 'matplotlib', 'biopython'}")
py_run_string("installed = {pkg.key for pkg in pkg_resources.working_set}")
py_run_string("missing = required - installed")
py_run_string("if len(missing) > 0: \n\twith open('py2_missing_modules.txt', 'w') as fp: \n\t\tfp.write(str(missing))")
if (!(file.exists("py2_missing_modules.txt"))) {
py2 <- TRUE
} else {
cat("CHECK: py2 env missing some required modules, need to recreate ...\n")
} else {
cat("CHECK: py2 env not created yet. Need to create ...\n")
if (py2) {
cat("CHECK: py2 env and all required modules all satisfied.\n")
} else {
cat("CHECK: creating py2 ...\n")
conda_create("py2", python="2.7.15")
conda_install("py2", "numpy")
conda_install("py2", "pandas")
conda_install("py2", "scipy", pip = TRUE)
conda_install("py2", "scikit-learn==0.16.1", pip = TRUE)
conda_install("py2", "matplotlib", pip = TRUE)
conda_install("py2", "biopython") # pip will install 1.77, which is not supported by python2.7 any longer, conda will install 1.76
path_py2 <- conda_list()[which(conda_list()$name == "py2")[1], 2] # first here in case more than two py2 avail, conda_install() seems would always install to the first one.
bin_py2 <- substring(path_py2, 1, nchar(path_py2) - 7)
Sys.setenv(RETICULATE_PYTHON = path_py2)
Sys.setenv(PATH = paste(bin_py2, Sys.getenv("PATH"), sep = ":"))
cat("Rule_Set_2 python2.7 env (py2) created!\n")
error = function(e) {
stop("Python 2.7 is required for calculating gRNA efficacy using Rule_Set_2_scoring published in JG. Doench, et al., Nbt, Jan 2016! Check CRISPRseek manual for details.")
} else {
cat("Rule_Set_2 python2.7 env satisfied, continuing ...\n")
# Run rule_set_2:
origDir <- getwd()
pythonDir <- system.file("extdata/Rule_Set_2_scoring_v1/analysis/",package = "CRISPRseek")
if (dir.exists(pythonDir)) {
(efficiency <- unlist(lapply(extendedSequence, function(thisSeq) {
py_command <- paste("python rs2_score_calculator.py -seq ", thisSeq, " -aa-cut ", aa.cut, " -per-peptide ", per.peptide, sep="")
system(py_command, intern=TRUE)
error = function(e) {
efficiency <- unlist(lapply(efficiency, function(temp) {strsplit(temp, ": ")[[1]][2]}))
} else {
stop("Rule_Set_2_scoring_v1 python code not found in the extdata directory of CRISPRseek, please update CRISPRseek to the newest version first!")
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