#' @title Run Sparse multiple Canonical Correlation Analysis and Obtain Canonical Weights (with Subsampling)
#' @description SmCCNet algorithm with multi-omics data and quantitative phenotype. Calculate the canonical weights for SmCCA.
#' @param X A list of omics data each with n subjects.
#' @param s A vector with length equals to the number of omics data (\eqn{X}), specifying the
#' percentage of omics feature being subsampled at each subsampling iteration.
#' @param TraitWeight Whether to return canonical weight for trait (phenotype), default is set to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param Trait An \eqn{n\times 1} trait (phenotype) data matrix for the same n subjects.
#' @param Lambda Lasso penalty vector with length equals to the number of omics data (\eqn{X}). \code{Lambda} needs
#' to be between 0 and 1.
#' @param NoTrait Logical, default is \code{FALSE}. Whether trait information
#' is provided.
#' @param SubsamplingNum Number of feature subsamples. Default is 1000. Larger
#' number leads to more accurate results, but at a higher computational cost.
#' @param CCcoef Optional scaling factors for the SmCCA pairwise canonical
#' correlations. If \code{CCcoef = NULL} (default), then the objective function
#' is the total sum of all pairwise canonical correlations. This
#' coefficient vector follows the column order of \code{combn(T+1, 2)} assuming there are T omics data and a phenotype data.
#' @param trace Whether to display the CCA algorithm trace, default is set to \code{FALSE}.
#' @return A canonical correlation weight matrix with \eqn{p = \sum_{i} p_i} rows, where \eqn{p_i} is the number of features for the \eqn{i}th omics. Each
#' column is the canonical correlation weights based on subsampled features. The number of columns is \code{SubsamplingNum}.
#' @examples
#' ## For illustration, we only subsample 5 times.
#' set.seed(123)
#' X1 <- matrix(rnorm(600,0,1), nrow = 60)
#' X2 <- matrix(rnorm(600,0,1), nrow = 60)
#' Y <- matrix(rnorm(60,0,1), nrow = 60)
#' # Unweighted SmCCA
#' result <- getRobustWeightsMulti(X = list(X1, X2), Trait = Y, NoTrait = FALSE,
#' Lambda = c(0.5, 0.5),s = c(0.7, 0.7), SubsamplingNum = 20)
#' @export
getRobustWeightsMulti <- function(X, Trait, Lambda,
s = NULL, NoTrait = FALSE,
SubsamplingNum = 1000,
CCcoef = NULL, trace = FALSE, TraitWeight = FALSE){
if(sum(s == 0) > 1){
stop("Subsampling proprotion needs to be greater than zero.")
if(sum(abs(s - 0.5) > 0.5) > 0){
stop("Subsampling proportions can not exceed one.")}
if((sum(abs(Lambda - 0.5) > 0.5) > 0) | (sum(Lambda == 0) > 0)){
stop("Invalid penalty parameter. Lambda1 needs to be between zero and one.")}
p_data <- unlist(lapply(X, ncol))
p <- sum(p_data)
p_sub <- unlist(
purrr::map(1:length(p_data), function(h){
ceiling(p_data[h] * s[h])
if (SubsamplingNum > 1)
beta <- pbapply::pbsapply(seq_len(SubsamplingNum), function(x){
# random subsampling
samp <- purrr::map(1:length(p_data), function(h){
sort(sample(seq_len(p_data[h]), p_sub[h], replace = FALSE))
# subset data
x.par <- purrr::map(1:length(p_data), function(h){
scale(X[[h]][ , samp[[h]]], center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
# run SmCCA
if (!is.null(Trait)){
out <- getCanWeightsMulti(x.par, Trait, Lambda,
NoTrait = NoTrait,
trace = trace, CCcoef = CCcoef)
out <- getCanWeightsMulti(x.par,Trait = NULL, Lambda,
NoTrait = TRUE,
trace = trace, CCcoef = CCcoef)
w <- rep(0, p)
# cumulative sum for features
p_cum <- c(0, cumsum(p_data))
for (h in 1:(length(p_cum) - 1))
w[samp[[h]] + p_cum[h]] <- out[[h]]
coeff.avg <- w
beta <- sapply(seq_len(SubsamplingNum), function(x){
# random subsampling
samp <- purrr::map(1:length(p_data), function(h){
sort(sample(seq_len(p_data[h]), p_sub[h], replace = FALSE))
# subset data
x.par <- purrr::map(1:length(p_data), function(h){
scale(X[[h]][ , samp[[h]]], center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
# run SmCCA
if (!is.null(Trait)){
out <- getCanWeightsMulti(x.par, Trait, Lambda,
NoTrait = NoTrait,
trace = trace, CCcoef = CCcoef)
out <- getCanWeightsMulti(x.par,Trait = NULL, Lambda,
NoTrait = TRUE,
trace = trace, CCcoef = CCcoef)
w <- rep(0, p)
# cumulative sum for features
p_cum <- c(0, cumsum(p_data))
for (h in 1:(length(p_cum) - 1))
w[samp[[h]] + p_cum[h]] <- out[[h]]
coeff.avg <- w
#' @title Get Canonical Weight SmCCA Algorithm (No Subsampling)
#' @description Run Sparse multiple Canonical Correlation Analysis (SmCCA) and return
#' canonical weight vectors.
#' @param X A list of omics data each with n subjects.
#' @param Trait An \eqn{n} by 1 trait (phenotype) data for the same samples.
#' @param Lambda Lasso penalty vector with length equals to the number of omics data (\eqn{X}). \code{Lambda} needs
#' to be between 0 and 1.
#' @param CCcoef Optional scaling factors for the SmCCA pairwise canonical
#' correlations. If \code{CCcoef = NULL} (default), then the objective function
#' is the total sum of all pairwise canonical correlations. It follows the column order of \code{combn(T+1, 2)}, where \code{T} is the total number of omics data.
#' @param NoTrait Whether or not trait (phenotype) information is provided, default is set to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param trace Whether to display CCA algorithm trace, default is set to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param TraitWeight Whether to return canonical weight for trait (phenotype), default is set to \code{FALSE}.
#' @return A canonical weight vector with size of \eqn{p} by 1.
#' @examples
#' # This function is typically used as an internal function.
#' # It is also used when performing cross-validation,
#' # refer to multi-omics vignette for more detail.
#' # X <- list(X1,X2)
#' # result <- getCanWeightsMulti(X, Trait = as.matrix(Y), Lambda = c(0.5,0.5), NoTrait = FALSE)
#' # result <- getCanWeightsMulti(X, Trait = NULL, Lambda = c(0.5,0.5), NoTrait = TRUE)
#' # cccoef <- c(1,10,10)
#' # result <- getCanWeightsMulti(X, Trait = as.matrix(Y), CCcoef = cccoef,
#' # Lambda = c(0.5,0.5), NoTrait = FALSE)
#' @export
getCanWeightsMulti <- function(X, Trait = NULL, Lambda, CCcoef = NULL,
NoTrait = TRUE, trace = FALSE, TraitWeight = FALSE){
# Compute CCA weights.
# X: a list of omics data
# Trait: An n by k trait data for the same samples (k >=1).
# Lambda: LASSO pentalty parameters, need to be between 0 and 1.
# CCcoef: A vector indicating weights for each pairwise canonical
# correlation.
# NoTrait: Logical. Whether trait information is provided.
# to Trait will be assigned nonzero weights. The top 80% features are reserved.
# trace: Logical. Whether to display CCA algorithm trace.
for (j in 1:length(Lambda))
if(abs(Lambda[j] - 0.5) > 0.5){
stop("Invalid penalty parameter. Lambda1 needs to be between zero and
if(min(Lambda) == 0){
stop("Invalid penalty parameter. Both Lambda1 and Lambda2 has to be
greater than 0.")
if (NoTrait == TRUE)
# calculate penalty
L <- unlist(purrr::map(1:length(X), function(i){
max(1, sqrt(ncol(X[[i]])) * Lambda[[i]])
# run SmCCA without phenotype
out <- myMultiCCA(X, penalty = L,
CCcoef = CCcoef, trace = trace)
# calculate penalty
L <- unlist(purrr::map(1:length(X), function(i){
max(1, sqrt(ncol(X[[i]])) * Lambda[[i]])
# add phenotype into data list
X[[length(X)+1]] <- scale(Trait)
# add penalty for phenotype
L[length(X)] <- sqrt(ncol(Trait))
out <- myMultiCCA(X, penalty = L,
CCcoef = CCcoef, trace = trace)
# store canonical weight
if (TraitWeight == TRUE)
ws <- out$ws
if (NoTrait == TRUE)
ws <- out$ws
ws <- out$ws[-length(out$ws)]
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