
# This tests the clusterPairs function.



simgen <- function(alln, chromos, width,, {
	# Randomly sampling chromosomes to generate both a pair matrix and the chromosome space.
	output <- GRanges()
	for (x in names(chromos)) {
		n <- chromos[[x]]
		gaps <- round(runif(n,,
		starts <- cumsum(gaps)
		ends <- starts + width
		suppressWarnings(output <- c(output, GRanges(x, IRanges(starts, ends))))
	# Randomly sampling pairs.
   	total <- length(output)
   	chosen1 <- round(runif(alln, 1, total))
   	chosen2 <- round(runif(alln, 1, total))
   	chosen.a <- pmax(chosen1, chosen2)
   	chosen.t <- pmin(chosen1, chosen2)

	# Enforcing uniqueness.
   	o <- order(chosen.a, chosen.t)
   	chosen.a <- chosen.a[o]
   	chosen.t <- chosen.t[o]
   	is.diff <- c(TRUE, diff(chosen.a)!=0 | diff(chosen.t)!=0)
	return(InteractionSet(list(counts=matrix(0L, nrow=alln, ncol=1)), 
        GInteractions(anchor1=chosen.a, anchor2=chosen.t, region=output, mode="reverse"),

crisscross <- function(id1, id2) {
	out <- split(id1, id2)
	if (!all(sapply(out, FUN=function(x) { length(unique(x))==1L }))) {
	out <- split(id2, id1)
	if (!all(sapply(out, FUN=function(x) { length(unique(x))==1L }))) {

clustercomp <- function(data, tol, maxw, split=FALSE, data2=NULL) {
	if (!is.null(data2)) { 
		original <- data
        data <- rbind(original, data2)

	# Simulating cluster formation first, by expanding each region and checking for overlaps.
	# We use a simple quadratic-time algorithm; slow, but gets the job done.
    gi <- interactions(data)
	region <- regions(data)
	np <- nrow(data)
	expanded <- resize(region, fix="center", width(region)+tol*2)
	allap <- findOverlaps(expanded, region)
#	nested <- findOverlaps(region, region, type="within")
	impossible <- np+1L
	myids <- rep(impossible, np) <- 1L

	for (x in 1:np) {
		cura <- gi@anchor1[x]
		keep.a <- subjectHits(allap)[queryHits(allap)==cura]
		curt <- gi@anchor2[x]
		keep.t <- subjectHits(allap)[queryHits(allap)==curt]

#		has.nested.a<- subjectHits(nested)[queryHits(nested)==cura & subjectHits(nested)!=cura] 
#		has.nested.t <- subjectHits(nested)[queryHits(nested)==curt & subjectHits(nested)!=curt] 
#		anchor1.nested <- gi@anchor1 %in% has.nested.a
#		anchor2.nested <- gi@anchor2 %in% has.nested.t
#		if (any(anchor1.nested & gi@anchor2 %in% keep.t)) { cat("Hooray, nested anchor!\n") }
#		if (any(gi@anchor1 %in% keep.a & anchor2.nested)) { cat("Hooray, nested target!\n") }
#		if (any(anchor1.nested & anchor2.nested)) { cat("Hooray, nested both!\n") }

		partners <- which(gi@anchor1 %in% keep.a & gi@anchor2 %in% keep.t)
		partners <- partners[partners>=x]
		curids <- myids[partners]
		curids <- curids[curids!=impossible]
		chosen <- unique(curids)
		if (length(chosen)>1L) { 
			chosen <- min(curids)
		} else if (!length(curids)) {
			chosen <- <- + 1L
		myids[partners]	<- chosen

	if (!is.null(data2)) { 
		comp <- clusterPairs(original, data2, tol=tol, upper=NULL)$indices
		comp <- unlist(comp)
	} else {
		comp <- clusterPairs(data, tol=tol, upper=NULL)$indices[[1]]
	if (!crisscross(comp, myids)) { stop("mismatches in cluster IDs without bin size restriction") }

# Some error checking functions; just define 'current' as the pairs of interest.
# anchor2 <- which(sapply(split(comp, myids), FUN=function(x) { length(unique(x))!=1 }))
# current <- pairs[myid==anchor2[1],]
# plot(0,0,xlim=c(1075, 1358),ylim=c(1163,1475))
# rect(start(region)[current$t], start(region)[current$t], end(region)[current$a], end(region)[current$t], col=rgb(1,0,0,0.5))

	# Now, splitting each cluster to keep them under maxw.
	clusters <- split(1:np, comp)
	all.starts <- start(region)
	all.ends <- end(region)+1L
	last <- 0
	myid2 <- myids
	for (x in names(clusters)) {
		active <- clusters[[x]]
		active.a <- gi@anchor1[active]
		active.t <- gi@anchor2[active] <- min(all.starts[active.a]) <- max(all.ends[active.a])
		cluster.ts <- min(all.starts[active.t])
		cluster.te <- max(all.ends[active.t])

		diff.a <- - 
		mult.a <- max(1, round(diff.a / maxw))
		jump.a <- diff.a/mult.a

		diff.t <- cluster.te - cluster.ts 
		mult.t <- max(1, round(diff.t / maxw))
		jump.t <- diff.t/mult.t

		mid.a <- (all.starts[active.a]+all.ends[active.a]) * 0.5
		ax <- floor((mid.a -
		mid.t <- (all.starts[active.t]+all.ends[active.t]) * 0.5
		tx <- floor((mid.t - cluster.ts)/jump.t)

		myid2[active] <- ax * mult.t + tx + last
		last <- last + mult.t*mult.a

	# Comparing it to the actual clustering.
	if (!is.null(data2)) { 
		comp2 <- clusterPairs(original, data2, tol=tol, upper=maxw)
		id.comp <- unlist(comp2$indices)
	} else {
		comp2 <- clusterPairs(data, tol=tol, upper=maxw)
		id.comp <- comp2$indices[[1]]
	if (!crisscross(id.comp, myid2)) { stop("mismatches in cluster IDs when a maximum bin size is applied") }

    # Checking it's the same with index.only=TRUE.
	if (!is.null(data2)) { 
		icomp <- clusterPairs(original, data2, tol=tol, upper=maxw, index.only=TRUE)
	} else {
		icomp <- clusterPairs(data, tol=tol, upper=maxw, index.only=TRUE)
	if (!identical(icomp, comp2$indices)) { stop("different behaviour with index.only=TRUE") }

	# Checking the bounding boxes.
    ix <- as.character(seq_len(max(id.comp)))
	a1range <- split(anchors(data, type="first"), id.comp)
	a1range <- range(a1range[ix])
    a2range <- split(anchors(data, type="second"), id.comp)
	a2range <- range(a2range[ix])
	names(a1range) <- names(a2range) <- NULL
	if (!identical(anchors(comp2$interactions, type="first"), unlist(a1range)) || 
        !identical(anchors(comp2$interactions, type="second"), unlist(a2range))) {
		stop("mismatches in anchor1/anchor2 bounding box coordinates")

	if (split) { 
	} else {



chromos <- c(chrA=10, chrB=20, chrC=40)
data <- simgen(100, chromos, 20, 50, 100)
clustercomp(data, tol=70, maxw=200)
clustercomp(data, tol=100, maxw=200)
clustercomp(data, tol=200, maxw=200)

data <- simgen(100, chromos, 10, 50, 100)
clustercomp(data, tol=70, maxw=500)
clustercomp(data, tol=100, maxw=500)
clustercomp(data, tol=200, maxw=500)

data <- simgen(500, chromos, 20, 50, 100)
clustercomp(data, tol=70, maxw=200)
clustercomp(data, tol=100, maxw=200)
clustercomp(data, tol=200, maxw=200)

data <- simgen(500, chromos, 10, 50, 100)
clustercomp(data, tol=70, maxw=500)
clustercomp(data, tol=100, maxw=500)
clustercomp(data, tol=200, maxw=500)

data <- simgen(1000, chromos, 20, 50, 100)
clustercomp(data, tol=70, maxw=200)
clustercomp(data, tol=100, maxw=200)
clustercomp(data, tol=200, maxw=200)

data <- simgen(1000, chromos, 10, 50, 100)
clustercomp(data, tol=70, maxw=500)
clustercomp(data, tol=100, maxw=500)
clustercomp(data, tol=200, maxw=500)

# And again, with flipped settings.	
data <- simgen(100, chromos, 50, 10, 20)
clustercomp(data, tol=0, maxw=200)
clustercomp(data, tol=20, maxw=200)
clustercomp(data, tol=50, maxw=200)

data <- simgen(100, chromos, 100, 10, 20)
clustercomp(data, tol=0, maxw=500)
clustercomp(data, tol=20, maxw=500)
clustercomp(data, tol=50, maxw=500)

data <- simgen(500, chromos, 50, 10, 20)
clustercomp(data, tol=0, maxw=100, split=TRUE)
clustercomp(data, tol=0, maxw=200, split=TRUE)
clustercomp(data, tol=0, maxw=500, split=TRUE)

data <- simgen(500, chromos, 100, 10, 20)
clustercomp(data, tol=0, maxw=100, split=TRUE)
clustercomp(data, tol=0, maxw=200, split=TRUE)
clustercomp(data, tol=0, maxw=500, split=TRUE)

data <- simgen(1000, chromos, 50, 10, 20)
clustercomp(data, tol=0, maxw=100, split=TRUE)
clustercomp(data, tol=0, maxw=200, split=TRUE)
clustercomp(data, tol=0, maxw=500, split=TRUE)

data <- simgen(1000, chromos, 100, 10, 20)
clustercomp(data, tol=0, maxw=100, split=TRUE)
clustercomp(data, tol=0, maxw=200, split=TRUE)
clustercomp(data, tol=0, maxw=500, split=TRUE)

# Clustering with multiple entries.


data <- simgen(100, chromos, 20, 50, 100)
data2 <- simgen(100, chromos, 10, 20, 50)
clustercomp(data, tol=70, maxw=200, data2=data2)
clustercomp(data, tol=100, maxw=200, data2=data2)
clustercomp(data, tol=200, maxw=200, data2=data2)

data <- simgen(100, chromos, 50, 50, 100)
data2 <- simgen(100, chromos, 10, 20, 50)
clustercomp(data, tol=70, maxw=500, data2=data2)
clustercomp(data, tol=100, maxw=500, data2=data2)
clustercomp(data, tol=200, maxw=500, data2=data2)

data <- simgen(500, chromos, 20, 50, 100)
data2 <- simgen(500, chromos, 10, 20, 50)
clustercomp(data, tol=70, maxw=200, data2=data2)
clustercomp(data, tol=100, maxw=200, data2=data2)
clustercomp(data, tol=200, maxw=200, data2=data2)

data <- simgen(500, chromos, 50, 50, 100)
data2 <- simgen(500, chromos, 10, 20, 50)
clustercomp(data, tol=70, maxw=500, data2=data2)
clustercomp(data, tol=100, maxw=500, data2=data2)
clustercomp(data, tol=200, maxw=500, data2=data2)

data <- simgen(1000, chromos, 50, 50, 100)
data2 <- simgen(1000, chromos, 10, 20, 50)
clustercomp(data, tol=70, maxw=200, data2=data2)
clustercomp(data, tol=100, maxw=200, data2=data2)
clustercomp(data, tol=200, maxw=200, data2=data2)

data <- simgen(1000, chromos, 20, 50, 100)
data2 <- simgen(1000, chromos, 10, 20, 50)
clustercomp(data, tol=70, maxw=500, data2=data2)
clustercomp(data, tol=100, maxw=500, data2=data2)
clustercomp(data, tol=200, maxw=500, data2=data2)

# Specific clustering tests involving nested things.

getLandscape <- function(astarts, aends, tstarts, tends) { 
	astarts <- as.integer(astarts)
	aends <- as.integer(aends)
	tstarts <- as.integer(tstarts)
	tends <- as.integer(tends)
	o <- order(astarts, tstarts)
	.Call(diffHic:::cxx_cluster_2d, astarts[o], tstarts[o], aends[o], tends[o], tol=1L, TRUE)

parent.a <- c(10, 20)
parent.t <- c(10, 20)

# Wholly nested.

nest.a <- c(12, 15)
nest.t <- c(12, 15)
getLandscape(c(parent.a[1], nest.a[1]),	c(parent.a[2], nest.a[2]), 
	c(parent.t[1], nest.t[1]), c(parent.t[2], nest.t[2]))

# Nested target, joined anchor

nest.a <- c(18, 21)
nest.t <- c(12, 15)
getLandscape(c(parent.a[1], nest.a[1]),	c(parent.a[2], nest.a[2]), 
	c(parent.t[1], nest.t[1]), c(parent.t[2], nest.t[2]))

nest.t <- c(10, 12)
getLandscape(c(parent.a[1], nest.a[1]),	c(parent.a[2], nest.a[2]), 
	c(parent.t[1], nest.t[1]), c(parent.t[2], nest.t[2]))

nest.t <- c(15, 20)
getLandscape(c(parent.a[1], nest.a[1]),	c(parent.a[2], nest.a[2]), 
	c(parent.t[1], nest.t[1]), c(parent.t[2], nest.t[2]))

# Nested anchor, joined target.
nest.t <- c(18, 21)
nest.a <- c(12, 15)
getLandscape(c(parent.a[1], nest.a[1]),	c(parent.a[2], nest.a[2]), 
	c(parent.t[1], nest.t[1]), c(parent.t[2], nest.t[2]))

nest.a <- c(10, 12)
getLandscape(c(parent.a[1], nest.a[1]),	c(parent.a[2], nest.a[2]), 
	c(parent.t[1], nest.t[1]), c(parent.t[2], nest.t[2]))

nest.a <- c(15, 20)
getLandscape(c(parent.a[1], nest.a[1]),	c(parent.a[2], nest.a[2]), 
	c(parent.t[1], nest.t[1]), c(parent.t[2], nest.t[2]))

# Nested anchor, extended target.

nest.a <- c(12, 15)
nest.t <- c(5, 25)
getLandscape(c(parent.a[1], nest.a[1]),	c(parent.a[2], nest.a[2]), 
	c(parent.t[1], nest.t[1]), c(parent.t[2], nest.t[2]))

# Nested target, extended anchor.

nest.a <- c(5, 25)
nest.t <- c(12, 15)
getLandscape(c(parent.a[1], nest.a[1]),	c(parent.a[2], nest.a[2]), 
	c(parent.t[1], nest.t[1]), c(parent.t[2], nest.t[2]))

# Double nested. 

parent.a2 <- c(10, 20)
parent.t2 <- c(30, 40)

nest.a <- c(12, 15)
nest.t <- c(5, 45)
getLandscape(c(parent.a[1], parent.a2[1], nest.a[1]), c(parent.a[2], parent.a2[2], nest.a[2]), 
	c(parent.t[1], parent.t2[1], nest.t[1]), c(parent.t[2], parent.t2[2], nest.t[2]))

nest.t <- c(15, 35)
getLandscape(c(parent.a[1], parent.a2[1], nest.a[1]), c(parent.a[2], parent.a2[2], nest.a[2]), 
	c(parent.t[1], parent.t2[1], nest.t[1]), c(parent.t[2], parent.t2[2], nest.t[2]))

# End.
LTLA/diffHic documentation built on Dec. 20, 2024, 7:06 p.m.