#' Density-based local maxima cluster with SVM
#' Density-based local maxima peak finding, subpopulation assigning with the power of SVM
#' @param ydata a matrix of the dimension reduced(transformed) data
#' @param xdata a matrix of the expression data
#' @return a list contains a matrix \code{peakdata} of the peak numbers with different kernel bandwidth, and a matrix \code{clusters} of the cluster results
#' @export
#' @author Chen Jinmiao
#' @examples
#' d<-system.file('extdata',package='cytofkit2')
#' fcsFile <- list.files(d,pattern='.fcs$',full=TRUE)
#' xdata <- cytof_exprsMerge(fcsFile, mergeMethod = 'fixed', fixedNum = 100)
#' ydata <- cytof_dimReduction(xdata)
#' #clusters <- DensVM(ydata, xdata)
DensVM <- function(ydata, xdata) {
y_range_x <- max(ydata[, 1]) - min(ydata[, 1])
y_range_y <- max(ydata[, 2]) - min(ydata[, 2])
y_range <- min(c(y_range_x, y_range_y))
## Search density peaks of different kernel bandwidth(gamma or
## sig_opt)
num_band <- 20
kernel_min <- y_range/100
kernel_max <- y_range/10
sig_tol_range <- seq(kernel_min, kernel_max, length.out = num_band)
message("Testing kernel bandwidth for ", num_band, "points in the range min=",
kernel_min, " to max=", kernel_max, "\n")
message("This will take a while...\n")
peak_list <- mapply(peakFind, sig_tol = sig_tol_range, MoreArgs = list(ydata = ydata),
Npeaks <- vapply(peak_list, function(x) {
peakdata <- data.frame(numpeaks = Npeaks, sig_range = sig_tol_range)
## Locate plateau(knee)
flag <- 0
sig_id <- 0
for (i in seq_len(length(sig_tol_range))) {
if (i > 1) {
if ((Npeaks[i - 1] - Npeaks[i]) <= 1) {
sig_opt <- sig_tol_range[i - 1]
Nsub <- Npeaks[i - 1]
flag <- 1
sig_id <- i - 1
## determine the optimal gamma
if (flag == 0) {
message("Could not locate plateau in the Npeaks vs. sigma graph!\n")
message("Consider changing the search space. Increase 'num_band' or change 'kernel_min'/'kernel_max' \n")
input <- readline("Select one (y) - If you would like to proceed with a user-specified bandwidth,\n (n) - Exit and change bandwidth search parameters : ")
if (input == "y") {
sig_opt <- readline("Please specify the desired kernel bandwidth (Warning : This will directly determine # of subpopulations):")
sig_opt <- as.numeric(sig_opt)
## Compute optimal density map
if (sig_id > 0) {
opt_densityIMG <- peak_list[[sig_id]]
} else {
opt_densityIMG <- peakFind(ydata, sig_opt)
clusters <- assign_pop(opt_densityIMG, ydata, xdata)
return(list(peakdata = peakdata, cluster = clusters))
#' assign cells into clusters
#' @importFrom e1071 svm
#' @noRd
assign_pop <- function(opt_densityIMG, ydata, xdata) {
density_output <- opt_densityIMG$denImg
p <- opt_densityIMG$peakCoords
p_num <- opt_densityIMG$Npeaks
## assign subpopulations
Subpop <- array(list(), p_num)
ind_vector <- vector()
cluster_vector <- vector()
for (i in seq_len(p_num)) {
# Find closest subpopulation and determine appropriate radius
# of 2-d space to draw sample from
dists <- (base::kronecker(matrix(1, p_num - 1, 1), matrix(p[i,
], 1, 2)) - p[-i, ])^2
dists <- matrix(apply(dists, 1, sum), p_num - 1, 1)
min_dist <- sqrt(min(dists))
dist2 <- ydata - base::kronecker(matrix(1, dim(ydata)[1],
1), matrix(p[i, ], 1, 2))
dist2 <- matrix(apply(dist2^2, 1, sum), dim(ydata)[1],
ind <- which(dist2 < (min_dist/2)^2)
ind_vector <- c(ind_vector, ind)
cluster_vector <- c(cluster_vector, rep(i, length(ind)))
## SVM prediction using the density cluster results
train_data <- xdata[ind_vector, ]
train_class <- cluster_vector
svm.obj <- svm(train_data, train_class, type = "C-classification")
pred <- predict(svm.obj, xdata)
cluster <- data.frame(cluster = pred)
## check and merge the cluster results
if (nrow(xdata) != nrow(cluster))
print("Cluster Error!.\n")
clusterResults <- data.frame(ydata, cluster)
peakFind <- function(ydata, sig_tol) {
message("Computing number of peaks for kernel bandwidth = ", sig_tol,
img <- densityIMG(ydata, sig_tol)
d <- img[[1]]
edg <- 6
threshold <- max(c(min(apply(d, 1, max)), min(apply(t(d), 1,
# Apply threshold
indicator <- (d > threshold) * 1 # Indicator matrix
d <- d * indicator
if (sum(d) != 0) {
# If the image is still non-zero Peak Find - Using the local
# maxima approach Skip the edge pixels
rows_cols <- which(d[edg:(dim(d)[1] - edg), edg:(dim(d)[2] -
edg)] > 0, arr.ind = TRUE)
x <- rows_cols[, 1]
y <- rows_cols[, 2]
cent <- c(0, 0) #Initialize
# Initialize outputs
x <- x + edg - 1
y <- y + edg - 1
for (j in seq_len(length(y))) {
if (d[x[j], y[j]] >= d[x[j] - 1, y[j] - 1] && d[x[j],
y[j]] > d[x[j] - 1, y[j]] && d[x[j], y[j]] >= d[x[j] -
1, y[j] + 1] && d[x[j], y[j]] > d[x[j], y[j] -
1] && d[x[j], y[j]] > d[x[j], y[j] + 1] && d[x[j],
y[j]] >= d[x[j] + 1, y[j] - 1] && d[x[j], y[j]] >
d[x[j] + 1, y[j]] && d[x[j], y[j]] >= d[x[j] +
1, y[j] + 1]) {
cent <- rbind(cent, c(img$x[x[j], y[j]], img$y[x[j],
## get peak nums and return peaks with out the first row which
## is a dummy
peakNums <- dim(cent)[1] - 1
cent <- cent[-1, ]
return(list(Npeaks = peakNums, peakCoords = cent, denImg = img))
densityIMG <- function(ydata, sig_tol) {
## Partitions the y-space into a 400 x 400 pixel grid and
## estimate local density
density_output <- kernalDensity(ydata, 400, 400, sig_tol)
## normize the density by the sum
density_output[[1]] <- density_output[[1]]/sum(density_output[[1]])
## remove potential noise
density_output[[1]][density_output[[1]] < 5e-08] <- 0
kernalDensity <- function(ydata, width, height, sig_tol) {
# Returns a density image of the data ydata - M x 2 vector
# containing the y1-y2 coordinates of map-points width, height
# - width and height of the map area in pixels sig_tol - kernel
# density function variance (equal for x and y)
limits <- matrix(0, 1, 4)
limits[1, 1] <- min(ydata[, 1]) - 5
limits[1, 2] <- max(ydata[, 1]) + 5
limits[1, 3] <- min(ydata[, 2]) - 5
limits[1, 4] <- max(ydata[, 2]) + 5
deltax <- (limits[2] - limits[1])/width
deltay <- (limits[4] - limits[3])/height
dmap <- matrix(0, height, width)
## kernal density transform
for (i in 0:(height - 1)) {
yi <- limits[3] + i * deltay + deltay/2
for (j in 0:(width - 1)) {
xi <- limits[1] + j * deltax + deltax/2
dist2 <- (ydata[, 1] - xi)^2 + (ydata[, 2] - yi)^2
dd <- sum(exp(-dist2/(2 * sig_tol^2)))
dmap[i + 1, j + 1] <- (1/sqrt(2 * pi * sig_tol^2)) *
y2_range <- matrix(0, height, 1)
for (i in 0:(height - 1)) {
y2_range[i + 1] <- limits[3] + i * deltay + deltay/2
y2_range <- base::kronecker(matrix(1, 1, dim(dmap)[2]), y2_range)
y1_range <- matrix(0, 1, width)
for (i in 0:(width - 1)) {
y1_range[i + 1] <- limits[1] + i * deltax + deltax/2
y1_range <- base::kronecker(matrix(1, dim(dmap)[1], 1), y1_range)
return(list(z = dmap, x = y1_range, y = y2_range))
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