#' @include TENxFile-class.R
#' TENxFragments: A class to represent fragments data as `GRanges`
#' This class is designed to work mainly with `fragments.tsv.gz` files from
#' 10x pipelines.
#' @details Fragments data from 10x can be quite large. In order to speed up
#' the initial exploration of the data, we use a default of **200** records
#' for loading. Users can change this default value by specifying a new one
#' via the `yieldSize` argument in the constructor function.
#' @slot which GRanges() A GRanges indicating the regions of interest. This
#' get sent to `RSamtools` as the `param` input.
#' @slot yieldSize numeric() The number of records to read by default, 200
#' records will be imported. A warning will be emitted if not modified.
#' @return A `TENxFragments` class object
#' @exportClass TENxFragments
.TENxFragments <- setClass(
Class = "TENxFragments",
contains = "TENxFile",
slots = c(which = "GenomicRanges", yieldSize = "numeric")
.check_fragments <- function(object) {
fpath <- path(object)
fragex <- endsWith(fpath, c("_fragments.tsv.gz", "_fragments.tsv"))
if (!any(fragex))
"Provide a 10X fragments file ending in '_fragments.tsv*'"
.validTENxFragments <- function(object) {
S4Vectors::setValidity2("TENxFragments", .validTENxFragments)
#' TENxFragments: Import fragments files from 10X
#' @param resource character(1) The file path to the fragments resource, usually
#' a compressed tabix file with extension `.tsv.gz`.
#' @param which GRanges() A GRanges indicating the regions of interest. This
#' get sent to `RSamtools` as the `param` input.
#' @param yieldSize numeric() The number of records to read by default, 200
#' records will be imported. A warning will be emitted if not modified.
#' @param ... Further arguments to the class generator function (currently not
#' used)
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges makeGRangesFromDataFrame
#' @importFrom S4Vectors splitAsList mcols
#' @return A `RaggedExperiment` object class
#' @examples
#' fr <- system.file(
#' "extdata", "pbmc_3k_atac_ex_fragments.tsv.gz",
#' package = "TENxIO", mustWork = TRUE
#' )
#' tfr <- TENxFragments(fr)
#' fra <- import(tfr)
#' @export
TENxFragments <- function(resource, yieldSize = 200, which = GRanges(), ...) {
if (missing(yieldSize) && missing(which))
warning("Using default 'yieldSize' parameter")
else if (!missing(which))
yieldSize <- NA_integer_
if (!is(which, "GRanges"))
stop("'which' input must be 'GenomicRanges'")
resource = resource, yieldSize = yieldSize, which = which,
#' @describeIn TENxFragments Import method for representing fragments.tsv.gz
#' data from 10x via `Rsamtools` and `RaggedExperiment`
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @importFrom BiocBaseUtils checkInstalled
#' @inheritParams BiocIO::import
#' @export
setMethod("import", "TENxFragments", function(con, format, text, ...) {
checkInstalled(c("Rsamtools", "RaggedExperiment"))
which <- con@which
yieldSize <- con@yieldSize
tb <- Rsamtools::TabixFile(path(con), yieldSize = yieldSize)
ex <- read.table(
textConnection(Rsamtools::scanTabix(tb, param = which)[[1]])
## https://support.10xgenomics.com/single-cell-atac/
## software/pipelines/latest/output/fragments
names(ex) <- c("chrom", "chromStart", "chromEnd", "barcode", "readSupport")
ggr <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(
ex, keep.extra.columns = TRUE, starts.in.df.are.0based = TRUE
grs <- splitAsList(ggr, mcols(ggr)$barcode)
ggrl <- as(grs, "GRangesList")
RaggedExperiment::RaggedExperiment(ggrl, metadata = metadata(con))
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