.GMTFile = setClass("GMTFile", contains = "RTLFile")
GMTFile = function(resource, ...)
.GMTFile(resource = resource)
#' @importFrom rtracklayer import export resource
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom utils write.table
import.gmt <- function(path) {
sets <- readLines(path)
sets <- strsplit(sets, "\t")
names <- vapply(sets, function(set) set[[1]], character(1))
elements <- lapply(sets, function(set) set[-(1:2)])
names(elements) <- names
source <- vapply(sets, function(set) set[[2]], character(1))
source[source=="NA" | !nzchar(source)] <- NA
tbl <- do.call(BiocSet, elements)
tbl <- tbl %>% mutate_set(source = source)
#' Importing/exporting
#' @rdname import
#' @name import
#' @description Importing/exporting and formating of element sets as a
#' \code{BiocSet} object.
#' @param con For \code{import}, the file name or URL the element set is
#' loaded from. For \code{export}, the file name or URL the element set is
#' written to.
#' @param format For \code{import}, the format of the input. For
#' \code{export}, the format of the output.
#' @param text If con is missing this is a character vector directly providing
#' the element set that should be imported.
#' @param ... Parameters to pass to the format-specific method
#' @return For `import()`, a BiocSet object
#' @aliases import,GMTFile,ANY,ANY-method
#' @export
#' @examples
#' gmtFile <- system.file(package = "BiocSet", "extdata",
#' "hallmark.gene.symbol.gmt")
#' tbl <- import(gmtFile)
"import", c("GMTFile", "ANY", "ANY"),
function(con, format, text, ...)
#' @importFrom rlang .data
export.BiocSet <- function(tbl, path = tempfile(fileext = ".gmt")) {
if(!"source" %in% names(es_set(tbl)))
tbl <- mutate_set(tbl, source = rep(NA_character_, nrow(es_set(tbl))))
es <- es_elementset(tbl)
## bug in dplyr
sets <- tibble(set = character(0), element = character(0))
} else {
sets <- group_by(es, .data$set) %>%
summarise(element = paste(.data$element, collapse = "\t"))
tbl <- left_join_set(tbl, sets, by = c(set = "set"))
write.table(es_set(tbl), path, sep = "\t",
col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
#' @rdname import
#' @param object For `export()`, the object to be exported.
#' @return For `export()`, a GMTFile object representing the location
#' where the BiocSet object was written to
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tbl2 <- BiocSet(set1 = letters, set2 = LETTERS)
#' fl <- tempfile(fileext = ".gmt")
#' gmt <- export(tbl2, fl)
"export", c("BiocSet", "GMTFile", "ANY"),
function(object, con, format, ...)
export.BiocSet(object, resource(con))
#' as("BiocSet", "GeneSetCollection")
#' @name coerce
#' @aliases coerce,BiocSet,GeneSetCollection-method
#' @importFrom methods setAs coerce
#' @exportMethod coerce
setAs("BiocSet", "GeneSetCollection", function(from) {
if(!requireNamespace("GSEABase")) {
stop("Please install GSEABase")
lst <- as.list(from)
gsl <- Map(function(ids, name) {
GSEABase::GeneSet(ids, setName = name)
}, lst, names(lst))
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