#' @importFrom AnnotationDbi mapIds keytypes
#' @importFrom tibble enframe
.es_map <- function(es, org, from, to, multi)
all(es_element(es)$element %in%
keys(org, keytype = from)),
from %in% keytypes(org),
to %in% keytypes(org)
keys <- es_element(es)$element
map <- mapIds(org, keys, to, from, multiVals = multi)
tbl <- enframe(map, name = from, value = to)
es %>% map_element(tbl[[from]], tbl[[to]])
.normalize_mapping <-
function(from, to)
length(from) == length(to),
is.null(names(from)), is.null(names(to))
to <- rep(to, lengths(from))
from <- unlist(from)
from <- rep(from, lengths(to))
to <- unlist(to)
tibble(element = unname(from), to = unname(to))
map_element <- function(.data, from, to, keep_unmapped) UseMethod("map_element")
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows summarise_all mutate_if
map_element.BiocSet <-
function(.data, from, to, keep_unmapped = TRUE)
is.character(to) || is.list(to) || is(to, "CharacterList"),
length(from) == length(to)
element <- set <- NULL
es <- es_elementset(.data)
## mapping <- tibble(element = from, to)
mapping <- .normalize_mapping(from, to)
if (keep_unmapped) {
aux <- as_tibble(es) %>% # un-mapped elements
select(element) %>%
mutate(to = element) %>%
filter(!element %in% from)
mapping <- bind_rows(mapping, aux)
es <- # map
left_join(mapping, es) %>%
select(-element, element = to)
es <- es %>% # de-duplicate
group_by(element, set) %>%
summarise_all(list) %>%
mutate_if(.test, unlist)
sets <- es_set(.data) %>%
filter(set %in% es$set)
elements <- es_element(.data)
elements <- # map
left_join(mapping, elements) %>%
select(-element, element = to)
elements <- elements %>%
group_by(element) %>%
summarise_all(list) %>%
mutate_if(.test, unlist)
BiocSet_from_elementset(es, elements, sets)
#' Functions for mapping elements in the element tibble to different id types
#' @rdname mapping_element
#' @name mapping_element
#' @description Functions for dealing with unique mapping and multiple mapping.
#' \code{map_add_element} will add the mapping as a new column instead of
#' overwriting the current one used for the mapping.
#' @param es The BiocSet objec to map the elements on.
#' @param org The AnnotationDbi object to identify keys/mappings from.
#' @param from A character to indicate which identifier to map from.
#' @param to A character to indicate which identifier to map to.
#' @return For \code{map_unique}, a \code{BiocSet} object with unique
#' elements.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(org.Hs.eg.db)
#' es <- BiocSet(set1 = c("C5", "GANC"), set2 = c("AFM", "CGB1", "ADAM32"))
#' map_unique(es, org.Hs.eg.db, "SYMBOL", "ENTREZID")
map_unique <- function(es, org, from, to)
.es_map(es, org, from, to, multi = "first")
#' @rdname mapping_element
#' @name mapping_element
#' @param multi How should multiple values be returned?
#' Options include:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{list: This will just return a list object to the end user.}
#' \item{filter: This will remove all elements that contain multiple
#' matches and will therefore return a shorter vector than what came in
#' whenever some of the keys match more than one value.}
#' \item{asNA: This will return an NA value whenever there are multiple
#' matches.}
#' \item{CharacterList: This just returns a SimpleCharacterList object.}
#' \item{FUN: A function can be supplied to the 'multiVals' argument
#' for custom behaviors.}
#' }
#' @export
#' @return For \code{map_multiple}, a \code{BiocSet} object with multiple
#' mappings for certain elements.
#' @examples
#' map_multiple(es, org.Hs.eg.db, "SYMBOL", "ENSEMBLTRANS", "asNA")
map_multiple <- function(es, org, from, to, multi =
c('list', 'filter', 'asNA', 'CharacterList'))
multi <- match.arg(multi)
.es_map(es, org, from, to, multi)
#' @rdname mapping_element
#' @param add The id to add to the \code{BiocSet} object.
#' @return For \code{map_add_element}, a \code{BiocSet} object with a new column
#' in the element tibble with the mapping of the new id type.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' map <- map_add_element(es, org.Hs.eg.db, "SYMBOL", "ENTREZID")
#' es %>% mutate_element(entrez = map)
map_add_element <- function(es, org, from, add)
stopifnot(from %in% keytypes(org),
add %in% keytypes(org))
map <- mapIds(org,
keys = es_element(es)$element,
column = add,
keytype = from,
multivals = "first"
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