#' TENxFileList: A list-like representation for TENxFiles
#' @description This class was designed to mainly handle tarballs from
#' 10X Genomics. The typical file extension for these tarballs is `.tar.gz`.
#' @details
#' These tarballs usually contain three files:
#' 1. `matrix.mtx.gz` - the counts matrix
#' 2. `features.tsv.gz` - row metadata usually represented as `rowData`
#' 3. `barcodes.tsv.gz` - column names corresponding to cell barcode
#' identifiers
#' Note that version '2' includes `genes.tsv.gz` instead of `features.tsv.gz` in
#' version '3'.
#' An additional `ref` argument can be provided when the file contains
#' multiple `feature_type` in the file or "Type" in the `rowData`. By default,
#' the first type reported in `table()` is set as the `mainExpName` in the
#' `SingleCellExperiment` object.
#' @slot listData list() The data in list format
#' @slot extension character() A vector of file extensions for each file
#' @slot compressed logical(1) Whether the file is compressed as `.tar.gz`
#' @slot version character(1) The version number of the tarball usually either
#' '2' or '3'
#' @return A `TENxFileList` class object
#' @exportClass TENxFileList
.TENxFileList <- setClass(
Class = "TENxFileList",
contains = "SimpleList",
slots = c(
listData = "list",
extension = "character",
compressed = "logical",
version = "character"
.validTENxFileList <- function(object) {
if (!object@compressed) {
validClasses <- vapply(object, function(ifile) {
is(ifile, "TENxFile")
}, logical(1L))
if (all(validClasses))
"Some files are not of class 'TENxFile'"
file.list.map <- data.frame(
Version = c("3", "2"),
features = c("features.tsv", "genes.tsv")
S4Vectors::setValidity2("TENxFileList", .validTENxFileList)
# Constructor -------------------------------------------------------------
#' TENxFileList: Represent groups of files from 10X Genomic
#' @description This constructor function is meant to handle `.tar.gz` tarball
#' files from 10X Genomics.
#' @details
#' These tarballs usually contain three files:
#' 1. `matrix.mtx.gz` - the counts matrix
#' 2. `features.tsv.gz` - row metadata usually represented as `rowData`
#' 3. `barcodes.tsv.gz` - column names corresponding to cell barcode
#' identifiers
#' If all above files are in the tarball, the import method will provide a
#' `SingleCellExperiment`. Otherwise, a simple list of imported data is given.
#' Note that version "3" uses 'features.tsv.gz' and version "2" uses
#' 'genes.tsv.gz'. If known, indicate the `version` argument in the
#' `TENxFileList` constructor function.
#' @param ... Typically, a file path to a tarball archive. Can be named
#' arguments corresponding to file paths, or a named list of file paths.
#' @param version character(1) The version in the tarball. See details.
#' @param compressed logical(1) Whether or not the file provided is compressed,
#' usually as `tar.gz` (default FALSE)
#' @return Either a `SingleCellExperiment` or a list of imported data
#' @examples
#' fl <- system.file(
#' "extdata", "pbmc_granulocyte_sorted_3k_ff_bc_ex_matrix.tar.gz",
#' package = "TENxIO", mustWork = TRUE
#' )
#' ## Method 1 (tarball)
#' TENxFileList(fl)
#' ## metadata before import
#' metadata(TENxFileList(fl))
#' ## import() method
#' import(TENxFileList(fl))
#' ## metadata after import
#' import(TENxFileList(fl)) |>
#' metadata()
#' ## untar to simulate folder output
#' dir.create(tdir <- tempfile())
#' untar(fl, exdir = tdir)
#' ## Method 2 (folder)
#' TENxFileList(tdir)
#' import(TENxFileList(tdir))
#' ## Method 3 (list of TENxFile objects)
#' files <- list.files(tdir, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
#' names(files) <- basename(files)
#' filelist <- lapply(files, TENxFile)
#' TENxFileList(filelist, compressed = FALSE)
#' ## Method 4 (SimpleList)
#' TENxFileList(as(filelist, "SimpleList"), compressed = FALSE)
#' ## Method 5 (named arguments)
#' TENxFileList(
#' barcodes.tsv.gz = TENxFile(files[1]),
#' features.tsv.gz = TENxFile(files[2]),
#' matrix.mtx.gz = TENxFile(files[3])
#' )
#' unlink(tdir, recursive = TRUE)
#' @export
TENxFileList <- function(..., version, compressed = FALSE) {
dots <- S4Vectors::SimpleList(...)
exts <- dots[["extension"]]
if (length(names(dots)))
dots <- dots[names(dots) != "extension"]
undots <- dots[[1L]]
if (identical(length(dots), 1L)) {
if (is.list(undots) || is(undots, "SimpleList")) {
exts <- vapply(undots, .get_ext, character(1L))
version <- .version_from_fnames(names(undots))
dots <- undots
isdir <- try(file.info(undots)[["isdir"]], silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(isdir, "try-error") && is(undots, "SimpleList")) {
exts <- vapply(undots, .get_ext, character(1L))
version <- .version_from_fnames(names(undots))
} else if (isdir) {
undots <- .get_files_from_folder(undots)
dots <- lapply(undots, TENxFile)
if (is.character(undots) && is.null(exts))
exts <- .get_ext(undots)
if (missing(version) && is.character(undots) &&
all(endsWith(undots, "tar.gz")))
version <- .version_from_tarball(undots)
else if (missing(version) && is.character(undots))
version <- .version_from_fnames(undots)
if (is(undots, "TENxFile")) {
exts <- undots@extension
version <- undots@version
} else {
exts <- vapply(dots, .get_ext, character(1L))
version <- .version_from_fnames(dots)
if (identical(exts, "tar.gz"))
compressed <- TRUE
dots, extension = exts, compressed = compressed, version = version
.get_files_from_folder <- function(folder) {
files <- list.files(folder, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
names(files) <- basename(files)
#' @importFrom utils untar tail
.TENxUntar <- function(con) {
dir.create(tempdir <- tempfile())
untar(path(con), exdir = tempdir)
.get_path <- function(object) {
if (is(object, "TENxFile"))
#' @describeIn TENxFileList-class Obtain file paths for all files in the object
#' as a vector
#' @inheritParams BiocGenerics::path
#' @export
setMethod("path", "TENxFileList", function(object, ...) {
vapply(object, .get_path, character(1L))
#' @describeIn TENxFileList-class An intermediate method for decompressing
#' (via untar) the contents of a `.tar.gz` file list
#' @importFrom BiocIO decompress
#' @importFrom BiocBaseUtils setSlots
#' @inheritParams BiocIO::decompress
#' @param manager A `ConnectionManager` internal instance; currently not used.
#' @export
setMethod("decompress", "TENxFileList", function(manager, con, ...) {
res_ext <- con@extension
if (!identical(length(res_ext), 1L))
stop("The 'extension' of 'con' must be from a single compressed file")
if (is.na(res_ext))
res_ext <- .get_ext(path(con))
if (con@compressed) {
if (identical(res_ext, "tar.gz")) {
tenfolder <- .TENxUntar(con)
gfolder <- list.files(tenfolder, full.names = TRUE)
if (file.info(gfolder)$isdir)
gfiles <- list.files(
gfolder, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE
gfiles <- gfolder
newlistdata <- lapply(.setNames(gfiles, basename(gfiles)), TENxFile)
con <- setSlots(
object = con, listData = newlistdata, compressed = FALSE
} else {
stop("Extension type: ", res_ext, " not supported")
.version_from_fnames <- function(fnames) {
if (is(fnames, "SimpleList"))
fnames <- names(fnames)
fnames <- basename(fnames)
if (any(grepl("features.tsv[\\.gz]*", fnames)))
version <- "3"
else if (any(grepl("genes.tsv[\\.gz]*", fnames)))
version <- "2"
.version_from_tarball <- function(tarball) {
flist <- untar(tarball, list = TRUE)
#' @describeIn TENxFileList-class Recursively import files within a
#' `TENxFileList`
#' @inheritParams BiocIO::import
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata<-
#' @export
setMethod("import", "TENxFileList", function(con, format, text, ...) {
if (con@compressed)
fdata <- decompress(con = con)
fdata <- con
dots <- list(...)
datalist <- lapply(fdata, import)
features <-
.selectByVersion(file.list.map, version = con@version, "features")
features <- grep(features, names(fdata), fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE)
matrix <- grep("matrix.mtx", names(fdata), fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE)
barcodes <- grep("barcodes.tsv", names(fdata), fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE)
if (con@version %in% c("2", "3")) {
mat <- datalist[[matrix]]
colnames(mat) <- unlist(
datalist[[barcodes]], use.names = FALSE
feats <- datalist[[features]]
sce <- as(mat, "SingleCellExperiment")
metadata(sce) <- metadata(con)
if (!is.null(feats) && ncol(feats))
rownames(sce) <- feats[[1L]]
if (!is.null(rownames(sce)) && anyDuplicated(rownames(sce))) {
"'rownames' in assay are not unique; using 'make.unique()'"
rownames(sce) <- make.unique(rownames(sce))
if ("Chr" %in% names(feats)) {
feats[is.na(feats[["Chr"]]), "Chr"] <- "NA_character_:0"
rr <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(
feats, keep.extra.columns = TRUE
names(rr) <- rownames(sce)
rowRanges(sce) <- rr
okrows <- seqnames(rr) != "NA_character_"
sce <- sce[okrows, ]
feats <- feats[as.logical(okrows), , drop = FALSE]
} else {
rowData(sce) <- feats
ref <- dots[["ref"]]
types <- feats[["Type"]]
if (!is.null(types) && length(types)) {
if (!isScalarCharacter(ref))
ref <- names(table(types)[1L])
sce <- splitAltExps(sce, types, ref = ref)
} else {
## return a list for now
#' @describeIn TENxFileList-class `metadata` method for `TENxFileList` objects
#' @param x An object of class `TENxFile`, `TENxFileList`, `TENxMTX`, `TENxH5`,
#' `TENxPeaks`, `TENxTSV`, or derivatives
#' @param ... Additional arguments (not used)
#' @exportMethod metadata
setMethod("metadata", "TENxFileList", function(x, ...) {
sn <- slotNames(x)
sn <- setdiff(sn, slotNames("SimpleList"))
snl <- structure(sn, .Names = sn)
metadata <- lapply(snl, getElement, object = x)
ldata <- lapply(x@listData, function(y) {
if (inherits(y, "TENxFile")) metadata(y) else basename(y)
metadata[["resources"]] <- ldata
list(TENxFileList = metadata)
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