#' Group GRanges
#' It will group / split the GRanges object by the argument `other`.
#' For example if you would like to to group GRanges object by gene,
#' set other to gene names. \cr
#' If `other` is not specified function will try to use the names of the
#' GRanges object. It will then be similar to `split(gr, names(gr))`.
#' It is important that all intended groups in `other` are uniquely named,
#' otherwise duplicated group names will be grouped together.
#' @param gr a GRanges object
#' @param other a vector of unique names to group by (default: NULL)
#' @return a GRangesList named after names(GRanges) if other is NULL, else
#' names are from unique(other)
#' @export
#' @importFrom data.table chmatch
#' @examples
#' ORFranges <- GRanges(seqnames = Rle(rep("1", 3)),
#' ranges = IRanges(start = c(1, 10, 20),
#' end = c(5, 15, 25)),
#' strand = "+")
#' ORFranges2 <- GRanges("1",
#' ranges = IRanges(start = c(20, 30, 40),
#' end = c(25, 35, 45)),
#' strand = "+")
#' names(ORFranges) = rep("tx1_1", 3)
#' names(ORFranges2) = rep("tx1_2", 3)
#' grl <- GRangesList(tx1_1 = ORFranges, tx1_2 = ORFranges2)
#' gr <- unlist(grl, use.names = FALSE)
#' ## now recreate the grl
#' ## group by orf
#' grltest <- groupGRangesBy(gr) # using the names to group
#' identical(grl, grltest) ## they are identical
#' ## group by transcript
#' names(gr) <- txNames(gr)
#' grltest <- groupGRangesBy(gr)
#' identical(grl, grltest) ## they are not identical
groupGRangesBy <- function(gr, other = NULL) {
if (!is(gr, "GRanges")) stop("gr must be GRanges Object")
if (is.null(other)) { # if not using other
if (is.null(names(gr))) stop("gr object have no names")
l <- names(gr)
} else { # else use other
if (length(gr) != length(other))
stop(" in GroupGRangesByOther: lengths of gr and other does not match")
l <- other
grouping <- if (is(l, "character")) {
chmatch(l, l) # faster for strings
} else match(l, l)
grl <- split(gr, grouping)
if (is.null(other)) {
names(grl) <- unique(names(gr))
} else {
names(grl) <- unique(other)
#' Get read widths
#' Input any reads, e.g. ribo-seq object and get width of reads, this is to
#' avoid confusion between width, qwidth and meta column containing original
#' read width.
#' If input is p-shifted and GRanges, the "$size" or "$score" colum" must
#' exist, and the column must contain the original read widths. In ORFik
#' "$size" have higher priority than "$score" for defining length.
#' ORFik P-shifting creates a $size column, other softwares like shoelaces
#' creates a score column.
#' Remember to think about how you define length. Like the question:
#' is a Illumina error mismatch sufficient to reduce size of read and how
#' do you know what is biological variance and what are Illumina errors?
#' @param reads a GRanges, GAlignment, GAlignmentPairs or covRleList object.
#' @param after.softclips logical (TRUE), include softclips in width. Does not
#' apply if along.reference is TRUE.
#' @param along.reference logical (FALSE), example: The cigar "26MI2" is
#' by default width 28, but if along.reference is TRUE, it will be 26.
#' The length of the read along the reference. Also "1D20M" will be
#' 21 if by along.reference is TRUE. Intronic regions (cigar: N) will
#' be removed. So: "1M200N19M" is 20, not 220.
#' @return an integer vector of widths
#' @importFrom GenomicAlignments first
#' @importFrom GenomicAlignments last
#' @export
#' @examples
#' gr <- GRanges("chr1", 1)
#' readWidths(gr)
#' # GAlignment with hit (1M) and soft clipped base (1S)
#' ga <- GAlignments(seqnames = "1", pos = as.integer(1), cigar = "1M1S",
#' strand = factor("+", levels = c("+", "-", "*")))
#' readWidths(ga) # Without soft-clip bases
#' readWidths(ga, after.softclips = FALSE) # With soft-clip bases
readWidths <- function(reads, after.softclips = TRUE, along.reference = FALSE) {
if (length(reads) == 0) return(integer(0))
if (is(reads, "GRanges")) {
readWidth <- width(reads)
is.one_based <- all(as.integer(readWidth) == rep(1, length(readWidth)))
if (is.one_based ) {
if (is.null(reads$size)) {
note_message <- paste0("Notification: All widths are 1, If this is p-shifted and collapsed ribo-seq,",
"score or size meta column should contain widths of read, ")
if (is.null(reads$score)) {
note_message <- paste(note_message, "will continue using 1-widths.")
} else {
note_message <- paste(note_message, "will continue using score column for widths.")
readWidth <- reads$score
} else {
readWidth <- reads$size
} else if (is(reads, "covRleList")) {
readWidth <- as.integer(names(reads@list))
if (!all(is.finite(readWidth))) stop("If covRleList is input, names of list must be readlengths!")
if (max(table(readWidth)) > 1) stop("If covRleList is input, no duplicated readlengths allowed!")
} else {
# Now the cigar of paired end reads are merged together
# Is this the smartest way ?
cigar <- if (is(reads, "GAlignmentPairs")) {
} else if (is(reads, "GAlignments")) {
} else stop("reads must be either GRanges, GAlignments, GAlignmentPairs or covRleList")
readWidth <- if (along.reference) {
cigarWidthAlongReferenceSpace(cigar, N.regions.removed = TRUE)
} else {
after.soft.clipping =
#' Get weights from a subject GenomicRanges object
#' @param subject a GRanges, IRanges, GAlignment, GAlignmentPairs or
#' covRle object
#' @param weight a vector (default: 1L, if 1L it is identical to
#' countOverlaps()),
#' if single number (!= 1), it applies for all,
#' if more than one must be equal size of 'reads'.
#' else it must be the string name of a defined meta column in subject
#' "reads", that gives number of times a read was found.
#' GRanges("chr1", 1, "+", score = 5), would mean "score" column tells
#' that this alignment region was found 5 times.
#' @return a numeric vector of weights of equal size to subject
#' @keywords internal
getWeights <- function(subject, weight = 1L) {
if (is(subject, "covRle")) return(NULL)
weight <- if (is.numeric(weight)) {
if (length(weight) == 1) {
rep.int(weight, length(subject))
} else if (length(weight) != length(subject)) {
stop("weight does not have equal length to subject")
} else weight
} else if (is.character(weight)) {
error <- paste("weights:", weight, "is not a mcol in 'reads'")
if (!(weight %in% colnames(mcols(subject)))) stop(error)
mcols(subject)[, weight]
} else stop("weight must be numeric or character",
"name of valid mcol in subject")
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