
Defines functions matchMargins normalizeCNV

Documented in matchMargins normalizeCNV

normalizeCNV <- function(data, margins, prior.count=3, span=0.3, maxk=500, 
                         assay.data=1, assay.marg=1, ...)
# This performs two-dimensional loess smoothing, using the counts and the 
# marginal counts to compute the abundance and the marginal fold-changes,
# respectively. Both are used as covariates in the model to smooth out any
# systematic differences in interaction intensity. The aim is to get rid
# of any CNV-induced bias, quantified by the differences in the marginals.
# written by Aaron Lun
# created 11 September 2014
# last modified 18 September 2017
    # Checking for proper type.
    data.binprs <- assay(data, assay.data)
    data.margin <- assay(margins, assay.marg)
    if (is.null(data$totals) || is.null(margins$totals)) { 
        stop("'totals' should be non-NULL for 'data' and 'margins'")
    } else if (!identical(margins$totals, data$totals)) { 
		warning("library sizes should be identical for 'margins' and 'data'")

    # Smaller prior for bin pair count to calculate offsets;
    # larger prior for margin counts to stabilize covariates.
	cont.cor <- 0.5
	cont.cor.scaled <- cont.cor * data$totals/mean(data$totals)
	ab <- aveLogCPM(data.binprs, lib.size=data$totals, prior.count=cont.cor)
	mave <- aveLogCPM(data.margin, lib.size=margins$totals, prior.count=prior.count)

	# Generating covariates.
	mab <- cpm(data.margin, lib.size=margins$totals, log=TRUE, prior.count=prior.count) - mave
	matched <- matchMargins(data, margins)	
	ma.adjc <- mab[matched$anchor1,,drop=FALSE] 
	mt.adjc <- mab[matched$anchor2,,drop=FALSE]

	offsets <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(data), ncol=ncol(data))
	for (lib in seq_len(ncol(data))) {
		ma.fc <- ma.adjc[,lib]
		mt.fc <- mt.adjc[,lib]

		# Anchor/target distinction is arbitrary, so this coerces otherwise-identical 
		# points into the same part of the covariate space (see comment below).
		mfc1 <- (ma.fc + mt.fc)/2
		mfc2 <- abs(ma.fc - mt.fc)
		all.cov <- list(mfc1, mfc2, ab)
		# Fitting a loess surface with the specified covariates.	
		i.fc <- log2(data.binprs[,lib] + cont.cor.scaled[lib]) - ab 
		cov.fun <- do.call(lp, c(all.cov, nn=span, deg=1))
		fit <- locfit(i.fc ~ cov.fun, maxk=maxk, ..., lfproc=locfit.robust) 
		offsets[,lib] <- fitted(fit)

	offsets <- offsets/log2(exp(1))
	offsets <- offsets - rowMeans(offsets)

##################### COMMENT ##########################
# You get two copy number changes for each bin pair, one for each region. The
# simplest coercion involves defining one covariate as the maximum change, and
# the other covariate as the minimum change. However, this gives a covariate
# space that is cut off past the diagonal. This won't be happily fitted in
# locfit, as it uses a rectangular grid (check out Computational Methods in
# Loader's book). You need all corners of the grid to interpolate, but one of
# those corners will be useless if it hangs on the wrong side of the diagonal.
# Instead, we rotate the space by 45 degrees, such that the diagonal is now a
# vertical line. The boundary of the grid now coincides with the true boundary
# of the space. All corners will now have sensible evaluations, such that 
# interpolation will be more reliable.

matchMargins <- function(data, margins) 
# This function just matches the bin pairs in 'data' to the two indices of
# 'margins' that each bin corresponds to.
# written by Aaron Lun
# created 17 September 2014	
# last modified 8 December 2015 
    anchor1 <- anchors(data, type="first", id=TRUE)
    anchor2 <- anchors(data, type="second", id=TRUE)

	# Checking to ensure that the regions are the same, and matching otherwise.
	if (any(regions(data)!=rowRanges(margins))) {
        m <- match(regions(data), rowRanges(margins))
        anchor1 <- m[anchor1]
        anchor2 <- m[anchor2]
        if (any(is.na(anchor1)) || any(is.na(anchor2))) {
            stop("regions in 'data' missing from 'margins'")
	return(data.frame(anchor1=anchor1, anchor2=anchor2))
LTLA/diffHic documentation built on Dec. 20, 2024, 7:06 p.m.