readWidths: Get read widths

View source: R/gr_helpers.R

readWidthsR Documentation

Get read widths


Input any reads, e.g. ribo-seq object and get width of reads, this is to avoid confusion between width, qwidth and meta column containing original read width.


readWidths(reads, after.softclips = TRUE, along.reference = FALSE)



a GRanges, GAlignment, GAlignmentPairs or covRleList object.


logical (TRUE), include softclips in width. Does not apply if along.reference is TRUE.


logical (FALSE), example: The cigar "26MI2" is by default width 28, but if along.reference is TRUE, it will be 26. The length of the read along the reference. Also "1D20M" will be 21 if by along.reference is TRUE. Intronic regions (cigar: N) will be removed. So: "1M200N19M" is 20, not 220.


If input is p-shifted and GRanges, the "$size" or "$score" colum" must exist, and the column must contain the original read widths. In ORFik "$size" have higher priority than "$score" for defining length. ORFik P-shifting creates a $size column, other softwares like shoelaces creates a score column.

Remember to think about how you define length. Like the question: is a Illumina error mismatch sufficient to reduce size of read and how do you know what is biological variance and what are Illumina errors?


an integer vector of widths


gr <- GRanges("chr1", 1)

# GAlignment with hit (1M) and soft clipped base (1S)
ga <- GAlignments(seqnames = "1", pos = as.integer(1), cigar = "1M1S",
 strand = factor("+", levels = c("+", "-", "*")))
readWidths(ga) # Without soft-clip bases

readWidths(ga, after.softclips = FALSE) # With soft-clip bases

JokingHero/ORFik documentation built on Feb. 19, 2025, 11:33 a.m.