
Defines functions gpuMagic.getMemUsage gpuMagic.getAvailableType gpuMagic.setOptions gpuMagic.getOptions getJobStatus getDeviceIndex setDevice getCurDevice getDeviceInfo getDeviceList print.deviceList print.plainText print.options convertDataType getDataType getTypeSize getTypeCXXStr getIntegerType getFloatingPointType getTypeNum checkTypeSupport

Documented in getCurDevice getDeviceIndex getDeviceInfo getDeviceList getJobStatus gpuMagic.getAvailableType gpuMagic.getMemUsage gpuMagic.getOptions gpuMagic.setOptions print.deviceList print.options print.plainText setDevice

checkTypeSupport <- function(type) {
  if (!(type %in% gpuMagic.getAvailableType())) 
    stop("The variable type ", type, " is not supported")
getTypeNum <- function(type) {
  switch(type, bool = 1L, char = 1L, half = 2L, float = 3L, double = 4L, 
         int = 5L, long = 6L, uint = 7L, ulong = 8L, stop("invalid type: ", 

getTypeCXXStr <- function(type) {
  switch(type, bool = "bool", char = "char", half = "half", float = "float", 
         double = "double", int = "int", long = "long", uint = "uint", ulong = "ulong", 
         stop("invalid type: ", type))

# in byte
getTypeSize <- function(type) {
  switch(type, bool = 1L, char = 1L, half = 2L, float = 4L, double = 8L, 
         int = 4L, long = 8L, uint = 4L, ulong = 8L, stop("invalid type: ", 
getDataType <- function(data) {
  if (typeof(data) == "double" || typeof(data) == "numeric") 
  if (typeof(data) == "integer") 
  stop("The given type is not defined")
convertDataType <- function(data, type) {
  switch(type, bool = as.raw(data), char = as.raw(data), int = as.integer(data), 
#' Print the available options in a pretty format
#' @param x an options object.
#' @param ... just for making the package checking happy.
#' @examples 
#' opt=gpuMagic.getOptions()
#' print(opt)
#' @return No return value, the result will be printed in the console
#' @rdname printFunctions
#' @method print options
#' @export
print.options <- function(x, ...) {
    x = unlist(x)
    name = StrAlign(names(x), sep = "\\l")
    value = StrAlign(as.character(x), sep = "\\l")
    final = paste0(paste(name, value, sep = ": "), collapse = "\n")

#' @rdname printFunctions
#' @method print plainText
#' @export

#' @rdname printFunctions
#' @method print deviceList
#' @export
  print(x, row.names = FALSE, right = FALSE)

# ===========================Obtain device infomation==============
#' Query and select the devices
#' This is a set of functions to query the device information and select which device should be used in the computation
#' @details 'getDeviceList()': The function is used to obtain all the opencl-enable devices
#' @examples 
#' #Get the available devices
#' getDeviceList()
#' @return 'getDeviceList()': No return value, the result will be printed in the console
#' @rdname DeviceInfo
#' @export
getDeviceList = function() {
    deviceInfo = .gpuResourcesManager$globalVars$deviceInfo[, c("id", "platform", 
        "device", "deviceName", "globalMemory")]
    deviceInfo$globalMemory = vapply(deviceInfo$globalMemory, format_memory_size_output,character(1))

#' @details 'getDeviceInfo()': Get the ith device information, call 'getDeviceList()' first to figure out the index before using this function
#' @param i A 1-based device index, it should be an integer
#' @examples 
#' #Get the information of the first device
#' getDeviceInfo(1)
#' @return 'getDeviceInfo()': A list with the device information
#' @rdname DeviceInfo
#' @export
getDeviceInfo = function(i) {
    deviceInfo = .gpuResourcesManager$globalVars$deviceInfo
    if (i > nrow(deviceInfo) || i <= 0) {
        stop("Invalid device id!")
    deviceInfo = deviceInfo[i, , drop = FALSE]
    deviceInfo$globalMemory = format_memory_size_output(deviceInfo$globalMemory)
    deviceInfo$localMemory = format_memory_size_output(deviceInfo$localMemory)
    deviceInfo = structure(deviceInfo, class = "options")

#' @details 'getCurDevice()': Get the information of the current devices
#' @examples 
#' #Get the information of current used devices
#' getCurDevice()
#' @return 'getCurDevice()': No return value, the result will be printed in the console
#' @rdname DeviceInfo
#' @export
getCurDevice = function() {
    curInd = as.integer(keys(.gpuResourcesManager$globalVars$curDevice))
    for (i in curInd) {
#' @details 'setDevice()': Set which device will be used in the opencl, 
#' call 'getDeviceList()' first to figure out the index before use this function
#' @inheritParams getDeviceInfo
#' @examples
#' #Use the first device
#' setDevice(1)
#' #Use two devices
#' #setDevice(c(1,2))
#' @return 'setDevice()': No return value
#' @rdname DeviceInfo
#' @export
setDevice = function(i) {
#' @details 'getDeviceIndex()': Get the index of the current devices 
#' @examples
#' #Get the index of the current devices
#' getDeviceIndex()
#' @return 'getDeviceIndex()': An integer representing the device index
#' @rdname DeviceInfo
#' @export
getDeviceIndex = function() {

#' @details 'getJobStatus()': Query the current job status in a device
#' @inheritParams getDeviceInfo
#' @examples 
#' #Get the job status in the first device
#' getJobStatus(1)
#' @return 'getJobStatus()': A character representing the device status
#' @rdname DeviceInfo
#' @export
getJobStatus = function(i) {
    device = getSelectedDevice(i)
    status = .Call(C_getDeviceStatus, device[1], device[2])
    switch(as.character(status), `3` = "queued", `2` = "submitted", `1` = "running", 
        `0` = "complete", paste0("Unknown status:", status))

# ===========================Package functions==============

gpuMagic.options = new.env()
gpuMagic.options$default.thread.num = 64
gpuMagic.options$supportedType <- c("bool", "char", "half", "float", "double", 
    "int", "long", "uint", "ulong")

#' Get the openCL options
#' The functions gets the computing precision when compile the GPU code and the number of workers in a computing group.
#' The fields `default.float`, `default.int` and `default.index.type` are used to control the computing precision. 
#' When transferring data from R to GPU, if the data in R has a numeric or double storage mode,
#'`default.float` will be used to convert data type.
#' Similarly, If the data has an Integer storage model. `default.int` will be used.
#' `default.index.type` controls the variable type for the for loop index, variable dimension etc.  
#' `default.thread.num` is used to control the number of workers in a group in openCL. It is not expected to be changed unless you know what you are doing.
#' @param opt The options that the function will return. It can be either 'all' or a vector of the option names.
#' @examples 
#' #Get all the available options
#' opt=gpuMagic.getOptions()
#' opt
#' @return A list of the options
#' @export
gpuMagic.getOptions = function(opt = "all") {
  allOpt = data.frame(
    default.float = GPUVar$default_float, 
    default.int = GPUVar$default_int, 
    default.index.type = GPUVar$default_index_type, 
    default.thread.num = gpuMagic.options$default.thread.num,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  if (opt == "all") 
    curOpt = allOpt 
    curOpt = allOpt[, opt, drop = FALSE]
  curOpt = structure(curOpt, class = "options")

#'  Set the openCL options
#' The functions set the computing precision when compile the GPU code and the number of workers in a computing group.
#' @param ... 
#' There are two possible ways to set the options. You can either provide
#' 1. A named argument which name is the same as the name of the options.
#' 2. An R object obtaining from `gpuMagic.getOptions()`
#' to change the options.
#' @seealso [gpuMagic.getOptions()] for the name of the options.
#' @examples
#' #Get all the available options
#' opt=gpuMagic.getOptions()
#' #change the default float type
#' opt$default.float='float'
#' #set the options
#' gpuMagic.setOptions(opt)
#' #set the options(Alternative way)
#' gpuMagic.setOptions(default.float='float')
#' @return No return value
#' @export
gpuMagic.setOptions = function(...) {
    parms = list(...)
    if (length(parms) == 1 && is(parms[[1]],"options")) {
        parms = parms[[1]]
    optNames = names(parms)
    for (i in optNames) {
        value = parms[[i]]
               default.float = {
                 GPUVar$default_float = value
               default.int = {
                 GPUVar$default_int = value
               default.index.type = {
                 GPUVar$default_index_type = value
        if(i %in% names(gpuMagic.options)){
            stop("Invalid option value: ",i)
#' Get all the available openCL variable type
#' @return A vector of all the available data type.
#' @examples 
#' gpuMagic.getAvailableType()
#' @export
gpuMagic.getAvailableType = function() {

#' Get the device memory usage
#' The function will print the memory usage on the console
#' @examples
#' gpuMagic.getMemUsage()
#' @return No return value, the result will be printed in the console.
#' @export
gpuMagic.getMemUsage = function() {
Jiefei-Wang/gpuMagic documentation built on March 27, 2022, 5:23 a.m.