#' Excute the openCL function
#' The function serves as a bridge between R and openCL, it sends the openCL code and
#' R matrix object to the device and excutes it on the device. The function has an auto-type
#' ability which can make the openCL code independent with the type of its function argument,
#' see detail and examples for the usage.
#' @details
#' The function `.kernel()` is the low level API to communicate with openCL device.
#' It provides a way to run the customized code on the device, the source code should be
#' openCL code and the kernel is the kernel function that you want to run on the device.
#' You can specify with device the code should be run on by specifying the `.device` argument.
#' By default, if you do not specify any device, the first device in the device list will be used
#' The argument `.globalThreadNum` specifys the number of threads that will be used to excute the kernel.
#' The concept is the same as `global_work_size`` in openCL functions
#' There are multiple options that you can change in the kernel function.
#' You can call the function `kernel.getOption()` to obtain the default setting.
#' The most distinguishable feature in this package is probably the auto type function, which
#' can set the type of the kernel arguments as an macro in the openCL code. This feature allows the
#' user to create a type-free code. If the `kernelOption$autoType` in `.options` is true(Default),
#' four macros will be defined, they are(X is the position of the function arguments):
#' autoX: The variable type
#' gAutoX: Short for global autoX
#' lAutoX: short for local autoX
#' autoX_v4: Define a vector of length 4 with the same variable type as the X th function argument
#' Please refer to the example for the usage
#' @param src the source code, it can be either a file directory or the code
#' @param kernel the kernel function that will be called on the device
#' @param parms a list containing the function arguments.
#' The number of elements in the list has to match the number of function arguments.
#' @param .device the device that will excute the function.
#' If not specified, all the selected devices will be used.
#' @param .globalThreadNum the number of threads that will be created to excute the kernel.
#' If not specified, the length of the first argument will be used as the thread number
#' @param .options the kernel options
#' @examples
#' #The GPU code
#' code='
#' kernel void matAdd(gAuto1* A,gAuto2* B,gAuto3* C,gAuto4* size){
#' uint col_id=get_global_id(0);
#' uint rowNum=*size;
#' for(uint i=0;i<rowNum;i++){
#' C[i+col_id*rowNum]=A[i+col_id*rowNum]+B[i+col_id*rowNum];
#' }
#' }
#' '
#' #Create data in R
#' m=100
#' n=200
#' A=matrix(runif(m*n),m,n)
#' B=matrix(runif(m*n),m,n)
#' #Send the data to GPU
#' A_dev=gpuMatrix(A,type='double')
#' B_dev=gpuMatrix(B,type='double')
#' #Create an empty data matrix in GPU
#' C_dev=gpuEmptMatrix(row=m,col=n,type='double')
#' #Get the default options
#' options=kernel.getOption()
#' #Run the GPU function with n threads, each thread computes one column addition
#' .kernel(src = code,kernel='matAdd',parms=list(A_dev,B_dev,C_dev,m),
#' .globalThreadNum = n,.options = options)
#' #Retrieve the data
#' C_dev=download(C_dev)
#' C=as.matrix(C_dev)
#' #Check the error
#' range(C-A-B)
#' @return A vector or a matrix
#' @export
.kernel <- function(src = "", kernel, parms, .device = "auto", .globalThreadNum = "length(FirstArg)",
.options = kernel.getOption()) {
verbose = .options$verbose
kernelMsg = .options$kernelMsg
kernelOption = .options$kernelOption
if (verbose || sum(as.matrix(kernelMsg[, -grep("warning", colnames(kernelMsg))])) !=
message("======kelnel compilation=========")
# Read the opencl code
codePack = readCode(src)
src = codePack$src
srcSig = codePack$srcSig
# Find the device and platform id
if (length(.device) > 1)
stop("Multiple devices are not supported!")
if (.device == "auto") {
deviceId = getFirstSelectedDevice()
} else {
deviceId = .device
device = getSelectedDevice(deviceId)
dataType = c()
for (i in seq_len(length(parms))) {
if (is(parms[[i]],"list")) {
dataType[i] = parms[[i]]$type
if (!is(parms[[i]],"gpuMatrix")) {
parms[[i]] = gpuMatrix(parms[[i]], device = deviceId)
dataType[i] = .type(parms[[i]])
if (.device(parms[[i]]) != deviceId)
stop("The data is not in the same device!")
#Find the global thread number
if (.globalThreadNum == "length(FirstArg)") {
.globalThreadNum = length(parms[[1]])
#Find the local thread number
#Limit the thread number to the hardware limitation
#Make sure the number is compatible with the global thread number
if (kernelOption$localThreadNumMacro) {
threadMacro = paste0("#define cl_local_thread_num ", localThreadNum)
srcSig = paste0(srcSig, localThreadNum)
src = paste0(threadMacro, "\n", src)
# Create the signature for the kernel function
sig = paste0(srcSig, kernelOption$flag, kernelOption$signature)
# Create the data type macros Add the signature if needed
if (kernelOption$autoType && length(dataType) != 0) {
gAUTO = paste0("#define gAuto", seq_along(dataType), " global ",
dataType, "\n", collapse = "")
lAUTO = paste0("#define lAuto", seq_along(dataType), " local ",
dataType, "\n", collapse = "")
pAUTO = paste0("#define auto", seq_along(dataType), " ", dataType,
"\n", collapse = "")
AUTOVector = paste0("#define auto", seq_along(dataType), "_v4 ",
dataType, "4", "\n", collapse = "")
src = paste0(gAUTO, lAUTO, pAUTO, AUTOVector, src)
sig = c(sig, paste0(dataType, collapse = ""))
sig_hash = digest(sig)
# Create the kernel if it does not exist
if (!hasKernel(device, sig_hash, kernel)) {
if (verbose || kernelMsg$compilation.msg)
message("OpenCL compiler message: The kernel does not exist and will be created")
.Call(C_createKernel, device[1], device[2], sig_hash, kernelOption$flag,
src, kernel)
# Compute the usage of the shared memory and global memory upload the
# parameters
global_memory = 0
share_memory = 0
for (i in seq_len(length(parms))) {
if (is(parms[[i]],"list")) {
share_memory = share_memory + parms[[i]]$size
.Call(C_setSharedParameter, device[1], device[2], sig_hash,
kernel, as.integer(parms[[i]]$size), as.integer(i - 1))
} else {
global_memory = global_memory + getSize(parms[[i]])
# message(getSize(parms[[i]]))
.Call(C_setParameter, device[1], device[2], sig_hash, kernel,
.getAddress(parms[[i]]), as.integer(i - 1))
if (verbose || kernelMsg$memory.usage.msg) {
message("OpenCL memory usage report:")
message("Global memory: ", format_memory_size_output(global_memory))
message("Shared memory: ", format_memory_size_output(share_memory))
if (verbose || kernelMsg$thread.num.msg) {
message("OpenCL thread Number report:")
message(paste0("Total thread number: ", .globalThreadNum))
message(paste0("block number: ", .globalThreadNum/localThreadNum))
message(paste0("Thread number per block: ", localThreadNum))
message("The current thread number is larger than the preferred setting, please consider to reduce it\n",
"current value:",localThreadNum," Preferred value:",localThreadNum_preferred)
.Call(C_launchKernel, device[1], device[2], sig_hash, kernel, as.integer(.globalThreadNum),
#' Get the openCL compilation options
#' @details
#' #' `verbose` turn the verbose mode on and off.
#' `kernelOption$localThreadNum` controls the local thread number in each group,
#' the local thread number should be a divisor of the argument `.globalThreadNum`.
#' If it is set to `auto`, the suggested number of local thread number will be
#' obtained from openCL API and reduced to a divisor of `.globalThreadNum`.
#' `kernelOption$localThreadNumMacro` specifys whether the local thread number
#' should be inserted into the code as an macro. If it is TRUE, the macro
#' `cl_local_thread_num` will be defined. It is useful when you want to dynamically
#' allocate the memory \(Mostly local memory\) according to the local thread number
#' `kernelOption$signature` This is for internal usage only, please do not change it
#' `kernelOption$flag` The openCL compiler flag.
#' `kernelOption$autoType` Determine whether the type of kernel arguments should be
#' defined as an macro, see the `.kernel` document for detail
#' @examples
#' opt=kernel.getOption()
#' opt
#' @return A list of available options
#' @export
kernel.getOption <- function() {
curOp = list()
curOp$verbose = FALSE
curOp$kernelMsg = data.frame(
compilation.msg = FALSE,
memory.usage.msg = FALSE,
thread.num.msg = FALSE)
curOp$kernelOption = data.frame(
localThreadNum = "auto",
localThreadNumMacro = FALSE,
signature = "",
flag = "",
autoType = TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
curOp = structure(curOp, class = "options")
kernel.getSharedMem <- function(length, type) {
return(list(length = length, size = length * getTypeSize(type), type = type))
readCode <- function(src) {
# if the src can be treated as a file name, then read the file,
# otherwise check if it is code.
if (nchar(src) < 128 && file.exists(src)) {
fileName = src
## Read source file
src = readChar(fileName, file.info(fileName)$size)
sig = as.character(file.mtime(fileName))
# Add a space to make it more stable
src = paste0(" ", src)
} else {
if (nchar(src) < 40) {
if (length(grep("\\(.*\\)", src)) == 0) {
warning("It looks like the src variable is a file address, but I cannot find it.")
sig = digest(src)
return(list(src = src, srcSig = sig))
# Check if the kernel is already exist
hasKernel <- function(device, sig, kernel) {
res = .Call(C_hasKernel, device[1], device[2], sig, kernel)
getGroupSize <- function(device, sig, kernel) {
res = .Call(C_getPreferredGroupSize, device[1], device[2], sig, kernel)
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