#' TENxPeaks: The class to represent 10x Peaks files
#' This class is designed to work with the files denoted with "peak_annotation"
#' in the file name. These are usually produced as tab separated value files,
#' i.e., `.tsv`.
#' @details This class is a straightforward class for handling peak data. It can
#' be used in conjunction with the `annotation` method on a
#' `SingleCellExperiment` to add peak information to the experiment. The
#' ranged data is represented as a `GRanges` class object.
#' @return A `TENxPeaks` class object
#' @exportClass TENxPeaks
.TENxPeaks <- setClass(
Class = "TENxPeaks",
contains = "TENxFile"
.check_peaks <- function(object) {
fpath <- path(object)
if (!endsWith(fpath, "peak_annotation.tsv"))
"Provide a 10X Peaks file ending in 'peak_annotation.tsv'"
.validPeaksFile <- function(object) {
S4Vectors::setValidity2("TENxPeaks", .validPeaksFile)
#' Import 10x peak annotation files from 10x
#' This constructor function is designed to work with the files denoted with
#' "peak_annotation" in the file name. These are usually produced as tab
#' separated value files, i.e., `.tsv`.
#' @details The output class allows handling of peak data. It can be used in
#' conjunction with the `annotation` method on a `SingleCellExperiment` to add
#' peak information to the experiment. The ranged data is represented as a
#' `GRanges` class object.
#' @inheritParams TENxFile
#' @return A `GRanges` class object of peak locations
#' @examples
#' fi <- system.file(
#' "extdata", "pbmc_granulocyte_sorted_3k_ex_atac_peak_annotation.tsv",
#' package = "TENxIO", mustWork = TRUE
#' )
#' peak_file <- TENxPeaks(fi)
#' peak_anno <- import(peak_file)
#' peak_anno
#' example(TENxH5)
#' ## Add peaks to an existing SCE
#' ## First, import the SCE from an example H5 file
#' h5f <- system.file(
#' "extdata", "pbmc_granulocyte_ff_bc_ex.h5",
#' package = "TENxIO", mustWork = TRUE
#' )
#' con <- TENxH5(h5f)
#' sce <- import(con)
#' ## auto-import peaks when using annotation<-
#' annotation(sce, name = "peak_annotation") <- peak_file
#' annotation(sce)
#' @export
TENxPeaks <- function(resource, extension, ...) {
if (missing(extension))
extension <- .get_ext(resource)
.TENxPeaks(resource = resource, extension = extension, ...)
#' @describeIn TENxPeaks-class Import a peaks_annotation file from 10x as a
#' `GRanges` representation
#' @inheritParams BiocIO::import
#' @export
setMethod("import", "TENxPeaks", function(con, format, ...) {
if (identical(Sys.info()[["sysname"]], "Darwin"))
panno <- readr::read_tsv(
file = path(con), col_types = c("c", "n", "n", "c", "n", "c")
grs <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(panno, keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
metadata(grs) <- metadata(con)
#' @describeIn TENxPeaks-class Replacement method to add annotation data to a
#' `SingleCellExperiment`
#' @inheritParams BiocGenerics::annotation
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata metadata<-
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics annotation<-
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("annotation", "SingleCellExperiment",
function(object, ..., value) {
if (!is(value, "TENxPeaks"))
stop("'value' must be of class 'TENxPeaks'")
args <- list(...)
append <- isTRUE(args[["append"]])
anno_name <- args[["name"]]
if (is.null(anno_name))
anno_name <- "peak_annotation"
meta <- metadata(object)
annotated <- "annotation" %in% names(meta)
if (annotated && !append)
"'append = FALSE'; replacing annotation in metadata",
call. = FALSE
vlist <- structure(
list(import(value)), .Names = anno_name
if (append)
vlist <- append(meta[["annotation"]], vlist)
metadata(object)[["annotation"]] <- vlist
#' @describeIn TENxPeaks-class Extraction method to obtain annotation data from
#' a `SingleCellExperiment` representation
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics annotation
#' @export
setMethod("annotation", "SingleCellExperiment", function(object, ...) {
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