#' raw eic signal intensity and mass summation and spike removal.
#' @param peakRange matrix consisting of 5 columns:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item mass-to-charge values
#' \item intensity
#' \item retention time (in seconds)
#' \item scan number
#' }
#' @param spikeScans numeric number of scans <= a spike.
#' Any peaks <= this value will be removed (default = 2).= FALSE
#' @param rtDevModel loess model to correct retention times.
#' @param gaussAlpha numeric alpha value for \code{\link{smth.gaussian}}
#' of smoother package. If supplied
#' gaussian smoothing will be performed (suggested value = 16).
#' @param maxEmptyRt numeric maximum size of empty retention time
#' beyond which missing values
#' will be zero-filled
#' @return matrix with masses and intensities summed by
#' retention time and retention time
#' correction based on the loess model supplied, the matrix has spikes
#' removed (consecutive non-zero intensity values <= spikeScans in length),
#' empty time segments are zero filled (> 3 seconds), optionally gaussian
#' smoothed using the link{\code{smth.gaussian}} function of the smoother
#' package
#' and is also subset based on the minimum and maximum retention time windows
#' supplied (rtWin).
#' The returned matrix consists of 5 columns:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item average mass-to-charge values by unique retention time
#' in supplied peakRange table
#' \item maximum intensity values by unique retention time in supplied
#' peakRange table
#' \item loess model corrected retention times
#' \item original retention time values
#' \item scan number by unique retention time in supplied peakRange table
#' }
#' @usage peakRangeSum(peakRange = NULL, spikeScans = 2, rtDevModel = NULL,
#' gaussAlpha = NULL,
#' maxEmptyRt = 7)
peakRangeSum <-
function(peakRange = NULL,
spikeScans = 2,
rtDevModel =
gaussAlpha = NULL,
maxEmptyRt = 7) {
intTmp <- tapply(peakRange[, 2, drop = FALSE], peakRange[, 3, drop =
FALSE], max)
massTmp <- tapply(peakRange[, 1, drop = FALSE], peakRange[, 3, drop =
FALSE], mean)
scansTmp <- unique(peakRange[, 4, drop = FALSE])
peakRange <-
cbind(massTmp, intTmp, as.numeric(names(intTmp)), scansTmp)
# regions great than n seconds then add zeros
emptyRts <- diff(peakRange[, 3, drop = FALSE])
emptyRts <- c(0.5, emptyRts)
names(emptyRts) <- peakRange[, 3, drop = FALSE]
emptyRtsIndx <- emptyRts >= maxEmptyRt
if (any(emptyRtsIndx)) {
byTmp <- min(emptyRts)
fromTmp <-
as.numeric(names(emptyRts))[which(emptyRtsIndx) - 1] + byTmp
toTmp <-
as.numeric(names(emptyRts))[which(emptyRtsIndx)] - byTmp
emptyRts <- unlist(mapply(
from = fromTmp,
to = toTmp,
MoreArgs = list(by = byTmp),
peakRange <-
rbind(peakRange, cbind(
rep(0, length(emptyRts)),
rep(0, length(emptyRts)),
rep(0, length(emptyRts))
peakRange <-
peakRange[order(peakRange[, 3]), , drop = FALSE]
# replace only one scans (spikes) with zero
spikes <- rle(peakRange[, 2] == 0)
spikesIndx <- cumsum(spikes$lengths)[spikes$lengths <=
spikeScans & spikes$values
spikesIndx <- do.call(c, lapply(spikesIndx,
seq(spike - (spikeScans -
1), spike, 1)))
peakRange <- cbind(peakRange[, 1, drop = FALSE],
ifelse(seq_len(nrow(peakRange)) %in% spikesIndx,
0, peakRange[, 2, drop = FALSE]),
peakRange[, 3:4, drop = FALSE])
# adjust retention times based on retention time deviation loess model
# if
# available
if (!is.null(rtDevModel)) {
rtDevsTmp <- predict(rtDevModel, newdata = peakRange[, 3] / 60)
peakRange <- cbind(peakRange[, seq_len(2), drop = FALSE],
peakRange[, 3, drop = FALSE] -
(rtDevsTmp * 60),
peakRange[, 3, drop = FALSE],
peakRange[, 4, drop = FALSE])
} else {
peakRange <- cbind(peakRange[, seq_len(3), drop = FALSE],
peakRange[, 3, drop = FALSE],
peakRange[, 4, drop = FALSE])
peakRange <- peakRange[order(peakRange[, 3]), , drop = FALSE]
# if desired gaussian smooth
if (nrow(peakRange) > 1) {
if (!is.null(gaussAlpha)) {
peakRange[, 2] <- smoother::smth.gaussian(peakRange[, 2],
alpha = gaussAlpha,
tails = TRUE)
} # end function
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