#' Gene selection using PCA technique
#' @param data A matrix of data.frame with row.name of cells, and col.name of genes
#' @return a vector of the names of selected genes.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dir <- system.file('extdata', package='uSORT')
#' file <- list.files(dir, pattern='.txt$', full=TRUE)
#' exprs <- uSORT_preProcess(exprs_file = file)
#' exp_trimmed <- t(exprs$exprs_log_trimed)
#' PCA_selected_genes <- pca_gene_selection(exp_trimmed)
pca_gene_selection <- function(data) {
data <- as.matrix(data)
pca <- prcomp(data)
## select PCs
eigen_values <- pca$sdev^2
select_PCs <- elbow_detection(scores = eigen_values)
cat(" No. of PC selected = ", length(select_PCs), "\n")
## select genes
rotation_matrix <- as.data.frame(abs(pca$rotation[, select_PCs,
drop = FALSE]))
gene_scores <- rowSums(rotation_matrix)
PCA_genes <- elbow_detection(scores = gene_scores)
cat(" No. of PCA genes = ", length(PCA_genes), "\n")
#' A elbow detection function
#' A elbow detection function detects the elbow/knee of a given vector of values.
#' Values will be sorted descendingly before detection, and the ID of those values
#' above the elbow will be returned.
#' @param scores A vector of numeric scores.
#' @param if_plot Boolean determine if plot the results.
#' @return a vector of selected elements IDs
#' @export
#' @examples
#' scores <- c(10, 9 ,8, 6, 3, 2, 1, 0.1)
#' elbow_detection(scores, if_plot = TRUE)
elbow_detection <- function(scores, if_plot = FALSE) {
num_scores <- length(scores)
if (num_scores < 2) {
stop("Input scores must be a vector with length more than 1!")
scores <- data.frame(id = seq_len(num_scores), value = scores)
sorted_scores <- scores[order(scores$value, decreasing = TRUE),
## use distance to diagonal line to determine the elbow point
xy_coordinates <- cbind(x = seq_len(num_scores), y = sorted_scores$value)
start_point <- xy_coordinates[1, ]
end_point <- xy_coordinates[num_scores, ]
x1 <- start_point[1]
x2 <- end_point[1]
y1 <- start_point[2]
y2 <- end_point[2]
a <- y1 - y2
b <- x2 - x1
c <- x1 * y2 - x2 * y1
dist_to_line <- abs(a * xy_coordinates[, "x"] + b * xy_coordinates[,
"y"] + c)/sqrt(a^2 + b^2)
best_point_id <- which.max(dist_to_line)
score_cutoff <- xy_coordinates[best_point_id, "y"]
select_ID <- scores$id[which(scores$value >= score_cutoff)]
if (if_plot) {
plot(seq(nrow(scores)), sorted_scores$value,
col = ifelse(sorted_scores$value >=
score_cutoff, "red", "black"), xlab = "ID", ylab = "Score",
main = paste0("Optimal number = ", length(select_ID),
" with cutoff value = ", round(score_cutoff, digits = 4)))
#' A feature/ gene selection function
#' A feature/ gene selection function (1) removes sparsely expressed genes, (2) identifies
#' differentially expressed genes based on preliminary cell ordering, (3) removes highly
#' dispersed genes from the identified DEGs, (4) further picks genes which are expected
#' to have large expression difference on the 2 extreme ends of preliminary cell ordering
#' @param cds a Monocle's CellDataSet object
#' @param min_expr the minimum expression value
#' @param scattering.cutoff.prob probability used for removing largely dispersed genes
#' @param driving.force.cutoff a value used for removing genes which do not change much along cell progress along cell progress path
#' @param qval_cutoff a user-defined adjusted p-value below which genes are retained
#' @param data_type a character indicating the type of underlying cell progression, i.e. linear or cyclical.
#' @param nCores Number of cores to use.
#' @return integer
#' @author MaiChan Lau
#' @importFrom VGAM sm.ns
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores
#' @importFrom monocle detectGenes
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dir <- system.file('extdata', package='uSORT')
#' file <- list.files(dir, pattern='.txt$', full=TRUE)
#' #exprs <- uSORT_preProcess(exprs_file = file)
#' #exp_raw <- t(exprs$exprs_raw)
#' #exp_trimmed <- t(exprs$exprs_log_trimed)
#' #cds <- uSORT:::EXP_to_CellDataSet(exp_trimmed, exp_raw)
#' #driver_genes <- driving_force_gene_selection(cds = cds)
driving_force_gene_selection <- function(cds, scattering.cutoff.prob = 0.75,
driving.force.cutoff = NULL, qval_cutoff = 0.05, min_expr = 0.1,
data_type = c("linear", "cyclical"), nCores = 1) {
if (nCores > detectCores()) {
nCores <- max(detectCores - 1, 1)
## =====Gene trimming: sparse/ dropout genes==========
data_type <- match.arg(data_type)
cds <- detectGenes(cds, min_expr = min_expr)
trimmed_cds <- cds
## =====Gene trimming: scattered genes==========
cat(" Removing scattered genes...\n")
degree.scattering <- scattering_quantification_per_gene(trimmed_cds)
scattering.cutoff <- quantile(degree.scattering, scattering.cutoff.prob)
degree.scattering <- degree.scattering[degree.scattering <
gene.retained.2 <- names(degree.scattering)
degree.scattering.output <- data.frame(GeneID = names(degree.scattering),
Scattering = degree.scattering)
cat(" Scattering.cutoff @prob", scattering.cutoff.prob, " =",
scattering.cutoff, "\n")
trimmed_cds <- trimmed_cds[gene.retained.2, ]
no.genes <- nrow(trimmed_cds)
cat(" No. of non scattered genes = ", no.genes, "\n")
## =====Identifying driver genes using Monocle's VGAM
## functions==========
cat(" Identifying driver genes...\n")
diff_test_res <- differentialGeneTest1(trimmed_cds, cores = nCores,
fullModelFormulaStr = "expression~VGAM::sm.ns(Pseudotime, df=3)")
# write.table(diff_test_res,file='driver.genes.pval.txt',row.names
# = T, col.names = NA, quote=T, sep='\t')
no.missing.models <- nrow(diff_test_res[diff_test_res$status ==
"FAIL", ])
cat(" No. of genes failed to fit vgam model = ", no.missing.models,
driver.genes <- rownames(diff_test_res)[diff_test_res$qval <
trimmed_cds <- trimmed_cds[as.character(driver.genes), ]
no.genes <- nrow(trimmed_cds)
cat(paste0(" No. of driver genes @qval(", qval_cutoff, ") = ",
no.genes, "\n"))
## =====Filter driver genes for large driving force==========
change <- ifelse(data_type == "cyclical", "cyclic.driving.force",
trimmed_diff_test_res <- diff_test_res[rownames(diff_test_res) %in%
rownames(trimmed_cds@assayData$exprs), ]
driving_force <- data.frame(GeneID = rownames(trimmed_diff_test_res),
Score = trimmed_diff_test_res[, change])
driving_force$Score[is.infinite(driving_force$Score)] <- 0
driving_force <- driving_force[order(driving_force$Score,
decreasing = TRUE),
, drop = FALSE]
if (nrow(driving_force) <= 1)
stop("No. of filtered driver genes < 2!")
if (!is.null(driving.force.cutoff)) {
## Based on user-input cutoff value
selected_driver_genes <- driving_force[driving_force$Score >
driving.force.cutoff, "GeneID"]
cat(" Driving force cutoff = ", driving.force.cutoff,
} else {
## Based on elbow detection method
selected_driver_genes <- elbow_detection(scores = driving_force$Score)
selected_driver_genes <- driving_force$GeneID[selected_driver_genes]
if (length(selected_driver_genes) == 0)
stop("Unable to get turning point while identifying driver genes!\n")
cat(" No. of genes selected for final sorting = ",
#' differential gene test
#' modified from FludigmSC pacakge
#' @param cds Input object.
#' @param fullModelFormulaStr Full model formula.
#' @param reducedModelFormulaStr Reduced model formula.
#' @param cores Number of cores will be used.
#' @importFrom Biobase esApply
#' @return test results
differentialGeneTest1 <- function(cds,
fullModelFormulaStr = "expression~sm.ns(Pseudotime, df=3)",
reducedModelFormulaStr = "expression~1", cores = 1) {
if (cores > 1) {
diff_test_res <- mcesApply1(cds, 1, diff_test_helper1,
cores = cores, fullModelFormulaStr = fullModelFormulaStr,
reducedModelFormulaStr = reducedModelFormulaStr,
expressionFamily = cds@expressionFamily,
lowerDetectionLimit = cds@lowerDetectionLimit)
} else {
diff_test_res <- esApply(cds, 1, diff_test_helper1,
fullModelFormulaStr = fullModelFormulaStr,
reducedModelFormulaStr = reducedModelFormulaStr,
expressionFamily = cds@expressionFamily,
lowerDetectionLimit = cds@lowerDetectionLimit)
diff_test_res <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, diff_test_res)
diff_test_res$qval <- p.adjust(diff_test_res$pval, method = "BH")
#' @importFrom Biobase multiassign exprs
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster stopCluster
#' @importMethodsFrom BiocGenerics clusterEvalQ parRapply parCapply
mcesApply1 <- function(X, MARGIN, FUN, cores = 1, ...) {
parent <- environment(FUN)
if (is.null(parent))
parent <- emptyenv()
e1 <- new.env(parent = parent)
multiassign(names(pData(X)), pData(X), envir = e1)
environment(FUN) <- e1
cl <- makeCluster(cores)
clusterEvalQ(cl, {
if (MARGIN == 1) {
res <- parRapply(cl, exprs(X), FUN, ...)
} else {
res <- parCapply(cl, exprs(X), FUN, ...)
#' A modified monocle's function
#' A modified monocle's function for 'compareModels' which identifies and removes genes
#' whose reduced_models is better than full_models in term of likelihood
#' @param expr_matrix Expression matrix.
#' @param krange krange.
#' @param method method function.
#' @param ... Other parameters.
#' @return test_res a dataframe containing status of modeling and adjusted p-value
#' @author MaiChan Lau
#' @importFrom VGAM lrtest
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off pdf
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom fpc pamk
#' @importFrom cluster pam
#' @importFrom stats as.dist as.formula cor cov dist logLik median p.adjust prcomp predict quantile var
#' @importFrom utils read.table
clusterGenes1 <- function(expr_matrix, krange, method = function(x) {
as.dist((1 - cor(t(x)))/2)
}, ...) {
expr_matrix <- expr_matrix[rowSums(is.na(expr_matrix)) == 0,
expr_matrix <- t(scale(t(log10(expr_matrix))))
expr_matrix <- expr_matrix[is.nan(rowSums(expr_matrix)) ==
expr_matrix[is.na(expr_matrix)] <- 0
n <- method(expr_matrix)
pamk.best <- pamk(n, krange = krange)
cat("optimal k =", pamk.best$nc, "\n")
clusters <- pam(n, pamk.best$nc, ...)
class(clusters) <- "list"
clusters$exprs <- expr_matrix
#' A modified monocle's function
#' A modified monocle's function for 'compareModels' which identifies and removes genes
#' whose reduced_models is better than full_models in term of likelihood
#' @param full_models a Monocle's vgam full model
#' @param reduced_models a Monocle's vgam reduced/ null model
#' @return test_res a dataframe containing status of modeling and adjusted p-value
#' @author MaiChan Lau
#' @importFrom VGAM lrtest
compareModels1 <- function(full_models, reduced_models) {
stopifnot(length(full_models) == length(reduced_models))
test_res <- mapply(function(x, y) {
if (is.null(x) == FALSE && is.null(y) == FALSE) {
if (logLik(x) < logLik(y)) {
data.frame(status = "FAIL", pval = 1)
} else {
lrt <- lrtest(x, y)
pval = lrt@Body["Pr(>Chisq)"][2, ]
data.frame(status = "OK", pval = pval)
} else {
data.frame(status = "FAIL", pval = 1)
}, full_models, reduced_models, SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
test_res <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, test_res)
test_res$qval <- p.adjust(test_res$pval, method = "BH")
#' A modified monocle's helper function
#' A modified monocle's function for 'diff_test_helper1' which includes more attempts
#' on finding models and also compute max. magnitude change in expression values predicted
#' by GLM model
#' @param x an expression data
#' @param fullModelFormulaStr a Monocle's model structure
#' @param reducedModelFormulaStr a Monocle's model structure
#' @param expressionFamily a Monocle's family character
#' @param lowerDetectionLimit a threshold value
#' @param type_ordering a character indicating the type of underlying cell progression,
#' i.e. linear or circular
#' @return test_res a dataframe containing status of modeling and adjusted p-value
#' @author MaiChan Lau
#' @importFrom VGAM vgam
diff_test_helper1 <- function(x, fullModelFormulaStr, reducedModelFormulaStr,
expressionFamily, lowerDetectionLimit = 0.1, type_ordering = "linear") {
leftcensored <- x < lowerDetectionLimit
x[x < lowerDetectionLimit] <- lowerDetectionLimit
if (expressionFamily@vfamily %in% c("zanegbinomialff", "negbinomial",
"poissonff", "quasipoissonff")) {
expression <- round(x)
integer_expression <- TRUE
} else if (expressionFamily@vfamily %in% c("gaussianff")) {
expression <- x
} else {
expression <- log10(x)
integer_expression <- FALSE
p <- parent.env(environment())
# print(ls(p))
for (i in 1:20) {
test_res <- tryCatch({
full_model_fit <- suppressWarnings(
family = expressionFamily))
reduced_model_fit <- suppressWarnings(
family = expressionFamily))
if (integer_expression) {
pred_res <- predict(full_model_fit, type = "response")
pred_res[pred_res < lowerDetectionLimit] <- lowerDetectionLimit
} else {
pred_res <- 10^(predict(full_model_fit, type = "response"))
pred_res[pred_res < log10(lowerDetectionLimit)] <- log10(lowerDetectionLimit)
pred <- data.frame(Pseudotime = p$Pseudotime,
expectation = log10(pred_res))
pred <- pred[order(pred$Pseudotime), ]
cyclic.driving.force <- diff(range(pred$expectation))
linear.driving.force <- abs(pred$expectation[1] -
res <- compareModels1(list(full_model_fit),
res$cyclic.driving.force <- cyclic.driving.force
res$linear.driving.force <- linear.driving.force
if (is.na(cyclic.driving.force) | is.na(linear.driving.force)) {
res$pval = 1
res$qval = 1
res$status = "FAIL"
} else res$status = "OK"
}, error = function(e) {
data.frame(status = "FAIL", pval = 1, qval = 1,
cyclic.driving.force = 0,
linear.driving.force = 0)
if (test_res$status != "FAIL")
#' An expression scattering measurement function
#' An expression scattering measurement function computes the level of scattering
#' for individual genes along the cell ordering
#' @param CDS a Monocle's CellDataSet object
#' @return integer
#' @author MaiChan Lau
scattering_quantification_per_gene <- function(CDS = NULL) {
x <- CDS@assayData$exprs
if (CDS@expressionFamily@vfamily %in% c("zanegbinomialff",
"negbinomial", "poissonff", "quasipoissonff")) {
expression <- round(x)
integer_expression <- TRUE
} else if (CDS@expressionFamily@vfamily %in% c("gaussianff")) {
expression <- x
} else {
expression <- log10(x)
integer_expression <- FALSE
log_exprs <- log10(x)
log_exprs[!is.finite(log_exprs)] <- log10(CDS@lowerDetectionLimit)
total.dispersion <- apply(log_exprs, 1, variability_per_gene)
#' A utility function for scattering_quantification_per_gene
#' A utility function for scattering_quantification_per_gene which computes the degree
#' of scattering for single gene, whereby the value is computed by summing over the
#' local values of smaller local windows
#' @param logExp a log-scale expression vector of a gene
#' @param min_expr a minimum expression value
#' @param window_size_perct a window size (in % of total no. of cells) used for computing
#' dispersion level
#' @param nonZeroExpr_perct a minimum amount of cells (in % of window size) with non-zero
#' expression, otherwise the associated window will be assigned to 0 disperson value
#' @return integer
#' @author MaiChan Lau
variability_per_gene <- function(logExp = NULL, min_expr = 0.1,
window_size_perct = 0.1, nonZeroExpr_perct = 0.1) {
num_cell <- length(logExp)
window_size <- ceiling(num_cell * window_size_perct)
ind.cell.var <- 0
total.dispersion <- 0
for (i in 1:num_cell) {
data_window <- logExp
startID <- (i - 1) * window_size + 1
endID <- startID + (window_size)
if (endID > num_cell)
endID <- num_cell
data_window <- data_window[startID:endID]
if (sum(data_window > log10(min_expr)) <= nonZeroExpr_perct *
ind.cell.var <- 0 else {
window_nonZero <- data_window[data_window > log10(min_expr)]
ind.cell.var <- diff(range(window_nonZero))/diff(range(logExp))
total.dispersion <- total.dispersion + ind.cell.var
if (endID == num_cell)
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