
# This tests the functionality of connectCounts.

chromos <- c(chrA=100, chrB=80)

simranges <- function(cuts, nranges, min.size=1000, max.size=10000)
# Generates simulated ranges.
    ranges <- list()
	for (chr in seqlevels(cuts)) {
		chr.len <- seqlengths(cuts)[[chr]] 
		max.val <- chr.len - min.size
		range.start <- round(runif(nranges, 1, max.val))
		range.end <- pmin(chr.len, round(range.start + runif(nranges, min.size, max.size)))
		ranges[[chr]] <- GRanges(chr, IRanges(range.start, range.end))
	names(ranges) <- NULL
	suppressWarnings(ranges <-, ranges))

reconstruct <- function(pairs, counts=rep(1L, nrow(pairs))) {
	counts <- as.matrix(counts)
	o <- order(pairs[,1], pairs[,2])
	pairs <- pairs[o,,drop=FALSE]
	for (i in 1:ncol(counts)) { counts[,i] <- cumsum(counts[o,i]) }
	last.diff <- c(diff(pairs[,1])!=0L | diff(pairs[,2])!=0L, TRUE)
	my.count <- apply(counts, 2, FUN=function(x) { diff(c(0L, x[last.diff])) })
	if (is.null(dim(my.count))) { my.count <- rbind(my.count) } 
	return(list(pairs=pairs[last.diff,,drop=FALSE], counts=my.count))

refline <- function(dirs, cuts, ranges, filter=20L, type="any", restrict=NULL) {
	# Redefining regions to account for rounding to fragment boundaries.
	cur.olap <- findOverlaps(cuts, ranges, type=type)
	so <- subjectHits(cur.olap)
	qo <- queryHits(cur.olap)
	new.starts <- by(start(cuts[qo]), INDICES=so, FUN=min)
	new.ends <- by(end(cuts[qo]), INDICES=so, FUN=max)
	new.num <- by(start(cuts[qo]), INDICES=so, FUN=length)
	acquired <- as.integer(names(new.starts))
	ranges2 <- ranges
	start(ranges2)[acquired] <- as.integer(new.starts)
	end(ranges2)[acquired] <- as.integer(new.ends)
	full.num <- integer(length(ranges2))
	full.num[acquired] <- as.integer(new.num)
	ranges2$nfrags <- full.num
	o <- order(ranges2)
	ranges2 <- ranges2[o]
	ranges2$original <- o
	ranges <- ranges2

	# Determining the (modified) ranges that each restriction fragment overlaps.
	cur.rle <- rle(queryHits(cur.olap))
	cur.end <- cumsum(cur.rle$length)
	cur.start <- cur.end - cur.rle$length + 1L
	cur.hits <- match(subjectHits(cur.olap), o)

	everypair <- everycount <- list()
	totals <- integer(length(dirs))

	for (d in 1:length(dirs)) {
		allpairs <- allcounts <- list()
    	x <- h5ls(dirs[d])
		x <- x[x$otype=="H5I_DATASET",]

	    for (k in 1:length(chromos)) {
	        for (l in 1:k) {
				if (!is.null(restrict) && !(cur.l %in% restrict && cur.k %in% restrict)) { next }
				if (!any(basename(x$group)==cur.k & x$name==cur.l)) { next }
				counts <- h5read(dirs[d], file.path(cur.k, cur.l))
				for (xx in 1:ncol(counts)) { attributes(counts[,xx]) <- NULL }
				totals[d] <- totals[d] + nrow(counts)

				# Need in both.
				collected <- list()
				matched.a <- match(counts$, cur.rle$values)
				matched.t <- match(counts$, cur.rle$values)
				in.both <- ! & !

				# Determining which ranges each pair overlaps.
				for (j in which(in.both)) {
					ja <- matched.a[j]
					jt <- matched.t[j]
					in.a <- cur.hits[cur.start[ja]:cur.end[ja]]
					in.t <- cur.hits[cur.start[jt]:cur.end[jt]]
					additionals <- as.matrix(expand.grid(in.a, in.t))
					flipped <- additionals[,2] >= additionals[,1]
					additionals[flipped,] <- additionals[flipped,2:1]

					additionals <- reconstruct(additionals)$pairs # Eliminating redundant elements for each pair.
					if (nrow(additionals)) { 
						idex <- length(collected) + 1L
						collected[[idex]] <- additionals
				# Assembling summary counts for this chromosome combination in this library.
				if (!length(collected)) { next }
				collected <-, collected)
				out <- reconstruct(collected)
				idex <- length(allpairs) + 1L
				allpairs[[idex]] <- out$pairs
				allcounts[[idex]] <- out$counts

		# No need to summarize here, combinations will be different between chromosome pairs.
		allpairs <-, allpairs)
		allcounts <- unlist(allcounts)
		actually <- matrix(0L, ncol=length(dirs), nrow=length(allcounts))
		actually[,d] <- allcounts
		idex <- length(everypair)
		everypair[[idex+1L]] <- allpairs
		everycount[[idex+1L]] <- actually

	# Aggregating results between libraries.
	everypair <-, everypair)
	everycount <-, everycount)
	if (is.null(everycount) || nrow(everycount)==0L) { 
		final <- list(pairs=data.frame(,, 
				counts=matrix(0L, ncol=length(dirs), nrow=0), region=ranges2,
	final <- reconstruct(everypair, everycount)
	keep <- rowSums(final$counts) >= filter

	# Determining which one is anchor1 or anchor2.
	left <- final$pairs[keep,1]
	right <- final$pairs[keep,2]
	matched <- match(as.character(seqnames(ranges)), runValue(seqnames(cuts)))
	rank <- integer(length(ranges))
	rank[order(matched, start(ranges), end(ranges))] <- 1:length(ranges) <- rank[left] > rank[right] 

	if (length( { 
		ax <- ifelse(, left, right)
		tx <- ifelse(, right, left)
	} else {
		ax <- tx <- integer(0)
	# Cleaning up the rest.
	reo <- order(ax, tx)
	final$pairs <- data.frame(,[reo,]
	final$counts <- final$counts[keep,,drop=FALSE][reo,,drop=FALSE]
	final$region <- ranges
	final$totals <- totals 
	rownames(final$pairs) <- NULL
	rownames(final$counts) <- NULL



samecomp <- function(nreads, cuts, ranges, filter=0L, type="any", restrict=NULL) {
	simgen(dir1, nreads, chromos)
	simgen(dir2, nreads, chromos)

	param <- pairParam(cuts, restrict=restrict)
	out <- connectCounts(c(dir1, dir2), regions=ranges, filter=filter, type=type, param=param) 
	ref <- refline(c(dir1, dir2), cuts=cuts, ranges=ranges, filter=filter, type=type, restrict=restrict)

	if (!identical(ref$pairs$, anchors(out, type="first", id=TRUE))) { stop("mismatch in anchor1 identities") }
	if (!identical(ref$pairs$, anchors(out, type="second", id=TRUE))) { stop("mismatch in anchor2 identities") }
    obs.counts <- assay(out)
    dimnames(obs.counts) <- NULL
	if (!identical(ref$counts, obs.counts)) { stop("mismatch in counts") }
	if (!identical(ref$region, regions(out))) { stop("mismatch in region output") }	
	if (!identical(ref$totals, out$totals) ||
		!identical(ref$totals, totalCounts(c(dir1, dir2), param=param))) {
		stop("mismatch in total output") 
    # Checking restriction.
    if (!is.null(restrict)) { 
        out.alt <- connectCounts(c(dir1, dir2), regions=ranges, filter=filter, type=type, param=param, restrict.regions=TRUE)
        if (!identical(assay(out), assay(out.alt)) || !identical(anchors(out), anchors(out.alt)) ||
                any(!seqnames(regions(out.alt)) %in% restrict)) {
            stop("restrict.regions=TRUE doesn't work for connectCounts")

	return(cbind(head(ref$pairs), head(ref$counts)))


# Vanilla comparisons involving the same ranges.
current.cuts <- simcuts(chromos)
samecomp(100, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=simranges(current.cuts, nranges=1))
samecomp(100, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=simranges(current.cuts, nranges=2))
samecomp(100, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=simranges(current.cuts, nranges=5))
samecomp(100, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=simranges(current.cuts, nranges=10))

current.cuts <- simcuts(chromos)
samecomp(200, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=simranges(current.cuts, nranges=1))
samecomp(200, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=simranges(current.cuts, nranges=2))
samecomp(200, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=simranges(current.cuts, nranges=5), filter=2L)
samecomp(200, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=simranges(current.cuts, nranges=10), filter=2L)
samecomp(200, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=simranges(current.cuts, nranges=10), type="within")

current.cuts <- simcuts(chromos)
samecomp(500, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=simranges(current.cuts, nranges=1))
samecomp(500, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=simranges(current.cuts, nranges=2), filter=2L)
samecomp(500, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=simranges(current.cuts, nranges=5), filter=2L)
samecomp(500, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=simranges(current.cuts, nranges=10), filter=2L)
samecomp(500, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=simranges(current.cuts, nranges=10), type="within")

current.cuts <- simcuts(chromos)
samecomp(1000, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=simranges(current.cuts, nranges=1))
samecomp(1000, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=simranges(current.cuts, nranges=2), type="within")
samecomp(1000, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=simranges(current.cuts, nranges=5), filter=20L)
samecomp(1000, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=simranges(current.cuts, nranges=10), filter=5L)

# Altering the scope of the ranges.
current.cuts <- simcuts(chromos, min=50, max=100, overlap=4)
samecomp(100, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=simranges(current.cuts, nranges=50, min=100, max=300))
samecomp(100, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=simranges(current.cuts, nranges=50, min=100, max=300), type="within")
samecomp(100, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=simranges(current.cuts, nranges=50, min=100, max=300), filter=5)
samecomp(100, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=simranges(current.cuts, nranges=100, min=100, max=300))
samecomp(100, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=simranges(current.cuts, nranges=200, min=100, max=300))

current.cuts <- simcuts(chromos, min=50, max=100, overlap=2)
samecomp(500, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=simranges(current.cuts, nranges=50, min=100, max=300))
samecomp(500, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=simranges(current.cuts, nranges=50, min=100, max=300), type="within")
samecomp(500, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=simranges(current.cuts, nranges=50, min=100, max=300), filter=5)
samecomp(500, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=simranges(current.cuts, nranges=100, min=100, max=300))
samecomp(500, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=simranges(current.cuts, nranges=200, min=100, max=300))
current.cuts <- simcuts(chromos, min=50, max=100)
samecomp(1000, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=simranges(current.cuts, nranges=50, min=100, max=300))
samecomp(1000, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=simranges(current.cuts, nranges=50, min=100, max=300), type="within")
samecomp(1000, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=simranges(current.cuts, nranges=50, min=100, max=300), filter=5)
samecomp(1000, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=simranges(current.cuts, nranges=100, min=100, max=300))
samecomp(1000, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=simranges(current.cuts, nranges=200, min=100, max=300))

# Testing some restriction.	
current.cuts <- simcuts(chromos)
samecomp(100, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=simranges(current.cuts, nranges=1), restrict="chrA")
samecomp(100, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=simranges(current.cuts, nranges=2), restrict="chrB")
samecomp(100, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=simranges(current.cuts, nranges=5), restrict="chrA")
samecomp(100, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=simranges(current.cuts, nranges=10), restrict="chrB")

# Adding some extra elements to the ranges (should not fail).
my.ranges <- simranges(current.cuts, nranges=10)
my.ranges <- suppressWarnings(c(my.ranges, GRanges("chrX", IRanges(1:10, 1:10))))
samecomp(100, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=my.ranges)
my.ranges <- simranges(current.cuts, nranges=10)
my.ranges <- suppressWarnings(c(GRanges("chrX", IRanges(1:10, 1:10)), my.ranges))
samecomp(100, cuts=current.cuts, ranges=my.ranges)

# Repeating the analysis with first and second ranges.

secondcomp <- function(nreads, cuts, ranges1, ranges2, filter=0L, type="any", restrict=NULL) {
	simgen(dir1, nreads, chromos)
	simgen(dir2, nreads, chromos)

	param <- pairParam(cuts, restrict=restrict)
	out <- connectCounts(c(dir1, dir2), regions=ranges1, filter=filter, type=type, param=param, second.regions=ranges2)

    # Checking all provided regions are represented in the output regions.
    # Note that switch in overlapsAny() behaviour depending on whether output regions are expanded or truncated.
    subreg1 <- ranges1
    if (!is.null(restrict)) { 
        subreg1 <- subreg1[seqnames(subreg1) %in% restrict]
    suppressWarnings(stopifnot(all(overlapsAny(subreg1, regions(out)[!regions(out)$is.second], 
                                               type=ifelse(type=="any", "within", "any"))))) 
    if (is(ranges2, "GRanges")) { 
        subreg2 <- ranges2
        if (!is.null(restrict)) { 
            subreg2 <- subreg2[seqnames(subreg2) %in% restrict]
        suppressWarnings(stopifnot(all(overlapsAny(subreg2, regions(out)[regions(out)$is.second],
                                                   type=ifelse(type=="any", "within", "any")))))

    # Comparing the counts from looking at the combined regions.
	combined <- regions(out)
	ref <- connectCounts(c(dir1, dir2), regions=combined, filter=filter, type="within", param=param) # Need within, avoid overlap from fill-in. 
    regions(ref)$is.second <- combined$is.second[regions(ref)$original]
	keep <- anchors(ref, type="first")$is.second!=anchors(ref, type="second")$is.second
	ref <- ref[keep,]

	if (!all(regions(ref)==regions(out))) { stop("mismatch in regions") }
	if (!identical(anchors(ref, id=TRUE, type="first"), anchors(out, id=TRUE, type="first"))) { stop("mismatch in anchor1 identities") }
	if (!identical(anchors(ref, id=TRUE, type="second"), anchors(out, id=TRUE, type="second"))) { stop("mismatch in anchor2 identities") }
	if (!identical(assay(ref), assay(out))) { stop("mismatch in counts") }
	if (!identical(ref$totals, out$totals)) { stop("mismatch in total output") }	

    # Checking restriction.
    if (!is.null(restrict)) { 
        out.alt <- connectCounts(c(dir1, dir2), regions=ranges1, filter=filter, type=type, param=param, 
                                 second.regions=ranges2, restrict.regions=TRUE)

        if (!identical(assay(out), assay(out.alt)) || !identical(anchors(out), anchors(out.alt)) ||
                any(!seqnames(regions(out.alt)) %in% restrict)) {
            stop("restrict.regions=TRUE doesn't work for connectCounts")

	return(cbind(anchor1=head(anchors(ref, type="first", id=TRUE)), 
                 anchor2=head(anchors(ref, type="second", id=TRUE)), head(assay(ref))))


current.cuts <- simcuts(chromos, min=50, max=100, overlap=4)
r1 <- simranges(current.cuts, nranges=20, min=100, max=300)
r2 <- simranges(current.cuts, nranges=20, min=100, max=300)
secondcomp(1000, current.cuts, r1, r2)
secondcomp(1000, current.cuts, r1, r2, filter=3)
secondcomp(1000, current.cuts, r1, r2, type="within")
secondcomp(1000, current.cuts, r1, r2, restrict="chrA")

current.cuts <- simcuts(chromos)
r1 <- simranges(current.cuts, nranges=5, min=1000, max=3000)
r2 <- simranges(current.cuts, nranges=5, min=1000, max=3000)
secondcomp(100, current.cuts, r1, r2)
secondcomp(100, current.cuts, r1, r2, filter=3)
secondcomp(100, current.cuts, r1, r2, type="within")
secondcomp(100, current.cuts, r1, r2, restrict="chrB")

current.cuts <- simcuts(chromos)
r1 <- simranges(current.cuts, nranges=5, min=1000, max=3000)
r2 <- 3000
secondcomp(100, current.cuts, r1, r2)
secondcomp(100, current.cuts, r1, r2, filter=3)
secondcomp(100, current.cuts, r1, r2, type="within")
secondcomp(100, current.cuts, r1, r2, restrict="chrA")

current.cuts <- simcuts(chromos, min=50, max=100, overlap=4)
r1 <- simranges(current.cuts, nranges=30, min=100, max=300)
r2 <- 500
secondcomp(100, current.cuts, r1, r2)
secondcomp(100, current.cuts, r1, r2, filter=3)
secondcomp(100, current.cuts, r1, r2, type="within")
secondcomp(100, current.cuts, r1, r2, restrict="chrB")

# Again, adding some extra elements to the ranges (should throw warnings but not fail).
my.ranges <- simranges(current.cuts, nranges=10)
my.ranges <- suppressWarnings(c(my.ranges, GRanges("chrX", IRanges(1:10, 1:10))))
secondcomp(100, cuts=current.cuts, ranges1=my.ranges, ranges2=r2)
my.ranges <- simranges(current.cuts, nranges=10)
my.ranges <- suppressWarnings(c(GRanges("chrX", IRanges(1:10, 1:10)), my.ranges))
secondcomp(100, cuts=current.cuts, ranges1=my.ranges, ranges2=r2)

# Cleaning up.

unlink("temp-con", recursive=TRUE)

LTLA/diffHic documentation built on Dec. 20, 2024, 7:06 p.m.